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A 2024 Roadmap to Become a Blockchain Developer

24th Jun, 2024
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    A 2024 Roadmap to Become a Blockchain Developer

    According to popular belief, cryptocurrencies would not only make banks obsolete but also protect the confidentiality and privacy of financial transactions. This is simply the surface, though. One application of a fundamental technology called blockchain is in cryptocurrencies. Based on how much money investors are investing in its study, blockchain is not a passing trend. Additionally, fresh use cases are constantly being developed, the most recent being the usage of blockchain to produce non-fungible tokens.

    Blockchain technology will certainly have a significant impact on important facets of our lives, opening a wide range of opportunities for blockchain engineers in the future. Blockchain developer roadmap is not an easy one but filled with opportunities for sure.

    Distributed ledgers are utilized for the full connectivity process. You can enroll in online Blockchain training, which will provide you with a deeper understanding of blockchains and specific information about how Ethereum, IPFS, Hyperledger, and R3 Corda operate.

    Blockchain Developer Career Requirements 

    • Technical Expertise:
      • Programming Languages (Java, C++, Python)
      • Data Structures
      • Cryptography
      • Databases
      • Networking
      • Web Development
      • Blockchain Architecture
      • Consensus Mechanisms
      • Distributed Ledger Technology
    • Soft Skills:
      • Communication
      • Collaboration
      • Adaptability

    To excel as a blockchain developer, a set of fundamental requirements must be met. Proficiency in programming languages such as Java, C++, and Python and a solid understanding of data structures are crucial. Familiarity with cryptography, databases, and networking forms the backbone of technical competencies.  

    Additionally, developers should possess web development skills and a comprehensive grasp of blockchain architecture, consensus mechanisms, and distributed ledger technology. Effective communication, collaboration, and adaptability are indispensable soft skills, facilitating seamless interaction within interdisciplinary teams and translating complex concepts to various stakeholders. This combination of technical and interpersonal skills equips individuals to navigate the multifaceted challenges inherent in blockchain development. 

    Blockchain Developer Roadmap: Step-by-step Process

    Step 1: Learn about Web 3.0 and Blockchain

    • A potential future iteration of the internet known as Web 3.0 is built on public blockchains, a database best known for facilitating cryptocurrency exchanges.
    • Web 3.0 is appealing because it is decentralized, which means that instead of customers using services that are mediated by businesses like Google, Apple, or Facebook, users themselves own and control portions of the internet.
    • Web 3.0 does not require "permission," which implies that central bodies do not get to select who has access to certain services, nor does it require "trust," which implies that virtual transactions among two or more individuals do not require an intermediary.
    • It technically preserves user privacy better because these agencies and intermediaries are conducting the majority of the data collection.
    • Decentralization is at the core of both Web 2.0 and Web 3.0, albeit there are a few fundamental differences between the two. Developers of Web 3.0 applications hardly ever produce and distribute ones that use a single server or a single database to hold data.
    • Web 3.0 applications, on the other hand, are constructed on blockchains, decentralized networks of several peer-to-peer nodes (servers), or a combination of the two.
    • These applications are referred to as decentralized apps (DApps), and the Web 3.0 community uses that name frequently. To create a reliable and secure decentralized network, network users (developers) are paid for providing the best services.
    • The transition from Web 2.0 to 3.0 is gradually taking place without much public awareness. Web 3.0 applications resemble 2.0 applications in appearance, but they have a radically different back end.
    • The future of Web 3.0 points to universal applications that can be accessed and used by a variety of hardware and software types, simplifying our professional and leisure activities.

    Step 2: Fundamentals of Blockchain

    Blockchain concepts
    PayTech Academy

    To start, you must understand the materials you are using. The following topics are covered in the blockchain foundation course:

    • Describe a blockchain.
    • How does it function?
    • How does blockchain communication work?
    • How can you link your blockchain to web applications?

    However, given its popularity and robust developer community, it is advised to start using the Ethereum blockchain.

    Step 3: Master Smart Contracts and Solidity

    Like any other contract, a smart contract specifies the conditions of a deal. However, in contrast to a conventional contract, the rules of a smart contract are carried out as code that runs on a blockchain like Ethereum. It permits the creation of applications that benefit from the security, dependability, and accessibility of the blockchain while providing complex peer-to-peer functions, like lending, insurance, logistics, and gambling.

    Smart contracts are written in a language called Solidity. Solidity is a high-level, object-oriented language that can be used to construct smart contracts. Programs known as smart contracts control how accounts behave within the Ethereum state. The curly-bracket language Solidity is intended to work with the Ethereum Virtual Machine.

    It is influenced by JavaScript, Python, and C++. In the section on linguistic influences, you may read more information about the languages that Solidity was influenced by. In addition to supporting inheritance, libraries, and sophisticated user-defined types, Solidity is statically typed. You may construct contracts using Solidity for applications like voting, crowdfunding, blind bidding, and multi-signature wallets.

    Step 4: Learn About Decentralized Applications

    Digital apps or programmes known as "decentralized applications" (dApps) exist and operate on a peer-to-peer (P2P) network of computers rather than a single computer. DApps, or "dapps," exist outside of the jurisdiction and control of a single authority. The Ethereum platform is frequently used to create DApps, which can be used for a range of things like gaming, finance, and social networking.

    Decentralized Applications
    gbu-hamovniki.ruA typical web application, like Uber or Twitter, runs on a computer system owned and managed by a company, allowing that company complete control over the app and how it functions. On one side, there may be several users, but only one company controls the backend.

    DApps can operate on a blockchain network or a peer-to-peer network. In a P2P network, where numerous users are simultaneously consuming content, feeding or seeding content, or performing both tasks, examples of applications include BitTorrent, Tor, and Popcorn Time.

    You are prepared to build, test, and deploy your smart contracts once you have been familiar with solidity and smart contracts. Now that the end-user can interact with your dApp, you will require a user-friendly frontend. You create a dApp in the frontend interface. dApps can be web or mobile applications, however, web applications are more common. Web applications typically use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript like ordinary web applications.

    Step 5: Master Crypto Wallets

    An individual can keep and manage their money, including Bitcoin, Ether, and other cryptocurrencies, in a blockchain wallet, which is a digital wallet. The wallet is used to trade money instantly. These transactions are secure because they are cryptographically signed. Both online apps and mobile apps can access the wallet.

    A blockchain wallet offers all the characteristics required for risk-free transfers and exchanges of money among various parties. Similar to sending or receiving money via PayPal or any other current payment channel but using cryptocurrency. Numerous blockchain/crypto wallets are available. Depending on the sort of wallet you have, different steps must be followed while using it for cryptocurrency transactions. Even yet, the process is typically simple, not much different from sending any other kind of digital cash.

    Simply enter the recipient's public address and the amount of bitcoin you wish to send, and then complete the transaction, according to Leinweber.

    There is less redress if something goes wrong while dealing with cryptocurrencies than traditional money.

    Step 6: Build Blockchain Application

    Let us examine how to build a blockchain app using our comprehensive tutorial. We have discussed every step of the process, along with the main advantages and potential drawbacks of dApp creation for your company.

    Below is a representation of the entire development process for a blockchain application, including all significant milestones.

    1. Decide Whether you Need Blockchain or Not

    Consider whether your company will profit from blockchain application development before jumping in with both feet.

    2. Understand the Benefits of Blockchain Implementation

    1. Security
    2. Transparency
    3. Traceability
    4. Cost-efficiency
    5. Speed
    6. Privacy
    7. Integrity

    3. Identify the Industry for dAPP Development.

    There are currently over 3,5459 active decentralized applications, according to the State of the dApps. These apps are scattered across various sectors, including gaming, banking, health, and security.

    4. Come up with an App Idea

    You must first determine what issue a blockchain app would address before deciding how to develop it technically.

    You might want to develop a mobile cryptocurrency wallet, an exchange app, or a crypto signaling solution, for instance, if you work with cryptocurrencies.

    5. Choose a Blockchain Development Tech Stack

    At this point, you must choose the technology stack for your future solution. Your app idea and the method you choose to construct it will directly affect the final list of technologies.

    For instance, Ethereum is required if you wish to create a public application that uses smart contracts.

    6. Start Blockchain Application Development

    Most businesses divide the software development process into two main phases.

    • Discovery Stage: sometimes referred to as the pre-development stage, is when the blockchain development vendor will ascertain your needs and organizational needs. Creating a comprehensive grasp of your project and all requirements is the major objective of this stage.
    • Development Stage: An application's code base is created. Various professionals, including front-end and back-end developers, QA engineers, Software Architects, and Project Managers, are typically involved in development.

    7. Deployment and Release

    Once the app's code is complete, you must deploy it to the primary network and make it available to the public. You'll need to submit your app to Google Play and the App Store when we talk about developing mobile applications.

    Choose to engage with a software development business. They will typically be able to assist you in submitting the app to an app store and completing all necessary steps without any issues.

    Step 7: Skills Required for Blockchain Developers 

    Following are the skills you need to learn to be a blockchain developer:

    1. Blockchain Architecture

    Blockchain Architecture

    Make sure you comprehend the definition of blockchain and advanced blockchain security, application, integration, and advantages and limitations of blockchain technology. Blockchain consensus, hashing algorithms, and distributed ledger technologies must all be understood by blockchain developers. The design and operation of blockchain are described in the white paper.

    Understanding how various blockchains operate is necessary; the most significant ones are Ethereum, Bitcoin, Neo, and Hyperledger.

    2. Data Structures

    To work as a blockchain engineer, you must deeply understand data structures. Blockchain engineers frequently work with different data structures while creating and implementing networks.

    Since even a block is a form of data structure, the entire blockchain network is built up of them. As a container data structure, a block groups transactions for the public ledger, while the public ledger includes the blockchain.

    A block also has a header; however, the block is about 10,000 times bigger than the header. As you can see, the core idea behind blockchain is data structures. A solid foundation makes it easier for you to comprehend complex ideas more quickly.

    3. Smart Contracts

    The term "smart contracts" has gained popularity in the blockchain business since Ethereum first hit the market. Nearly all blockchain-based solutions want to utilize smart contracts for their gain. Hence, it is clear how advanced this technology is. Two parties can exchange products or services without a middleman using smart contracts.

    A vending machine is a good comparison for smart contracts. After payment and selecting the desired item, you receive the item and any remaining change. You and the vending machine are the only parties to this transaction; there is no third party. Smart contracts can be used in various fields and sectors, including law, construction, and many more.

    4. Cryptography


    The study of methods that shield your data from prying eyes is known as cryptography. You should be familiar with several fundamental cryptography topics because you will need them when developing blockchain applications.

    For instance, a prominent area of discussion in blockchain is public-key cryptography. It serves as the foundation for all of our cryptocurrency transactions. You will need a wallet and the key to that wallet to conduct cryptocurrency transactions. That key is crucial because it demonstrates your possession of the wallet. Cryptocurrency transactions are secured by the encryption and decoding of public and private keys.

    Cryptographic hashing is a further crucial idea in cryptography. Hashing is the process of creating an output from an input of an arbitrary length that has a predetermined length.

    5. Programming Languages

    You must get knowledgeable in object-oriented programming ideas if you want to become a blockchain developer. You can build blockchain applications rapidly if you have a working knowledge of programming languages like Java, C++, Python, and others. These programming languages can be used to create software that powers blockchain technology and carries out other industry-related tasks.

    With the above-mentioned skills, you can get proper knowledge of blockchain and start your career in blockchain development. If you want to get advanced skills in blockchain, you can opt for Blockchain Solutions Architect course online.

    Step 8: Blockchain Tools & Platforms to Master

    Make a learning list of the items mentioned here when you are en route to blockchain developer roadmap from scratch.

    1. IDE (Integrated Development Environment)
    Switching to an offline, locally hosted solution is frequently worthwhile as a blockchain developer begins to take on more complex projects with dependencies and various files. Hardhat and Truffle are two excellent choices in this case.

    For many years, Solidity code was compiled and moved to the blockchain using the original Truffle node js application. The more recent Hardhat features some functional advantages and design enhancements.

    2. Text Editor

    Once Truffle Suite or Hardhat are installed, open a text editor like Microsoft's VS Code. will enable you to code more simply.

    3. Browser and Wallet

    Additionally, you will require a web browser and a digital wallet to store money and cover transaction costs. The obvious choices are Google Chrome browser and Metamask once more. By adding networks, Metamask may be set up to function with any EVM-compatible blockchain. The fantastic Phantom App exists for Solana development.

    4. Terminal

    A terminal is similar to an outdated MS-DOS prompt where you can execute commands. Windows, Mac, or Linux may be used to operate 95% of blockchain software. If you use Windows, you can launch the PowerShell terminal by pressing the Windows key and typing PowerShell. Sometimes, node software can only be used with Linux or Docker, in which case a cloud instance or VM like WSL will be needed. The creators, however, favor using WSL with Windows and Linux.

    5. Access Point

    Entry Point To communicate with an API and transmit transactions to a decentralized network, use an access point. Therefore, an access point will be connected via web3 javascript code.

    How to Become Blockchain Developer Without a Qualification?

    1. Online Tutorials and Resources: There are numerous free and paid resources available online. The path to become blockchain developer involves using the resources available to you efficientlyWebsites like Coursera, Udemy, and Khan Academy offer courses ranging from beginner to advanced levels. These platforms often include hands-on projects to build practical skills. 

    2. Community and Networking: Join blockchain communities and forums like Reddit, Stack Overflow, and GitHub. Engaging with these communities can provide real-world insights, peer support, and networking opportunities. 

    3. Self-Led Projects: Apply what you learn by starting your own blockchain projects. This hands-on experience is invaluable and can make your skills more marketable. 

    4. Stay Updated: Blockchain technology evolves rapidly. Follow industry news, blogs, and publications to stay informed about the latest trends and technologies. 

    Top Blockchain Certifications  

    As the demand for blockchain expertise continues to rise, the certifications become essential markers of proficiency, empowering developers to navigate the dynamic landscape of blockchain development with confidence and competence. 

    Here are some of the top blockchain certifications to consider: 

    • Certified Blockchain Developer (CBD) by Blockchain Council - Covers core blockchain development skills including programming languages like Solidity and Hyperledger. Focuses on building practical skills. 
    • Certified Blockchain Professional Certification by KnowledgeHut- You will learn building blockchain-based applications with our CBCP Certification course
    • Certificate of Blockchain Technology from Oxford Blockchain Foundation - Academic certification from the University of Oxford focusing on blockchain principles, mechanics, and use cases. 
    • Blockchain Professional by Blockchain Academy - Introductory course providing basic literacy on blockchain concepts, components, and applications. 
    • Certified Enterprise Blockchain Professional by 101 Blockchains - For professionals focused on enterprise blockchain solutions for business. Covers platforms like Hyperledger and R3 Corda. 
    • Certified Hyperledger Fabric Developer by Linux Foundation - Achieving certification as a Hyperledger Fabric Developer from the Linux Foundation signifies a commendable level of expertise. The certification process involves a comprehensive evaluation of the developer's skills in designing, building, and maintaining distributed ledger applications using Hyperledger Fabric.  

    Why Become a Blockchain Developer?

    Developing knowledge of a quickly evolving technology can help you stand out as a job prospect. Furthermore, many blockchain developers earn substantial wages. Let us look at 5 reasons to become a blockchain developer:

    1. Career Opportunities

    Nowadays, when everyone wants to work in the IT sector and develop software, new-generation developers, in particular beginners, are searching for career prospects in the blockchain sector. According to Glassdoor statistics, there are many opportunities for developing new talents and building a solid career in this profession.

    Blockchain developer demand is high due to the market's growing inclination toward cryptocurrencies, and by 2024, it's anticipated to be widely used. The adoption of blockchain technology by many industries is the main driver of the abundance of chances for its development. As a result, demand for it is rising quickly month after month.

    2. Blockchain Jobs Salary

    Pay is the primary draw and motivator to be a blockchain developer to enter the industry. The blockchain sector is expected to expand 3 times more in the following year because of the recent growth in the popularity of blockchain technology. In India, the compensation scale starts at 7LPA and rises to 16LPA, while in other nations, it falls between $1,09,766 and $2,00,766 annually.

    The compensation structure is enormous and quickly evolved compared to the other industry. Therefore, it is accurate to claim that it is ushering in a new era of technology and that many new-age computer geeks are attempting to delve beneath the surface of blockchain.

    3. First Movers Advantage

    There are reportedly more than 18,000 cryptocurrencies in the market. Since then, the blockchain market has grown significantly; it is predicted to surpass USD 180 billion by 2025 and reach USD 3 trillion by 2030.

    Since this technology is still relatively new, there are still some industries that are unaffected by it. However, as time passes, demand for blockchain technology is growing significantly, and businesses are willing to pay exorbitant prices. You should start working on blockchain projects immediately because decentralized technologies will rule the future.

    4. Involvement of Govt. Bodies

    You might be shocked to learn that governments in some nations, like Brazil, have utilized blockchain technology to develop various applications, including a voting system that uses ETH. The government has also imposed this for bids and public contracts to make it more transparent.

    Today, practically every nation wants to improve its system while maintaining the highest level of security, which is why many government organizations have either begun their approach or are talking with organizations about deploying this technology. This may be the best motivation to work as a blockchain developer because it promotes economic growth in the nation.

    5. Intensive Job Roles

    Since its inception, the market trend for blockchain has been steadily changing. Given how the market has responded and capital has exploded, it is anticipated that this trend will continue and that it will continue to develop exponentially in the years to come. As a result, many tech giants at all levels are now actively seeking the best candidates in the blockchain industry. In addition to tech, other industries have also been looking for the best applicants for positions. Some of these professions where blockchain developers may engage in are:

    • Analyst of Cryptocurrencies
    • System Engineer
    • Solution Architect
    • Project Manager
    • UX Designer

    What to Study to Become a Blockchain Developer? 

    Navigating the educational landscape to become a proficient blockchain developer involves a strategic focus on essential resources, preparation tips, and mastering interview dynamics. I present to you the resources and tips that lay the foundation for the blockchain developer roadmap 2023. 

    1. Best Books 

    To embark on the path of becoming a proficient blockchain developer, delving into authoritative literature is instrumental. Books like "The Blockchain Developer" by Elad Elrom and "Blockchain Revolution" by Don and Alex Tapscott provide comprehensive insights into blockchain fundamentals and their transformative impact on industries. "The Basics of Bitcoins and Blockchains" by Antony Lewis offers a beginner-friendly exploration. These resources not only elucidate the technology but also guide developers through practical applications and real-world scenarios, forming a robust foundation for their blockchain journey. 

    2. Preparation Tips 

    Mastering blockchain development demands a strategic approach. Begin by honing programming languages, particularly Java, C++, and Python. Gain proficiency in data structures, cryptography, and web development. Engage in hands-on projects and contribute to open-source initiatives to solidify theoretical knowledge. Staying updated on industry trends through forums and discussion groups fosters continuous learning. Additionally, participating in hackathons and collaborating with peers fosters practical experience and expands one's network within the blockchain community. 

    3. Interview Questions

    The road map for blockchain developer interviews involves a deep dive into technical and conceptual questions. Expect inquiries about cryptographic principles, consensus algorithms, and the intricacies of smart contract development. Showcase problem-solving skills related to distributed systems and demonstrate an understanding of blockchain architecture. A firm grasp of data structures and their application in blockchain technology is pivotal. Familiarity with industry-specific use cases and the ability to articulate solutions to potential challenges further strengthen one's readiness for a blockchain engineer career path. 


    Blockchain development roadmap requires a lot of effort and dedication. To put the ideas into code, creativity is needed. You may focus on a particular area of blockchain technology once you have mastered the foundational ideas. You could decide to specialize in smart contracts and develop additional strategies for gas optimization and ways to improve security in smart contracts.

    As an alternative, you can decide to focus on Defi (Decentralized Finance), the most popular application of blockchain. Decentralized exchanges like UNISWAP, lending protocols, yield aggregators, and other related items are the major focus in Defi. It is a fascinating field all by itself.

    We hope this article inculcates interest in you for blockchain development. You can start your career in blockchain development with the KnowledgeHut online Blockchain training.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How do I become a blockchain developer roadmap?
    1. Either learn independently or enrol in a course at a facility or online learning platform. 
    2. Engage in hands-on training and system interaction 
    3. Learn to code and receive certification. 
    4. Become a certified blockchain engineer. 
    5. Develop a smart contract, get certified, then utilize it.  
    6. Look for employment as a blockchain engineer or developer. 
    2Is there a future for blockchain developers?

    The advantages of a blockchain profession are numerous. Since the technology is still in its infancy, there is a great deal of room for development and improvement.

    3How long does it take to become a blockchain developer?

    The length of blockchain developer training depends on the course and the desired abilities. Depending on the course, where it is taught, whether you pursue it full-time or part-time, and the level of training intensity, it can take anywhere from three months to three years.


    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain

    International Corporate Trainer

    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain is an accomplished author, international corporate trainer, and technical consultant with 20+ years of industry experience. He specializes in cutting-edge technologies such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, generative AI, prompt engineering, Industry 4.0, web 3.0, blockchain, RPA, IoT, ML, data science, big data, AI, cloud computing, Hadoop, and deep learning. With expertise in fintech, IIoT, and blockchain, he possesses in-depth knowledge of diverse sectors including finance, aerospace, retail, logistics, energy, banking, telecom, healthcare, manufacturing, education, and oil and gas. Holding a PhD in deep learning and image processing, Dr. Jain's extensive certifications and professional achievements demonstrate his commitment to delivering exceptional training and consultancy services globally while staying at the forefront of technology.

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