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Web Designer vs Front End Developer: Top Differences

13th Sep, 2023
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    Web Designer vs Front End Developer: Top Differences

    The majority of people will advise a web designer over a front-end developer when given a choice between the two. Why? Because these two professions might seem similar to an audience without technical knowledge, there are some differences between web designer and front end developer. 

    Between web designer vs front end developer, for any customer, a web designer develops a complete visual identity and online presence, including a webpage, logo, print and digital media, branding, swag, and much more. To establish a unified branding and visual package, designs are fluid across all forms of media. 

    Whereas a web designer considers user experience from a visual standpoint, a front-end developer considers user experience and visual presentation but keeps the priority and approach focused on the code itself. They can do some graphic stuff, but not on the level of a designer. While they may occasionally design logos, their core power is in coding. And if you are good at coding or perhaps love it, check out the online Front-end Bootcamp to learn from the best. 

    Web Design vs Front end Development: Similar But Not Identical!

    web designer vs front end developer both build websites, but a web designer concentrates their skills on the visual aspect, those clues that entice you to explore deeper. A designer is unconcerned with coding and does not think about CSS, JavaScript, or PHP. Instead, they think in terms of visuals and how to entice the audience to go more. 

    A designer is someone who thinks in terms of texture, proportion, color, and geometry. There are other popular terms like border-radius, background-image, float, and flexbox used by front-end developers. 

    Difference Between Web Designer and Front-end Developer 

    S.No.Web DesignersFront-end developers / Web Developers
    CreativityWeb designers are creative.Web Developers are tech-savvy.
    ElementsWeb designers care about aesthetic elements.Web development is all about building user-friendly websites.
    ConceptThey turn concepts into visually appealing designs.They turn concepts into highly functional websites.
    FunctionalityWeb designers are concerned with how the website appears to users.Web development relates to how a website functions.
    InterfaceWeb designers design a website’s concept and style, developing a mockup based on visuals, UX, and UI.Web developers evaluate a concept's viability from a financial and technological standpoint before moving on to the next level of website coding.
    SkillA web designer's job is less about technicalities and more about the aesthetic and creative features of the website.Web developers must have strong technical skills. This includes being able to understand complex programming languages.

    Types of Web Designers:

    1. User Experience (UX) 
    2. User Interface (UI) 
    3. Visual/Graphic Designer 

    Types of Web Developers: 

    1. Front-end 
    2. Back-end 
    3. Full-stack 
    Salary$49,000 - $90,000 p.a.$48,898 - $128,669 p.a.

    Although web developers and front-end developers are subsets of the same discipline, they differ in a few ways. Their attention to the browsing experience and visual design skills might set them apart. The differences between web design and front-end development vary on many different parameters. Those intrigued and interested in web development, whether web designing or programming, can join Web Development courses online with certificates to kick-start their careers. 

    Web Designer vs Front-end Developer

    1. Database

    Developers need to interact with the user data from the back-end server using server calls, whereas a designer doesn’t need any database to design a website. A web designer typically makes design changes to the web environment, whereas a front-end web developer improves the code.  

    Nowadays, the server's environmental behavior relies on the client's attitude on the front end.  

    There are libraries used for calling the server, such as Axios and AJAX, which get the data from the back-end server. Some popular databases which developers use are Oracle and MongoDB.  

    2. Page rendering technique

    Unlike developers, designers don’t need to work on page rendering techniques. For example, developers need to work on Single pages rendering designs such as React or multiple-page designs like PHP.   

    Designers can only pick and choose the component styling and navigation, but the techniques for component rendering depend upon the framework used by front-end developers. 

    3. Platform

    They both have the responsibility of creating websites, but their methods of doing so differ. For instance, front-end engineers work with HTML, PHP, JavaScript, CSS, Python, Ruby, and jQuery, among other languages, whereas web designers use platforms like Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Sketch, etc. 

    4. User experience

    While designing the whole website, web designers frequently keep the consumer perspective in mind, although their main objective is to establish a website that functions as the design team intended. They should ensure the website is error-free and performs its intended job efficiently, just as a front-end developer does.  

    When implementing their designs and making adjustments to affect quality in that regard, front-end developers put a strong emphasis on the user experience. They put their skills to use in the sections of the website or app where users interact. Whereas a website designer focuses on the visuals of the website and how it'll appear to its users. 

    5. Feasibility

    By building a prototype using visual, UX, and UI aspects, web designers construct the concept and aesthetic of a website. However, web developers are much more pragmatic in their work. They determine whether the idea is technically and financially viable before moving on to the next level of website coding. 

    6. Configuration and construction

    The primary responsibility of web designers is to oversee the design and structure of a website, including all of its graphical elements. A website's attractive elements and utility must be balanced, which is the web designer's job. 

    A developer's primary responsibility is to monitor a website's performance and determine how it operates. Website development, coding, and modification are all handled by front-end developers. 

    7. Roles

    They further differ when you learn about the specifics of the job. There are three types of web designers: user experience (UX), user interface (UI), and visual/graphic design. Web developers also have three specific job roles depending on what they focus on, such as front-end, back-end, and full-stack developers. Each of the aforementioned is further explained below. 

    Web Designer Job Description

    According to their job descriptions, web designers come in a variety of forms: 

    1.  User Experience (UX) Designer: User experience is referred to as UX. How a user responds to using software, a car, or another designed object, and how his or her needs are met "Are users able to utilize the product effectively, in the manner the developer has meant to use his artifact?" is a straightforward question to ask. 
    2. User interface (UI) Designer: User Interface (UI) Designing is the production of graphics, illustrations, and the usage of visual artwork and typography to improve the look and arrangement of a digital product inside its many device interfaces. A user interface's input, navigation, and instructional elements are included. 
    3. Visual designer: A visual designer's job is to ensure that the finished product has a pleasing appearance. They are a blend of graphics and user interface designers. Do not confuse a graphic designer with a visual designer. 
    4. Web Developer: People who create websites are commonly referred to as programmers. They transform the web designer's design into a fully functional website. They employ a variety of programs and devices, including JavaScript, PHP, ASP.NET, Python, jQuery, Node.js, etc. Their primary objective is to develop a website that operates efficiently. 

    Web developers can be categorized into three groups based on their roles:

    1. Front-end developers: The front end of a website is the area with which the visitor interacts directly. The phrase "client-side" of the application is also used to describe it. Some languages essential for front-end development are JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. Front-end developers are responsible for implementing the framework, style, functionality, and composition of everything displayed on the screen when creating websites, online programs, or phone applications. The two key goals of the front-end developers are response and performance.  
    2. Back-end developers: A back-end developer is in charge of the website's most obscure but critical part. The back end of a website is the server-side programming used to design the webpage. It saves and organizes data while ensuring that everything on the user side of the webpage functions correctly. Back-end operations involve developing APIs, building libraries, and interacting with a part of the system without user interface design or even scientific programming systems.
    3. Full-stack developers: Full-stack web developers are capable of creating comprehensive websites and web-based applications. They specialize in web applications or websites' front, back-end, databases, and debugging. One can opt for the best course for Full-stack Developers to easily learn in depth about full-stack. 

    Web development is an excellent career path if you are in love with designing websites or love making money. Either way, you are golden.   

    How are They Similar? 

    Web designer and front-end developer job descriptions involve many differences. Everyone knows that, right? However, there are some parallels too between the two professions. The web designer and front-end developer are both problem solvers. They are both concerned with the user experience as well as the look and feel of the website. However, they address the problems in opposite ways; one through graphics while the other uses code. 

    Tip: Pair up a designer and a front-end developer to maximize their core strengths and capitalize on their skills for the benefit of your clients. 

    What Should You Choose Between Web Developers vs Front-End Developers? Which One Is Right for You? 

    A website or application's overall design starts from conception to implementation. Every aspect must be understood prior to becoming a web designer and a front-end developer. Examining ideas connected to digital media might help you enter one of these roles, regardless of whether you're fascinated by the user experience or the behind-the-scenes action. Find out how KnowledgeHut’s online Front-end Bootcamp can get you started on the road to building websites and other web-based apps that are such a vital part of our daily lives. 

    Looking to master Python? Discover the best online course for Python enthusiasts. Unleash your coding potential and excel in this versatile language. Start your Python journey today!


    A web designer creates a website's aesthetic appeal, but a front-end developer ensures that consumers have the best possible experience. Website splendor and usability are the major topics that web designers discuss. Web designers' primary duty is to concentrate on the overall look and feel of the website by utilizing various programs like Photoshop and Corel Draw to make the website more appealing. The front-end developer's job may involve developing interactive tools and perhaps other elements that enhance the application or website to make it more user-friendly or entertaining to use. These techies concentrate on making the application or website aesthetically beautiful and ensuring that it operates properly for their consumers. 

    For incredible courses to boost your career in either profession, check out upGrad KnowledgehHut. Join today! 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is it better to be a web designer or a web developer?

    A job as a web developer makes sense if you are drawn to the practical and technical aspects of projects. A web designer, however, is probably a more sensible career choice if color theory, branding, or the creative aspect of creating websites are your areas of interest. 

    2Is a front-end developer a designer?

    No, a front-end developer is not a designer. A front-end designer is someone who ensures a good user experience by executing both visual design and code. They serve as a link between design and development, helping to keep the bricks in place. 

    You'll see the difference if you ever get a chance to go through a web designer's and a front-end developer’s resume. 

    3Is a web developer the same as a web designer?

    The majority of web developers do not require visual design skills. Their expertise is mostly programming, and they do not frequently consider the elements of visual design into account. Their attention is on the page's usefulness. 

    On the other hand, front-end developers may profit from having skills in digital aesthetics and graphic design expertise. This enables them to produce better interactive elements, especially if they are skilled in graphic design and coding, eliminating any inconsistencies between the developer's and visual designer's visions. 

    4Who earns more, a web designer or a web developer?

    A web designer and front-end developer’s portfolios are somewhat similar, but web developers get paid more. There's a significant difference in front-end developer and web designer salaries. The main reason why web developer wages are typically much higher than that of web designer compensation is that developers are appreciated more for their intricate knowledge and coding talents in today's rapidly digitizing world. 

    5Does web design require coding?

    The work of a web designer is more about choosing the layout, color scheme, fonts, and visual themes of a website than writing code to make a website come to life. When developing a website, a web designer might use resources like InVision and their understanding of color theory to create mockups, prototypes, and templates.

    6Why are developers paid more than designers?

    You might wonder who gets paid more: a web designer or a front-end developer. To answer your question, developers earn more than designers, owing to their extensive field knowledge and coding skills. Developers can code in several languages, which is extremely useful when designing distinctive, original websites and web applications.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Program Director, FSD

    With 20+ yrs of industry experience in media, entertainment and web tech, Sachin brings expertise in hands-on training and developing forward-thinking, industry-centric curricula. 30k+ students have enrolled in his tech courses.

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