HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentTop 25 Best Front End Web Development Tools to Consider In 2024

Top 25 Best Front End Web Development Tools to Consider In 2024

02nd Jul, 2024
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    Top 25 Best Front End Web Development Tools to Consider In 2024

    As a front-end web developer, having the right Front-end Web Development Tools in your toolkit is essential for efficient and quality work. The front-end landscape continues to evolve rapidly, with new libraries, frameworks and resources emerging that can boost productivity.

    In this article, I will share from my experience as a front-end developer the top Front End Web Development tools that have made my work much easier and helped deliver better results for clients. These include CSS frameworks like Tailwind and Bootstrap, JavaScript libraries like React and Next.js, design tools like Figma and LottieFiles, and other must-have resources for front end developers.

    Front-end development tools and technologies make the first step of Full Stack Web development, covering the visual and action-based interface governing the interaction segment.    

    Top 15 Best Tools for Front-end Web Development

    Front-end frameworks and trends change faster than they are adopted. Hence, below is an organized, up-to-date list to keep an eye on the best front-end development tools in 2024: 

    1. Atom
    2. jQuery
    3. Git
    4. Chrome DevTools
    5. Angular.js
    6. Google Fonts
    7. HTML5 Boilerplate
    8. Bootstrap
    9. CodePen
    10. Sublime Text
    11. npm
    12. Vue.js
    13. Visual Studio Code
    14. Sass
    15. TypeScript
    16. PageSpeed Insights
    17. Grunt
    18. Responsively
    19. FlyCode
    20. Neumorphism
    21. Coolors
    22. Figma
    23. LottieFiles
    24. Next.js
    25. Tailwind CSS

    Top 15 Best Tools for Front-end Web Development

    1. Atom

    Atom, developed by GitHub, is a free, open-source and community-built desktop application used as a text and source code editor. Written in Less, CoffeeScript, JavaScript, and HTML languages, Atom is compatible with Linus, macOS, and Microsoft Windows. Based on the Electron framework, which facilitates cross-platform desktop apps, it is highly flexible and customisable with built-in Git Control and multi-cursor plugins written in JavaScript.

    The looks and mapping of key combos are very easy with Atom. Exceptional syntax highlighting support coupled with various interactive features is an add-on. Its adaptable and modular design makes it user-friendly and easily accessible. 

    2. jQuery

    Licensed under MIT, jQuery — the JavaScript library was designed for the simplification of HTML DOM tree traversal and manipulation. It is also used for event handling, Ajax, and CSS animation. 

    jQuery is preferred by 48.7% of developers, making it one of the most popular front-end web development tools. Its library has at least 3 to 4 times more usage than any other comparable product available in the market due to its easy navigation, amazing animations and the creation of abstractions for low-level interactions. 

    Readable, reusable, fewer and clear codes with API documentation, cross-browser support and its unobtrusive nature make jQuery beginner-friendly.  

    3. Git

    Git is the leading distributed version control system used for tracking changes. It is written in Shell, C, Perl, and Tcl and is open-source. The basic premise for its design is simplicity, speed, full distribution for non-linear workflows, integrity and support for multiple parallel branches. Git is also a key tool in the suite of Front-end Web Development Tools, enabling developers to manage code efficiently.

    Git can handle small files and large tasks and provide maximum support and efficiency. It comes with an inbuilt tutorial that can serve as an easy guide for learning the basics of repository creation, tracking changes, branch management, and the merging of changes with the help of pull requests. 

    No wonder Git has achieved a high rank in performance when it comes to optimisation in branching, committing and merging. It is also equipped with cryptographic security. Programmers can enjoy friction-free context switching, role-based code and disposable experimentation with Git. 

    4. Chrome DevTools

    Web development tools, also known as Devtools or Inspect Element, are the add-ons or built-in features directly included in the Chrome browser. 

    DevTools is used for testing and debugging their codes. It results in the simple diagnosis of the website and enhances the efficiency and productivity of the developer. 

    The display of CSS properties is absolutely accurate, and the built-in console helps in rapid debugging. The timeline of the website can be used for speed optimisation and the Chrome DevTools console assists in sending JavaScript messages.  

    Thus, you can find substantial errors and bugs in real-time without code deletions.  

    5. Angular.js

    Angular.js is an extensible JavaScript-based open-source front-end development tool and web framework. Its chief goal includes smooth and easy development and testing of apps. It also provides client-side model–view–controller (MVC) and model–view–view-model (MVVM) architecture.  

    The Basic HTML framework and DOM methodology make the website very dynamic and responsive. Two-way data binding, dependency injections, various templates, directives and testing features are the highlights of the working of Angular.js. 

    The codes promote reusability, and its assets include better plugin controls. It also favours faster app development and provides advanced ability to create clean and manageable Single Page Applications.   

    Wondering how to kick-start your career in web development? Enroll in how to learn Web Development.   

    6. Google Fonts  

    Google's web-font service is a free and open-source Android front-end development tool that is a font library within an engaging web directory and APIs for fonts used by CSS and Android. It brings forth interactive, fun and engaging websites rich in performance and reliability. 

    It presents a wide array of robust categories of open-source fonts, typefaces and icons. About 60778 companies, including YouTube, have Google fonts in their tech stack.  

    7. HTML5 Boilerplate  

    HTML5 Boilerplate is a CSS, HTML and JavaScript-based template that is used for the creation of cross-browser compatible websites. It comes with HTML5 ready elements and features that aid in building a comprehensive and robust website.  

    Instead of making a new page every time, you can use HTML5 Boilerplate to get quick and ready-to-use templates. It helps in proper reliability and readable documentation.  

    It is also equipped with a code structure that has a deep abstraction level and ideal coding standard, which is beginner-friendly. CLI tools help in enhanced prototyping and set-up of the website. It further hosts multiple features like essential API attributes and testing tools.  

    8. Bootstrap  

    Bootstrap is an open-source CSS framework that is free to use. Its goal is to create responsive, easy and mobile-first front-end web development and features design templates for various interface components like forms, typography, buttons, and navigation.  

    Bootstrap is the 10th most starred project on GitHub. It is a powerful website and mobile app front-end development tool for increased responsiveness. Its basic feature includes simplification of the developmental process of informative web pages. jQuery plugins in Bootstrap form a major component of the Bootstrap framework.  

    9. CodePen

    CodePen is described as a social development environment for designing and developing front-end websites. It helps you write clear codes and syntax. It is deemed a useful, extensible and liberating code editor. Not only can you learn to make your own site, but you can also find artistic and creative inspirations on the platform.  

    • Integrations: HTML/CSS/JS, Popular web frameworks 
    • Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari 
    • Platforms: Web 
    • Free Trial: Fully functional free plan 

    Key Features: 

    • Instant code previewing 
    • Cross browser testing 
    • Social sharing of pens 
    • CodePen Projects 
    • Customizable templates 

    CodePen gives browser-based SAAS solutions for developers. It is an outstanding user-friendly tool that provides an interactive and educational environment to create intuitive work. You can include any other front end framework or library in addition to JavaScript, HTML and CSS.  

    10. Sublime Text  

    Sublime Text is a cross-platform source code editor which supports a multitude of programming and markup languages. Python API facilitates plugins. Adaptive matching enables quick keyboard invocation in case of arbitrary commands, which makes it easy to use and promotes error-free command creation.  

    CodePen also comes with wide customisation options with the help of JSON settings files. It is supported by Windows, macOS, and Linux and is compatible with diverse languages. The project-specific preferences and simultaneous editing make it an amazing website front-end development tool. Check out the top front-end web development projects for beginners that you can build.

    The lightweight, stable and fast framework that allows everything from syntax highlighting to code folding to autocompletion makes it one of the popular choices among programmers.  

    11. npm  

    npm is a cross-platform program manager run-time environment for JavaScript language. It connects with the remote registry through a command-line client and has the capability to manage local as well as globally installed and established JavaScript tools.  

    Its primary uses are discovering, installing, developing and publishing node programs. It is a full-stack development tool that can work for both server and client-side applications.  

    Npm operates on a single-threaded event-based loop and is asynchronous, and provides event-driven APIs which help in making non-blocking executions. It is an easy to learn and scalable Front-end Web Development Tools that supports high performing active and large communities.

    12. Vue.js

    Vue.js is a progressive open-source framework that follows Model–View–View-Model (MVVM) architecture. It is primarily used for building user interfaces and SPAs or Single Page Applications and extends basic HTML codes further to form reusable codes. It hosts a reactivity system that uses Javascript elements and re-rendering optimisation.  

    Vue.js uses a wide range of CSS transitions and animations and facilitates third-party integration. A Vue app can be designed using only 5-6 codes; it allows automatic linking of data to DOM, ensures proper care of the configuration and follows a component-based architecture.  

    In addition, it increases code readability and simplifies maintenance and testing. Vue.js is one of the fastest lightweight frameworks with minimal characteristics accounting for about 20KB.  

    13. Visual Studio Code (VS Code)  

    Developed by Microsoft, VS Code is a source code editor that is compatible with Linux, Windows and macOS. It helps in syntax highlighting, debugging and code completion with the help of intelli-sense methods.  

    • Integrations: Git, Node.js, TypeScript, Python, C++, Java, Docker and more 
    • Browser Integration: Installable app, not browser-based 
    • Platforms: Windows, Linux, macOS 
    • Free Trial: Entire app is free 

    Key Features: 

    • Intelligent code completion 
    • Fast searches across projects 
    • Customizable shortcuts 
    • Git commands built-in 
    • Extensive extension ecosystem 

    14. Sass  

    Sass or Systematically Awesome Stylesheets is used to add more elegance and simplicity to basic CSS languages. It is a pre-processor whose usage extends from nested syntax and rules, inline imports, mixins and variables. Moreover, it supports small-sized, fast and well-organised stylesheets.  

    The superset of CSS is based on the JavaScript programming language and is written in Ruby. It allows fewer codes and less CSS in programming constructs. Developers prefer this powerful, stable, secure and reliable Sass framework. Colour manipulation and maths functions further provide nesting features. Overall, Sass generates customisable and well-formatted output. 

    15. TypeScript

    Developed and maintained by Microsoft, TypeScript is a hardcore syntactical superset of JavaScript which provides an additional later of static typing. It is a full-stack open-source development tool that is mainly used for creating dynamically typed large files.  

    TypeScript helps in proper strict and structural typing and handy annotations. It provides exceptional management for self-documenting codes that work well with external libraries.  

    It is the second most popular programming language that also promises improved team performance. Moreover, it provides rapid development and easier debugging as it points to compilation errors.  

    To master them for enhancing your career graph, you can also register yourself for Front-end Certification training and build your resume.  

    16. PageSpeed Insights

    PageSpeed Insights is a free tool from Google that analyzes your website's performance on mobile and desktop. It provides suggestions for improvement based on Core Web Vitals metrics, helping you create a faster and more user-friendly experience for visitors.

    • Integrations: Web apps, WordPress, Magento 
    • Browsers: Chrome, Firefox, Edge 
    • Platforms: Web-based 
    • Free Trial: Fully free analysis 

    Key Features: 

    • Vital metrics like FCP, LCP 
    • Performance comparisons 
    • Opportunities and diagnostics 
    • Historical trends 
    • Customizable filters 

    Additional Front-end Development Tools

    Apart from the above list of front-end tools are listed here: 

    1. Grunt
    2. Responsively
    3. FlyCode
    4. Neumorphism
    5. Coolors
    6. Figma
    7. LottieFiles
    8. Next.js
    9. Tailwind CSS

    Why are Front-end Development Tools Important? 

    The right front-end tools allow you to: 

    • Work faster by automating repetitive tasks. 
    • Keep updated with the latest web standards more easily. 
    • Deliver high quality, consistent UI/UX across devices. 
    • Integrate complex features and animations with ease. 
    • Improve site performance like page load speeds. 
    • Accelerate testing and debugging. 
    • Enhance collaboration within a developer team. 

    Simply put, these tools can supercharge your front-end development workflow. They complement your existing skills to help you craft amazing web experiences. You can also go for certifications to enhance your skills. Front end certification validates proficiency in designing and implementing user interfaces, ensuring expertise in web development's client-side aspects. 

    How to Choose the Right Tool for you? 

    Here are some key things to consider when choosing the right front-end development tools for your needs: 

    • Purpose & Project Scope: Clearly define what you want to build - a simple website, web app, prototype etc. Consider scope elements like number of pages, integrations needed, timeline and target devices. These provide direction for suitable tools.  
    • Team Skill Sets & Experience: Evaluate the existing technical experience in JavaScript, React, Angular etc within your team. Complex tools like React have steeper learning curves. Also factor in availability for training on new technologies. 
    • Feature Requirements: List must-have features like responsiveness, design frameworks, state management capabilities etc. This helps match tools offering relevant capabilities - Eg. Bootstrap for UI components, Redux for state management. 
    • Tool Ecosystem & Community Support: Consider the maturity of the tool ecosystem - documentation, integrations, community forums/support etc. Popular ones like React offer richer resources to leverage during development. 
    • Licensing & Budgets: Factor in licensing costs for paid tools over time like JetBrains IDEs. Also evaluate free open source options like Vue.js or Tailwind CSS that can deliver great results. 

    An Ever Evolving Toolbox

    The variety in Front-end Web Development Tools can cause a great deal of confusion. With regular and timely updates or ongoing trends that change with the setting sun, finding your go-to tool can be challenging. For the creation of exceptional web pages or app designs, a hassle-free and efficient framework is required.  

    With the help of the curated list mentioned above, programmers can easily enjoy the perks of diverse features on a single platform. However, a  Front-end web development certification is essential to brush up on your skills and master the art of website building. With that in mind, do not forget to check out Knowledgehut front-end certification courses.  

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the best tool for front-end development?

    No one tool can be considered the best. Every developer has their own favourite. However, jQuery, React.js and Angular.js are the most popular frameworks preferred by 48.7%, 31.3% and 30.7% of people, respectively.   

    2Is there a future for front-end developers?

    With the growing need for digital transformation, online marketing and social media networking, front-end developers are making their way to the forefront of the best job opportunities.  

    3What are the key functionalities of design tools used in Front End Development?

    The core functionalities that design tools offer front end developers include rapid prototyping of user interface concepts, intuitive collaboration allowing stakeholders to review and provide feedback, ability to create design systems consisting of colours, fonts etc, converting designs to development ready assets, and previewing responsive behaviour across device sizes. 

    4Which JavaScript frameworks/libraries are widely adopted for Front End development?

    The most popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries used for front end web development today are React, Vue, Angular, jQuery, and Node.js. React leads with its composable components, virtual DOM, and ability to build complex interactive UIs. Vue offers ease of integration and an approachable ecosystem. 


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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