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  1. Project Management
  2. PMP® Certification
  3. Houston, TX

PMP Certification Training in Houston, TX, United States

Ace Your PMP® Exam in Just Five Weeks!

Join Us In Houston For PMP Certification & Training

Enrolled135,000+ Enrolled
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Premier Authorized Training Partner
Our Secret Sauce for PMP Exam Success
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Premium 2000+ Question Bank
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Free PMP Exam Simulator
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Complimentary Mock Tests
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Guaranteed Exam Pass Study Plan
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Complimentary Self-Paced Course
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24/7 Support for Doubt Clarification
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Exam Application Assistance
  • 450K+
    Career transformations
  • 200+
    Workshops every month
  • 100+
    Countries and counting

PMP Training Highlights in Houston

The Most Effective PMP Exam Preparation

36 Contact Hours with Live, Instructor-Led Sessions

Free On-Demand Course with 24 Contact Hours

Mentor-Led Guaranteed Exam Pass Study Plan

2000+ Question Bank for Hands-On Practice

Free Mock Tests and Exams for Hands-On Practice

Free PMP Exam Simulator for Real Exam Experience

Flexible Access to Live Classes: 180-Day Grand Pass

180 Practice Questions, directly from PMI

Job Boost 360 for Comprehensive Career Support

PMP certification isn’t just a piece of document, it’s beyond that. A global benchmark that boasts of your expertise, knowledge and experience in the field of project management. The project management professional certification in Houston is issued by the Project Management Institute (PMI), a globally recognised authority.

The secret to clearing your PMP exam in Houston is right here. Yes, you heard it right! KnowledgeHut aids you with PMP certification training in Houston to clear the exam on your first go! With KnowledgeHut, you can crack the PMP exam in just five weeks. All you need to do is take the mandatory training and prepare for the certification examination conducted by PMI.

Not only will the course help you clear the exam with flying colors, but will also help you use project management principles and techniques to further advance your career. Led by adept and professional trainers, our PMP certification training in Houston is more than just back-to-back lectures. Instead, it offers an interactive experience that helps enhance your understanding of people, processes, and businesses.

KnowledgeHut is an authorised trainer partner (ATP) of PMI and provides top-notch PMP training with tried-and-tested programs to guide you to success. Curated by Kevin Davis, a veteran in project management, our PMP program brings forward a training experience in management across industries for the aspirants.

A plan meticulously curated under his guidance will save you multiple hours of hard work. For this, we have two course options - live, instructor-led and self-paced learning sessions. Both courses offer doubt-clearing sessions to assist you anytime you need help.

With a project management professional certification, you will be able to apply to some of the best job profiles. After all, you will be well-prepared for the certificate examination with access to a detailed study guide, exclusive PMI-licensed learning, mentorship, exam application assistance, and flexible learning options.

The benefits of PMP certification are multifold. This course isn’t about just passing the exam but beyond that. Under KnowledgeHut’s expert mentorship programs, you are trained on all the management principles outlined in the PMBOK guide. In the cut-throat job market, it is important to undergo a comprehensive learning experience under expert guidance.

Our course comes with 24-36 contact hours, a premium 2000+ question bank, a 5-week mentor-led study plan, 5 exams, 5 mock tests and more. Clearing the exam becomes a cakewalk for the aspirants. The most effective PMP exam preparation awaits you with KnowledgeHut. It’s time that you train with a team that is invested in your success. We invite you to follow KnowledgeHut’s proven training process and take our PMP certification training in Houston to clear the PMP exam with Panache.