HomeBlogBig DataBig Data Architecture: Layers, Process, Benefits, Challenges

Big Data Architecture: Layers, Process, Benefits, Challenges

01st Jul, 2024
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    Big Data Architecture: Layers, Process, Benefits, Challenges

    Big Data architecture is a framework that defines the components, processes, and technologies needed to capture, store, process, and analyze Big Data. Big Data architecture typically includes four Big Data architecture layers: data collection and ingestion, data processing and analysis, data visualization and reporting, and data governance and security. Each layer has its own set of technologies, tools, and processes.

    The benefits of a Hive architecture in Big Data include the ability to make better and faster decisions, the ability to process and analyze more data, and the ability to improve operational efficiency. The challenges of Big Data stack architecture include the need for specialized skills and knowledge, expensive hardware and software, and a high level of security. 

    Let's explain traditional and big data analytics architecture reference models. 

    What is Big Data Architecture?

    The term "Big Data architecture" refers to the systems and software used to manage Big Data. A Big Data architecture must be able to handle the scale, complexity, and variety of Big Data. It must also be able to support the needs of different users, who may want to access and analyze the data differently. 

    The Big Data pipeline architecture must support all these activities so users can effectively work with Big Data. It includes the organizational structures and processes used to manage data.

    Some Big Data Architecture Examples include - Azure Big Data architecture, Hadoop big data architecture, and Spark architecture in Big Data. 

    Here's a Big Data architecture diagram for your reference:

    big data architecture diagram

    Components of Big Data Architecture

    Big Data Architecture is a sophisticated architecture for efficiently managing and processing massive amounts of data. The data lifecycle is managed by a number of interdependent parts that operate cohesively from data intake to analysis. Data sources, data storage, batch processing, real-time message intake, stream processing, analytical data store, analysis and reporting, and orchestration are the essential elements of big data architecture.

     Data Sources

    Data sourcing involves obtaining data from various sources like transactional databases, social media feeds, sensors, IoT devices, and log files. This data can be structured (e.g., SQL databases), semi-structured (e.g., JSON, XML files), or unstructured (e.g., text, images, videos), and is essential for further processing.

    Data Storage

    Scalable solutions are vital to handle large amounts of data efficiently. Options include Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) for large-scale storage, NoSQL databases like Cassandra and MongoDB for flexible, horizontal scaling, and cloud storage services such as Amazon S3 and Google Cloud Storage for cost-effective solutions.

    Batch Processing

    Batch processing involves handling data in scheduled batches using frameworks such as Hadoop MapReduce for distributed processing and Apache Spark for fast, in-memory data transformation.

    Real-time Message Ingestion

    Real-time message ingestion captures data immediately, crucial for applications needing real-time processing. Technologies like Apache Kafka, Amazon Kinesis, and Google Pub/Sub aid in distributed event streaming and real-time data ingestion.

    Stream Processing

    Stream processing enables real-time analytics, providing immediate insights. Frameworks like Apache Flink for low-latency processing, Apache Storm for real-time computations, and Spark Streaming for fault-tolerant streaming are utilized.

    Analytical Data Store

    Analytical data stores are optimized for query performance and advanced analytics, with solutions such as Amazon Redshift, Google BigQuery, and Apache Druid offering high-performance analytics databases.

    Analysis and Reporting

    For analysis and reporting, tools like Tableau, Power BI, and Looker are employed to generate insights, create interactive dashboards, and integrate data into daily workflows.


    Orchestration ensures smooth data flow through processing stages. Tools like Apache Airflow, AWS Step Functions, and Apache Oozie coordinate workflows, managing tasks efficiently.

    Types of Big Data Architecture

    Lambda Architecture

    Lambda Architecture is designed to handle massive quantities of data by utilizing both batch and real-time processing methods to provide comprehensive and immediate insights. It comprises three main layers:

    • Batch Layer: This layer manages and processes large volumes of data in batches. Using technologies like Hadoop MapReduce or Apache Spark, it computes the data to provide comprehensive views and corrects any inaccuracies in the real-time data. The output is stored in a read-optimized batch view.
    • Speed Layer: The speed layer handles real-time data processing to provide low-latency updates. It captures and processes data as it arrives using stream processing frameworks like Apache Storm, Apache Flink, or Spark Streaming. The results are stored in a real-time view.
    • Serving Layer: This layer merges the outputs of both batch and speed layers to provide a unified view for query and analysis. It allows users to access the most up-to-date data by querying both batch and real-time views.

    Lambda Architecture is particularly useful for applications requiring real-time analytics on large datasets, such as fraud detection, recommendation engines, and real-time monitoring.

    Kappa Architecture

    Kappa Architecture is a simplified approach focusing solely on stream processing for real-time data ingestion and analysis. Key components include:

    • Stream Processing: Central to Kappa Architecture, stream processing frameworks like Apache Kafka, Apache Flink, and Spark Streaming handle continuous data streams. This allows for real-time data processing and analytics.
    • Event Sourcing: In Kappa Architecture, all data changes are captured as events and stored in a distributed log (e.g., Kafka). This event log acts as the single source of truth, ensuring that data can be reprocessed if needed.
    • Real-time Views: Processed data is stored in real-time views or databases optimized for low-latency access and analytics. Technologies like Elasticsearch or Cassandra are often used.

    Kappa Architecture is ideal for scenarios where real-time data processing is crucial, such as IoT data processing, real-time analytics, and event-driven 

    What is Big Data Architecture Used For?

    Big data quantities that are inefficient for standard data management systems to handle are managed, processed, and analyzed with the help of big data architecture. It makes it possible to take in, store, process, and analyze a wide range of data kinds from different sources, giving insightful information and assisting in data-driven decision-making. Important use cases consist of:

    • Real-time Analytics: Enabling instant insights and decision-making in areas such as financial trading, fraud detection, and personalized recommendations.
    • Batch Processing: Handling large-scale data transformation and aggregation tasks, such as reporting, data mining, and machine learning model training.
    • Data Integration: Combining data from multiple sources to provide a unified view, essential for business intelligence and analytics.
    • Scalable Storage: Storing vast amounts of data efficiently, ensuring durability and availability.
    • Event Processing: Monitoring and analyzing event streams for applications like IoT data processing, supply chain management, and predictive maintenance.

    How does Big Data Architecture work?

    When we explain traditional and big data analytics architecture reference models, we must remember that the architecture process plays an important role in Big Data.  

    1. Connecting to Data Sources

    Connectors and adapters can quickly connect to any storage system, protocol, or network and connect to any data format.  

    2. Data Governance

    From the time data is ingested through processing, analysis, storage, and deletion, there are protections for privacy and security.  

    3. Managing Systems

    Contemporary Lambda architecture Big Data is often developed on large-scale distributed clusters, which are highly scalable and require constant monitoring via centralized management interfaces.   

    4. Protecting Quality of Service

    The Quality-of-Service framework supports the definition of data quality, ingestion frequency, compliance guidelines, and sizes.  

    A few processes are essential to the architecture of Big Data. First, data must be collected from various sources. This data must then be processed to ensure its quality and accuracy. After this, the data must be stored securely and reliably. Finally, the data must be made accessible to those who need it. 

    Who Uses Big Data Architecture?

    Big Data Architecture is used by across various industries by organizations that require efficient handling of massive data volumes to gain insights and maintain a competitive edge. Key users include:

    • Enterprises: Large corporations in finance, retail, healthcare, and telecommunications use big data architecture for customer analytics, fraud detection, and operational efficiency.
    • Technology Companies: Firms like Google, Amazon, and Facebook leverage big data architecture to manage and analyze vast datasets generated from user interactions, optimizing services and products.
    • Government Agencies: Utilize big data for public safety, security, and urban planning, analyzing data from various sources to make informed decisions.
    • Research Institutions: Academic and scientific communities use big data architecture for processing and analyzing large datasets in genomics, astronomy, and environmental studies.
    • Startups: Innovative firms employ big data solutions to develop data-driven products and services, gaining market insights and driving growth.

    How to Build a Big Data Architecture?

    Designing a Big Data Hadoop architecture reference architecture, while complex, follows the same general procedure:  

    1. Define Your Objectives

    What do you hope to achieve with your Big Data architecture? Do you want to improve decision-making, better understand your customers, or find new revenue opportunities? Once you know what you want to accomplish, you can start planning your architecture.   

    2. Consider Your Data Sources

    What data do you have, and where does it come from? You'll need to think about both structured and unstructured data and internal and external sources.   

    3. Choose the Right Tools

    Many different Big Data technologies are available, so it's important to select the ones that best meet your needs.   

    4. Plan for Scalability

    As your data grows, your Big Data solution architecture will need to be able to scale to accommodate it. This means considering things like data replication and partitioning.   

    5. Keep Security in Mind

    Make sure you have the plan to protect your data, both at rest and in motion. This includes encrypting sensitive information and using secure authentication methods.  

    6. Test and Monitor

    Once your architecture in Big Data is in place, it is important to test it to ensure it is working as expected. You should also monitor your system on an ongoing basis to identify any potential issues.

    The Benefits of Big Data Architecture

    benefits of big data

    When we explain the architecture of Big Data in detail, we see there are many potential benefits of Big Data analytics architectures. Perhaps the most obvious is the ability to scale up data processing and analysis to handle extremely substantial data sets. Big Data training enables you to use data more efficiently, leading to improved decision-making, more efficient operations, and new insights and opportunities.   

    Another potential benefit is the ability to integrate diverse data sources, including both structured and unstructured data. This can provide a more comprehensive view of the organization's data and help to identify new patterns and relationships. 

    Big Data platform architectures can also support real-time or near-real-time analysis, which can be critical for time-sensitive decision-making. By providing easier access to data for more users, Big Data processing architectures/systems can help to democratize data and analytics within organizations. Of course, realize that these are just potential benefits; Big Data warehouse architectures will only deliver value if they are designed and implemented properly, taking into account the specific needs and goals of the organization.

    The Challenges of Big Data Architecture

    There are many challenges to Big Data analytics architecture, including:  

    1. Managing Data Growth

    As data grows, it becomes more difficult to manage and process. This can lead to delays in decision-making and reduced efficiency.   

    2. Ensuring Data Quality

    With so much data, it can be difficult to ensure that it is all accurate and high-quality. This can lead to bad decisions being made based on incorrect data.   

    3. Meeting Performance Expectations

    With AWS Big Data architecture comes big expectations. Users expect systems to be able to handle large amounts of data quickly and efficiently. This can be a challenge for architects who must design systems that can meet these expectations.   

    4. Security and Privacy

    With so much data being stored, there is a greater risk of it being hacked or leaked. This can jeopardize the security and privacy of those who are using the system.   

    5. Cost

    Big Data solution architectures can be expensive to set up and maintain. This can be a challenge for organizations that want to use Big Data storage architecture but do not have the budget for it.  

    Big Data Architecture Best Practices

    The ideal Big Data architecture patterns for a given organization will depend on factors such as the specific industry, company size, and data requirements. However, some general guidelines can be followed to ensure that Big Data reference architecture is effective and efficient.

    One best practice is to use a Big Data Cloud architecture, which involves storing all data in a central repository in its raw, unprocessed form. This allows for greater flexibility and easier access to the data, as it can be processed and analyzed as needed without having to go through the time-consuming and expensive process of cleansing and transformation.

    Another best practice is to use a distributed file system such as HDFS architecture in Big Data (Hadoop Distributed File System) to store and process the data. Hadoop architecture in Big Data is designed to work with large amounts of data and is highly scalable, making it an ideal choice for Big Data architectures.

    It is also important to have a good understanding of the specific data requirements of the organization to design an architecture that can effectively meet those needs. For example, suppose there is a need to process large amounts of stream data models and architecture in Big Data in real-time. In that case, an architecture of Hive in Big Data that includes a streaming data platform such as Apache Kafka will be required.

    In general, however, some key considerations should be considered when designing a Big Data architecture pattern, including   



    The Spark architecture in Big Data should be designed to be scalable in terms of the amount of data that can be processed and the number of users that can be supported.



    The architecture of Big Data analytics should be flexible enough to support a variety of data types and workloads.



    The architecture should be designed for both performance and cost efficiency.



    The HBase architecture has 3 main components: HMaster, Region Server, and Zookeeper. So, the Hbase architecture in Big Data should be designed with security in mind, ensuring that data is protected for rest and in motion.



    The Big Data architecture design should include mechanisms for managing and governing data, ensuring that it is accurate, consistent, and compliant with applicable regulations.

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    The term "Big Data" has become increasingly popular in recent years as businesses of all sizes have started to collect and store large amounts of data. While the term is often used to describe data sets with large volume, velocity, and variety, the reality is that there is no single definition of Big Data.

    There are many different types of Big Data architectures, and the best architecture for a particular organization will depend on its specific needs and goals. You can learn all about Big Data in the KnowledgeHut Big Data training course and advance your understanding and skills.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are the 3 types of Big Data?

    There are 3 types of Big Data:   

    1. Structured data – This is the data that is organized in a specific way, such as in a database.   
    2. Unstructured Data – This data is not organized in a specific way.   
    3. Semi-structured data – This data is partially organized in a specific way.  
    2How many Big Data architecture layers are there?

    There are four Big Data architecture layers. They are data acquisition, storage, processing, and analysis.  

    3What is Big Data Analytics? Explain Big Data architecture.

    Big Data analytics is the process of analyzing large data sets to find patterns and trends. Big Data architecture is the process of designing and implementing a Big Data solution.


    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain

    International Corporate Trainer

    Dr. Manish Kumar Jain is an accomplished author, international corporate trainer, and technical consultant with 20+ years of industry experience. He specializes in cutting-edge technologies such as ChatGPT, OpenAI, generative AI, prompt engineering, Industry 4.0, web 3.0, blockchain, RPA, IoT, ML, data science, big data, AI, cloud computing, Hadoop, and deep learning. With expertise in fintech, IIoT, and blockchain, he possesses in-depth knowledge of diverse sectors including finance, aerospace, retail, logistics, energy, banking, telecom, healthcare, manufacturing, education, and oil and gas. Holding a PhD in deep learning and image processing, Dr. Jain's extensive certifications and professional achievements demonstrate his commitment to delivering exceptional training and consultancy services globally while staying at the forefront of technology.

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