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HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentReact Forms: How to use React Hooks in a Form

React Forms: How to use React Hooks in a Form

05th Sep, 2023
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    React Forms: How to use React Hooks in a Form

    React forms are crucial in how users interact with websites and web applications. Validating the user’s data passed through the form is essential.

    React Hook Form is a library that validates forms in React. It is a minimal library without any other dependencies. It is straightforward and performant and requires developers to write fewer lines of code compared to other form libraries.

    This article below will highlight using the React Hook Form library to build amazing React forms without any complicated render props or higher-order components

    React Hook Form is a collection that facilitates the validation of forms in React. It is a small self-reliant library that performs its functions in a straightforward way necessitating the developers to write only a few lines of code compared to other libraries out there. Compared to HTML forms, the HTML forms perform slightly differently from React forms. Developers can attain expertise in React by joining the React training course 

    What are React Forms?

    React Hook Form constructs forms that is easier to use. Developers can implement forms with fewer lines of code. It has excellent performance and is precise to use and implement custom forms.

    React Hook Forms utilize ref instead of component states. It lessens re-rendering and gives better performance. 

    You can access Official React Hook Form Library as below: 

    1. Package (react-hook-form@7.17.1) size is 8.2 kb 
    2. No dependencies on other libraries 
    3. It has great TypeScript support 

    To install React Hook Form use the existing application: 

    npm install react-hook-form 

    How to Use React Hooks in a Form

    Let us learn the fundamentals of the useForm Hook by creating a basic registration form. 

    Import the useForm Hook from the react-hook-form package: 

    Let us learn the fundamentals of the useForm Hook by creating a basic registration form. 

    Import useForm Hook from the react-hook-form package 
    import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; 

    Use the Hook as follows: 

     const { register, handleSubmit } = useForm(); 

    The useForm Hook containing a few properties returns an object. Only register and handleSubmit are required for now. 

    The register method aids in registering an input field into React Hook Form

    To register the input, the register method is passed into the input field as follows: 

    <input type="text" name="firstName" {...register('firstName')} /> 

    This syntax of the spread operator is a new implementation to the library that enables strict type checking in forms with TypeScript.

    Versions older than v7 had the register method attached to the ref attribute as such: 

    <input type="text" name="firstName" ref={register} /> 

    As the name handleSubmit method suggests, it manages form submission. It should be passed as the value to the onSubmit prop of the form component. 

    The handleSubmit method handles two functions as arguments. The first function argument will invoke the registered field values when the form validation is successful. The second function calls errors when the validation fails. 

    const onFormSubmit = data => console.log(data); 
    const onErrors = errors => console.error(errors); 
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(onFormSubmit, onErrors)}> 
    {/* ... */} 

    Let's have a realistic example: 

    import React from "react"; 
    import { useForm } from "react-hook-form"; 
    const RegisterForm = () => { 
    const { register, handleSubmit } = useForm(); 
    const handleRegistration = (data) => console.log(data); 
    return ( 
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit(handleRegistration)}> 
    <input name="name" {...register('name')} /> 
    <input type="email" name="email" {...register('email')} /> 
    <input type="password" name="password" {...register('password')} /> 
    export default RegisterForm; 

    The useForm Hook above makes the component code cleaner and easier to maintain. The form is uncontrolled, and it is not necessary to pass props like onChange and value to each input. 

    Use any other UI library of your choice for creating the form. Check the docs, and find the prop used for accessing the reference attribute of the native input component. 

    React Forms vs HTML Forms 

    1. Handling forms is handling the data when it alters the value or submits data.
    2. Form data is regulated by the DOM in In HTML. 
    3. The components in React control the form data. 
    4. When the components handle the data in react, the information is accumulated in the component state.
    5. On the onChange attribute, changes are driven by adding event handlers.
    6. useState Hook can maintain track of input values and deliver a "single source of truth" for the complete application.
    7. We have a Form tag and labels for the inputs as is written in HTML.
    8. In React, all labels have htmlFor prop related input that matches id, and in HTML, the label attribute is used
    9. React has constraints, and the way forms work is borrowed from HTML and the DOM. 

    Inputs: Controlled vs Uncontrolled

    Inputs in React can be of two types: controlled or uncontrolled. 

    Uncontrolled Components: Components that are not controlled by the React state and are handled by the DOM (Document Object Model). To access any value entered, we take the help of refs. 

    Adding a file as an input cannot be controlled as this depends on the browser is an example of an uncontrolled input. 

    Creating React Application

    Step 1: Using the following command, create an application 

    npm create-react-app project

    Step 2: Move to the project folder by using the following command: 

    cd project

    import React, { useRef } from 'react'; 
    function App() { 
    const inputRef = useRef(null); 
    function handleSubmit() { 
    alert(`Name: ${inputRef.current.value}`); 
    return ( 
    <div className="App"> 
    <h3>Uncontrolled Component</h3> 
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> 
    <label>Name :</label> 
    <input type="text" name="name" ref={inputRef} /> 
    <button type="submit">Submit</button> 

    export default App;

    Step to Run Application: Run the application using the following command from the root directory of the project:

    npm start

    Creating a form that includes an input field with a label name and a submit button. onSubmit function triggers when we submit the form, which displays the name we have filled in the alert box.

    Controlled Components: Controlled Components are form data handled by the component’s state. It takes its current value through props and makes modifications through callbacks like onClick, onChange, etc.

    Example: Creating a form that comprises an input field with a label name and a submit button. onSubmit function triggers when the form is submitted. It shows the name that we have filled in the alert box.

    import { useState } from 'react'; 
    function App() { 
    const [name, setName] = useState(''); 
    function handleSubmit() { 
    alert(`Name: ${name}`); 
    return ( 
    <div className="App"> 
    <h3>Controlled Component</h3> 
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> 
    <input name="name" value={name} onChange={(e) => setName(} /> 
    <button type="submit">Submit</button> 

    export default App;

    Step to Run Application: Run the application using the following command from the root directory of the project: 

    npm start 

    Difference between Controlled and Uncontrolled Components: 



    The Component is in the control of the Component’s state. 

    The Component is in the control of DOM. 

    Components are predictable as they are managed by the state of the Component.

    During the life cycle methods, the data may be lost as they are uncontrolled 

    The internal state is not sustained 

    The internal state is held 

    The current value is accepted as props 

    Access the values utilizing refs 

    It doesn't preserve the internal state. 

    It maintains the internal state. 

    It is controlled by the parent component.

    It is controlled by the DOM itself. 

    When and Why to Use Controlled Inputs

    Controlled inputs are the “React-y way” of doing things, where UI contemplates state. By altering the state, you change the UI. If you don’t alter the state, the UI stays the same.

    Controlled inputs are perfect for things like: 

    1. Immediately validating the form on every keypress is helpful if the Submit button is disabled until everything is valid. 
    2. Regulating formatted input, like a credit card number field, averts specific characters from being typed. 
    3. Keeping considerable inputs in sync with each other when they are dependent on the identical data 
    4. There are multiple use cases where it is essential to react to every keypress and handle it somehow.

    Controlled inputs are good for that. 

    1. Controlled Inputs are More Complex 
    2. The manually handled input value means (a) state to hold it and (b) a change handler function, and all needs are required for every input. 

    Are you looking for the best course material to learn React topics from scratch? Check out complete web development course and get guidance from experts and industry professionals.

    How to Build Forms in React 

    Following are the ways to build forms in React.js 

    Building Forms common in any web application development. Unlike Angular, which give form validation out of the box, we have to handle forms ourselves in React.

    Complications include as follows 

    1. How to obtain form values. 
    2. How to handle the form state. 
    3. Validating the form on the fly. 
    4. How to display validation messages. 

    In HTML, form elements such as <input>, <textarea>, and <select> maintain their state and update it based on user inputs. 

    In React, the state of these input elements is generally kept in the state property of components and updated with setState(). 


    1. A development environment running Node.js is required; To install this on macOS or Ubuntu 18.04, pursue the steps in How to Install Node.js and Construct a Local Development Environment on macOS or the Installing Using a PPA section of How To Install Node.js on Ubuntu 18.04. 
    2. A React development environment materialized and set.
    3. Follow Step 1 — Creating an Empty Project of the How To Organize State on React Class Components tutorial to set this up.
    4. React events and Hooks include the useState and the useReducer Hooks.
    5. Knowledge of JavaScript and HTML is required to build a Website with HTML series and how to code in JavaScript. 

    Adding Forms in React

    In HTML, React uses forms to authorize users to interact with the web pages. 

    Adding forms in React like any other element: 

    function MyForm() { 
    return ( 
    <label>Enter your First Name: 
    <input type="text" /> 
    ReactDOM.render(<MyForm />, document.getElementById('root')); 

    As usual, the above form would work, as usual, the form is submitted, and the page will refresh. 

    We would like to prevent the default behavior and allow React to control the form. 

    Handling Forms

    React form is handled differently compared to regular HTML. The form inputs are maintained by DOM, But in React, we are in charge of handling these inputs. The form data is handled by the DOM in HTML and in react the data is handled by the components.

    Below example shows useState() as a Hook that allows to have state variables in functional components 

    import { useState } from "react"; 
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; 
    function MyForm() { 
    const [name, setName] = useState(""); 
    return ( 
    <label>Enter your First Name: 
    <input type="text" value={fname} 
    onChange={(e) => setName(} /> 
    ReactDOM.render(<MyForm />, document.getElementById('root')); 

    Submitting Forms

    By adding an event handler within the onSubmit attribute for the <form> tag, the submit action can be controlled 

    import { useState } from "react"; 
    import ReactDOM from 'react-dom'; 
    function MyForm() { 
    const [name, setName] = useState(""); 
    const handleSubmit = (event) => { 
    alert(`The First name you entered was: ${fname}`) 
    return ( 
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> 
    <label>Enter your First Name: 
    onChange={(e) => setName(} 
    <input type="submit" /> 
    ReactDOM.render(<MyForm />, document.getElementById('root')); 

    Multiple Input Fields

    • By Adding a name attribute to each element for more than one input field the values from each from multiple field can be controlled
    • Empty object would be used to initialize the state 
    • Use and syntax to retrieve values from the fields 
    • Add square brackets [bracket notation around the property name to update the state 
    import { useState } from "react"; 
    import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; 
    function MyForm() { 
    const [inputs, setInputs] = useState({}); 
    const handleChange = (event) => { 
    const name =; 
    const value =; 
    setInputs(values => ({...values, [fname]: value})) 
    const handleSubmit = (event) => { 
    return ( 
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit}> 
    <label>Enter your First Name: 
    value={inputs.fname || ""}
    <label>Enter your Last Name: 
    value={inputs.lname || ""}
    <input type="submit" /> 
    ReactDOM.render(<MyForm />, document.getElementById('root')); 


    The textarea component in React is a little different from what we have in ordinary HTML. 

    In HTML the value of a textarea would appear what text is in between the start tag <textarea> and the end tag </textarea>. 

    Content of the textarea. 

    In React, the value of a textarea is placed in a value attribute. Use the useState Hook to regulate and manage the value of the textarea: 

    import { useState } from "react"; 
    import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; 
    function MyForm() { 
    const [textarea, setTextarea] = useState( 
    "The textarea has content that can go viral" 
    const handleChange = (event) => { 
    return ( 
    <textarea value={textarea} onChange={handleChange} /> 
    ReactDOM.render(<MyForm />, document.getElementById('root')); 


    In React, a drop-down list or a select box is different from normal HTML. 

    HTML: The selected value in the drop down list defines the selected attribute: 

    <option value="Maruti">Maruti</option> 
    <option value="Hyundai" selected>Hyundai</option> 
    <option value="Kia">Kia</option> 

    React: In select tag, the selected value is specified with a value attribute: 

    function MyForm() { 
    const [myCar, setMyCar] = useState("Kia"); 
    const handleChange = (event) => { 
    return ( 
    <select value={myCar} onChange={handleChange}> 
    <option value="Maruti">Maruti</option> 
    <option value="Hyundai" selected>Hyundai</option> 
    <option value="Kia">Kia</option> 

    React can handle all input elements simultaneously by implementing these changes to <textarea> and <select> fields.

    Forms Using Controlled Components

    Form elements like <input>, <textarea>, and <select> in HTML are maintained and updated based on user input. In React, mutable (an object whose state can be modified after it is created) state is placed in the components, and is updated using setState() hook.

    The React element that renders a form on subsequent user inputs also affects the state. A form input element whose value is controlled by React is called a “controlled component.”

    E.g., Below is the example of form as a controlled component: 

    class NameForm extends React.Component { 
    constructor(props) { 
    this.state = {value: ''}; 
    this.handleChange = this.handleChange.bind(this); 
    this.handleSubmit = this.handleSubmit.bind(this); 
    handleChange(event) { this.setState({value:}); } 
    handleSubmit(event) { 
    alert('Person's name was submitted: ' + this.state.value); 
    render() { 
    return ( 
    <form onSubmit={this.handleSubmit}> 
    <label>Name:<input type="text" value={this.state.value}
    onChange={this.handleChange} /></label> 
    <input type="submit" value="Submit" /> 

    Using React Hooks – Alternate Method 

    React Hooks are in-built functions and they help developers to use state in functional components. Hooks are powerful.

    React Developers enjoy the following benefits: 

    1. Enhanced code reuse; 
    2. Better code formatting; 
    3. More acceptable defaults; 
    4. Sharing non-visual logic with the usage of custom hooks; 
    5. Flexibility in moving up and down the element tree. 

    Developers gain the power to use functional components for almost everything they need to do, from just rendering UI to handling state and logic. 

    import React, { useState } from "react"; 
    import ReactDOM from "react-dom"; 
    function FavoriteColor() { 
    const [color, setColor] = useState("blue"); 
    return ( 
    <h1>My favorite color is {color}!</h1> 
    onClick={() => setColor("purple")} 
    onClick={() => setColor("blue")} 
    onClick={() => setColor("black")} 
    onClick={() => setColor("green")} 
    const root = ReactDOM.createRoot(document.getElementById('root'));
    root.render(<FavoriteColor />); 

    Why Use React-hooks-form?

    According to the ReactJS official documentation, below are the advantages of using React Hooks: 

    Reusing Stateful Logic

    It becomes simple to reuse logic between your components with Hooks without changing their architecture or structure. 

    Complex Components

    When components evolve and become more extensive and carry out many operations, it becomes challenging to understand in the long run. Hooks solve this by authorizing it to separate a particular single component into various smaller functions instead of having to force a split based on lifecycle methods. 

    Confusing Classes

    Classes are a barrier to learning React properly; you need to understand how JavaScript varies from other languages. React Hooks cracks this problem by authorizing developers to use the best of React features without using classes. 


    This is just the tip of an iceberg when we start working forms with React Hook Form. With its easy-to-go syntax and great features, you can also use it with TypeScript, create wizard-like multiple forms and even use their online form builder where you add the elements you want along with rules and bam! You get your generated code in one click. 

    In Multi-step form example Formik revamped it when there were modifications in the input as React Hooks prevented the form from re-rendering a single field modification. Undoubtedly less code would be written with Formik as only one component is generated and with React hook form three components are generated which would affect performance because of the re-renders. Formik can be helpful when we want implement in-place validation and provide a specific input format. React hook form is perfect and excellent for simple forms as it does not have any dependencies. In the end, both libraries are helpful and beneficial to execute forms with React. 

    Knowledgehut training programs help individuals move into more elevated and higher roles and handle more responsibilities in an organization. These programs help learn the skills required to function effectively in their new positions.

    Enrolling in React training Knowledgehut, we can expect immersive and extensive training experience from their certified trainers. The React course would help developers expect a rewarding career as a developer.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Why use React-hooks-form?

    Following are the advantages use of React-React-hooks-form 

    1. Seamless implementation: Immaculate code with a single hook call abstracting away many underlying setups.
    2. Configurable: The hook functionality is adjustable and flexible for multiple situations.
    3. Built-in validation: React Hook forms possesses validation and the capability to pass in a validation schema.
    4. Performance: React hook form, utilizing hooks, and dethrones the Formik and Redux forms competition.
    5. PropTypes is easy to define form components as we are not accessing the props directly as RHF handles them easily. 
    2Is React good for forms?

    Forms are a crucial part of any web application. It helps the users interact with the application and collect details from the users. Forms can accomplish many tasks that depend on the business prerequisites and logic, such as authentication of the user, adding user, searching, filtering, booking, ordering, etc.

    React offers a stateful, reactive approach to build a form, and the component rather than the DOM handles the React form. In React, the forms are implemented by using controlled and uncontrolled components. The uncontrolled input is similar to the standard HTML form inputs and the DOM itself handles the form data. In the controlled component, the component handles the input form element, and the data is saved to state and updated with the setState() method. This makes components retain better control over the form elements and data. 

    3What is JSX in React?
    1. JSX stands for JavaScript XML.
    2. JSX makes it more effortless to write and add HTML in React.
    3. JSX authorizes write HTML elements in JavaScript and puts them in the DOM without createElement() and/or appendChild() methods.
    4. JSX converts HTML tags into react elements. 
    4What are different types of forms in React?

    There are two types of forms. They are, 

    A react form is controlled when a react component is responsible for rendering the form behavior on subsequent inputs. Uncontrolled forms are similar to HTML forms managed by DOM.. The essential value is extracted using a reference associated with the form elements. 

    5How does React Hook form work?

    React Hook Form is a library that assists in validating forms in React. It does not need any other dependencies. It makes the developers compose fewer code lines than other form libraries. 

    6How to get textarea value in React?

    We need to use controlled input. Use two props i.e. 

    1. onChange - a procedure that would position the component state to an input value every time input is changed
    2. value - input value from the component state 

    for e.g. 

    getInitialState: function() { 
    return {value: 'Hello how are you!'}; 
    handleChange: function(event) { 
    render: function() { 
    return ( 
    7What is Formdata in React?

    In HTML, form data is usually controlled by the DOM. In React, form data is generally handled by the components. When the data is controlled by the components, all the data is stored in the component state. We can control changes by adding event handlers in the onChange attribute. 


    Rajesh Bhagia

    Blog Author

    Rajesh Bhagia is experienced campaigner in Lamp technologies and has 10 years of experience in Project Management. He has worked in Multinational companies and has handled small to very complex projects single-handedly. He started his career as Junior Programmer and has evolved in different positions including Project Manager of Projects in E-commerce Portals. Currently, he is handling one of the largest project in E-commerce Domain in MNC company which deals in nearly 9.5 million SKU's.

    In his role as Project Manager at MNC company, Rajesh fosters an environment of teamwork and ensures that strategy is clearly defined while overseeing performance and maintaining morale. His strong communication and client service skills enhance his process-driven management philosophy.

    Rajesh is a certified Zend Professional and has developed a flair for implementing PMP Knowledge Areas in daily work schedules. He has well understood the importance of these process and considers that using the knowledge Areas efficiently and correctly can turn projects to success. He also writes articles/blogs on Technology and Management

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