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Software Development Planning: Process, Importance, Tools

05th Sep, 2023
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    Software Development Planning: Process, Importance, Tools

    A perfect software doesn’t come to life overnight - there are a lot of pieces behind the scenes that come together to bring about a solution. The software development process undergoes several intricate stages before the actual work begins. It includes defining goals, estimating costs and resources, distributing work, and not to mention, tracking everything. To top it all, it must be under the thumb of proper supervision and transparent communication.
    What merely sounds like a plan is actually a task itself that can take a fortnight and more to bring every ingredient to the field. It should be effective. It should give you the right approach to carry out the project successfully. Whether you are an aspiring software developer or a project manager, going for the best Full-stack course will help you prepare to nail the development process.

    What is Software Development Planning?

    Software development planning refers to ideating, curating, and systematically organizing a project. It involves a variety of tasks and activities that are required to complete a certain project successfully. From specifying goals and budgets to listing risks and fixing bugs, a software development plan covers the entire trajectory of a development project.

    Since everything, from a streamlined system to cost-effective solutions, relies on the type of planning done, a software development plan becomes fundamental to any software project, whether it is a full-stack development plan, back-end, or front-end development plan. Going for the Website Developer courses will help you learn from experienced web developers who provide guidance, feedback, and insider insights.

    Process of Software Development Planning

    Product quality is the most predominant goal that sets the movement for the entire software development plan. In any software development business plan, some various stages and aspects are too crucial not to implement. Let us look at the most common and important steps that every software development process undergoes:

    1. Analysis and Planning

    Analysis and planning are crucial to any software development plan and process. This step involves identifying a problem that software-based automation could solve or improve. After the problem-solving analysis, it is essential to plan the process further. Planning helps to keep the project aligned with the resources and requirements. Consequently, this stage includes several checkpoints, such as resources required, cost estimates, etc., that make for successful and cost-effective project completion.

    2. Define the Goals

    After analyzing and planning, it is logical to define the scope of the software development project. This stage involves a number of factors that determine the next step, cost, pace, and everything, be it any software development plan example. Defining goals in the software development process -

    • Allows the team to specify their vision and the desired outcome
    • Unlocks clarity for different areas of the process
    • Keeps the outcome of the project clear
    • Enables the team to set realistic goals
    • Makes it easier for the team to plan each and every step mindfully.

    Moreover, defining goals during a software development plan allows the team to focus on various areas, such as automation, optimization, and productivity. Only after gaining clarity about the goals can the team determine a robust plan to take things further.

    3. Create a Team

    Software development is a product of teamwork wherein a multitude of skills come together and work towards a specific goal. A software development team has a number of  individuals who offer their skills to the success of the project. Creating a team is important because a project has aspects of different natures that demand an array of skills, knowledge, and of course, expertise to make it successful.

    Let us look at some benefits of having a skillful and diverse team:

    • Diverse Skill-sets: you can bring together individuals with these different skill sets to collaborate and produce high-quality software.
    • Improved Communication: A well-connected team that undertakes one-on-one conversations, two-way feedback, and group discussions brings more ideas and thoughts to the process. This helps the team members to focus on the scope of the software development project collectively.
    • Efficient Utilization of Resources: Each team member may concentrate on their allocated tasks by sharing the workload, allowing for more effective use of time and resources.

    4. Requirements and Resources

    Once you have analyzed the need, planned a software development process, and have a diverse team, move on to ensure you have all the required resources. This will help streamline the entire process if all resources are sourced timely and readily available.

    They fundamentally include team, budget, and time. A perfect software development plan document example always specifies the resources that help execute the project to completion.

    The resources for each software development project plan vary depending on the nature of the product and goals. the requirements also depend on the scope of the project. The availability of resources helps the software development team determine the length of the entire process and the time by which the results will be achieved.

    Merely determining the resources required is not what completes this stage. This is followed by a thorough analysis that allows developers to understand the needs as well as goals of the entire process. In any software development plan example, the volume of the requirements depends on the product itself, and many factors further affect this list.

    The project scope is a major factor affecting the requirements. Moreover, the resources and goals that are part of the initial process also determine the future requirements.

    There are also stances where specific goals change or modify with time, owing to a variety of reasons. Therefore, this stage in the software development planning process is critical and requires the team to be flexible with everything they decide on.

    5. Risks and Constraints

    After the goals have been specified and all the requirements are on the list, the developers and management study the potential challenges that may occur during the development process. These problems must be addressed to prevent any disturbance that might delay the project. Identifying challenges is crucial as they can slow down the process or completely shut it.

    Risk management begins with discovering the potential risks that obstruct the development of the project. These risks can be classified into different stages, such as resources, development, deployment, etc. Software development teams generally incorporate the risk assessment method in order to classify the problems based on the level of severity.

    For example, the matrix below projects the probability of various problems and their consequences:

    The risks are generally put into two different categories - technical and business. From support, timing, and budget to tracking, bug fixing, and quality, a lot could weaken the entire system. Only after identifying such problems, a team moves to the stage of addressing them. For instance, if there's any problem with developers' performance regarding task completion or productivity, the management can develop methods or approaches that help them maximize the team's efforts.

    6. Map the Business Processes

    Keeping track of business processes is one of the most predominant steps in planning software development. From supervising the workforce to consulting the management, there are many ways to display business processes and eliminate lingering challenges. The manager must analyze the performance of every team member and see how they work. There should also be a clear idea of what methods and approaches are being implemented the most. Short sprints and performance improvement plans are also a part of this stage.

    7. Budget Estimation

    The budget has a lot to say in the software development process, and thus, this step can be spotted in every software development plan example you see. Every single step to the project's completion has a price to it. This reason alone can mold the way a plan takes shape. Defining goals and requirements is necessary as it allows the management to look into the budget estimates and make the call accordingly. Moreover, the prominent idea is to balance cost and value.

    8. Timeline Creation

    Apart from budget estimation, it is the timeline that matters a lot to everyone who is involved in the project. A software development plan must provide an answer for the approximate time consumed by every stage of the development process. Defining the timeline results in creating more effective plans to make the goals achievable. It may not be as easy as it sounds. It takes listing down the tasks that need to be finished and the number of human resources involved. Then it must be in alignment with the budget that has been set for the project. Moreover, the project is always at risk of uncertainty. Therefore, the team must always take an extra handful of time to plan this stage.

    9. Sprint Meetings

    Sprint meetings are one of the popular methods in the modern software development world. A sprint allows the team to bring the discussion on the project development to the table and talk over the timelines, progress, milestones, and challenges. It is focused on discussing what has been done and what is lined up for the next week. From developers to leaders and managers, everyone participates in sprint meetings and offers insights into the tasks that have been achieved and scheduled. It allows the manager to plan things forward and see if any challenges can be overcome.

    10. Continuous Revision and Modification

    Here comes the stage that makes or breaks the deal. Tracking, testing, and fixing are the fundamental parts of the software development process. This task is the one that goes from the development stage to the post-development phases and is split into different parts accordingly. The quality analysis, typically performed by beta testers, projects the interaction between the user and the software. It is focused on ensuring that the software is good to go and fixing the bugs if there are any. Revision and modification is a continuous process, and it continues even after the release - thanks to the ever-evolving world of software development.

    How Important is Software Development Planning?

    Software development planning is a critical process for the success of any software development project. It provides a detailed plan for the project, including timelines, resource requirements, and potential risks and challenges. By following a comprehensive software development plan, companies can improve project management, resource utilization, productivity, and customer satisfaction, while reducing costs and increasing competitiveness. Below are the major reasons why software development planning is important:

    • Improved Project Management: The software development planning process provides a detailed plan for the project, including timelines and resource requirements. This makes it easier to manage the project effectively and ensure that it is completed on time and within budget.
    • Better Resource Utilization: By identifying the resources required for the project during the planning phase, you can ensure that the resources are allocated efficiently. This means you can make the most of the available resources and minimize wasting time and money.
    • Reduced Project Risks: The software development planning process includes identifying potential risks and challenges associated with the project. By doing this, you can take proactive measures to minimize the impact of these risks on the project.
    • Improved Communication: Software development planning involves discussing the project with all stakeholders and ensuring that everyone understands the project objectives, timelines, and resource requirements. This ensures that everyone is on the same page, reducing the chances of miscommunication and misunderstandings.
    • Increased Productivity: Effective software development planning ensures that all team members know their roles and responsibilities. This reduces the chances of duplication of efforts and ensures that the team works efficiently towards the project objectives.
    • Better Quality Control: Effective software development planning includes creating a detailed testing plan for the project. This ensures that the software is thoroughly tested before release, reducing the chances of bugs and other issues.
    • Improved Customer Satisfaction: By creating a detailed plan for the software development project, you can ensure that the final product meets the expectations of the customer. This increases the chances of customer satisfaction and improves the company's overall reputation.
    • Cost Savings: Effective software development planning ensures that resources are allocated efficiently, reducing the chances of overspending on the project. This leads to cost savings for the company, which can be invested in other business areas.

    Top Software Development Planning Tools

    Software development planning tools can give a hand to the management team and bring out a major difference in the efficiency of software development projects. Several software development planning tools pave the way for effective software development planning and simplify the entire process by enhancing every area. Below are the top software development planning tools:

    1. JIRA 

    JIRA is a project management tool created by Atlassian that is commonly used for agile software development. It provides features for issue tracking, bug tracking, project management, and more. JIRA's customizable workflows, project templates, and reporting features make it a powerful tool for managing software development projects. It also integrates with many other tools commonly used in software development, such as Confluence, Bitbucket, and GitHub.

    2. Trello

    Trello is a visual project management tool that uses boards, lists, and cards to organize and prioritize tasks. It is very user-friendly and is often used for managing smaller software development projects or for personal productivity. Trello allows teams to collaborate on projects in real time and can be used for both agile and traditional project management. Its simple design makes it easy to use and customize, with many integrations available with other software development tools such as Slack and GitHub.

    3. Asana

    Asana is another popular project management tool used by software development teams. Its flexible project management system allows teams to organize work and track progress in a way that suits their needs. It provides a range of features, including task management, project tracking, and team collaboration. Asana also integrates with many other tools, including JIRA, GitHub, and Slack, making it a versatile option for managing software development projects.

    4. Basecamp

    Basecamp is a project management tool that is widely used in software development. Its simple interface and easy-to-use features make it a popular choice for small to medium-sized software development teams. It provides a range of features, including project tracking, task management, and team collaboration. Basecamp also integrates with many other tools, including GitHub, Zapier, and Trello, making it a versatile option for managing software development projects.

    5. GitLab

    GitLab is a web-based Git repository manager that provides source code management, continuous integration and delivery, and project management features. It is often used by software development teams that use the Git version control system. GitLab's powerful features include issue tracking, project planning, and team collaboration. Its built-in continuous integration and delivery tools make it a popular choice for DevOps teams. GitLab also integrates with many other tools commonly used in software development, including JIRA, GitHub, and Slack.


    The software development plan is as crucial to a project as managing software development. The plan paves the way for the success of the product. Creating a plan allows the management team to emphasize project development methods, limitations, and standards. It acts as a torchlight that helps track the project and makes sure that the progress is being achieved in alignment with the set standards.

    In the field of software development, it is imperative to know the whats and hows of a software development life cycle. It all starts with a plan that encompasses every nook and cranny of the project and every one in this field needs to understand it. Moreover, if you are planning to make a career in the field of web development, you must start with identifying the areas in which your interests linger. It is recommended that you go for an all-encompassing KnowledgeHut’s Web Designing course online that covers various programming courses and design lessons which can accelerate your passion towards wonderful opportunities in the field.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is the main objective of software planning?

    The foremost objective of software development planning is to create a roadmap that drives a project toward a product's success. The plan helps the management team estimate the time, cost, and people required to make the project successful.

    2What are the benefits of having a software plan?

    Software development plan benefits the project with ease of management and leads to a more organized approach. The plan also results in reduced cost and time management. Moreover, a plan in software development ensures the quality of the product and improves communication among different branches of the team.

    3What is a software deployment plan?

    A software deployment plan is a process involving tasks dedicated to ensuring the software is ready to hit the market. The plan includes documentation of the goals, timelines, and tasks that lead to the deployment of software.

    4What are the five major activities in software planning?

    Planning and tracking, estimation, resource management, risk management, and configuration are the most important activities in software planning.

    5What is the plan for SDLC?

    The plan is a phase in the software development life cycle where the management team defines the scope and goals of a project. The plan also involves the identification of potential risks and bottlenecks that may arise during the process.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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