HomeBlogBig DataBig Data Solution for 2024: Benefits, Implementation

Big Data Solution for 2024: Benefits, Implementation

22nd Dec, 2023
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    Big Data Solution for 2024: Benefits, Implementation

    Big data is massive amounts of data that might be simple or complex and might need to be processed in batches or quickly. Big data analytics tools can process and visualize organized, semi-structured, and unstructured data. This helps startups and major companies make sense of their data. This article will examine big data and the best big data solutions on the market.

    Businesses may use this data to improve ROI, product, and staff performance, and more. Big data analytics has transformed firms who use it compared to those that don’t. Business information and analytics drive market strategy.

    This article defines "big data," its benefits, and the best solutions for big data.

    Organizations produce unprecedented amounts of data every second. Real-time analytics has helped organizations increase customers and revenues. Because of this, real-time stream processing technologies are popular in social media companies like Twitter and LinkedIn. Synthesizing and classifying stream processing systems helps uncover outstanding issues and enhance future systems. We will analyze and compare the latest open-source stream computing technologies using the taxonomy. The taxonomy and survey will help researchers understand stream platform capabilities. It will also help firms choose the best stream processing solution for domain-specific applications.

    Big Data Definition and Five Values

    Big data refers to information that is either too huge or too complicated to be analyzed using conventional data processing techniques. Consider the following five facets of big data to help you comprehend this term better:

    There is a possibility that terabytes or even petabytes of storage space might be taken up by unstructured data obtained in massive quantities, such as data streams from Twitter. (To put this in perspective, a Word document typically consumes little more than a few hundred kilobytes.)

    Because more people are using the internet, companies are getting more data at once, which means they need more processing capacity.

    Consider the wide variety of file extensions inside your databases, such as MP4, DOC, HTML, and many more. You'll find that your data is more diverse when you look at additional extensions. So, is all big data valuable? In what ways might your organization derive the value of it? Data scientists evaluate the significance of substantial amounts of data considering several criteria, which are often referred to as the "five Vs."

    1. Volume: Since "large" is a relative word, the amount of data that is produced is what defines whether it is considered "big data." This statistic might be helpful for businesses in determining whether they need solutions to big data to handle their confidential information.
    2. Velocity: The utility of data will be directly proportional to the pace at which it is both created and transferred across systems. 
    3. Variety: Data is collected from many sources in today's world, some of which include websites, apps, social networking sites, audio and video sources, sensor-based equipment, smart devices, and more. A component of corporate business intelligence is comprised of these various bits of information.
    4. Veracity: Data obtained from a variety of sources has the potential to be erroneous, inconsistent, and incomplete. The value that can be added to corporate business intelligence and analytics can only be added by comprehensive, accurate, and consistent data.
    5. Value: How useful big data is to an organization is determined by the value that it adds to the value that business choices already have.

    Due to the sheer amount and diversity of the information it contains, big data requires a style of management distinct from more conventional practices. Before large, complicated data sets can be swallowed by business intelligence and analytics systems, they must be cleaned, processed, and transformed. Big data requires innovative storage options and incredibly rapid computation rates to provide real-time data insights.

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    What Is a Big Data Solution?

    Evaluate the data available for analysis, the potential insight that can be obtained from studying it, and the resources required to define, develop, construct, and implement a big data platform before deciding to invest in a big data solution. If you talk about solutions to big data, the right questions are an excellent starting point. You may use the article's questions as a checklist to help direct your research. The questions and their responses will start to shed light on the data and the issue at hand.

    While businesses likely have some concept of the kind of information that must be reviewed, the particulars may be less obvious. The data may provide clues to previously unseen patterns, and the need for further research becomes apparent if a pattern is found. Begin by creating a handful of simple use cases. In doing so, you will collect and acquire data that was not previously accessible, which will help you discover these unknown unknowns. A data scientist's ability to identify crucial data and develop insightful predictive and statistical models Improves when a data repository is established, and more data is gathered.

    There's also a chance that the company is aware of the information gaps inside it. Identifying the external or third-party data sources and implementing a few use cases that depend on this external data are the first steps in addressing these known unknowns. The business should engage with a data scientist to do so.

    Before focusing on a dimensions-based strategy that would aid in analyzing the sustainability of a big data solution for a company, this article aims to clarify some of the issues frequently expressed by most CIOs before embarking on a big data endeavor.

    What Are the Key Steps in Big Data Solutions?

    Big data analytics solutions require below listed steps-

    • Data Ingestion: The first step in deploying big data solutions is to collect data from a variety of sources, such as an ERP system like SAP, a customer relationship management system like Salesforce or Siebel, a relational database management system (RDBMS) like MySQL or Oracle, or the log files, flat files, documents, images, and social media feeds. HDFS is required to house this information. Either once-per-day, once-per-hour, or once-per-fifteen-minute batch tasks, or real-time, 100-ms-to-120-second streaming, may be used to take in data.
    • Data Storage: Following data ingestion, it must be saved in HDFS or a NoSQL database, such as HBase. The HBase file system is designed for random read/write access, whereas the HDFS file system is better suited for sequential access.
    • Data Processing: In the end, you'll want to put your data through some processing framework (MapReduce, Spark, Hive, etc.).

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    The Best Big Data Solutions

    1. Apache Hadoop


    Apache Hadoop is an open-source, free-to-use distributed file system that was developed to provide the ultra-fast processing of massive data stored across clusters and to grow smoothly to meet the needs of any organization. It is one of the prominent big data storage solutions. NoSQL distributed databases (like HBase) are supported, allowing data to be dispersed over thousands of servers with no influence on performance. It is possible to deploy it both in the cloud and on-premises. Hadoop YARN (an abbreviation for Yet Another Resource Negotiator) manages computer resources in clusters. Its components include the Hadoop File Distribution System (HDFS) for storage, MapReduce for data processing, etc.


    Data replication enables consistent access to sensitive data even when spread across numerous servers and storage devices. To facilitate low-latency data retrieval, a cluster-wide load balancer distributes data uniformly across drives.

    Hadoop transmits the bundled code to the many nodes in the cluster and then distributes the files, allowing for parallel local data processing.

    Business owners benefit from its elevated levels of scalability and availability; application-level failures are detected and corrected. It's easy to add new YARN nodes to the resource management so they can run tasks, and it's just as easy to remove them so you can scale down the cluster.

    Managed from a central location, users may direct the program to store data blocks of their choosing in local caches located on several nodes. Users may keep just a certain number of blocks read replicas in the buffer cache when using explicit pinning, freeing up valuable memory space for other purposes.

    Hadoop guarantees data integrity by not replicating the actual data but instead relying on point-in-time snapshots of the file system to preserve the block list and file size. So that up-to-date information may be quickly retrieved, it logs file system changes in reverse chronological order.


    This framework allows programmers to create data-processing applications to compute operations across numerous nodes in a cluster. Users may run a distinct version of the MapReduce framework using distributed cache deployment to do a rolling update.

    Compression codecs, native IO utilities for uses like centralized cache management, and checksum implementations are just a few examples of the native components included in the Hadoop Library.

    HDFS NFS Gateway: When HDFS is mounted on a client's file system, the user can browse HDFS files locally and download and upload them.

    Since HDFS allows for off-heap memory writing, data in memory may be flushed to disk without interfering with the IO pipeline, improving speed. Lazy Persist Writes are data offloads that assist speed up the time it takes for queries to return results.

    Extra information about inodes may be stored in extended attributes, which user programs can use to associate metadata with a file or directory.


    • There is no support for streaming data; only batch processing is allowed. Because of this, it runs more slowly generally. 
    • It is inefficient at iterative processing since it does not allow cyclic data flow.
    • Neither the storage nor the network layers of encryption are enforced. Kerberos authentication is used for security, which is difficult to keep up with.

    2. Apache Spark


    Apache Spark, an open-source computing engine, is superior to Hadoop because it can handle data in both batch and real-time. Spark's lightning-fast processing speed is made possible by its "in-memory" computing architecture, which keeps intermediate data in RAM and minimizes disk I/O. It was developed to supplement Hadoop's stack and offers compatibility with the programming languages Java, Python, R, SQL, and Scala. Spark is an extension of the MapReduce architecture that can process streams of data and interactive queries at the speed of thought.


    During deployment, Spark may be operated on Apache Mesos, YARN, and Kubernetes clusters, or it can be run independently and started manually or using launch scripts. Users may run all the daemons on a single host for development and testing purposes. 

    Spark SQL: Spark SQL provides data querying through SQL or a DataFrame API, with support for many data sources, including Hive, Parquet, JSON, JDBC, and more. It provides access to preexisting Hive warehouses and connections to business intelligence tools by supporting the HiveQL syntax, Hive SerDes, and UDFs.

    Streaming analytics: it reads data from HDFS, Flume, Kafka, Twitter, ZeroMQ, and custom data sources, allowing for effective batch and stream processing, combining streams against historical data, and performing ad hoc queries on data as it arrives in real-time. 

    Connecting R Programs to a Spark Cluster: SparkR is a package that facilitates this process inside RStudio, SHELL, Rscript, and other R Integrated Development Environments. Including a distributed data frame for performing operations like selection, filtering, and aggregation on massive datasets, as well as the availability of MLlib, makes it possible to do machine learning.


    Design: Spark's ecosystem includes not just RDDs but also Spark SQL, Scala, MLlib, and the core Spark software. It uses a master-slave architecture, where a driver application (which may be hosted on either the master or client node) controls a group of executors (hosted on the worker nodes) to complete tasks in parallel.

    Spark's main processing engine, called the "Spark Core," facilitates cluster-wide memory management, fault recovery, scheduling, distribution, and monitoring of activities.

    Abstraction: Spark's resilient distributed datasets (RDDs), a collection of items partitioned among nodes for parallel processing, make it possible to intelligently reuse data and variables. Customers may also request that RDDs be cached in memory for subsequent usage. A further abstraction made available by Spark is the ability to reuse previously stored data in memory variables or to perform arithmetic operations using counters.

    Using techniques for clustering, classification, modeling, and recommendations, Spark enables ML processes such as feature transformation, model assessment, and ML pipeline construction.


    • Since security is disabled by default, deployments may be open to attack if not set up correctly.
    • There doesn't seem to be version compatibility between their major versions.
    • Having an in-memory processing engine means it uses a lot of RAM.

    3. Hortonworks Data Platform - Cloudera


    Yahoo developed Hortonworks in 2011 to ease the transition to Hadoop for large businesses. In 2019 Hortonworks merged into Cloudera. Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) is a Hadoop distribution that is both open source and free. It also provides competitive in-house expertise, making it an appealing option for businesses wishing to adopt Hadoop. HDFS, MapReduce, Pig, Hive, and Zookeeper are just a few of the Hadoop projects included. Ambari for administration, Stinger for query processing, and Apache Solr for data searches are all open-source in HDP, which is noted for its uncompromising adherence to open-source and comes with zero proprietary software. HCatalog is a part of HDP that facilitates communication between Hadoop and other business programs. This happened to be the go-to enterprise big data solutions.


    Deploy Anywhere: This solution may be deployed on-premises, in the cloud (as a component of Microsoft Azure HDInsight), or as a hybrid solution known as Cloudbreak. Cloudbreak offers elastic scalability for resource efficiency and is designed specifically for businesses that already have on-premises data centers and IT infrastructure in place.

    Scalability and High Availability: With the help of NameNode federation, a company's infrastructure may be expanded to accommodate thousands of nodes and billions of files. NameNodes are responsible for managing the file path and the information associated with mapping, and federation guarantees that they are independent of one another. This results in increased availability at a reduced total cost of ownership. In addition, erasure coding significantly improves the efficiency of data storage, enabling more effective data replication.

    Security and Governance: Apache Ranger and Apache Atlas both provide data lineage tracing from its point of origin to the data lake. This enables the creation of rigorous audit trails to govern confidential or classified information.

    Reduced Time to Market: It gives organizations the ability to roll out apps in a matter of minutes, reducing the time it takes to bring products to market. The use of graphics processing units enables the incorporation of machine learning and deep learning into applications (GPUs). The hybrid data architecture of this company provides cloud storage for unlimited data that is kept in its original format. This cloud storage can be found in ADLs, WASB, S3, and GCP.


    Centralized Architecture: Hadoop operators may expand their big data assets as needed, thanks to Apache YARN on the backend. For operations, security, and governance, YARN effortlessly provides resources and services to applications dispersed across clusters. It helps firms to examine data derived from a wide range of sources and formats.

    Third-party apps deploy quicker to Apache Hadoop thanks to built-in YARN support for Docker containers. Users may test different versions of the same application without affecting the current one. When you combine this with the natural advantages of containers - resource efficiency and increased task throughput - you have a competitive solution.

    Data Access: With YARN, various data access techniques may coexist in the same cluster against common data sets. HDP takes advantage of this capacity to enable users to engage with several data sets at the same time in several ways. As a result, business users may manage and analyze data inside the same cluster using interactive SQL, real-time streaming, and batch processing, therefore eliminating data silos.

    Interoperability: Designed from the bottom-up to provide organizations with a totally open-source Hadoop solution, HDP interacts seamlessly with a broad variety of data centers and BI apps. Businesses may easily link their current IT infrastructures to HDP, saving money, time, and effort.


    • Implementing SSL while using a Kerberized cluster is a significant challenge.
    • Hive is a part of HDP, however data cannot have additional security measures applied to it.

    4. Vertica Advanced Analytics Platform


    After the MicroFocus-HPE merger in 2017, Vertica, owned by Hewlett Packard Enterprises (HPE) since 2011, became a part of Microfocus. Vertica Analytics Platform, like Hadoop, is a scalable, big data solution that uses massively parallel computing, but it also has a next-generation relational database, conventional SQL, and ACID transactions. Hadoop is great for batch processing, while Vertica Analytics Platform allows for real-time analytics as well. They collaborate by means of several connections, such as an HDFS connector that allows data to be loaded into the Vertica Advanced Analytics platform.


    Resource Management: Through its Resource Manager, users may allow concurrent workload to run at an efficient pace. It reduces CPU and memory utilization, as well as disk I/O processing time, and compresses data by up to 90% without sacrificing information. Its SQL engine supports massive parallel processing (MPP) and offers active redundancy, automated replication, failover, and recovery.

    It is a high-performance analytical database that may be installed on-premises, in the cloud, or as a hybrid system. It is designed to operate on the Amazon, Azure, Google, and VMware clouds.

    Data Management: Because of its columnar data storage, it is suited for read-intensive tasks. Vertica accepts a wide range of input file formats and has an upload speed of several gigabytes per second per machine per load stream. When numerous users access the same data at the same time, data locking is used to control data quality.

    Integrations: It assists in the analysis of data from Apache Hadoop, Hive, Kafka, and other data lake systems using built-in connectors and standard client libraries like JDBC and ODBC. It connects with BI products like Cognos, Microstrategy, and Tableau, as well as ETL systems such as Informatica, Talend, and Pentaho.

    Vertica integrates database functionality with analytics capabilities such as machine learning and methods for regression, classification, and clustering. Enterprises may use its out-of-the-box geospatial and time-series analysis capabilities to get rapid results on incoming data without acquiring additional analytics solutions.


    In terms of data preparation, flex tables allow users to import and examine both structured and semi-structured data sets.

    About Hadoop: The robust querying and analytics of Vertica for SQL are made possible by its straight installation on Apache Hadoop. It can read Parquet and ORC files, both of which are native to Hadoop, and write them back as Parquet as well.

    Using flattened tables, analysts may quickly compose queries and execute sophisticated JOIN operations. These are independent of the original databases, thus, modifying one will not affect the other. Because of this, complicated database structures can support large data processing at a faster pace.

    Performance-optimized designs for ad hoc queries and operational reporting through automatically or manually installed SQL scripts are possible thanks to the database designer.

    The Workload Analyzer examines system tables to provide optimization suggestions and recommendations for database objects. Using the workload and query execution history, as well as the available resources and system specifications, root cause analysis may be performed.


    • No foreign key or referential integrity checking is supported.
    • When using it with external tables, automated constraints are not supported.
    • It takes time to delete, which might hold up other tasks.

    5. Pivotal Big Data Suite


    VMWare owns the Pivotal Big Data Suite, a comprehensive data warehousing and analytics system. Its Hadoop distribution, Pivotal HD, is equipped with tools including YARN, SQLFire, and GemFire XD, a NoSQL database that runs in memory and provides real-time analytics on top of HDFS. It has complete support for SQL, MapReduce parallel processing, and data collections in the hundreds of gigabytes range, and it is accessible through a RESTful API.

    Cloud providers including Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, VMware, vSphere, and OpenStack are all compatible with Pivotal Greenplum's seamless deployment. It provides stateful data persistence for Cloud Foundry apps in addition to automated, repeatable deployments using Kubernetes.


    Greenplum's MPP architecture, analytical interfaces, and security features are all consistent with those of the open-source PostgreSQL community.

    Pivotal GemFire's High Availability features include automated failover to other nodes in the cluster should an operation fail. If nodes in a grid cluster are removed or added, the grid will automatically rebalance and rearrange itself. By using WAN replication, many sites may be used for DR at once.

    Pivotal Greenplum is a scalable database for advanced analytics that supports R, Python, Keras, and Tensorflow, as well as machine learning and deep learning. It offers text analytics using Apache Solr while GPText offers geographical analytics using PostGIS.

    GemFire's horizontal architecture and in-memory data processing are tailor-made for the needs of low-latency applications, allowing for faster data processing. The response time to queries is decreased by sending them to the nodes that have the appropriate data, and the results are presented in a data table format for convenience.


    Its design, which consists of separate nodes, data replication, and permanent write-optimized disk storage, allows for fast processing times.

    Low-latency writings made possible by Greenplum's integration with Kafka expedited event processing on streaming data. It allows for predictive analytics on HDFS data using SQL, as well as machine learning using Apache MADlib. It makes use of the already-in-place Amazon S3 object-querying to provide more effective cloud-based data integration.

    Pivotal GemFire's scalability features enable customers to scale up and down horizontally as needed, which in turn maximizes efficiency and minimizes steady-state runtime costs.

    With its rapid query optimizer, it can process petabyte-sized data sets in parallel with more efficiency. This is made possible by the system's ability to choose the most appropriate query execution model.

    Benefits of Using Big Data

    One of the most compelling advantages that big data platforms like as Hadoop and Spark provide is tremendous cost savings for storing, processing, and analyzing enormous amounts of data. An example from the logistics business exemplifies the cost-cutting benefits of big data.

    Returns are typically 1.5 times more expensive than standard shipping expenses. Businesses utilize big data and analytics to reduce product return costs by assessing the likelihood of product returns. As a result, businesses may take appropriate actions to reduce product-return losses.

    Big data solutions may increase operational efficiency by allowing you to acquire vast volumes of important customer data via your interactions with consumers and their valuable comments. Analytics may then extract relevant patterns from the data to build tailored goods. Technology may automate mundane procedures and activities, freeing up valuable time for people to undertake tasks that require cognitive abilities.

    The insights gained via big data analytics are essential for innovation. Big data enables you to improve current goods and services while developing new ones. The enormous amount of data gathered assists organizations in determining what best suits their client base. Product development may benefit from knowing what others think of your products/services.

    The insights may also be utilized to change corporate strategy, better marketing tactics, and increase customer service and staff efficiency.

    In today's competitive market, firms must establish protocols that allow them to track customer feedback, product success, and competition. Big data analytics enables real-time market monitoring and puts you ahead of competition. Big data predictive analytics solutions are key to boosting businesses.

    Things to Consider Before Big Data Implementation

    While big data is quickly taking center stage in marketing, human resources, finance, and technology departments throughout the world, it is vital to realize that this exciting endeavor comes with its own set of challenges in terms of big data privacy and compliance.

    1. The Need for Greater Security 

    Businesses acquire data from several sources, including laptop and desktop computers, as well as smart devices such as mobile phones and tablets, all of which contribute to the growing IoT network.

    In today's corporate environment, when hackers abound and never tire of discovering new methods to access networks and steal data, this plethora of valuable information is a major burden for firms. As a result, as your big data collection expands, so will your worries about big data security.

    2. System Integration for a Dependable Big Data Environment 

    As you begin your own big data project, it is critical to pose the following fundamental question:

    Even if your computer system has the storage to hold all of the big data you want to collect, does it can deal with data to do data analytics and data visualization? Many firms utilize out-of-date technologies when it comes to dynamically modifying data to transform it into the valuable tool you want. To make the greatest use of your big data, your firm must invest in the correct big data solution architecture.

    3. Employee Education 

    Big data is one of the new kids on the block in the world of information technology, so locating and onboarding skilled people may be difficult at first. Furthermore, this skill is likely to be expensive to find.

    Many firms that are just getting started with big data hire consultants to provide the essential knowledge. Finding in-house data scientists may be time-consuming since this crucial person must have exceptional mathematics and computing abilities, as well as an amazing ability to see patterns and trends in data.

    4. Appropriate Budgeting 

    Considering the previously stated factors for security, manpower, and system integration, the expenditures associated with tackling big data might soon exceed your original budget.

    Although the expenses of gathering and storing data are relatively inexpensive these days due to cloud storage and hosting, the cost of analyzing and displaying big data is rather high. Finally, businesses must consider the long-term prospective outcomes to assess if the initial investment in the finest data infrastructure and technologies is worthwhile.

    5. Putting Data-Driven Conclusions into Action 

    Once you've created a safe and cost-effective environment for your big data, recruited the ideal data scientist, and examined the data, you'll need to know what to do with it to make it all worthwhile. Businesses spend millions of dollars gathering and analyzing data; therefore it is critical that the findings be used in practical and lucrative ways. One important method used by firms is to ask meaningful questions about a piece of data.

    How to Implement Big data

    1. Find appropriate tools based on team and budget. 

    If you have a project-focused crew, wonderful. If not, find specialists. Sponsorship may also be needed. Big data initiatives are costly and time-consuming. Calculate your costs and determine whether you require sponsorship. You can go with open-source options also if you do not wish to invest in enterprise solutions.  

    2. Obtain data 

    You'll need to identify all data sources to gather relevant data sets. Identify, prioritize, and assess them before going ahead. 

    Data lakes may store data. Data lakes store organized and unstructured data. Lakes store data flatly, unlike data warehouses. Data lakes may be built and deployed utilizing cloud or on-premises technology. This will act as a staging layer for your system. 

    3. Create data hubs 

    Perform transformations and analytics to create data hubs. This information allows you to alter your processes and learn how to utilize the data. Let things progress incrementally to avoid project failure. 

    4. Validation 

    Analytical process essentials include testing, measuring, and learning. Test assumptions while gathering more data. Big data visualization tools ease data management and big data project execution. They will help you grasp massive data sets, improving outcomes.

    Looking to dive into the world of data science? Discover the best online data science programs that will equip you with the skills to unlock valuable insights. Start your journey today!


    There is a lot of money being spent on Big Data and solutions for Big Data.

    • To benefit from Big Data potential, you must first get acquainted with and comprehend industry-specific issues. 
    • Understand or be familiar with the data peculiarities of each industry.
    • Recognize where your money is going.
    • Match market demands your company's skills and offerings.
    • Vertical industry knowledge is essential for successfully and efficiently exploiting Big Data.

    Despite the various advantages of cloud big data solutions, there are still many unexplored possibilities in the data world. As organizations seek to harness the potential of big data, there is a significant need for data analysts who can benefit both the firm and their careers.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is big data solution implementation?

    When designed and maintained appropriately, big data solutions effectively store and analyze petabytes of XaaS customers' data, allow IoT-driven automation, and support sophisticated analytics to improve organizational decision-making, among other benefits. 

    2What are the 3 types of big data?

    There are three types of big data: Data that is structured. Data that is unstructured. Data that is semi-structured. 

    3What is big data with examples?

    The term "big data" is used to describe a broad range of information, including both structured data like financial records and unstructured data like text, documents, and multimedia files, as well as semi structured data like web server logs and streaming data from sensors. 

    4Who Uses big data?

    It is now employed in a variety of fields, including medical, agriculture, gaming, and environmental protection.


    Ritesh Pratap Arjun Singh

    Blog Author

    RiteshPratap A. Singh is an AI & DeepTech Data Scientist. His research interests include machine vision and cognitive intelligence. He is known for leading innovative AI projects for large corporations and PSUs. Collaborate with him in the fields of AI/ML/DL, machine vision, bioinformatics, molecular genetics, and psychology.

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