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Data Science with Python Course

Data Science with Python

Boost your tech career with our Data Science with Python Course

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Data Science with Python Course
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Key Highlights of Data Science with Python Certification

Grow your Data Science Skills with Python

35+ Hours of Instructor-Led Sessions

60 Hours of Assignments and MCQs

36 Hours of Hands-On Practice Sessions

6 Real-World Live Projects for Applied Learning

Fundamentals to an Advanced Level Training

Code Reviews and feedback by Professionals

This four-week course is ideal for learning Data Science with Python even for beginners. Get hands-on programming experience in Python that you'll be able to immediately apply in the real world. Equip yourself with the skills you need to work with large data sets, build predictive models and tell a compelling story to stakeholders.

You'll learn the end-to-end data science process, covering everything you need to know to derive value from complex data. By the end of the course, you will be able to communicate data insights effectively through data visualizations. For your capstone, you’ll put machine-learning models into production to address a real-world data challenge. Master concepts of Python with Data Science applications.