HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentReact componentDidUpdate() Method [A Beginner's Guide]

React componentDidUpdate() Method [A Beginner's Guide]

18th Jun, 2024
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    React componentDidUpdate() Method [A Beginner's Guide]

    React is a powerful view library that helps you build user interfaces. In addition to its stand-out functionalities, React also offers several methods that make development easier, including the ability to use components. Components are an integral part of React development that allows for breaking the user interface into smaller, more manageable chunks. Web development enthusiasts looking forward to mastering React must dive deep into React methods and component topics.  

    Out of the four built-in methods in React — constructor(), getDerivedStateFromProps(), render() and componentDidMount (), the componentDidUpdate() method is most commonly used in web development projects. This blog will look at how you can use the componentDidUpdate lifecycle method in React components. Also, we will dive deep into some of the benefits of using React componentDidUpdate and its examples.  

    Let's Start!

    What is React componentDidUpdate?

    ComponentDidUpdate is a React component lifecycle method invoked immediately after a component's updates are flushed to the DOM. This is one of the most used built-in methods, which is not called for the initial render nor applicable to your functional details.

    However, this method is useful for setting states based on props changes or performing side-effects such as fetching data from an API. Also, you can use React hooks for functional components to achieve the same functionality.

    Syntax of React componentDidUpdate()

    componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState, snapshot)

    Let’s define the parameters used in the componentDidUpdate function:

    • prevProps: This is the first argument, and it passes the previous props to the component.
    • prevState: This is the second argument, and it passes the previous state of the component.
    • snapshot: Returns value using the getSnapshotBeforeUpdate() method.

    Take a look at an example of how componentDidUpdate is used to set the state based on the modifications made on props:

    class MyComponent extends React. Component
        componentDidUpdate(prevState, prevProps)
          // Access props with this.props
          // Access state with this.state
          // prevState contains state before update
          // prevProps contains props before update
     render() {
          return <div></div>;

    Note that you should not call setState() in componentDidUpdate() hooks. Calling the setState() function will cause a rerender of the component and also lead to performance issues. If you need to set state based on props changes, use componentWillReceiveProps() instead. Assuming you need to work on something while the initial rendering, use the componentDidMount() function instead.

    To learn more about React and know the flow of learning React from the start, you can check the React JS syllabus for our courses.

    React Lifecycle Methods

    When Does React ComponentDidUpdate Get Called?

    The React Component Did Update method gets called after a component has been updated. It is invoked immediately after updating occurs and not before. This means that even if you set the state in this method, it will not trigger another update,

    There are several use cases for this lifecycle method:

    • You can access the previous React props and state of the component by passing in the arguments `pre props` and `private`. This can be helpful for comparison purposes or if you need to make sure that certain values have changed before acting.
    • You can call setState here, which will trigger an update to the component. However, be aware that this will create an infinite loop if not used properly.
    • You can perform side effects here, such as making an API call or setting up a subscription. Just be sure to clean up any side effects before the component unmounts.

    When to Use React componentDidUpdate Hook?

    There are a few situations where the componentDidUpdate capacity can be useful.

    1. Working with DOM

    In this section, we’ll walk through the use of componentDidUpdate when working with DOM. We’ll get the component’s positioning, orientation, and dimensioning using DOM nodes. Also, we have an option to initialise an animation or pass the underlying DOM node to third-party non-React libraries.

    Here, we will access the underlying DOM nodes of React components using this function. Let’s understand with the help of an example where the size the box will get updated every the "Resize" button is clicked:

    class MyComponent extends React.Component {
        constructor(props) {
          this.state = { size: 100 };
          this.boxRef = React.createRef();
      handleIncrementClick = () => {
          // set new state to force update
          this.setState((state, props) => ({ size: state.size + 10 }));
     componentDidUpdate(prevState, prevProps) {
          // react to update and change the HTML element's size
          this.boxRef.current.style.width = `${this.state.size}px`;
          this.boxRef.current.style.height = `${this.state.size}px`;
       render() {
          return (
              <button onClick={this.handleIncrementClick}>Resize</button>
              <div ref={this.boxRef}></div>


    We have a component that acts as a storage house and keeps the record of the size value. On clicking the "Resize" button, the function handleIncrementClick increments the size by 10, and simultaneously the state is changed via the setState function. As a result, the component gets updated. 


    Every time the “Resize” button is clicked and the setState function is called, the componentDidUpdate function starts running, and the component gets updated. Also, you can use componentDidUpdate to get the ref to the div DOM element and adjust the basic dimensional properties like width and height.

    2. Requesting Data from the Server

    The function componentDidUpdate is also helpful when fetching data from a server. That means you can use componentDidUpdate to fetch data from a targeted server or API 

    Let’s understand with the help of an example where we will pull data from a server.  A user will have a list of projects, and the name of an individual user will be selected using buttons, while a list of user's projects will be fetched from a server. 

    In the parent MyComponent component, there are two buttons - one for selecting the name of the user and the other ProjectsComponent component to show the list of projects.

    class MyComponent extends React.Component { 
        constructor(props) { 
          this.state = { client: '' }; 
     setMichael = () => { 
          this.setState({ client: 'Michael' }); 
      setNora = () => { 
          this.setState({ client: 'Nora' }); 
    render() { 
          return ( 
              <button onClick={this.setMichael}>Michael</button> 
              <button onClick={this.setNora}>Nora</button> 
              <ProjectsComponent client={this.state.client} /> 
      // We will implement this component shortly 
      class ProjectsComponent extends React.Component { 

    In our example, the MyComponent is the parent component, and the child is the ProjectsComponent. The parent component stores the client’s details and passes them to the child component. As the client values get updated, the child gets notified and receives new props 

    Let's implement the ProjectsComponent showing a list of projects for a selected user: 

    class ProjectsComponent extends React.Component { 
        constructor(props) { 
          this.state = { projects: [] }; 
     // Emulate server data fetch. Return data after 300 ms timeout 
        fetchData = client => { 
          setTimeout(() => { 
                client === 'Michael' 
                  ? ['Project Aiden', 'Project Brook'] 
                  : ['Project Cecilia', 'Project Delta'] 
          }, 300); 
    componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { 
          // check whether client has changed 
          if (prevProps.client !== this.props.client) { 
    render() { 
          // render a list of projects 
          return ( 
              <b>Projects for {this.props.client}</b> 
                {this.state.projects.map(project => ( 

    By comparing the prevProps and this.props values, we verify the client’s present status. Whenever the client details get updated, we request a list of their projects from a server. On successful receiving the remote data, the component’s state gets updated with a list of projects. 

    While we update the component's internal state, it triggers a new update and the componentDidUpdate gets called. Extra attention must be given when using the setState function in the componentDidUpdate because if the values are not set correctly, the code block may run an infinite loop. Verify the name of the client in props to prevent infinite loop:

    class ProjectsComponent extends React.Component { 
    constructor(props) { 
          this.state = { projects: [] }; 
     // Emulate server data fetch. Return data after 300 ms timeout 
        fetchData = client => { 
          setTimeout(() => { 
                client === 'Michael' 
                  ? ['Project Aiden', 'Project Brook'] 
                  : ['Project Cecilia', 'Project Delta'] 
          }, 300); 
     componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { 
          // check whether client has changed 
          if (prevProps.client !== this.props.client) { 
    render() { 
     // render a list of projects 
          return ( 
              <b>Projects for {this.props.client}</b> 
                {this.state.projects.map(project => ( 

    Minimising Updates with shouldComponentUpdate  

    Another important area where componentDidUpdate is used is to reduce updates. In React, you can leverage the shouldComponentUpdate function to optimize the component performance. This function gets called before an update resulting in a boost and high performance.   

    React takes the result of shouldComponentUpdate into consideration and updates accordingly. By default, the shouldComponentUpdate function returns true to verify an update. However,  you can also override this function and return false if there is no need for updates.   

    The shouldComponentUpdate function takes the values of the next properties and next state as arguments. This.props and this.state can be used to access current properties and state. However, the function didComponentUpdate is not called if React skips an update:

    class MyComponent extends React.Component { 
        shouldComponentUpdate(nextProps, nextState) { 
          // add condition to check whether need to update 
          // return false to hint React to avoid update 
          if (this.props.name !== nextProps.name) { 
            return false; 
    return true; 
     render() { 
    return <div></div>; 

    How to Use React.PureComponent for Performance?

    React.PureComponent is mainly used for performance optimization. As React component render() function returns the same result with the identical properties and state, you can use React.PureComponent to improve performance in many cases. Pure components are exactly like regular components except for two things: they implement shouldComponentUpdate() with a shallow comparison of props and state, and they don't support the componentDidUpdate() lifecycle hook. 

    Instead of implementing the shouldComponentUpdate function, use React.PureComponent as a base class for the component. React.PureComponent implements shouldComponentUpdate and subtly compares props and state to check if there is a need for an update. When comparing, it takes the props and state objects properties and confirms the equality of the current and the next values.

    class MyComponent extends React.PureComponent { 
        // we don't need to implement shouldComponentUpdate 
        // React.PureComponent does that 
     render() { 
          return <div></div>; 

    The advantage of using React.PureComponent is that you don't have to worry about accidentally rerendering your component when there's no need to. If you forget to add a shouldComponentUpdate() method to a regular component or write one that always returns true with React.PureComponent, the default behaviour is already optimised for performance. 

    Warning Bells! 

    There are a few trade-offs to be aware of when using React.PureComponent, though. 

    First, because the shouldComponentUpdate() method only makes a shallow comparison of props and state, it won't work well if your component has complex data structures. If you need shouldComponentUpdate() to make a deep comparison, you can write it yourself or use a library like Immutable.js. 

    Secondly, Pure components don't support the componentDidUpdate() lifecycle hook. If you need to do any post-processing after a component update, you'll have to do it in the component's update() lifecycle hook instead. 

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    Examples of Using React componentDidUpdate Hook

    Let’s look at the componentDidUpdate examples and how we can use them in our project. 

    Example:1 We will build a basic React application that changes the heading text when the component gets updated. 

    Step-1: Create a project and call it demoproject:

    npx create-react-app demoproject

    Step-2:  Move to the current directory using the cd command:

    cd functiondemo 

    Step-3: Add the following block of code to your JavaScript file:

    mport React from 'react'; 
    class App extends React.Component { 
    // Define the state 
    state = { 
        company: 'KnowHut' 
    componentDidMount() { 
        // Change the state after 600ms 
        setTimeout(() => { 
        this.setState({ company: 'KnowledgeHut' }); 
        }, 600); 
    componentDidUpdate() { 
        document.getElementById('warning').innerHTML = 
        'P.s: KnowHut is also known as ' + this.state.company; 
    render() { 
        return ( 
            <h1 style={{ 
            margin: 'auto', 
            width: '50%', 
            padding: 20, 
            marginTop: '10%', 
            border: 'solid 1px black', 
            textAlign: 'center', 
            fontSize: 18, 
            Best Online Training and Certifications : 
            <div id="warning"></div> 
    export default App;

    Step-4: RUN the code: 

    npm start 

    As output, you will see the application changing the text in the heading every time the component gets updated. 

    Example:2 Using componentDidUpdate() to increment a counter when the component becomes visible.

    class ExampleComponent extends React.Component { 
          this.state = { 
            counter: 0, 
          this.incrementCounter = this.incrementCounter.bind(this); 
     componentDidUpdate(prevProps, prevState) { 
          if (this.props.isVisible && !prevProps.isVisible) { 
     incrementCounter() { 
          this.setState((state) => ({ counter: state.counter + 1 })); 
     render() { 
          return ( 

    In the above example, the component update method sets the state based on props changes. The component's update method is invoked whenever the component's props or state changes. In this case, we are using it to increment a counter when the component becomes visible. 

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    ComponentDidUpdate is part of the React component lifecycle. We use it to respond to external changes to a component's details or changes to its internal state. With componentDidUpdate, you can modify the central DOM node, request remote data, and update the internal state of your components. However, this must not be an end to expanding your knowledge in React. Check out the KnowledgeHut’s React JS syllabus and course details to get the complete knowledge at one place.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the use of componentDidUpdate?

    The componentDidUpdate() method allows us to run React code when the component is updated. Any network requests that must be made when the details are passed to the component change are coded here.

    2When should I use componentDidUpdate?

    The DidUpdate component is useful when an activity should be performed after the DOM has been refreshed and the update line is vacant. This is generally helpful for complex delivery and state or DOM changes, or when you need to do some activity at the last.

    3What is componentDidUpdate in Hooks?

    Each React part has a lifecycle, and one of them is componentDidUpdate.This lifecycle is when the React component state or prop value is updated. In class components, use the componentDidUpdate method to trigger side effects for the life cycle.

    4Why is componentDidUpdate not called?

    The component will update() before rendering when a new detail or state is received. Use this as an opportunity to prepare before the update arrives.

    5What triggers componentDidUpdate?

    The componentDidUpdate() hook triggers the action once we find an update in the component, but ensures that the hook method is not called when the part is first rendered. We can use the componentDidUpdate() hook in this way.

    6Is componentDidUpdate called after setState?

    No! The componentDidUpdate is called only when all the components have already changed their states. You must call setState() quickly in componentDidUpdate() and make sure to enclose it by a condition, else it will create a boundless circle.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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