For Corporates

Why learn MEAN Stack Development?

The core of web development lies in building and maintaining cloud-based applications that are used for various purposes. So, to build an application it becomes essential to employ a standardised stack software. A combination of the technologies MongoDB, Express.js, AngularJS and Node.js, MEAN is the latest trend in full stack JavaScript development. A perfect progression for JavaScript developers, MEAN is useful because it allows the entire client to server code to be written in JavaScript. Its flexibility and open source nature are also huge advantages since it is fairly easy to learn and customize applications to suit one’s needs.

Java has been ruling the roost as the no 1 programming language for several years now. It is estimated that roughly there are more than 3 billion devices all over the world that run on Java scripts. So, MEAN, being a collection of prominent Java programming languages eliminates the need to hire different personnel for different parts of the application.

Learning MEAN Stack makes you ready for creating end-to-end encryption for cloud-ready applications with ease. The heart of MEAN Stack Development lies in its own web server and a database which can be used much more efficiently to create cloud hosting applications in a cost-effective and productive manner.


The undeniably flexible and consistent language of MEAN Stack makes it a top choice for the field of web development. It offers various benefits to both individuals and the organization. 

Individual Benefits:

Merits for an individual who specializes in MEAN Stack development include:

  • It is estimated that a well-versed MEAN Stack developer can get paid an average of $117,660 per annum. 
  • Individuals have multiple career options to choose from like, Web Developers, Computer and Mathematical occupations, etc.
  • There is no need for knowledge of multiple languages, since they write the whole code in JavaScript language. 
  • There is a higher rate of employment.

Organisational benefits:

Full-stack web development is made easy by MEAN Stack development for organizations in the following ways: 

  • Since MEAN Stack combines various vital JAVA languages it reduces the cost of developing an application.
  • Node.JS being the crux of MEAN Stack is better than other programming languages like Python and PHP.
  • Using standardized JAVA script enables the organization to reuse the code across the application, reducing unnecessary intervention in between running the applications. 

The ever-growing need for JS developers creates more space for a user-friendly stack like MEAN. With MEAN Stack one can build build robust and dynamic web applications.


1. Build Mean Stack Application

Learn to build a MEAN Stack Application using new ES6 (JavaScript) and TypeScript in less time

2. Build and route a basic SPAs

Understand how to develop and route a basic Single Page Applications (SPAs) using a Mean Stack

3. Build RESTful API

Understand the process of designing a web app and RESTful API server using Mean Stack software

4. Develop Module

Learn to develop different parts of an app like services, filters, controllers, and Directives

5. Secure your app

Learn to develop and build RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express with several security features

6. Model-driven forms

Learn to create database back-end and build dynamic Model-driven forms easier to unit test. 

6. Model-driven forms

Learn to create database back-end and build dynamic Model-driven forms easier to unit test. 

1. Build Mean Stack Application

Learn to build a MEAN Stack Application using new ES6 (JavaScript) and TypeScript in less time

2. Build and route a basic SPAs

Understand how to develop and route a basic Single Page Applications (SPAs) using a Mean Stack

3. Build RESTful API

Understand the process of designing a web app and RESTful API server using Mean Stack software

4. Develop Module

Learn to develop different parts of an app like services, filters, controllers, and Directives

5. Secure your app

Learn to develop and build RESTful APIs with Node.js and Express with several security features

6. Model-driven forms

Learn to create database back-end and build dynamic Model-driven forms easier to unit test. 

1. Build Mean Stack Application

Learn to build a MEAN Stack Application using new ES6 (JavaScript) and TypeScript in less time


An individual should be familiar with:

  • Basic knowledge of developing web applications
  • HTML and CSS web languages
  • JavaScript, IDE or Text Editor, Command Line Interface (CLI)
  • Server-side development with any programming language.