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Amazon Bar Raiser Interview: A Complete Overview

28th Jun, 2024
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    Amazon Bar Raiser Interview: A Complete Overview

    Amazon bar raiser is a method that is used by the companies to evaluate potential new hires. It helps companies to choose the best of the candidates.  The process starts with the company creating a job description and sending it to several candidates. The candidates then submit the resume for the mentioned profiles as per the job description mentioned. 

    The company reviews the resumes and selects a group of candidates for the next round. These candidates are interviewed by the company's members, who ask about their qualifications and experience. 

    After the interviews, the company decides who to hire. The role of Bar Raiser helps ensure that companies hire the best candidates for their job openings.

    What is a Bar Raiser? 

    A Bar Raiser is a skillful interviewer on the interview panel who serves as a neutral third party in selecting an applicant. Consider them a middleman.

    The "bar" is an imaginary concept that symbolizes the 50th percentile of all Amazon staff working in that capacity, so "raising the bar" involves finding an individual who is more intelligent than half of the individuals employed at that level. A Bar Raiser's responsibility is to make sure that every selection board concentrates on preserving and raising the bar.

    Bar Raisers are well-versed in Amazon's Leadership Principles, and their principal objective is to ensure that candidates selected are individuals who will "raise the bar" on the team's performance. Amazon's technique prevents employing inappropriate people, especially when teams are pressed for time to fill a vacancy.

    Why are they Called Bar Raisers? 

    The 'barkeeper program' was the term Amazon gave when it debuted its recruiting strategy for tech job hopefuls in 1999. However, the name conveyed that the program was about preserving a recruiting standard while raising the bar with each hire. Every new hire should outperform 50% of those existing in similar roles.

    Does the Bar Raiser have Veto Power?

    In the selection meeting, interviewers share their observations and discuss the candidate's strengths and weaknesses. After this discussion, some interviewers may reconsider their votes based on the new information. Achieving consensus often requires significant effort.

    Before extending an offer, the hiring manager and the bar raiser must consider the feedback from all interviewers. Although the bar raiser has veto power, they will take into account everyone's opinions, especially the hiring manager's, before making a final decision.

    What is Amazon Bar Raiser Interview?
    Amazon evaluation process

    A non-hiring team member of Amazon conducts a 30- to 60-minute virtual interview for the Amazon Bar Raiser position. By allowing five interviewers to compare notes, the Bar Raiser oversees the entire hiring process and ensures that new hires are superior to the top 50% of existing employees.

    The 16 Leadership Principles of the business will be directly referenced in most Amazon Bar Raiser round questions. What to usually watch out for is listed below:

    • Inspiration and Leadership 
    • Innovation 
    • Venturousness

    The Amazon Bar Raiser interview processes usually are part of the final loop (or round) in the Amazon initial interview. Amazon Bar Raisers are used as impartial interviewers unconnected to the position or group for which the applicant is applying.

    Since they work for a separate division than hiring, they have no personal incentive to make an immediate hire. They are concerned with the standard of the employment procedure.

    How does Bar Raisers help with the Hiring Process?

    The Bar Raiser performs three critical functions during the interview process, according to Amazon:

    1. An Amazon Bar Raiser evaluates candidates for the specific position and long-term success at Amazon. 
    2. The Amazon Bar Raisers ensure that every interviewee is included in the discussion of the candidate and that it is open, honest, and fair.
    3. The duties of Amazon Bar Raisers include assisting recruiting managers and others with interview preparation, posing questions about the Amazon leadership principles and the capabilities required for the role, evaluating the candidate, and providing written comments.

    This means that the Bar Raiser not only conducts one of the onsite interview phases but also directs the other interviewers and supervises the selection process by the Interview Panel.

    Although the Amazon Bar Raiser will use their own opinions after interviewing the candidate, they are trained to gather information from each interviewer and direct the conversation accordingly.

    The recruiter and Bar Raiser will choose whether or not to hire a candidate at the conversation's conclusion.

    Amazon’s Bar Raiser Process

    The process which the Amazon bar raiser follows is mentioned below: 

    Amazon generally sets up 5 interviewers on loop in the interview, including the hiring manager and the Bar Raiser. 

    The Amazon bar raiser makes it a point that interviews are conducted properly, assessing candidates based on the right parameters. After the interviews, the interviewers meet to compare their observations and recommendations about the candidates. Based on this shared information, they vote on whether to hire each candidate or not. 

    When the Bar Raiser and the hiring manager reach a consent, considering all the presented information, an offer is extended to the selected candidate.

    What should people know about how Amazon hires?

    Amazon hires are individuals who don’t believe in just filling positions; they make it a point to hire individuals who possess higher skills and abilities than their peers in similar roles. The hired candidates are some of the top talents in their field.

    The recruiting team that consists of Recruiters, hiring managers, and Amazon bar raisers, are eager in finding the right candidate for each job. These candidates go through various screening to ensure that they are aligned with Amazon's high standards and culture of innovation and customer obsession.

    The Amazon team follows a structured and thorough process to evaluate not only technical skills but also cultural fit and long-term potential within the company. Also, each hiring step is designed to identify candidates who demonstrate leadership principles and have a proven track record of success. This dedication to quality hiring practices underpins Amazon's commitment to excellence and its ability to maintain a competitive edge in the industry.

    Bar Raisers have three key responsibilities

    The key responsibilities of a Amazon bar raisers are mentioned below:

    • Ensure High Standards: They maintain Amazon's high standards by rigorously assessing candidates against the company's criteria for skills, cultural fit, and long-term potential.
    • Provide Objective Evaluation: They offer an unbiased perspective for the interview process and have a direct stake on the outcome and provide objective evaluation of candidates.
    • Facilitating Consensus: They decide and come to an inclusion on whether a candidate should be hired or not.  Their goal is to ensure that the decision is based on thorough and balanced consideration of all relevant information.

    Principles of Amazon Bar Raiser Interview

    1. Customer Obsession: Team leaders put the needs of their followers first and seek to earn and keep their trust. 
    2. Invent and Simplify: Leaders push teams to innovate and find methods to make things simpler. 
    3. Ownership: Leaders prioritize the interests of the company over the people since they are proprietors of their job and judgments.
    4. Learn and Be Curious: Leaders constantly seek and explore new opportunities and have a learning mentality. 
    5. Are Right, A Lot: Leaders can use their strong judgment and develop an instinct to consistently make the correct decisions. 
    6. Hire and Develop the Best: When choosing someone to hire or promote, leaders set higher expectations for performance. They push their groups to perform at a high level. 
    7. Think Big: Leaders motivate teams to accomplish challenging objectives and customer-focused ambitions. 
    8. Insist on the Highest Standards: Don't let errors get passed along the chain; demand nothing less than the best work from your team and yourself. 
    9. Frugality: Utilize resourcefulness to get around your limited resources. 
    10. Bias for Action: Move quickly and take calculated risks. 
    11. Earn Trust: As you evaluate yourself and your team, remember to listen, speak openly, and maintain objectivity. 
    12. Dive Deep: Take an active role in every aspect of your team's work and collect information to track success. 
    13. Have Backbone; Disagree and Commit: When your group is deliberating, advocate for your position; nevertheless, after a decision has been reached, totally support it. 
    14. Deliver Results: Pay attention to what matters most and perform well under pressure. 
    15. Be the best employer on Earth: Always consider what is ahead for your personnel. 
    16. Larger Responsibility Comes with Success and Scale: Continually get better. 

    Amazon Bar Raiser Interview Tips 

    1. You wouldn’t get an introduction

    Nobody will introduce themselves to you as "the Bar Raiser." This personnel don't have a particular physical look or wear insignia.

    Although you may be unable to pinpoint the Bar Raiser during your interview since they might not belong to the "group," you could be able to make an educated guess.

    While other interviewers might be more interested in the functional aspects of your work, Amazon Bar Raisers' interview questions are concentrated on behavioral and leadership abilities.

    2. Spot the Bar Raiser

    In order to wow them amidst your interview process, be sure to identify who the standard-setter is.

    The loop is when they typically occur. They frequently make it clear right away that they're not part of the interviewing team.

    3. You don’t get asked technical questions

    Your technical proficiency is not the Bar Raiser's primary concern. They stress your understanding of leadership beliefs and your usage of the qualities in your position.

    4. Focus on the follow-up questions

    Every query is significant, but the follow-up queries are thrown at you, so your response might highlight your innate skills and tendencies.

    5. Know the leadership principles

    The Amazon workforce places a great deal of importance on the leadership principle. These criteria are used to evaluate candidates. Recognize them and use them.

    6. Have evidence

    Understanding the fundamentals of leadership is one thing; putting them into practice at work and providing proof of your success is quite another. The bar-raiser wants to observe how you put these leadership ideas into practice and exhibit them. Have concrete examples on hand and be willing to share.

    7. Prepare to answer behavioral questions

    According to Amazon, a candidate's prior behavior is a reliable indicator of how they would act in the foreseeable future.

    Rather than considering your potential, they typically hire you for your current personality.

    Be ready to discuss your past or present work that would be relevant to the position when you arrive. 

    8. Try to understand the question before giving an answer

    Before responding, pay close attention to the queries and make sure you know them. 

    9. Ask for clarity

    Never be scared to express yourself if you don't understand a question. Seek clarification.

    10. Don’t be evasive

    You must be aware that every Bar Raiser Amazon interview questions asked have a purpose because the Bar Raiser knows how to conduct compelling interviews and seeks to determine whether you would integrate into Amazon.

    Don't avoid them or try to be evasive.

    11. Curious nature

    Curiosity is always welcome in these types of interviews. If you have figured out who the Bar Raiser in the interview panel is, approach them with your queries to portray your hunger for knowledge. Make a mental list of the questions to ask Amazon Bar Raiser so you can apply yourself flawlessly.

    12. Always connect your answers to the customer

    Fantastic customer service is what makes Amazon successful. Make sure that anytime you respond to queries about your behavior or leadership, you always go back to the process that helps the consumer and resolves a specific issue.

    13. Use the STAR method

    Because it's simple to remember, the STAR technique (Situation, Task, Action, Result) is a common strategy for responding to behavioral inquiries. You may already be familiar with it.

    However, it can be difficult for applicants to discern between stages two and three or between action and task. Some fail to mention lessons gained in the outcomes phase, which are critical when discussing prior failures.

    Learn how to use the STAR method to provide answers to questions. 

    14. Give structured responses

    Make sure your responses are well-organized. Let them follow the logic and demonstrate your thinking. 

    15. Detailed Answers

    Your responses must be in-depth. Keep in mind that you shouldn't just start sharing details. Your replies should create a framework that progresses to the point, making it simple for the Amazon Bar Raiser to grasp.

    Your responses ought to be simple. 

    16. Self-confidence

    Due to a lack of confidence, providing an incorrect response to a question you know is simple. Gain more self-assurance.

    17. Having integrity

    Although it makes sense to want to look well during the interview, trying to pull a fast one could backfire if you get caught. Always let the interviewer know if you lack the skills they are seeking.

    18. Being proactive

    Candidates taking the initiative are frequently seen as more eager, thoughtful, and involved with the job. Furthermore, interviewers find it easier to picture working with a proactive candidate during the interview process solely because they learn more about them than they would from a quiet applicant.

    Regarding their research and capacity to comprehend (and, consequently, explain), proactive candidates typically come to interviews better equipped. Proactive candidates are frequently better equipped to judge whether the employment under discussion is a suitable fit due to superior interview preparation.

    Similarly, passive candidates frequently lack the necessary preparation, making them appear lackluster during interviews. Furthermore, candidates frequently lack a strong understanding of whether an offer is ideal for them because they tend not to benefit from discussions as much.

    Problems with the bar raiser function?

    The Amazon bar raiser Process is effective, scaling it can be challenging. Inconsistencies among the Bar Raisers themselves pose a problem, and the cost of interviewer training is significant for the organization. Additionally, interview outputs can vary greatly among interviewers, as they often revert to their natural interviewing styles shortly after training. There are alternative processes that companies can use to address these issues.

    Some of the Amazon Bar Raiser Interview Questions

    Amazon Bar raiser questions can make or break your interview. Here are some examples of Amazon Bar Raiser round questions.   

    1. Have you experienced achieving a goal? Describe the situation and tell us what you did to reach the goal. 

    “When I worked on a customer's website in the past, I wanted to increase the site's update rate significantly. 

    I genuinely favored their product and believed in its value to the customers. We discovered how to increase their return on original investment capital by 100% by conducting extensive split testing, modifying the welcoming pages, and simplifying publicity efforts.

    The customer was happy; my superior was pleased that the customer had postponed the contract with us, so I was delighted, too, because I had done a terrific job. 

    This came about due to extensive testing, daring, and trying new things because the customer believed their change rate was sufficient compared to the industry average. 

    However, I felt the need to put it to the test because I believed that I might significantly improve it overall.” 

    2. Tell us about a time when you struggled to communicate something to your customer. How did you finally get it out?  

    “Since this is my career, I have not encountered a situation like this at work. 

    However, I realize how important it is to spread the word. Customers must understand the rationale behind our actions, proposals, and decisions. The same holds for various partners inside the organization.  

    I want to ensure they understand what I'm saying, so I'll use examples and tests as I speak with them. The key is to personalize the message, and I constantly adapt my approach to the knowledge and understanding of my audience.  

    I'm a patient communicator, so I believe I can handle this aspect of the job.” 

    3. Have you experienced pressure at work? Describe such a situation. 

    “The reality is I work best when I’m under pressure, at least for me. In my previous position doing statistical surveys, I dealt with several cutoff times. 

    They helped me stay on track, plan my day effectively, and helped me learn how to concentrate on my job so that I could complete the task within the allotted time.

    The trick is to resist letting the pressure win, and I acknowledge that I can do so.

    Furthermore, it would help if you accepted that you wouldn't meet the deadline because not everything will be in its proper place.

    For instance, there isn't much you can do if another representative is supposed to provide you with a report but doesn't do so on time. 

    However, you must ultimately pause. You can brief them on a call.  

    4. How do you imagine a typical day at work? 

    “I envision a busy daily schedule. Clarifying the fundamental agreements and guidelines and ensuring they are understood will be just one of my primary responsibilities as a constant employee, working with current members and having an interest in developing new ones.” 

    5. Describe a time when you showed initiative. 

    “Being driven in handling problems at work is something I strongly believe. For example, I found it strange that we couldn't access a current database of prospects at my previous marketing work.

    The variation in the marketing group was very high, yet those who left the company took their prospects with them. As a result, new salespeople wasted a lot of time conducting online research to find leads.

    I suggested that each salesperson enter their internal prompting and whatever information they may have regarding the possibilities.

    It is their resource, and nobody else can access data, regardless of how long they have worked for the company. 

    However, when they depart, their employer should be given a chance to enter and provide it to newly appointed salespeople to aid at the beginning of the transactions.

    My employers didn't like the idea. I volunteered and observed how they conducted business within the company. I, on the other hand, was a part of the group.”

    6. Describe your most difficult customer and how you handled it. 

    “I recall one from my previous job in tech support. They had little clue about basic technical concepts and failed to comprehend even the most basic directions I provided them, such as pressing and holding a button on the router for three seconds. Furthermore, they became angrier as our call went on. It was difficult because I couldn't send a specialist for a minor problem. In the meantime, they had difficulty dealing with it independently. I decided to go the extra mile for them by filming a short video with my smartphone in which I displayed precisely what they needed to do while giving directions with my voice.” 

    7. Have you coached someone before? Tell me about it. 

    “I was responsible for training new sales associates and assisting them with their tasks. I made an effort to be kind and explain everything.

    Not only should they know how work is done and the patterns we have established, but they should also know where the container is, when it is busiest, and where to go for assistance if they run into any problems.

    To ensure they fully understood my instructions, I frequently asked them to answer follow-up questions.

    As much as I'd like to believe otherwise, starting a new job when you don't know anyone at the company is never easy.

    It's incredible to have a partner interested in giving you a tour, possibly introducing you to a few other friends, and explaining the basics of the job and some common challenges and pitfalls.

    You can also help the person, which I typically try to.” 

    8. Tell us about a crisis of motivation you faced. How did you overcome it? 

    “During my education, I had a job as a junior associate, which was quite dull. Although I occasionally found my day tiring, I don't think the clients noticed that.

    I understood what was typical for me and why I got up every day to work for a few hours before going to my classes.

    I needed money to cover my educational expenses. Although most jobs are dull, I recognize that those with few goals don't struggle to find motivation.

    That has been my experience, in any case.”

    9. Tell us about a time when you missed a deadline or productivity target. 

    “In my previous sales position, I once came short of the monthly profitability goal, closing just half as many deals as I had hoped.

    It was a tough time for me. I struggled with an idea for work and ran into chaos in my personal life. 

    In addition, it took me a long to realize it; it was possible that the other person on the line could tell by the way I spoke and the words I used. 

    I didn't have my usual energy, the anticipation for the thing subsided, and my motivation vanished.

    Because of this, I missed my goals despite making the same amount of sales calls that quarter and following the suggested sales techniques.

    I took responsibility for the results, didn't receive any compensation for that period, and I also learned an important exercise.

    In the unlikely event that you are not mentally ready to complete a transaction, you cannot complete it. It is crucial to separate our job and personal lives.

    Clients observe a lot more than just your words during the interaction.” 

    10. What would you do if you found out your closest friend at work was stealing?  

    “Even though I am in a challenging situation, I hate lying. Additionally, no matter how small the crime may seem, it is still against company policy.

    I would report the crime to my boss, or I would use the company's suggested disclosing technique for such behavior.” 

    11. How do you prioritize your customers’ needs?

    “Generally speaking, I believe that understanding a client's needs depends heavily on active listening. I ensure to paraphrase what they say as they describe a need or problem so that I completely comprehend it, giving them a chance to correct me. For total customer satisfaction, I also follow up with clarifying questions to better understand their needs.”

    12. Talk about a time when you were influenced to change by asking the right question. 

    “In my previous position as a warehouse supervisor, I tried to persuade the logistics director to rearrange the warehouse as a whole. They rejected my idea outright since they thought the current method worked fine. But I didn't give up. I presented them precisely, numerically, how much we can reduce the trip time using the new model by setting up a presentation on my laptop, performing some calculations, and making forecasts. Finally, we received a green light because I persuaded them. The sensible logistics manager convinced them to rethink their minds after seeing the numbers.”

    13. Share with me something you learned recently in a role. 

    “My boss brought up the fact that superiors hadn't updated our company's website in a while last year, so I offered to help them out by making improvements. I enrolled in an eight-week web design course and worked on the assignments in the evenings. As soon as I finished the training, I began improving the site by redesigning the user interface to make it simpler for visitors to navigate.

    I also added some broader details about the background of the business and the items we sell. Since I completed the website, they have offered me several different technology-based courses to take, and my supervisor's management congratulated me for the adjustments I made.”

    14. What do you think about taking risks? Share with us a time you took a calculated risk if any.

    “One of the most significant risks I've made was on a previous project in which my team and I created a new feature for our client's app. We weren't sure how others would react to the adjustment because it was unlike any of their other capabilities. We designed the functionality with our client's target demographic, and the ultimate purpose is to explore how we might improve the app. Following the addition of the new function, our client gave us positive feedback and suggested that we add similar characteristics to some of their existing apps.”

    15. Talk about the most challenging situation you have faced in your life. How did you handle it? 

    “The most challenging scenario for me was when our organization was coping with a large project. All of the employees were concerned about this critical project as it was one of the most expensive projects the firm had ever gotten. The project, on the other hand, was within our grasp, and we could have completed it without much effort. However, the issue arose when our software specialist quit during the project, causing our work to cease.

    I was requested to conduct software work for that project because I had previously tried my hand. I hadn't done that task in a long time. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to complete it. But I remembered what I'd studied and gave it a shot, hitting the target.” 

    16. Talk about a time when you were given limited resources to complete a job.

    “I had a lengthy and challenging employee onboarding process when I started working in my present department. Rather than training on the job and engaging with their new team, newly hired employees would devote their time to viewing training films. I proposed that we provide each new hire with a team mentor.

    The mentor and new hire began having two weekly meetings, during which the mentor assisted the new hire with the onboarding procedure. Because of this modification's effectiveness, we saw a 15% increase in new hire retention.”


    The Bar Raiser is responsible for upholding and improving Amazon's recruiting criteria; your responsibility is to impress the Bar Raiser.

    If you are well-prepared for the interview, you can answer the Amazon interview Bar Raiser questions quickly, and the advice offered in this article will help you get in the best possible shape. 

    To learn more about Bar Raiser Amazon interview questions, check out KnowledgeHut best online course websites

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Will the Amazon Bar raiser ask technical questions?

    Technical interview questions are asked during other rounds of interviews during the Amazon interview process. Amazon’s Bar Raiser Interview doesn’t focus on technical questions. Bar Raisers focus on questions based on Amazon’s leadership principles and other cultural-based aspects.

    2Does every Amazon interview have a Bar Raiser?

    All candidates for corporate jobs at Amazon will have one interview round with a Bar Raiser during the final onsite loop. This round typically lasts 45-60 minutes, and you may or may not be informed ahead of time on which round is the Bar Raiser interview.

    3How can you identify the Bar Raiser at an Amazon interview?

    The recruiting manager, three additional interviewers, and the Amazon Bar Raiser make up the standard Amazon interview panel of five, one of whom sets the bar higher. The interviewer, known as the "Bar Raiser," is typically from another department; they are more seasoned and ask complex questions focused on culture.

    4What happens after the Bar Raiser round?

    The Bar Raiser will engage with the recruitment manager to review input from the interview after the Amazon Bar Raiser interview. The hiring manager will decide if the candidate should be considered further.

    If the judgment is favorable, the applicant will be invited back for additional interviews. The procedure will conclude, and the company will notify the applicant if the choice is rejected.

    5Can the hiring manager be the Bar Raiser?

    As a third party in the interview process, a Bar Raiser is a facilitator of interviews and meetings when hiring decisions are made. Neither they nor the recruiter is in charge of hiring. They are reputable interviewers and talent advocates outside the recruiting manager's team. 

    6Is bar raiser the last round at Amazon?

    Yes, Amazon bar raiser is usually the last round at the Amazon interview process. During this phase the candidate has undergone a thorough interview stage that includes sessions with the bar raiser and the hiring manager. Depending on the job profile the number of interviews within this loop may increase.

    7How to crack a bar raiser interview?

    To crack the Amazon bar raiser interview you need to be able to answer the questions that are asked based on the Leadership Principles. Also, you must have ideas to prepare some ideas so that you have them in hand when you are asked about it.


    Binod Anand

    Blog Author

    A content marketing analyst, Binod’s area of interest is EdTech, marketing analytics, and digital marketing. He is also a professional blogger and writes extensively on skill development. His hobbies include travelling, programming, and watching sitcoms.

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