For Corporates

Why learn Master Groovy?

Learning a new programming language helps to enhance your skill set as a developer, specifically so when technology is growing exponentially and developers have to update themselves constantly to stay current. One such language that is a must-learn and fast gaining momentum for developers is Groovy.

Groovy, the powerful and dynamic object-oriented scripting programming language, with static compilation and static typing capabilities for Java platform tops the list of popular OOPS languages. It integrates with any Java program smoothly and delivers robust features to your application immediately including Domain-Specific Language authoring, scripting capabilities, functional programming, and runtime and compile-time meta-programming. Groovy allows you to write code easily and combine new Java modules to the existing Java apps. It also offers simple Application Programming Interface (API) for accessing XML and Databases.

This course will not only introduce you to Groovy language but also the essential Groovy platform. Our industry expert trainers will cover all the concepts and take JVM developers from newbie to advanced level with the Groovy language through hands-on exercises, demonstration, and comprehensive lectures. The training includes real-world projects that will give you real-time experience and practical knowledge in the Groovy scripting language. At the end of this course, you will not only gain an in-depth understanding of Groovy, but you will be able to use it in a number of everyday use cases.

One of the most popular programming languages today, Groovy has been adopted by leading tech giants, making it a very popular programming language. Compared to its TIOBE index ranking of 60 in June 2018, its ranking in June 2019 has risen to 16. Master the Groovy language with KnowledgeHut’s immersive course, and gain expertise in all the skills required to use Groovy effectively to develop different types of JVM applications.


This Master Groovy course offers intermediate to advanced level training which helps one become well versed with this programming language in theory and practice.

Individual benefits

A programmer gets to see many advantages in his/her career with training in Master Groovy.

  • Increase in job opportunities in the programming market which is largely adopting Groovy
  • Skills obtained can help programmers in basic tasks and also in tasks demanding advanced skills
  • The average annual salary of a programmer with knowledge of Groovy is up to $1,20,000.
  • Its soaring popularity can help establish a stable career as a programmer

Organizational benefits

Enterprises get many advantages with training in Groovy.

  • It has dynamic and flexible features which are simple to use thus bringing faster development.
  • Swift deployment is seen with easy and simple codes.
  • Incorporation of Java offers massive options to work with.
  • It is hassle-free, brief and expressive.
  • Creation of robust applications is not time-consuming with easy operations.

Groovy has gained a massive vote of confidence among programmers as seen by its gaining popularity. Solid training in Groovy can open up job opportunities for any programming enthusiast.


1. Introduction

Learn to install as well as understand tools like groovyc, groovy shell and groovy console.

2. Basics

Get a clear understanding of the concepts that surround variables, operators and functions.

3. Collections

Learn about the List data type of Groovy in order to witness amazing outcomes while coding.

4. Exception Handling

Understand all the groovy exception handling concepts and its difference with java exception handling.

5. Metaprogramming

Gain knowledge on Meta-Object Protocol (MOP), MetaClass and Adding dynamic methods at run time.

6. Builders

Learn about the concepts of builder pattern, JSON builder, Object graph builder and other builders.

7. Applications

Learn about the application areas of Groovy as well as understand where it can come handy.

7. Applications

Learn about the application areas of Groovy as well as understand where it can come handy.

1. Introduction

Learn to install as well as understand tools like groovyc, groovy shell and groovy console.

2. Basics

Get a clear understanding of the concepts that surround variables, operators and functions.

3. Collections

Learn about the List data type of Groovy in order to witness amazing outcomes while coding.

4. Exception Handling

Understand all the groovy exception handling concepts and its difference with java exception handling.

5. Metaprogramming

Gain knowledge on Meta-Object Protocol (MOP), MetaClass and Adding dynamic methods at run time.

6. Builders

Learn about the concepts of builder pattern, JSON builder, Object graph builder and other builders.

7. Applications

Learn about the application areas of Groovy as well as understand where it can come handy.

1. Introduction

Learn to install as well as understand tools like groovyc, groovy shell and groovy console.


There are no mandatory prerequisites to fulfill in order to learn Groovy. But it is always helpful for you to have the following knowledge and skills:

  • It is preferable for you to have exposure to Java or any other object-oriented programming language.
  • A little knowledge on databases and SQL will be an added advantage.