HomeBlogQualityDesign For Six Sigma Methodology: A Toolset To Address Customers’ Need

Design For Six Sigma Methodology: A Toolset To Address Customers’ Need

05th Sep, 2023
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    Design For Six Sigma Methodology: A Toolset To Address Customers’ Need

    A number of businesses face problem in performing as per planning and expectations, despite offering the quality product at a reasonable price. The primary reason triggering this problem is the failure to offer the quality product/services in the line of customers’ expectations that are ever changing. Designing the successful processes for delivering competitively priced flawless products / services is the prime need of businesses that makes the Design for Six Sigma (DFSS) Methodology popular and widely accepted. Many advantages of implementing six sigma which improves the business operation.

    What Is DFSS? 

    Design for Six Sigma is a data-driven methodology that determines the current needs and expectations of customers to streamline the product designing/manufacturing/services backup procedures accordingly. DFSS guides to develop the new processes where the in-force procedures are inadequate to address the customers’ requirements. The strategic DFSS also helps for developing the required efficiency to excel with a competitive edge in emerging markets. DFSS implementation guides the responsible professionals to foresee and correct the potential defects by improving the processes; the improved customers’ satisfaction delivers long-lasting support for the businesses to sustain and improve the growth rate despite complex new challenges. In addition, DFSS minimizes the risks in new product introduction.

    Application of Design for Six Sigma:   

    Guided DFSS implementation goes through the four steps process- assess; plan; enable and sustain. The successful application of any advanced theory for the improvement of products and services need the help of an experienced expert; DFSS implementation is also not an exception. Numbers of Business Management Consulting Firms provide comprehensive customized support for DFSS implementation. The implementing process of DFSS involves five steps:

    Define –        Defining the deliverables with the perspective of the project and customer

    Measure –    Measuring different parameters to determine the customer needs

    Analyze –    Analyzing the processes for improvement to meet the changed needs of customer

    Design –      Designing the improved process to deliver in the line of customer’ needs.

    Verify –       Testing the design performance to ensure customer satisfaction

    DMADV methodology makes the designing of new products cheaper besides guiding the concerned fellows to identify the reasons for not impressing the buyers despite offering the quality products.

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    The Scope of Design for Six Sigma Methodology:

    The efficiency of Design for Six Sigma Methodology is being experienced by the industries worldwide. A number of businesses experienced a boost in the performance because of increased demand of product within few months after deployment of DFSS. DFSS oriented designing/ redesigning approach makes the diverse operations robust, flawless, cost effective and competitive, ensuring consistent delivery and 100% customers’ satisfaction. The scope of DFSS implementation also includes designing/ redesigning the plant layouts/ equipment to ensure flawless manufacturing. The training to integrate DFSS tools into the all the procedural frameworks is also the part of DFSS implementation. In total, DFSS methodology deployment for planned growth rate follows a specific approach structured with data-driven analysis of production capabilities, available resources and market feedback.


    Shubhranshu Agarwal

    Freelance content writer

    Shubhranshu Agarwal is a technical writer with special interest in business management and project management subjects. Over the 15 years of freelance content writing, he has written a lot to help the industries, businesses and project managers to achieve the sustainable growth by implementing strategic critical management methodologies.

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