Suman is a Data Scientist working for a Fortune Top 5 company. His expertise lies in the field of Machine Learning, Time Series & NLP. He has built scalable solutions for retail & manufacturing organisations.
HomeBlogData ScienceWhat is Data Science? Process, Importance, and Examples
Data Science is the domain of study where researchers and industry professionals leverage data to build state-of-the-art frameworks and solve business problems, respectively. It is an interdisciplinary field where experts from any domain could identify challenges in their current work stream and solve them by utilizing data to their fullest. To get a deeper understanding of Data Science, refer to Data Science certification.
Data Science is being leveraged heavily by industries across multiple domains.
There are several such cases applicable across retail, healthcare, and other sectors as well.
As mentioned earlier, Data Science is domain agnostic i.e., if your work has data available, you could leverage analytics to simply solve any problems pertaining to that industry. In Data Science, developers, analysts, scientists, researchers, managers, and others take advantage of several open-source tools and technologies to mine diverse data sources to capture meaningful patterns and generate inference. The KnowledgeHut Data Science Bootcamp lays out a clear path on how Data Science works.
To build a complete end-to-end pipeline, there are several data science stages that must be followed by a team. Before we discuss those processes, you need to understand that building a Data Science pipeline is not the responsibility of an individual; rather, it’s a team’s effort. Having said that, the phases of Data Science life cycle consist of the following steps:
The product managers or the stakeholders need to understand the problems associated with a particular operation. It is one of the most crucial aspects of a Data Science pipeline. To frame a use case as a Data Science problem, the subject matter experts must first understand the current work stream and the nitty-gritties associated with it. Data Science problem needs a strong domain input, without which coming up with a viable success criterion becomes challenging.
Once the problem is clearly defined, the product managers, along with the Data Scientist, need to work together to figure out the data required and the various sources from which it may be acquired. The source of data could be IoT sensors, cloud platforms like GCP, AWS, Azure, or even web-scraped data from social media.
The next process in the pipeline is EDA, where the gathered data is explored and analyzed for any descriptive pattern in the data. Often the common exploratory data analysis steps involve finding missing values, checking for correlation among the variables, performing univariate, bi-variate, and multivariate analysis.
The process of EDA is followed by fetching key features from the raw data or creating additional features based on the results of EDA and some domain experience. The process of feature engineering could be both model agnostic such as finding correlation, forward selection, backward elimination, etc., and model dependent such as getting feature importance from tree-based algorithms.
It largely depends on whether the scope of the project deems the usage of predictive, diagnostic, or prescriptive modeling. In this step, a Data Scientist would try out multiple experiments using various Machine Learning or Deep Learning algorithms. The trained models are validated against the test data to check its performance.
The models developed need to be hosted on an on-premises or cloud server for the end users to consume it. Highly optimized and scalable code must be written to put models in production.
After the models are deployed, it is necessary to set up a monitoring pipeline. Often the deployed models suffer from various data drift challenges in real time which need to be monitored and dealt with accordingly.
The data science project life cycle is only completed once the end-user has given a sign-off. The deployed models are kept under observation for some time to validate their success against various business metrics. Once that’s validated over a period, the users often give a sign-off for the closure of the project.
Before getting started with Data Science, there are certain prerequisites that need to be fulfilled.
1. Machine Learning: It is used to find hidden patterns in data that are otherwise impossible for a human to decode.
2. Modelling: We can use Machine Learning as well as Deep Learning for modeling purposes. There are use cases where even statistical and optimization models are highly leveraged to build solutions.
3. Statistics: An important field in Data Science that could solve multiple business problems without even the need to use Machine Learning. Statistics is universally used in financial sectors for their use cases. Some key concepts in statistics are
and many more.
4. Programming: Working in technology deems writing programs and Data Science is no exception. The most used programming languages in Data Science are Python and R. Starting from model development to monitoring, programming is necessary to build any pipeline.
5. Databases: As a Data Scientist, you would be working with various sources of data you need to form a basic understanding of different databases and how to extract data from them. Henceforth, it becomes necessary to learn SQL. To know more about the importance of Data Science, refer to the KnowledgeHut Data Scientist certification.
Despite all the benefits that Data Science brings to any company, it is no short of challenge.
As a Data Scientist, there a bunch of tools, techniques, and methods that need to leverage for building scalable solutions.
Example 1:
Think of a day without Data Science; Google would not have generated results the way it does today.
Example 2:
Suppose you manage an eatery that churns out the best for different taste buds. To model a product in the pipeline, you are keen to know what the requirements of your customers are. Now, you know they like cheese on the pizza more than jalapeno toppings. That is the existing data that you have, along with their browsing history, purchase history, age, and income. Now, add more variety to this existing data. With the vast amount of data that is generated, your strategies to bank upon the customers’ requirements can be more effective. One customer will recommend your product to another outside the circle; this will further bring more business to the organization.
Consider this image to understand how an analysis of the customers’ requirements helps:
Example 3:
Data Science plays its role in predictive analytics too.
I have an organization that is into building devices that will send a trigger if a natural calamity is soon to occur. Data from ships, aircraft, and satellites can be accumulated and analyzed to build models that will not only help with weather forecasting but also predict the occurrence of natural calamities. The model device that I build will send triggers and save lives too.
Consider the image shown below to understand how predictive analytics works:
Example 4:
A lot many of us who are active on social media would have come across this situation while posting images that show you indulging in all fun and frolic with your friends. You might miss tagging your friends in the images you post but the tag suggestion feature available on most platforms will remind you of the tagging that is pending.
The automatic tag suggestion feature uses the face recognition algorithm.
An entire Data Science process is managed by individuals of varying roles.
Within a broader team that is responsible for delivering solutions to a business use case, a Data Scientist is the one who builds the entire pipeline and provides insights and results to the team. They ask interesting questions from the data and use the latest tools and technologies to answer those questions.
Now, the big question is What is a Data Scientist? A Data Scientist would gather the requirements from the Data Science manager as well as the product manager to build an end-to-end solution pipeline for the problem statement. The primary role of a Data Scientist involves the following.
You become a Data Scientist if you are passionate about numbers. Working as a Data Scientist gives you the scope to leverage statistics, mathematics, and probability extensively to solve high-value business problems. Moreover, this is an ever-growing field that allows you to explore several topics alongside getting paid handsomely.
According to LinkedIn, there are more than 800k Data Scientists open positions right now. The Glassdoor data suggest that a Data Scientist in India could earn up to 24 lakhs INR per year.
Data Science is used heavily across various industries. Below are some data science examples applicable in those companies.
To address the issues associated with the management of complex and expanding work environments, IT organizations make use of data to identify new value sources. The identification helps them exploit future opportunities and to further expand their operations. What makes the difference here is the knowledge you extract from the repository of data. The biggest and the best companies use analytics to efficiently come up with the best business models.
Following are a few top companies that use Data Science to expand their services and increase their productivity.
Data Science is a broad field, and it is only getting stronger with time. The article demonstrates several data science applications in real life and how they are impacting society. It is the right moment to become a Data Scientist and hone your analytical skills to solve multitude of business problems across industries. You would need a problem-solving attitude and a love for numbers to be successful in this field.
Data Scientists solve business problems by mining data using various tools and technologies. They come from various backgrounds like computer science, statistics, economics, and so on.
Data Quality checks, Exploratory analysis, and Modelling are the 3 main concepts in Data Science. These three form the core components of any Data Science project in an industry.
Yes, it is a highly in-demand field. More opportunities would come in the future. Moreover, Data Science is also a very lucrative domain to work in.
Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Machine Learning Engineer are some of the roles you could get after Data Science. All these roles are interrelated and more or less bring value to the business.
There is no fixed eligibility. A zeal to learn and a passion for exploring numbers is required.
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