

Getting Started with Python

  • Getting Started with Python

    Installling Python, Anaconda and Jupyter Notebook which is a powerful python shell based IDE taht helps you run, compile and visualize python on a browser.

  • Data Structure

    We will learn about Strings, Numbers, LIsts, Tuples, Files, Sets and Booleans form the basic building blocks fo Python, and we will establish a great understanding of slicing, indexing, sequences, and lots more.

  • Operations and Statements in Python

    then we move on to learn about Comparison Operators, Chained Comparison Operators, Python Statements - Introduction to Python Statements, Python Statements - if, elseif, and else Statements.For and While Loops.

  • List Comprehensions and Functions

    Here we introduce you to Range{}, List Comprehensions, Methods, Functions, Lambda Expressions, Nested Statements and Scope. We will also build a multitude of code and programs together with all that we have learnt so far.

  • Object Oriented Programming

    With halfway through we now learn the concepts of OOPS by taking a plunge into undertanding Objects, Classes, Methods, Inheritance, Special Methods.

  • Errors and Exception Handling

    Exception Handling - Try, Except and Finally,Modules and Packages (and imports)

  • Built in Functions

    Map, Reduce, Filter, Zip, Enumerate, all{}, Complex

  • Python Decorators, Iterators and Generators
  • We then will work on a final capstone project

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