Angular in Singapore

Get a rock-solid grip on Angular 2 to 11 - all features covered!

  • Utilize your SkillsFuture Credit and avail UTAP Support
  • 24 hours of live instructor-led training including of 2.5 hours of assessment time
  • Get hands-on with 30 MCQs, 2 classroom assessments based on case-studies
  • Gain from real-time code analysis with feedback from industry experts
  • Experience immersive learning and get mentored by industry experts
  • Get free E-learning access to 100+ courses
  • Add two more projects to your web development portfolio

Utilise Your SkillsFuture Credit and Claim UTAP Support

Talk to a Course Counsellor

You can now get additional funding support via SkillsFuture Credit and UTAP on our Angular course.

SkillsFuture Credit (SFC): Singaporeans aged 25 years and above can apply for the SkillsFuture Credit to pay the course fee. Click here for more information on eligibility to claim SFC.

Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP): UTAP is a training benefit provided to NTUC Union Members with the objective of encouraging them to upgrade with skills training by minimizing training costs. If you are an NTUC Union Member, you can get 50% funding (capped at $500 per year) under the Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP). For more information visit NTUC U Portal – Union Training Assistance Program (UTAP) 


  • Course Fee (Before GST)
  • GST (Full Course Fee, 9%)
  • Course Fee + GST

Unfunded Course Fee with GST

  • Singapore Citizens & Permanent Residents

    (39 years and below)

  • $800.00
  • $72.00
  • $872.00
  • Singapore Citizens & Permanent Residents

    (40 years and above)

  • $800.00
  • $72.00
  • $872.00
* Note:
  1. UTAP funding for NTUC Union Members is capped at $250 for 39 years and below and at $500 for 40 years and above.
  2. UTAP support amount to be paid to training provider first and claimed after end of class by learner.
  3. Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) to pay. For more details, visit



  • Singapore Citizens & Permanent Residents

    (39 years and below)

  • Course Fee (Before GST)

  • GST (Full Course Fee, 9%)

  • Course Fee + GST

  • Unfunded Course Fee with GST

  • Singapore Citizens & Permanent Residents

    (40 years and above)

  • Course Fee (Before GST)

  • GST (Full Course Fee, 9%)

  • Course Fee + GST

  • Unfunded Course Fee with GST

* Note:
  1. UTAP funding for NTUC Union Members is capped at $250 for 39 years and below and at $500 for 40 years and above.
  2. UTAP support amount to be paid to training provider first and claimed after end of class by learner.
  3. Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) to pay. For more details, visit

Not sure how to get started with applying for UTAP support and claiming SFC? Just follow these simple steps: 

Step 1: Get enrolled 
- Enrol into our Angular course. 

Step 2: Apply for the SFC claim 
- Check out KnowledgeHut’s upcoming schedules and select a workshop on a date convenient to you. An invoice will be issued to you with the fee breakdown.
- Follow this step-by-step process in the MySkillsFuture portal:
a. Login to the MySkillsFuture portal, select the course you’re enrolling into and enter course date and schedule
b. Enter the course fee payable by you (including GST) and enter the amount of credit to claim
c. Upload your invoice and click ‘Submit’
For more details on SkillsFuture Credit and the various approved skills-related courses, visit

Step 3: Apply for the UTAP Support  
- Log in to your U Portal account to submit your UTAP application upon completion of the course. 

Step 4: Enjoy your course 
-  Utilise your SFC credits, UTAP support, and skill up! 

Need help with checking your funding eligibility?

What you will learn

Become a skilled Angular developer

Angular is a hugely popular TypeScript-based open-source web application framework which is user friendly, with loads of popular features such as data binging, dependency injection, scope, services and more. New features such as Ivy that provide shorter compile time, and features for quicker app development, unified location service, and differential loading offer a great deal of help to developers who want to create new age apps for their business. 

Our skill development programme is focused on helping learners gain skills that are in-demand across companies. It is delivered over 32 hours in the ILT format. 

The program also addresses the main challenges faced by tech focused organisations and that is to equip their workforce with the right development skills and ensuring that best practices are followed. The program will help learners leverage their newly acquired skills and become more productive in their job responsibilities. 

Using a 3-phased approach, the curriculum focuses on helping learners create state of the art, enterprise-grade web apps that are highly responsive and interactive. Explore basic Angular concepts and Node Package Manager and the building blocks of Angular applications, components, bindings, dependency injection and more. The first phase emphasises on the architecture and nuts and bolts of the Angular framework. The second phase of the training focuses on project-based learning, helping learners understand the different elements which will impact the ways of working on the projects. The third and the final phase of the program imparts knowledge on coding best practices and standardisation.

Course reference number: C11895902

Utilise Your SkillsFuture Credit and Claim UTAP Support

Talk to a Course Counsellor

Get Additional Course Fee Support Up to $500 under UTAP

The Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) is a training benefit provided to NTUC Union Members with the objective of encouraging them to upgrade with skills training. It is provided to minimize the training cost. If you are a NTUC Union Member, then you can get 50% funding (capped at $500 per year) under Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP).

For more information visit NTUC U Portal – Union Training Assistance Program (UTAP)  

Steps to Apply to Claim SFC and Avail UTAP

NTUC Union Members can enjoy 50% unfunded course fee support up to $500 under UTAP. 
Not sure how to get started with applying for UTAP support and claiming SFC? Just follow these simple steps: 

Step 1: Get enrolled
- Enroll into our Angular Certification Training Course. 

Step 2: Apply for the SFC claim
- Check out KnowledgeHut’s upcoming schedules and select a workshop on a date convenient to you. An invoice will be issued to you with the fee breakdown.
- Follow this step-by-step process in the MySkillsFuture portal:
a. Login to the MySkillsFuture portal, select the course you’re enrolling into and enter course date and schedule
b. Enter the course fee payable by you (including GST) and enter the amount of credit to claim
c. Upload your invoice and click ‘Submit’
For more details on SkillsFuture Credit and the various approved skills-related courses, visit

Step 3: Apply for the UTAP Support 
- Log in to your U Portal account to submit your UTAP application upon completion of the course. 

Step 4: Enjoy your course 
-  Utilize your SFC credits, UTAP support, and skill up! 

Need help with checking your funding eligibility?

There are no prerequisites for attending this course


Learning objectives

Here you will start with the introduction to Angular and learn about Single Page Application vs Multi Page Application, and the pros and cons of SPA vs MPA. Understand the developer experience delivered by angular tooling and get a high-level overview of the framework and its community. 


  • Introduction to Angular 
  • History of Angular
  • The leap from AngularJS to Angular
  • Desktop Application class User Experience
  • Productivity and Tooling
  • Performance
  • Community
  • Full-featured Framework
  • Supported Browsers
  • Platform for Targeting Native Mobile, not just Web Browsers

Learning objectives

TypeScript is integral to building apps using Angular. While developers can use ECMAScript to build Angular apps, TypeScript has become the de facto lingua franca for writing efficient, error resilient Angular applications. It is therefore imperative that you learn TypeScript 4.2 or above before diving into Angular itself and this module will bring you to speed with everything you need to know on it.


  • Introduction
  • What is Typescript
  • Why Typescript
  • Setup and installation
  • IDE support
  • Scoping using let and const Keywords
  • Template Literals
  • Rest and Spread Parameters
  • Destructuring
  • Introduction to Types
  • Type inference
  • Type Annotations
  • Number
  • Boolean
  • String
  • Array
  • Tuple
  • Enum
  • Any
  • Void
  • Null and Undefined
  • Never
  • Introduction to Functions
  • Using types in functions
  • Function as types
  • Optional and default parameters 
  • Arrow functions
  • Introduction to Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Access modifiers
  • Getters and setters
  • Read-only and static
  • Introduction to Interfaces
  • Optional properties and methods
  • Strict structural contract
  • Extending interface
  • Implementing interface
  • Introduction to Modules
  • Import / Export
  • Default
  • Decorators


  • Create variables using let and const, create multi-line strings with template literals, use spread and rest operators with functions, pull values for arrays and objects using destructuring.
  • Create variable with different TS supported data types.
  • Create functions with mandatory, optional and default parameters. Create arrow functions.
  • Create classes with properties, methods, and accessors. Implement inheritance.
  • Create an interface and use it to validate object shapes. Implement interfaces in classes.
  • Create modules and import them into other modules.

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this module, you will know how to setup Angular CLI and create a new project in the command-line tool. You will also gain insight into the project structure and the significance of the project files. Also, experience the debugging of your angular app in visual studio code and learn how to view runtime information with the augury chrome extension.

  • Angular CLI - An Introduction
  • Anatomy of the project
  • Setting up a workspace
  • Updating Angular apps using the Angular CLI 
  • Adding support for external libraries using the Angular CLI 
  • Debugging Angular apps
  • Working with Angular DevTools
  • Using the Angular Language Service with Microsoft VSCode


  • Create a new Angular CLI project. 

Learning objectives

Upon completion of this module, you will get a bird’s eye view of angular and its programmable members. This module lays the foundation for the entire course.


  • Modules
  • Components
  • Templates
  • Metadata
  • Data binding
  • Directives
  • Services
  • Dependency injection
  • Angular Ivy

Learning objectives

Grasp the significance of the angular module system, and gain an insight into why modules are needed, how we create modules, and about the different kinds of modules.


  • Why modules 
  • How to create modules
  • Built-in modules
  • Root Module
  • feature module


  • Create a feature module and import feature module into a root module.

Learning objectives

Know the significance of components and learn to create a component with different ways of attaching templates and styles.

  • Introduction
  • @Component decorator
  • Component configuration object
  • Custom components
  • Component with templates
  • Inline
  • External
  • Component with Styles
  • Inline
  • External
  • Angular Elements


Create a component with inline and external templates and styles, create components manually, and with cli, also apply component composition by using a component in another component.

Learning objectives

Learn what the angular templating syntax and explore the powerful data binding features.

  • HTML as template
  • Data binding

Learning objectives

  • Property Binding
  • Event Binding


  • Two-way binding
  • Template expressions
  • Template syntaxAttribute, class, and style bindings
  • @Input()
  • @Output
  • Template reference variables
  • Safe navigation operator


Use different data binding syntax in the template, implement property binding with @Input and custom event binding with @Output binding, create template reference variables, and use them in the template.

Learning objectives

Experience the power of Angular directives and the different kinds of directives supported in Angular.

  • Introduction
  • Built-in directives
  • Structural directive
  • NgIf
  • NgFor
  • NgSwitch
  • Attribute directive
  • NgClass
  • NgStyle
  • NgModel


Implement iteration and conditional rendering in a template using structural directives and implement dynamic styling with attribute directives.

Learning objectives

Understand Angular data transformation capabilities using pipes.

  • Introduction
  • Built-in pipes
  • @Pipe decorator


Use currency, date, json, and other pipes to transform data. Apply the built-in pipes in transforming data in the classroom course project.

Learning objectives

Learn how to develop forms in template-driven and reactive form styles along with form validation techniques.

  • Introduction
  • @angular/forms library
  • Template-driven forms
  • Form and field validation
  • Validation check with ng-pristine,ng-dirty, ng-touched, ng-untouched, ng-valid, ng-invalid
  • Show and hide validation error messages
  • Form submission with ngSubmit
  • Reactive/ Model drive forms
  • ReactiveFormsModule
  • FormGroup, FormControl classes
  • FormBuilder for easy form building
  • Validations using Validators
  • Setting form model using setValue and patchValue
  • Use FormArray to build repeated from controls or form groups


Develop forms in both template and reactive forms along with validation. Also, you will code form with the most commonly used controls like textbox, drop-down lists, checkboxes, radio buttons, buttons.

Learning objectives

Understand the significance of dependency injection in angular and the different kinds of provider types in Angular.

  • Introduction
  • Why DI
  • @Injectable decorator
  • Custom service development
  • Registering the service with NgModule using providers key
  • Provider Types
  • Class
  • Factory
  • Value


  • Develop services and provide them as dependencies for components.
  • Provide component at self, parent, and root levels. Create 3 different types of providers.

Learning objectives

Learn how to implement navigation in angular and protect routes with route guards.

  • Introduction
  • @angular/router library
  • Configure routes
  • RouterModule.forRoot and RouterModule.forChild
  • RouterOutlet, RouterLink, RouterLinkActive
  • Nested Routes
  • Parametrized routes
  • Route guards


  • Develop a navbar component that provides routing for application.
  • Use route configuration at the root module and feature module level and protect routes with guards.

Learning objectives

Gain insight into observable patterns and implementation in javascript using rxjs library.

  • Introduction
  • Why RxJs
  • Observable interface
  • Streams
  • Operators
  • Subscription
  • Subject
  • Schedulers


  • Create and use observables and operators.

Learning objectives

Learn how to consume remote API using an HTTP client and understand the power of interceptors for better error handling.

  • Setup installing the module
  • Making a request for JSON data
  • Type checking the response
  • Error handling
  • Sending data to the server
  • Making a POST request
  • Configuring other parts of the request


  • Create a service that uses HTTP Client to make CRUD operations.
  • Add headers to requests and handle errors.

Learning objectives

Gain an interesting insight into some of the most interesting features of Angular that help boost productivity, performance and more.

  • Creating Libraries
  • Angular Material Essentials
  • Lazy Loading
  • Customizing the Angular CLI using the Builder API
  • Server Side Rendering with Angular Universal
  • Working with Service Workers
  • Building a Progressive Web App


  • Create a progressive web app (PWA) which uses Angular Material

Learning objectives

Learn to write unit test cases to test components, services, and pipe.

  • Introduction
  • Testing in Typescript
  • Testing Component
  • Testing Service/Provider
  • Testing Pipe


  • Unit test a component, service, and custom pipe.

Learning objectives

Understand the differences between JIT compilation and AOT compilation and how to deploy angular applications.

  • Manually
  • Using the Angular CLI with Ahead-Of-Time (AOT) Compilation and Tree-Shaking (removing unused library code)
  • Deployment Platforms for Angular Apps


  • Demonstrate how to run AOT build and deploy an Angular app to Vercel Now using ng-deploy-vercel


Use your skills of Angular to build an application that provides details of famous hotels in multiple cuisines - a mini project like Wikipedia but limited to book details.


Use your skills of React, Redux, and Redux Saga to build an online web application that sells technology courses online.

Who should attend

  • Those who wish to build scalable single-page apps
  • Those who wish to use client-side web development for web apps
  • Candidates aspiring for a career in front-end web app development

KnowledgeHut Experience


Interact with instructors in real-time— listen, learn, question and apply. Our instructors are industry experts and deliver hands-on learning. 


Our courseware is always current and updated with the latest tech advancements. Stay globally relevant and empower yourself with the training.


Learn theory backed by practical case studies, exercises, and coding practice. Get skills and knowledge that can be effectively applied. 

Solid Track Record

KnowledgeHut has empowered over 400,000 professionals with skills and certifications in various domains 


Learn concepts from scratch and advance your learning through step-by-step guidance on tools and techniques. 

Superior Outcomes

Focus on skill-based outcomes by mastering advanced concepts from scratch under the guidance of experienced trainers.


The Course

Web development is a very happening space right now, but in order to land successful web development jobs, professionals need to be up to date with technologies and frameworks that drive this space. Angular is one such framework that has been around for a long time and continues to be endorsed by top companies around the world. With a focus on practical hands-on learning, KnowledgeHut’s course on Angular 8, will help you master the skills of the framework. Through the numerous examples and exercises conducted over the duration of the training you will become proficient in the technology by the end of the class.

You will:

  • Get basic knowledge on Typescript
  • Be proficient with Angular core features

By the end of the course, you will have:

  • Completed several hands-on examples, 2 course projects which gives you basic to immediate skills of Angular
  • Prepared yourself with the foundational knowledge you need to begin a career of continuous learning

Participants should ideally have basic HTML & CSS knowledge and Intermediate JavaScript skills to gain the full benefits from this course.

Yes, KnowledgeHut offers this training online.

On successful completion of the course you will receive a course completion certificate issued by KnowledgeHut.

Your instructors are Angular experts who have years of industry experience.

SkillsFuture Credit

SkillsFuture Credit is an initiative by Singapore Government to encourage Singaporeans to upgrade their skills. Singaporeans can use this credit to pay for different training courses including our Certified Scrum Master course.  

All Singaporeans aged 25 and above can apply for the SkillsFuture Credit. For more information on eligibility click here. 

No, The SkillsFuture Credit is only provided to individuals to skill up.  

SkillsFuture is not a cash account and you will not earn any interest from it.  

You can only use the credit to offset course fees for training programs which are approved by SkillsFuture like our Certified Scrum Master training course.  

As SkillsFuture is not a cash account, you cannot withdraw cash from this account and pay course fees directly to your Training Partner.  

Your course fee will be directly paid to your course provider through MySkillsFuture. 

You can reach out to our course counselor for assistance or follow the following steps:  

  • Login to MySkillsFuture 
  • Select course and enter course data and schedule 
  • Enter course fee payable including GST and enter the claim amount 
  • Upload invoice and click Submit. 

UTAP Funding

Union Training Assistance Program (UTAP) is a training benefit provided to NTUC members to minimize training costs. As a result, they are encouraged to enhance their skills and achieve a rewarding career.  

UTAP support is provided to Singapore citizens and permanent resident who are NTUC members.  

NTUC members can get up to 50% unfunded course fee support under UTAP support. The UTAP amount is capped at $250 for participants under 39 years and at $500 for participants above 40 years. 

You can reach out to our course counsellors or Log in to your U Portal account to submit your UTAP application upon completion of the course. 

The UTAP support amount is paid to the training provider first and can be claimed by the learner only upon course completion.  

Finance Related

Any registration cancelled within 48 hours of the initial registration will be refunded in FULL (please note that all cancellations will incur a 5% deduction in the refunded amount due to transactional costs applicable while refunding) Refunds will be processed within 30 days of receipt of written request for refund. Kindly go through our Refund Policy for more details.

KnowledgeHut offers a 100% money back guarantee if the candidate withdraws from the course right after the first session. To learn more about the 100% refund policy, visit our Refund Policy.

The Remote Experience

In an online classroom, students can log in at the scheduled time to a live learning environment which is led by an instructor. You can interact, communicate, view and discuss presentations, and engage with learning resources while working in groups, all in an online setting. Our instructors use an extensive set of collaboration tools and techniques which improves your online training experience.

Once you register for the course you will be provided with system requirements and lab setup document which contains detailed information to prepare the environment for the course



Use your skills of Angular to build an application that provides details of famous hotels in multiple cuisines - a mini project like wikipedia but limited to book details.


Use your skills of React, Redux and Redux Saga to build an online web application that sells technology courses online.


These were the projects undertaken by students from previous batches.

Reviews on our popular courses

Review image

KnowledgeHut's Project Management Masters Program offers a clear path for career advancement. The certifications and global relevance of project management skills make it valuable across industries. The program has equipped me with the necessary expertise and boosted my confidence. Job security and growth opportunities are undeniable!

Noah Carter

Project Coordinator
Attended Project Management Masters Certification Program workshop in June 2023
Review image

The Azure data engineering course is excellent! Clear explanations and practical projects make learning enjoyable and applicable in real-world scenarios, the progression was very logical.

Pham Linh

Software Tester
Attended Azure Data Engineer Master's Program workshop in June 2023
Review image

I now have a job offer! The hands-on learning really helped. For someone like me who is completely new to this field, it was easy to learn all the Data Science and Machine Learning tools, especially Time series forecasting, machine learning and recommender engines. I have a job offer from Uber and am so grateful!

Peter Cozyn

Data Engineer
Attended Data Science Bootcamp workshop in July 2021
Review image

The syllabus and the curriculum gave me all I required and the learn-by-doing approach all through the boot camp was without a doubt a work-like experience! 

Zach B

Front-End Developer
Attended Front-End Development Bootcamp workshop in June 2021
Review image

The learning system set up everything for me. I wound up working on projects I've never done and never figured I could. 

Tyler Wilson

Full-Stack Expert
Attended Back-End Development Bootcamp workshop in April 2021
Review image

Everything from the course structure to the trainer and training venue was excellent. The curriculum was extensive and gave me a full understanding of the topic. This training has been a very good investment for me.

Jules Furno

Cloud Software and Network Engineer
Attended Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)® workshop in June 2020
Review image

The trainer was really helpful and completed the syllabus on time and also provided live examples which helped me to remember the concepts. Now, I am in the process of completing the certification. Overall good experience.

Vito Dapice

Data Quality Manager
Attended PMP® Certification workshop in April 2020
Review image

This is a great course to invest in. The trainers are experienced, conduct the sessions with enthusiasm and ensure that participants are well prepared for the industry. I would like to thank my trainer for his guidance.

Barton Fonseka

Information Security Analyst.
Attended PMP® Certification workshop in July 2020

Have More Questions?

Angular Course in Singapore

The national personification of Singapore is the Merlion and just like its mascot, the country too embodies diverse characteristics?that of a business leader, futuristic city with sci-fi architecture, mouth-watering delicacies, wide open spaces and an enviable waterfront. From being a fishing village to dominating Asia?s markets, Singapore has come a long way. The skyline today is dominated by skyscrapers that house some of the world?s most renowned companies including CISCO, OCBC, GE, Dell, Microsoft and top companies in the shipping, finance, oil-refining, and engineering sectors. Among its distinctions include being one of the world?s busiest port, top oil-refining centre, the largest oil-rig producer, ship repair services, and according to the World Bank one of the easiest places to do business. And if you think Singapore is all about work then you should know that it is also the world's second largest casino gambling market. Professionals who wish to thrive in their career would find that they can do well here, with certifications such as PRINCE2, PMP, PMI-ACP, CSM, CEH, CSPO, Scrum & Agile, MS courses and others. Note: Please note that the actual venue may change according to convenience, and will be communicated after the registration.