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HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentHTML vs XHTML - Key Difference

HTML vs XHTML - Key Difference

05th Sep, 2023
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    HTML vs XHTML - Key Difference

    The two most popular markup languages for organizing and displaying content on the World Wide Web are HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) and XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language), yet they are somewhat different from one another. HTML, the older of the two, is a more forgiving and lenient language that allows for flexible syntax and accepts various coding errors. On the other hand, XHTML is a stricter and more standardized version of HTML, adhering to XML rules and regulations. 

    For example, XHTML demands well-formed code, enforcing correct tag nesting and attribute quoting. It also requires all elements to be closed and uses lowercase tags. These stricter rules ensure greater consistency, compatibility, and accessibility across web browsers and devices. Understanding the differences between HTML and XHTML is crucial for web developers, enabling them to make informed decisions regarding the appropriate markup language for their projects.

    What is HTML? 

    HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is fundamental for creating and structuring web pages. It offers a collection of tags and elements that outline the framework and information seen on a website. HTML uses a hierarchical structure to organize information, allowing users to add headings, paragraphs, images, links, and other elements to create a coherent and interactive browsing experience. It serves as the backbone of the web, providing the foundation for displaying text, images, multimedia, and other elements across different web browsers and devices. HTML files are written in plain text and are interpreted by web browsers to render the content visually.

    To gain expertise in HTML and maximize your web development skills, consider enrolling in the Best HTML Course with comprehensive training and resources, enabling you to create engaging and visually appealing web pages.


    <!DOCTYPE html>
     <title>My First Webpage</title>
     <h1>Welcome to My Webpage</h1>
     <p>This is a paragraph of text.</p>
     <img src="image.jpg" alt="My Image" />
     <a href="">Visit</a>

    In this example, we have a basic HTML structure. The <html> element is the root element, and it contains the <head> and <body> sections. The <head> section typically includes meta information and the page title. The <body> section contains the visible content of the webpage. We have used the <h1> element for a heading, the <p> element for a paragraph of text, the <img> element for an image, and the <a> element for a hyperlink to another webpage.

    What is XHTML? 

    XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) is a more standardized and stricter version of HTML. It combines the syntax and rules of HTML with the more stringent syntax of XML (eXtensible Markup Language). XHTML requires adherence to well-formed code, including proper nesting of tags, closing of all elements, and using lowercase tags. It aims to ensure greater consistency, compatibility, and accessibility across different web browsers and devices. In addition, XHTML is designed to be easily parsed and processed by humans and machines, making it a more robust and efficient markup language for web development.

    To enhance your web development skills and gain expertise in XHTML and HTML, consider enrolling in the best Web Development course to help you master the intricacies, enabling you to create well-structured and compliant web pages.


    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
     <title>My First Webpage</title>
     <h1>Welcome to My Webpage</h1>
     <p>This is a paragraph of text.</p>
     <img src="image.jpg" alt="My Image" />
     <a href="">Visit</a>

    This example has an XHTML code snippet that closely resembles the previous HTML example. However, there are a few key differences. Firstly, we have added a Document Type Declaration (DTD) specifying the XHTML 1.0 Strict doctype. Secondly, we have included the xmlns attribute in the <html> element to associate the XHTML namespace. Lastly, we have added a trailing slash / to self-closing elements like the <img> tag to conform to XML syntax rules. These changes adhere to the stricter guidelines of XHTML, ensuring well-formed and standardized code.

    HTML vs XHTML Table 

    Here's a comparison table highlighting the key html and xhtml differences:

    SyntaxMore forgiving and flexibleStricter and follows XML syntax
    Tag NestingAllows inconsistent and unclosed tagsRequires proper nesting and closing of tags
    Tag QuotingAllows unquoted attribute valuesRequires attribute values to be quoted
    Element ClosingSome elements can be left unclosedAll elements must be closed (self-closing if applicable)
    Case SensitivityCase-insensitive for tags and attributesCase-sensitive for tags and attributes
    CompatibilityLess consistent across different browsers and devicesMore consistent and compatible across browsers and devices
    ParsingTolerates coding errors and parses documents with leniencyRequires well-formed code and strict parsing
    AdoptionWidely adopted and supportedLess commonly used, as HTML5 is the preferred choice
    Future DevelopmentNo longer actively developed or expandedConsidered as a predecessor to HTML5

    Please note that while HTML5 is the current standard for web development, XHTML is considered an older specification and is not actively developed or expanded upon. HTML5 offers more modern features, improved compatibility, and better support for multimedia content.

    XHTML vs HTML5 

    HTML vs XHTML: Definition

    The preferred language for building web pages is HTML. It provides a set of tags and elements that define a webpage's structure, layout, and content. HTML is flexible in its syntax and allows for variations and leniency in coding. As a result, it is widely adopted and supported across different browsers and devices. On the other hand, XHTML (Extensible Hypertext Markup Language) is a stricter and more standardized version of HTML. It combines HTML syntax with the more stringent rules of XML, requiring well-formed code, proper tag nesting, closing all elements, and using lowercase tags. XHTML aims to ensure consistency, compatibility, and accessibility across platforms. While HTML5 has largely superseded XHTML, it retains its significance as an earlier specification that emphasized well-formedness and strict parsing.

    HTML vs XHTML: Syntax

    HTML has a more forgiving and flexible syntax compared to XHTML. In HTML, there is flexibility in writing tags and attribute values using uppercase or lowercase letters, and attribute values can be unquoted. It allows for variations in tag nesting and unclosed tags in some instances without causing parsing errors. On the other hand, XHTML follows stricter XML syntax rules. It requires well-formed and standardized code, enforcing proper tag nesting, closing all elements, and using lowercase tags and quoted attribute values. XHTML strictly adheres to XML syntax, using self-closing tags for empty details. Any violations of these rules in XHTML result in parsing errors. While HTML allows for more leniency, XHTML demands stricter adherence to syntax rules to ensure a valid and structured document.

    HTML vs XHTML: Document Type Declaration (DTD)

    HTML and XHTML differ in their Document Type Declaration (DTD) requirements. In HTML, the Document Type Declaration is optional, and the HTML document can be considered valid even without specifying a specific DTD. 

    However, in XHTML, the Document Type Declaration is mandatory and plays a crucial role in determining the version and conformance of the XHTML document. XHTML documents must declare the appropriate DTD, such as XHTML 1.0 Strict, Transitional, or Frameset, to ensure adherence to the specific XHTML standard. In addition, the DTD declaration in XHTML serves as a contract between the document author and the browser, providing guidelines for parsing and rendering the document accurately. Failing to include the correct DTD in an XHTML document can lead to validation errors and potential rendering inconsistencies across browsers.

    HTML vs XHTML: Namespaces

    HTML and XHTML differ in their approach to namespaces. HTML does not explicitly support namespaces and does not require the use of namespace prefixes. All elements and attributes in HTML are considered in the default namespace. On the other hand, XHTML incorporates XML's namespace feature. It allows using namespace prefixes to differentiate between different namespaces within an XHTML document. XHTML documents typically include the `xmlns` attribute in the root element to associate the XHTML namespace. This allows XHTML to integrate with other XML-based technologies and enables using elements and attributes from different namespaces within the document. Namespaces in XHTML help prevent naming conflicts and promote modularity and interoperability when combining XHTML with other XML languages or technologies.

    HTML vs XHTML: Attributes

    HTML and XHTML treat attributes with some differences. In HTML, attribute values can be unquoted or enclosed in single or double quotation marks. Quotation marks are optional for most cases, and attribute values can be left empty or contain spaces without strict enforcement. However, XHTML follows the rules more stringent for attribute handling. Attribute values must be quoted with either single or double quotation marks. Empty attribute values are not allowed, and spaces within attribute values must be properly encoded. XHTML enforces these rules to ensure well-formed XML syntax and consistent attribute handling. By adhering to strict attribute quoting and value encoding, XHTML promotes better interoperability and compatibility across browsers and XML-based technologies.

    HTML vs XHTML: Deprecation

    HTML and XHTML have gone through different deprecation phases in the evolution of web standards. HTML4, which preceded XHTML, introduced some elements and attributes later deprecated in HTML5. These deprecated features are still supported for backward compatibility but are discouraged in favor of more modern alternatives. On the other hand, XHTML has seen a decrease in its usage and support. XHTML 1.0, which aimed to combine the strictness of XML with HTML, has been largely superseded by HTML5 as the preferred choice for web development. XHTML is considered an older specification and is no longer actively developed or expanded. While XHTML emphasized well-formedness and strict parsing, it has been primarily surpassed by the wider adoption and development of HTML5.

    HTML vs XHTML: Future

    HTML5 is the current standard for web development and is widely adopted and supported. It provides rich features, improved compatibility, and enhanced multimedia support. In contrast, XHTML is considered an older specification and is not actively developed or expanded upon. As a result, its usage has declined over time, and HTML5 has become the preferred choice for modern web development. Furthermore, while XHTML emphasized well-formedness and strict parsing, it has mainly been superseded by the broader adoption and ongoing development of HTML5. Therefore, HTML5 represents the future of web development, offering new capabilities and advancements to meet evolving web needs.

    Advantages & Disadvantages of Both 

    Advantages of HTML:

    1. Flexibility: HTML offers more flexibility in syntax and coding, allowing for variations and leniency. This can be advantageous for quick prototyping or in scenarios where strict adherence to syntax rules is not a priority.

    2. Wide Adoption: HTML has been widely adopted and supported across browsers and devices. It is the standard for building websites and makes sure that a wide range of people can use them.

    3. Backward Compatibility: HTML maintains backward compatibility with older versions, ensuring that websites built using previous HTML standards can still be rendered correctly by modern browsers.

    4. Easier Learning Curve: HTML has a relatively more straightforward learning curve than XHTML, making it more accessible to beginners or individuals looking for a quick start in web development.

    Disadvantages of HTML:

    1. Inconsistencies: Due to its forgiving syntax, HTML may result in inconsistencies across different browsers and devices. The rendering of HTML elements and features can vary, leading to potential compatibility issues.

    2. Lack of Strictness: HTML's leniency in syntax can lead to code that needs to be well-structured or semantically correct, which may impact maintainability and scalability.

    3. Reduced Extensibility: HTML may not support certain advanced features or technologies, limiting the extensibility and flexibility of web development.

    Advantages of XHTML:

    1. Standardization: XHTML follows strict syntax rules based on XML, ensuring well-formed and standardized code. This promotes consistency, interoperability, and compatibility across browsers and devices.

    2. Enhanced Parsing: XHTML's strict syntax allows for easier parsing by humans and machines, resulting in cleaner code and reducing the likelihood of errors or ambiguities.

    3. Integration with XML Technologies: XHTML can be easily integrated with other XML-based technologies, enabling seamless interoperability and modularity within a web project.

    4. Better Future-proofing: XHTML, being based on XML, aligns with a more structured and disciplined approach to web development, which can help in future-proofing websites.

    Disadvantages of XHTML:

    1. Strict Syntax Requirements: The strict syntax requirements of XHTML can be more challenging for beginners or those not familiar with XML rules, leading to a steeper learning curve.

    2. Decreased Adoption: XHTML has decreased adoption and support compared to HTML and HTML5. It is considered an older specification yet to be actively developed or expanded upon.

    3. Compatibility Challenges: Some older web browsers may have limited support for XHTML, leading to potential compatibility challenges when targeting a broader range of users.

    4. Limited Feature Set: XHTML's focus on strict syntax and compatibility may limit access to certain advanced features or technologies available in HTML5.

    Similarities between HTML and XHTML 

    HTML and XHTML share several similarities, including:

    1. Basic Structure: HTML and XHTML follow a similar basic structure consisting of HTML tags, attributes, and content. They both allow the creation of web pages with headings, paragraphs, images, links, and other common elements.

    2. Tag Semantics: HTML and XHTML use similar tag semantics to define the structure and presentation of content. The purpose and functionality of tags like `<h1>`, `<p>,` `<img>,` and `<a>` are the same in both languages.

    3. Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): HTML and XHTML support using CSS for styling and layout purposes. CSS can be applied to elements in both languages to control their appearance and positioning on the webpage.

    4. Client-side Scripting: HTML and XHTML can incorporate client-side scripting languages like JavaScript. They provide a platform for executing web page interactive functionality and dynamic behavior.

    5. Accessibility: Both HTML and XHTML emphasize the importance of accessibility. They provide attributes and guidelines to enhance web page accessibility, such as alternative text for images, semantic structure, and proper use of headings.

    6. URL Linking: HTML and XHTML both support the creation of hyperlinks using the `<a>` tag. They allow the specification of URLs to link to other web pages or resources.

    7. Web Browser Rendering: Both HTML and XHTML are rendered by web browsers, which parse the markup and display the content to the user. They rely on the browser's rendering engine to accurately interpret and present the web page.

    There are also various html to xhtml converter(s) online; if you want you can quickly change html/xhtml to your desired one.

    What Should You Choose Between HTML vs XHTML? 

    When deciding between HTML and XHTML, it is recommended to choose HTML, specifically the latest version, HTML5, for web development projects. Here's why:

    Modern Standard: HTML5 is widely adopted and supported by browsers and devices, offering rich features, improved multimedia support, and enhanced compatibility.

    Flexibility: HTML5 has a more forgiving and flexible syntax than XHTML, making it easier for beginners to learn and work with.

    Better Browser Support: HTML5 is well-supported by modern web browsers, ensuring consistent rendering and functionality across platforms, while XHTML may have limited support in older browsers.

    Wider Adoption: HTML5 has gained significant popularity with a vast developer community, providing ample resources, documentation, and community support.

    Extensive Feature Set: HTML5 introduces new semantic elements, audio/video playback, canvas for graphics, geolocation, local storage, and more, making it suitable for building interactive and multimedia-rich web applications.

    However, there may be specific cases where XHTML is required, such as working with legacy systems or XML-based environments. For most web development projects, choosing HTML5 is recommended due to its modern standardization, flexibility, better browser support, wider adoption, and extensive features.


    In conclusion, HTML and XHTML are two markup languages for creating web pages. HTML, specifically HTML5, is the current standard and widely adopted choice for modern web development. It offers flexibility in syntax, better browser support, a wide range of features, and extensive community resources. On the other hand, XHTML is an older specification that combines HTML syntax with XML's stricter rules. While XHTML emphasized well-formedness and strict parsing, its usage and support have declined.

    For most web development projects, HTML5 is recommended due to its modern standards, broader support, flexibility, and extensive feature set. However, there may be specific cases where XHTML is necessary, such as working with legacy systems or environments that require XML-based languages. Therefore, it's essential to consider the particular requirements of your project and the level of compatibility and standard adherence needed before deciding between HTML and XHTML. 

    To enhance your HTML skills and knowledge, consider enrolling in KnowledgeHut's Best HTML Course, that will provide comprehensive learning resources and practical training to help you master HTML5 and CSS3.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the common HTML XHTML errors?
    • Unclosed tags: Forgetting to close HTML tags properly can result in parsing errors.
    • Invalid attribute values: Using incorrect or unquoted attribute values can lead to rendering inconsistencies.
    • Incorrect nesting: Improperly nested HTML tags can affect the structure and layout of the webpage.
    2Is XHTML supported by all major browsers?

    XHTML is supported by major browsers, but some older browsers may have limited or inconsistent support for XHTML.

    3Can I use XHTML instead of HTML?

    Yes, you can use XHTML instead of HTML, but it is no longer the preferred choice for most web development projects. HTML5 is widely adopted and offers more flexibility and extensive features compared to XHTML.


    Mritunjay Gupta


    I'm an undergraduate student who is passionate about solving real-life problems. I'm fascinated by software development and product management. I love to learn new stuff that interests me and can help me get better at what I do. I love to work with people who are passionate about building solutions.

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