HomeBlogWeb Development10 Best Front End Development Books in 2024 [For All Levels]

10 Best Front End Development Books in 2024 [For All Levels]

03rd Jul, 2024
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    10 Best Front End Development Books in 2024 [For All Levels]

    According to the "Future of Jobs Report 2023" by the World Economic Forum, front-end developers will be among the top jobs in the coming years, driven by the increasing importance of user experience and the growth of web and mobile applications.

    Front-end development is a hot topic with immense potential, but figuring out where to start with all the frontend books can be tricky.

    I've sorted through them and found some great ones. Whether you're just starting out or aiming for a Front-end Development Certification, there's a book on this list for you. These guides are tailored to your needs, helping you improve step by step and get closer to certification if that’s your goal.

    List of Books for Front end Developers

    Below is the list of books for front end developers that we are going to discuss in this article:



    Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke

    4.6 / 5

    HTML And CSS: Design And Build Website by Jon Duckett

    4.6 / 5

    JavaScript And JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development by Jon Duckett

    4.6 / 5

    Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide To HTML, CSS, JavaScript, And Web Graphics by Jennifer Niederst Robbins

    4.6 / 5

    Front-End Development: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Chris Aquino and Todd Gandee


    CSS Secrets by Lea Verou


    JavaScript: The Good Part by Douglas Crockford


    SASS and Compass In Action by Brandon Mathis, Natalie Weizenbaum, Wynn Netherland, Chris Eppstein


    Secrets of JavaScript Ninja by Bear Bibeault, John Resig, and Josip Maras


    HTML5: The Missing Manual by Matthew MacDonald


    Source - Amazon

    10 Must-Read Books for Front end Developers

    As a front-end developer, it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends and technologies. But it's also important to have a strong foundation in the basics. That's why we've compiled a list of 10 must-read front end web development books for experienced. 

    1: Eloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke

    Eloquent JavaScript
    AmazonEloquent JavaScript by Marijn Haverbeke is one of the best front end development books. It teaches you how to write code that is easy to read and maintain. You will also learn how to use modern Front End development tools such as React, Angular, and Vue. 

    This book is very well-written and is perfect for beginners who want to learn Front End development. It covers all the important topics in Front End development, including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

    If you are looking for a book that will teach you everything you need to know about Front End development, then Eloquent JavaScript is the perfect choice for you. 

    Meta Info: Originally published in 2014, the third edition of this JavaScript guide, continues to earn acclaim with a Goodreads rating of 4.35 out of 5 stars from over 36,000 readers. Published by No Starch Press, this resource caters to beginners and intermediate learners, offering valuable insights into JavaScript concepts. While tailored for those starting their coding journey, advanced programmers seeking a comprehensive grasp of JavaScript will also find this edition enriching. 

    Key Takeaways:

    • Deep understanding of JavaScript fundamentals: Eloquent JavaScript goes beyond syntax and teaches you the "why" behind the code, helping you build a strong foundation in programming concepts. 
    • Engaging and accessible writing style: The book is known for its clear explanations, humorous anecdotes, and relatable metaphors, making it enjoyable to read even for those new to programming. 
    • Focus on problem-solving skills: The book encourages critical thinking through challenging exercises and projects, helping you learn to apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios. 
    • Solid understanding of modern JavaScript: Covers important newer features like ES6 and async/await, preparing you for working with current web development technologies. 
    • Provides a foundation for further learning: While comprehensive, the book avoids overwhelming beginners and equips them with the tools and knowledge to explore other JavaScript frameworks and libraries. 

    2: HTML And CSS: Design And Build Website by Jon Duckett

    HTML And CSS

    If you're interested in learning front-end development, then you can't go wrong with HTML and CSS. This book covers all the basics of HTML and CSS, including tags, attributes, selectors, and properties.

    It also introduces advanced topics such as responsive design, animation, and working with web fonts. With clear explanations and plenty of examples, HTML and CSS is the perfect way to get started with front-end development. 

    Meta Info: Originally released in 2011 and currently in its second edition, this resource has stood the test of time. Garnering a commendable Goodreads rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars from over 2,800 reviews, the book is published by John Wiley & Sons. Tailored for beginners and intermediate learners, it serves as a reliable guide for those looking to delve into the subject matter with a publisher known for its commitment to educational excellence.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Comprehensive introduction to HTML and CSS: The book covers everything you need to know to get started with building websites, from basic tags and attributes to advanced CSS techniques.
    • Visual learning: The book is full of color illustrations and screenshots, making it easy to understand the concepts and see how they apply in practice.
    • Project-based learning: Each chapter includes practical exercises and projects, allowing you to apply your knowledge and build real websites.
    • Focus on fundamentals: The book emphasizes the importance of understanding the underlying principles of HTML and CSS, which will help you build better and more maintainable websites.
    • Clear and concise writing style: The book is written in a friendly and approachable way, making it easy to follow even for complete beginners.

    3: JavaScript And JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development by Jon Duckett

    JavaScript And JQuery

    This is by far one of the best frontend books. It teaches how to turn static HTML and CSS into interactive web pages using JavaScript and jQuery. This book is packed with information on how to use JavaScript and jQuery to create interactive user interfaces, animations, and other types of web applications.

    The code examples are clear and easy to follow, and the book includes exercises to help readers practice what they have learned. In addition, the author provides a detailed explanation of how JavaScript works so that readers can gain a deeper understanding of the language. 

    Whether you are new to front-end development or looking to brush up on your skills, JavaScript and JQuery: Interactive Front-End Web Development is among the best books for front end development. 

    Meta Info: Originally released in 2013, the fifth edition of this resource, continues to be a valuable asset in its field. With a Goodreads rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars from over 2,700 reviews, the book is published by No Starch Press, renowned for its commitment to quality educational content. Geared towards both beginners and intermediate learners, this edition provides a solid foundation for those seeking to grasp the subject matter effectively and is a testament to its enduring relevance in the learning landscape.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Learn both JavaScript and jQuery: This book covers both foundational JavaScript knowledge and practical applications through jQuery, a popular library that simplifies JavaScript interactions.
    • Visually engaging and accessible: Similar to Duckett's other books, this one incorporates plenty of graphics, pictures, and humorous anecdotes to make learning enjoyable and easier to grasp.
    • Focus on interactivity: The book emphasizes building dynamic and engaging web pages with JavaScript and jQuery, equipping you with skills to create user-driven experiences.
    • Modern and relevant: Covers relevant topics like web accessibility, mobile web development, and progressive enhancement, preparing you for current web development trends.
    • Project-based learning: Includes practical exercises and projects throughout to solidify your understanding and apply your knowledge to real-world scenarios.

    4: Learning Web Design: A Beginner’s Guide To HTML, CSS, JavaScript, And Web Graphics by Jennifer Niederst Robbins

    Learning Web Design
    AmazonIf you're interested in learning web design, then you need to check out this book. It is packed with information on everything you need to know about front-end development, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and web graphics. You'll learn how to create beautiful and responsive websites that look great on any device.

    It also provides you with tips on how to optimize your code for speed and performance. Whether you're just getting started in web design or you're looking to take your skills to the next level, Learning Web Design is the perfect resource for you. 

    Meta Info: Debuting in 2012 and now in its fifth edition, this resource has proven to be a reliable companion for learners. Boasting a Goodreads rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars from over 3,300 reviews, the book is published by O'Reilly Media, known for its comprehensive educational materials. Tailored for complete beginners without any prior coding experience, this edition serves as an accessible entry point into the world of coding, establishing itself as a user-friendly and informative resource.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Gentle learning curve: Designed for beginners, the book starts with the absolute basics and gradually builds your knowledge step-by-step, making it easy to follow even with no prior experience.
    • Practical and hands-on: Each chapter includes code examples and practical exercises, allowing you to apply your learning and build your own web pages as you progress.
    • Covers essential technologies: The book tackles the core building blocks of web design, equipping you with foundational knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create basic websites.
    • Focus on visuals: Includes plenty of screenshots, illustrations, and web design examples to aid understanding and inspire your own creations.
    • Modern and relevant: Covers essential web design practices like responsive web design, accessibility, and basic animations, preparing you for current web development trends.

    Get to know more about how to become a frontend developer.

    5: Front-End Development: The Big Nerd Ranch Guide by Chris Aquino and Todd Gandee

    Front-End Development
    AmazonThe Front-End Development book by Chris Aquino and Todd Gandee ranks high among frontend books and covers all major topics in front-end development including HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It has the potential to teach you everything regarding the front-end in 30 days.

    The book provides clear and concise explanations of all concepts with practical examples. It also includes a number of challenges at the end of each chapter to help you solidify your understanding of the material.

    Meta info: Initially published in 2016, the current edition of this resource is no longer in print as of 2023. Despite this, its enduring value is evident through a commendable Goodreads rating of 4.1 out of 5 stars, garnered from over 3,400 reviews. Originally published by O'Reilly Media and later by Big Nerd Ranch, this guide is tailored for programmers possessing prior knowledge of other platforms or developers with previous web experience. Offering insights into current tools and best practices, it remains a sought-after reference for those seeking to enhance their skills in the rapidly evolving landscape of web development.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Comprehensive coverage: The book tackles the core building blocks of front-end development, delving deeply into HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript (including ES6). It explores advanced topics like web workers, service workers, and accessibility considerations.
    • Hands-on learning: Each chapter features practical exercises and challenges, encouraging readers to apply their knowledge and build real-world web applications.
    • Problem-solving focus: The guide emphasizes critical thinking and problem-solving skills, equipping readers with the ability to tackle unexpected issues and troubleshoot effectively.
    • Clear and engaging writing style: Despite its technical content, the book maintains a friendly and approachable tone, using humor and real-world examples to make learning enjoyable.
    • Community-driven approach: The Big Nerd Ranch website offers access to online forums and resources where readers can connect with the community, ask questions, and share their experiences.

    6: CSS Secrets by Lea Verou

    CSS Secrets
    AmazonLea Verou’s CSS Secrets is favored worldwide for its subject matter. It’s an incredibly useful book for front-end developers of all levels of experience. While it covers a wide range of topics, it does so in a way that is both approachable and practical.

    The book starts with an overview of CSS fundamentals, including selectors, unit types, and the box model. It then moves on to more advanced topics, such as layout methods, front-end performance, and working with media queries.

    Throughout, the author provides clear explanations and valuable tips that will help readers improve their CSS skills. In addition, the book includes a wealth of code examples that illustrate each concept. 

    Meta Info: Debuting in 2013 and now in its fourth edition, this resource is a staple for CSS developers. With an impressive Goodreads rating of 4.5 out of 5 stars, derived from over 1,300 reviews, the book is published by A Book Apart, known for its quality publications. Tailored for intermediate and advanced CSS developers, it may seem dense for beginners initially, but with a foundational understanding, it becomes accessible and remarkably rewarding. This edition serves as a valuable asset for those looking to deepen their expertise in the realm of Cascading Style Sheets.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Beyond the basics: Forget the boring box model! This book delves into the depths of CSS, exploring advanced techniques like flexbox, grid layout, CSS animations, and even Houdini, the experimental frontier of web styling.
    • Mastering specificity: The age-old battle of conflicting styles? CSS Secrets equips you with the weapons to conquer it, teaching you how to control specificity and write bulletproof CSS code.
    • Performance optimization: Speed is king on the web. This book unveils optimization secrets, like code minification, critical rendering path, and resource loading strategies, to keep your websites zipping fast.
    • Accessibility first: Web design isn't just about aesthetics; it's about inclusivity. CSS Secrets champions accessible design, teaching you how to style your websites for everyone, regardless of ability.

    Embrace the unknown: The web is constantly evolving, and so should your skills. This book encourages experimentation and exploration, pushing you to break boundaries and embrace the endless possibilities of CSS.

    7: JavaScript: The Good Part by Douglas Crockford

    JavaScript: The Good Part by Douglas Crockford
    OriellyThis book is widely considered to be the best front-end development book available. Written by Douglas Crockford, it covers the most important aspects of JavaScript, including objects, functions, inheritance, and arrays. It also provides a thorough overview of the language's unique syntax and semantics.

    Perhaps most importantly, it teaches readers how to avoid common mistakes and how to write code that is more reliable and easier to maintain. As a result, JavaScript: The Good Part makes excellent frontend books essential for anyone who wants to master the front-end development. 

    Meta info: Originally released in 2008 and now in its second edition, this JavaScript resource continues to be highly regarded. Earning an impressive Goodreads rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars from over 8,000 reviews, the book is published by No Starch Press, known for its quality technical publications. Geared towards intermediate and advanced JavaScript developers, the content may be challenging for beginners; however, those with some programming experience can find certain chapters accessible. This edition stands as a valuable reference for enhancing the skills of developers in the dynamic realm of JavaScript.

    Key takeaways:

    • Deep understanding of JavaScript fundamentals: Goes beyond syntax and teaches the "why" behind the code, helping you build a strong foundation in core JavaScript concepts.
    • Focus on writing clean and maintainable code: Emphasizes best practices and coding styles for creating reliable and readable JavaScript applications.
    • Critical thinking and problem-solving skills: Challenges readers to think critically about the language and encourages them to find efficient solutions to programming problems.
    • Understanding the "bad parts" of JavaScript: While advocating for a specific subset, the book also touches upon aspects of the language considered less optimal, providing valuable insights for experienced developers.
    • Humorous and engaging writing style: Despite the technical content, the book employs wit and humor, making the learning process more enjoyable and engaging.

    8: SASS and Compass In Action by Brandon Mathis, Natalie Weizenbaum, Wynn Netherland, Chris Eppstein

    SASS and Compass In Action
    Orielly If you're looking for a book that will teach you everything you need to know about front-end development, then SASS And Compass In Action is a perfect choice. This comprehensive guide covers everything from basic HTML and CSS to more advanced topics like responsive design and animation.

    You'll learn how to use SASS and Compass to streamline your workflow and create faster more efficient code. And best of all, the book includes detailed examples and hands-on exercises to help you put your new skills into practice immediately. 

    Meta info: Released in 2013 and currently in its first edition, this CSS resource has garnered notable acclaim. With a Goodreads rating of 3.98 out of 5 stars, based on over 10,000 ratings, the book is published by Manning Publications, a reputable source for technical literature. Tailored for intermediate and advanced CSS developers, the content assumes some prior knowledge of Sass and Compass. This edition stands as a valuable asset for those looking to deepen their expertise in Cascading Style Sheets, offering insights and practices relevant to developers with a solid foundation in the field.

    Key Takeaways:

    • Master Sass and Compass: Gain in-depth knowledge of Sass's powerful features and syntax, while mastering Compass's vast library of tools for advanced layout, mixins, and responsive design.
    • Boost your CSS productivity: Learn techniques to write cleaner, more maintainable, and reusable CSS code with Sass and Compass, significantly improving your workflow.
    • Solve common CSS challenges: The book tackles common pain points in CSS development, providing effective solutions for grid layouts, vendor prefixes, responsive design, and more.
    • Explore advanced topics: Delve into advanced concepts like CSS animations, testing, and building your own Sass frameworks, pushing your CSS skills to the next level.
    • Learn from the creators: Gain valuable insights from the authors, directly involved in the development of Sass and Compass, ensuring accuracy and relevance.

    9: Secrets of JavaScript Ninja by Bear Bibeault, John Resig, and Josip Maras

    Secrets of JavaScript Ninja
    AmazonAs a front-end developer, you need to have a strong foundation in JavaScript. Secrets Of JavaScript Ninja is one of the best front end books to help you learn JavaScript and improve your development skills.

    The book covers all the core concepts of JavaScript, including objects, functions, and prototypes. In addition, it provides detailed explanations of how to use popular libraries and frameworks, such as React and Angular. 

    Meta info: Originally published in 2011 and now in its second edition, this JavaScript guide has maintained its relevance and popularity. With an impressive Goodreads rating of 4.3 out of 5 stars, derived from over 23,000 reviews, the book is published by Manning Publications, known for its quality technical literature. Tailored for intermediate and advanced JavaScript developers, it also serves as a valuable resource for beginners aiming to deepen their understanding of the language. This edition stands as a comprehensive reference, catering to a diverse audience with varying levels of JavaScript expertise.

    Key takeaways:

    • Deeper understanding of JavaScript fundamentals: Goes beyond syntax and teaches the "why" behind the code, equipping you with a strong foundation in core JavaScript concepts and best practices.
    • Modern JavaScript approaches: Covers advanced topics like asynchronous programming, functional programming, and design patterns, preparing you for current web development trends.
    • Focus on code quality and maintainability: Emphasizes writing clean, efficient, and well-organized code that is easy to understand and modify.
    • Problem-solving skills and critical thinking: Encourages you to think critically about problems and come up with creative and effective solutions using JavaScript.
    • Engaging and humorous writing style: Despite the technical content, the book employs humor and real-world examples to make the learning process enjoyable and engaging.

    10: HTML5: The Missing Manual by Matthew MacDonald

    AmazonThe HTML5 is the perfect book for anyone who wants to learn front-end development. Matthew Randolph, the author of this book knows how to engage readers and teach them the most complex elements in a fun way. This book covers everything from basic HTML and CSS to more advanced topics like JavaScript and AJAX.

    With clear explanations and practical examples, HTML5: The Missing Manual is an essential guide for anyone who wants to build websites that look great and work flawlessly. Experienced web developers will appreciate the book's concise coverage of HTML5's new features, while beginners will find the step-by-step tutorials easy to follow. 

    Meta info: Originally released in 2011 and now in its second edition since 2013, this programming resource has proven to be a valuable companion for learners. Earning a commendable Goodreads rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars from over 12,000 reviews, the book is published by O'Reilly Media, known for its comprehensive educational materials. Tailored for beginners and intermediate learners with minimal to no prior coding experience, this edition serves as an accessible entry point into the world of programming, providing a solid foundation for those looking to grasp the subject matter effectively.

    Key takeaways:

    • Master the basics of HTML5: Learn how to build website structures, add meaning with semantic tags, and utilize new HTML5 features like audio, video, forms, and canvas for richer user experiences.
    • Build interactive web pages: Explore interactive elements like drag-and-drop, geolocation, and offline capabilities, empowering you to create dynamic and engaging websites.
    • Responsive design principles: Understand responsive design techniques for creating websites that adapt seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices.
    • Clear and concise explanations: The book is known for its friendly and approachable writing style, making complex concepts easy to understand even for complete beginners.
    • Hands-on learning: Filled with practical exercises and examples, it guides you through the process of building your own web pages and applying your knowledge.

    How to Choose the Best Front-end Development Books?

    There are some incredible Front end developer books. However, not all of them are created equal. When searching for the best development books on the front end, there are a few things to look for. 

    • The book should be comprehensive, covering all the essential topics in front-end development.
    • It should also be well-organized so that readers can easily find the information they're looking for.
    • The book should be written in clear, concise language that is easy to understand 
    • Most importantly, the book should be up-to-date, so that it includes the latest information on front-end development techniques and trends. 

    By considering all of these factors, you can be sure to find the best books on front-end development to help you learn and improve your skills. Know more about Front end frameworks for web development

    Benefits of Learning Front End Developments in the Modern Era

    In this day and age, it is good to have some coding knowledge under your belt. The world is increasingly run by computers and code, and those who know how to code have a distinct advantage.

    In the modern world, it's more important than ever to have a working knowledge of front-end development. 

    I’ll give you certain reasons why I chose to learn front-end development: 

    Increased Value

    Front-end development has enhanced my value by providing a well-rounded skill set, making me an indispensable asset to any team or organization.

    Dynamic and Ever-Changing Field

    I find front-end development to be an exciting and continually evolving field, ensuring that I stay engaged by learning new things and keeping up with the latest trends.

    High Demand

    Front-end development skills are highly sought after in the job market. Employers consistently look for candidates with strong front-end development skills, and the average salary for a front-end developer exceeds $100,000 per year.

    Up-to-Date with Trends

    Constantly evolving, front-end development keeps me abreast of the latest trends. With new technologies and frameworks emerging regularly, learning front-end development ensures that I am always ahead of the curve.


    Proficiency in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript enables me to be flexible and easily transition between different projects. I can adapt my skills to meet the unique needs of each project, enhancing my overall effectiveness as a developer.

    Plenty of Resources to Learn Front-end Development - There are many resources available to help you learn front-end development such as books and Full Stack Developer course online, so there's no excuse not to get started. 

    Proven Ways to Learn Front End Development

    There is always more than one way to do a thing. You can learn front end development in the following ways: 

    • Self-study: You can learn front end development through self-study. This means finding resources online or in frontend books and working through them on your own. This option is great for those who are self-motivated and want to learn at their own pace. 
    • Certification: This is one way to learn front end development. front end development certification can be obtained from many websites and institutions. 
    • Online courses: There are many online courses available that can help you learn front end development. These courses are often self-paced and you can learn at your own convenience. 
    • Bootcamps:  Front-end Development Bootcamp training is another great way to learn front end development. They are often intensive and provide you with all the resources and support you need to succeed. 
    • In-person classes:  In-person classes are a great option if you want to learn front-end development in a more traditional setting. They can be found at community colleges or universities. 

    Whichever approach you choose, make sure to put in the time and effort required to master front end development. 

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    Closing Note

    If you want to become a front-end developer, or just want to learn more about the topic, these are the 10 frontend books that I recommend. They will give you a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as help you develop your own style and approach to front-end development.

    Pick your favorite from our list and start reading today! And if you don’t have time to read all of them, at least check out the first one – it might be just what you need to take your development skills to the next level. If you are interested in making a career out of front end development, getting KnowledgeHut Front End Development certification is the useful.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How do I teach myself front end development?

    There are a few ways to teach yourself front end development. One way is to find resources online, such as tutorials, blog posts, and video courses. Another way is to buy frontend books or take courses from experts. 

    2What should I study to become a front end developer?

    Some important things to study include HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, it is important to have a strong understanding of web browsers and how they work. It is also helpful to know about server-side programming languages, such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Node.js. 

    3What is best for front end development?

    There is no one best way to front end development. However, it is important to have a strong understanding of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, it is important to have a strong understanding of web browsers and how they work. Additionally, knowing about server-side programming languages can be helpful. 

    4Is Front End Dev hard?

    Front-end development can be challenging at times, but it is also a rewarding field. There are a few things that can make front end development difficult, such as keeping up with the latest technologies and trends.

    Additionally, working with code can be challenging if you are not familiar with programming languages. However, there are many resources available such as front end development books and Bootcamp training to help front-end developers learn and grow in their careers. 

    5Is frontend harder than backend?

    Both frontend and backend development can be challenging, depending on your experience and skills. Additionally, each field requires a different set of skills. Frontend developers typically need to be strong in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Backend developers need to be strong in server-side programming languages, such as PHP, Ruby on Rails, and Node.js. 

    6Is frontend developer in demand?

    There is high demand for front-end developers. This is because front end development is essential for building websites and web applications. Additionally, front end developers are in high demand because they can often be cross-trained to work on backend development tasks. 

    Many companies are in need of front-end developers, including Google, Facebook, Amazon, and Microsoft. Front-end developers are essential for these companies, as they build the user interfaces for websites and web applications. 


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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