HomeBlogSecurityTop 35 Ethical Hacking Tools in 2024 [With Pricing & Rating]

Top 35 Ethical Hacking Tools in 2024 [With Pricing & Rating]

01st Jul, 2024
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    Top 35 Ethical Hacking Tools in 2024 [With Pricing & Rating]

    While some of us would argue that the world has started to see ethical hackers in a more positive light over the last few years, the term still has a negative connotation. Many people still consider it a criminal activity, mainly due to the portrayal of hackers as either cybercriminals or thieves in pop culture and popular media. That’s a shame because ethical hacking is simply a practice carried out by large organizations, mainly the tech industry, to protect their data. It’s something they do to keep their organization and its resources safe. 

    So, as you can see, ethical hackers are simply computer security specialists, and no, they’re not always wearing hoodies or masks. I’ll take you through the best ethical hacking tools and software in this blog.

    Best Ethical Hacking Tools and Software

    While it’s not possible to talk about all the ethical hacking tools available in one go, I’ll take you through some of the most popular ones below.

    1. Nmap 
    2. Nessus
    3. Burp Suite
    4. Metasploit
    5. Netsparker
    6. Acunetix
    7. Aircrack-Ng
    8. John the Ripper
    9. Ettercap
    10. SQLMap
    11. Invicti
    12. Fortify WebInspect
    13. Nikto
    14. Hashcat
    15. Maltego
    16. Hydra
    17. OWASP ZAP
    18. NetStumbler
    19. Kismet
    20. Intruder
    21. OpenVAS
    22. Angry IP Scanner
    23. Traceroute NG
    24. LiveAction
    25. QualysGuard
    26. WebInspect
    27. Hashcat
    28. DirBuster
    29. BeEF
    30. IKECrack
    31. WebGoat
    32. Sqlmap
    33. W3af
    34. GoBurp Suite
    35. Netcat

    1. Nmap 

    Google Play

    Short for Network Mapper, no ethical hacker can do without this tool because of its powerful searching and scanning abilities. Ethical hackers use this tool for port scanning. The information gathered using this tool is vital for every ethical hacker in deciding how to attack the target system, i.e., the steps involved. Nmap enables them to discover services and hosts on any network, creating a network map. Using this ethical hacking tool, you can probe computer networks and detect operating systems. First developed for Linux or Unix, Nmap is now a cross-platform tool and works on Mac and Windows.

    • Pricing: It is an Open-Source ethical hacking tool available on the internet  
    • Customer Rating: 4.8 stars 
    Key FeaturesDescription
    Today Nmap (Network Mapper) exists as a free toolNetwork discovery and security auditing tool
    Used by systems and network administrators
    Creative applications for tracking hosts and services
    Effective interrogation tool for network discovery
    Rapid scans for large networks, also suitable for a single host
    Easy to install
    • Runs on all major operating systems
    • Official binary packages for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X
    • Support for sophisticated techniques (IP filters, firewalls, routers)
    • Various port scanning methods, OS detection, version detection, ping sweeps
    • Documentation page for detailed information
    VersatileCompatible with a wide range of operating systems
    User FriendlySimple to get started with oneline commands or graphical versions
    Cost Free
    • Freely downloadable with complete source code
    • Can be modified and redistributed under the license terms
    • Thousands of daily downloads, included in popular operating systems
    • Among the top ten programs on TheFreshmeat.Net repository
    Firewall and IDS DetectionScans may trigger firewalls or intrusion detection systems
    Incomplete OS DetectionNot always accurate or complete in identifying operating systems
    Resource IntensivenessHeavy scans on large networks can consume bandwidth and system resources
    Limited Support for Encrypted ProtocolsDifficulties in scanning networks relying on encrypted protocols
    Learning CurveComplex features and commandline interface require time for novice users
    Network DisruptionAggressive or poorly configured scans may briefly take down network services
    Dependency on Network ConditionsNetwork conditions like latency and packet loss can influence scanning results

    2. Nessus 

    InfoSec Write-ups

    Second on the list is Nessus, the world’s most renowned vulnerability scanner. It was developed by Tenable. It helps you detect unpatched services, misconfiguration, weak passwords, and other system vulnerabilities. A free tool Nessus is recommended for non-enterprise usage. An ethical hacker can see critical bugs in any target system.


    • 1 Year - $3,590  
    • 2 Years - $7,000.50  
    • 3 Years - $10,231.50  

    Customer Rating: 4.7 starts

    Here are the key features of the Nessus tool: 

    Key FeaturesDescription
    1. Vulnerability ScanningPerforms comprehensive scans to identify security problems and weaknesses in network devices, servers, or applications.
    2. Policy Compliance CheckingTests systems against predefined security policies and industry compliance standards (e.g., PCI DSS, CIS benchmarks).
    3. Configuration AuditingAudits system configurations to find misconfigurations that could lead to security vulnerabilities.
    4. Web Application ScanningEquipped with web application scanning to identify flaws in web servers, web applications, or their components.
    5. ScalabilitySupports scalable scanning for both small and large environments.
    6. Credential-Based ScanningScans with authenticated credentials for more detailed and accurate information on missing patches and misconfigurations.
    7. Customizable Scanning PoliciesAllows users to define and customize scanning policies based on specific situations and preferences.
    8. Report GenerationGenerates detailed and customizable reports, including information on identified vulnerabilities, their risk levels, and recommended actions.
    9. Integration with Other ToolsIt integrates well with various security and IT management tools to improve workflow.
    10. Continuous MonitoringOffers functions for ongoing monitoring to quickly identify changes in the network and new vulnerabilities.
    11. Asset DiscoveryDiscovers and inventories assets to keep the asset inventory up to date.
    12. Cloud Environment SupportSupports scanning of assets in cloud environments and adapts to changes in modern IT infrastructure.
    13. User Authentication TestingFeatures testing of user authentication procedures and identifies weaknesses in login processes.

    Here is the list of pros and cons of the tool: 

    • Support for sophisticated techniques (IP filters, firewalls, routers)
    • Various port scanning methods, OS detection, version detection, ping sweeps
    • Documentation page for detailed information
    VersatileCompatible with a wide range of operating systems
    User-FriendlySimple to get started with one-line commands or graphical versions
    Cost-FreeFreely downloadable with complete source code
    Can be modified and redistributed under the license terms
    PopularThousands of daily downloads, included in popular operating systems

    Among the top ten programs on TheFreshmeat.Net repository
    Firewall and IDS DetectionScans may trigger firewalls or intrusion detection systems
    Incomplete OS DetectionNot always accurate or complete in identifying operating systems
    Resource IntensivenessHeavy scans on large networks can consume bandwidth and system resources
    Limited Support for Encrypted ProtocolsDifficulties in scanning networks relying on encrypted protocols
    Learning CurveComplex features and command-line interface require time for novice users
    Network DisruptionAggressive or poorly configured scans may briefly take down network services
    Dependency on Network ConditionsNetwork conditions like latency and packet loss can influence scanning results

    3. Burp Suite

    Burp Suite
    Astaqc Consulting

    Burp Suite is a Java-based framework that deals with Web Penetration Testing. It is an industry-standard suite of tools that information security professionals use. As an ethical hacker, Burp Suite enables you to find vulnerabilities in your target system and confirm if any attack vectors are affecting web applications. Burp Suite has a great web application crawler that maps content and functionality accurately. It also handles state changes, application logins, and volatile content.

    Here are the key features and description of Burp Suite: 

    Key FeaturesDescription
    1. ProxyInspection and control of Internet traffic by intercepting and modifying HTTP/S requests.
    2. ScannerAutomates the discovery of flaws in Web applications, focusing on SQL Injection and cross-site scripting (XSS).
    3. SpiderDiscovers and maps the web application structure, distinguishing between endpoints and parameters.
    4. RepeaterAllows manual modification and replay of single requests to observe application responses.
    5. IntruderLaunches custom attacks by sending payloads to find and exploit potential weaknesses.
    6. SequencerEvaluates the randomness and strength of tokens or session identifiers for security testing.
    7. DecoderAssists in decoding and encoding information from various formats during security testing.
    8. ComparerAllows comparison of two HTTP responses to identify differences stemming from security problems or application behavior changes.
    9. ExtensibilitySupports plug-ins, enabling the community to expand capabilities.
    10. CollaboratorHelps find and verify problems related to external service usage and third-party components.
    11. Session HandlingManages session cookies and authentication-related data during testing.
    12. Target AnalysisSummarizes information about the target web application, including site maps and detected problems.
    13. Configuration OptionsOffers various configuration options for tailoring the testing environment to different scenarios.

    Here are the pros and cons of the tool: 

    Comprehensive Feature SetA complete suite of tools for security testing web applications.
    User-Friendly InterfaceAccessible to novices with an intuitive interface, while also providing advanced features for in-depth study.
    Active Community and SupportLarge active user community, frequent updates, and improvements.
    ExtensibilityExpandable and modifiable through extensions to suit different testing needs.
    Regular UpdatesContinual updates and additions to keep up with changing security threats.
    Advanced Manual Testing ToolsPowerful manual testing tools like repeaters and intruder provide a high degree of control over requests and responses.
    Cost for Full FeaturesThe full-featured version is commercial and comes with a price, which may be a limitation for individual users or smaller organizations.
    Resource IntensiveScanning large web applications or performing in-depth testing can be resource-intensive, affecting system performance.
    Learning CurveDespite a user-friendly interface, fully utilizing Burp Suite's potential, especially its advanced functions, may have a learning curve for some users.

    Pricing: $19,121 Per year 

    Customer Rating: 4.8 starts 

    4. Metasploit


    Metasploit is an open-source penetration testing framework written in Ruby.  It is a public resource for confirming security vulnerabilities and developing code. This code allows any ethical hacker to break into their network to identify security risks and decide which vulnerabilities to address first—many beginners in the field of ethical hacking use this tool to sharpen their skills.

    Here are the key features and description of Metasploit: 

    Key FeaturesDescription
    1. Exploitation FrameworkPowerful attack framework simplifying development, testing, and implementation of exploits against target systems.
    2. Module DevelopmentUsers can develop, modify, and integrate their own modules, offering high flexibility.
    3. PayloadsVarious payloads from simple shell commands to sophisticated and stealthy options, providing flexibility in access gained.
    4. Post-Exploitation ModulesLarge collection of modules for post-exploitation tasks like privilege escalation, data exfiltration, and lateral movement in compromised networks.
    5. Payload EncodersContains encoders to hide payloads, increasing the chances of a successful attack by bypassing security mechanisms.
    6. AutomationStreamlines vulnerability identification and exploitation through automation.
    7. Community and UpdatesLarge, active community contributes regularly, ensuring updates with new features and modules.

    Here are the pros and cons of the tool: 

    VersatilityFlexible, handling various exploits, payloads, and post-exploitation modules.
    Community SupportActive community providing help, documentation, and a library of useful modules.
    Rapid DevelopmentModular architecture allows quick development and integration of new exploits and modules.
    Educational ResourceServes as an educational resource, helping security professionals understand attacker techniques.
    Integration with Other ToolsIntegrates well with other security tools and frameworks, strengthening overall cybersecurity capabilities.
    Complexity for BeginnersIntimidating for beginners; learning curve in mastering Metasploit due to its extensive features.
    Resource IntensiveSome tasks and modules are demanding, potentially slowing down system performance during big scans.
    Legal and Ethical ConcernsWhile intended for security testing, misuse can lead to legal and ethical issues; caution required to avoid violating third-party rights or engaging in illegal activities.

    Pricing: It is an Open-Source tool available on the internet

    Customer Rating: 4.6 stars

    5. Netsparker

    Cybersecurity Excellence Awards

    The advantage that Netsparker brings to the table is that it gives you the ability to imitate a hacker’s typical actions. You can use this tool to identify any web API threats (application programming interface), such as SQL injection or cross-site scripting. You don’t have to worry about vulnerabilities being disguised as a false positive – Netsparker identifies genuine vulnerabilities one after the other without manual verification. This software is also easy to access. It’s available as an online service and Windows software.

    6. Acunetix

    PR Newswire

    Between an SQL Injection (SQLi) and an XSS attack (cross-site scripting), which would you say is more dangerous? The former sends damaging SQL statements back to the victim user and compromises the safety of the database server behind the application. On the other hand, the latter attacks interactions between users and an application if it is vulnerable. Acunetix is a lifesaver in both scenarios. It’s a fully automated tool, capable of detecting and reporting almost 5,000 security threats, including every variant of SQLi and XSS! It supports both HTML5 and JavaScript and prioritizes vulnerabilities based on risk level.

    Here are the comprehensive points about the key features, pros, and cons of Acunetix

    Key FeaturesProsCons
    1. Comprehensive ScanningDeepScan Technology: Ensures thorough scanning for accurate vulnerability detection.Cost: Full-featured version can be expensive, potentially deterring smaller organizations.
    2. DeepScan TechnologyIncremental Scanning: Supports incremental scanning, reducing scan time and resource consumption.Learning Curve: Users unfamiliar with web application security tools may require learning time.
    3. Incremental ScanningAcuSensor Technology: Integration for more accurate vulnerability identification and fewer false positives.Resource Intensive: Scanning large or complex web applications may be resource-intensive, impacting system performance.
    4. AcuSensor TechnologyScan Automation: Automation features like scheduled testing and CI/CD integration for convenient security testing.Dependency on Updates: Relies on timely updates to its vulnerability database, requiring users to keep the tool up to date.
    5. Scan AutomationIntegration with Issue Tracking Systems: Simplifies identification and patching of vulnerabilities.Interface Complexity for Beginners: The user-friendly interface may still be complex for beginners, requiring training.
    6. Integration with Issue Tracking SystemsCompliance Reporting: Tools to measure compliance with security standards and best practices.
    7. Compliance ReportingVulnerability Management: Central platform for managing and tracking vulnerabilities.
    8. Vulnerability ManagementIntelligent Crawler: Utilizes an intelligent crawler for navigating complex web applications.
    9. Intelligent CrawlerOut-of-Band Vulnerability Detection: Discovers potential weaknesses for out-of-band attacks.

    Pricing: $14,000 

    Customer Rating: 4.6 starts 

    7. Aircrack-Ng


    Across the world, a layperson will equate good internet with a strong Wi-Fi connection. So, it’s no surprise that specific tools target Wi-Fi networks. The advantage that Aircrack-Ng offers ethical hackers is the arsenal of tools that they can use to check and evaluate a network. If they identify a vulnerable network, they can then test, monitor, strike, and crack it, like a proper operation! This Wi-Fi hacking software spares no platform- it supports Windows, OS X, Linux, 2Free BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, and even Solaris!

    Here are the key features of Aircrack-Ng: 

    Key FeaturesDescription
    1. Wi-Fi Security SuiteIntegrated set of tools for cryptographic analysis of Wi-Fi networks.
    2. Monitoring and Packet CaptureAllows monitoring of Wi-Fi networks and packet capture for analysis.
    3. Attacking and TestingIncludes tools for attacking and testing the security of Wi-Fi networks.
    4. Password CrackingSupports Wi-Fi password cracking using techniques like WEP and WPA/WPA2.
    5. Cross-Platform CompatibilityWorks on different operating systems, including Linux, Windows, and macOS.

    Here are the pros and cons of the tool: 

    Versatile ToolsetProvides a wide range of tools for testing various aspects of Wi-Fi security.
    Active DevelopmentActively updated with improvements to address new challenges in security.
    Community SupportBenefits from a supportive user community, offering assistance and resources.
    Open SourceBeing open-source, Aircrack-ng is accessible at no cost, promoting transparency.
    Learning CurveHas a definite learning curve, especially for new testers in Wi-Fi security.
    Command-Line InterfaceUsers who prefer GUIs may find the command-line interface less user-friendly.
    Legal ConsiderationsUnauthorized access to Wi-Fi networks may have legal consequences; users must be aware of related laws.

    Pricing: It is an Open-Source tool available on the internet 

    Customer Rating: 4.5 stars 

    8. John the Ripper

    John the Ripper

    If you know anything about the gruesome Jack the Ripper murders, you know that you have enough reason to fear this tool. This is a tool that explicitly targets and hacks passwords. It is free and can mainly spot weak UNIX passwords. It comes with a bundle of password crackers and can be used on Windows, DOS, and Open VMS. You can also use this ethical hacking tool to create a tracker tailored to your needs. If you want to target encrypted passwords and security, this is your tool.

    Here are the key features of the tool: 

    Key FeaturesDescription
    1. Hash and Cipher Type SupportSupports various hash and cipher types, including those for Unix, Windows, macOS, WordPress, Oracle, MySQL, ext3fs, NTFS, and more.
    2. Open SourceFreely available for download, and users can read and modify its source code.
    3. Audit and RecoveryUseful for security professionals for both auditing and password recovery purposes.
    4. Cross-Platform CompatibilityRuns on multiple operating systems, providing compatibility across different environments.
    5. Community SupportActive user community contributes to ongoing support and development, adapting to changing security needs.

    Here is a list of pros and cons of John the Ripper ethical hacking tool: 

    VersatilityFlexible in various password-cracking situations due to support for diverse hash and cipher types.
    Open-Source NaturePromotes transparency and cooperation among security experts, fostering trust in the tool's functionality.
    Regular UpdatesCommunity-driven updates ensure the tool remains relevant and effective in response to evolving security challenges.
    Learning CurveMay pose a learning curve for beginners due to the multitude of features and configurations to understand.
    Command-Line InterfaceSome users might find the command-line interface less user-friendly compared to tools with graphical user interfaces.

    Pricing: It is an Open-Source tool available on the internet 

    Customer Rating: 4 stars 

    9. Ettercap


    Ettercap is an open-source network security tool commonly used for protocol analysis and security auditing.  It targets insecure ARPs (address resolution protocols) and poisons such ARP caches. It can filter content, sniff packets (both MAC and IP-based), analyze networks and hosts, decrypt passwords, etc. Ettercap can decode several types of passwords, including HTTP, FTP, POP, and SSL.

    Here are the key features of the Ettercap tool: 

    Key FeaturesDescription
    1. Phishing AttacksTools for conducting phishing campaigns to trick users into revealing sensitive information.
    2. Credential HarvestingMethods like fake login pages and credentials capture for harvesting login credentials.
    3. Payload GenerationProduction of malicious payloads, usually in the form of executable files, containing exploits for attacks.
    4. Spear PhishingSupports customized phishing campaigns targeting specific individuals or organizations.
    5. Website Attack VectorsProvides attack vectors for compromising websites, including cloning sites and setting up malicious redirects.
    6. Wireless Access Point AttacksTools for conducting attacks on wireless networks, including the setup of rogue access points.
    7. Java Applet AttacksSupports attacks on Java applets, enabling the execution of harmful code in target systems.

    Here are the pros and cons of the tool: 

    User-Friendly InterfaceEasy-to-use interface, making SET accessible even for individuals with limited technical expertise.
    Comprehensive ToolkitA comprehensive social engineering attack toolkit that covers a wide range of attack vectors.
    Active Community SupportRegular updates and contributions from a thriving community of security professionals.
    Educational PurposesUsed by security professionals for educational purposes, allowing them to understand and defend against social engineering attacks.
    Potential for MisuseThe powerful toolkit carries the risk of misuse, emphasizing the need for ethical considerations in its use.
    Legal ImplicationsUse for unauthorized purposes may lead to legal penalties; users must adhere to laws and regulations.
    Limited ScopeWhile efficient for social engineering attacks, SET may have limited scope when compared to more specialized tools.

    Pricing: It is an Open-Source ethical hacking tool available on the internet 

    Customer Rating: 4.8 stars 

    10. SQLMap


    SQLMap is a free, open-source tool that checks to see if there are any SQL injection bugs. This allows users to read data from SQL databases, interact directly with the file system, and execute operating.

    Here are some of the key feature about the SQLMap tool: 

    Key FeaturesDescription
    1. Automatic SQL Injection DetectionAutomates the detection of SQL injection vulnerabilities, identifying potential attack points in web applications.
    2. Comprehensive Database SupportWorks with various database management systems, including MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and Microsoft SQL Server.
    3. Blind SQL Injection TechniquesIncorporates advanced techniques for identifying and exploiting blind SQL injection vulnerabilities.
    4. Time-Based Blind SQL InjectionPerforms blind SQL injections by exploiting the time it takes for the application to respond.
    5. Error-Based SQL InjectionExtracts information from an application by causing it to issue SQL errors, utilizing error-based SQL injection techniques.
    6. Boolean-Based Blind SQL InjectionSupports boolean-based blind SQL injection, allowing the tool to determine information through true/false tests.
    7. Authentication BypassTakes advantage of SQL injection vulnerabilities to bypass authentication mechanisms.
    8. Data ExtractionExtracts data from the database, including tables, columns, and usernames, through various entry methods.
    9. File System AccessPenetrates the underlying file system using SQL injection, allowing requests or modifications to arbitrary files.

    Here are the pros and cons of the tool: 

    Open Source and FreeSQLmap is an open-source semi-automatic tool available for free, suitable for security professionals, penetration testers, and researchers.
    Active Development and Community SupportUnder active development with a community providing updates, improvements, and local contributions.
    Automated Detection and ExploitationAutomates the identification and exploitation of SQL injection weaknesses, saving time for security professionals.
    Versatile and ExtensibleSupports major database management systems and is user-extendable for additional features and modules.
    Comprehensive Testing CapabilitiesOffers various test functions, including time-based and boolean-based blind SQL injection, increasing applicability to different scenarios.
    Output OptionsProvides results in plain text, JSON, or XML format for easier analysis and reporting.
    False PositivesLike any automated tool, it may produce false positives that require manual verification.
    Aggressive Testing May Cause DisruptionTesting aggressively may disrupt the normal operation of a web application unintentionally.
    Limited to SQL Injection TestingPrimarily focused on SQL injection testing and requires additional tools for a complete security toolbox.
    Complex Command-Line Interface (CLI)Utilizes a command-line interface, potentially challenging for users more accustomed to graphical interfaces.
    Requires Careful UsageDue to its powerful capabilities, it should be used cautiously to avoid accidental damage or disruption to the target application.

    If you’re an aspiring ethical hacker and want to understand the numerous intricacies of the above tools, a cybersecurity certification is usually the way to go. Our trusted and oft-abused search engine pal, Google, can help you find the best Cybersecurity certifications you can enroll for from home comfort.

    List of More Ethical Hacking Tools

    Ethical Hacking Tools 



    11. Invicti 

    Vulnerability scanning and management, Integration with CI/CD pipelines, Comprehensive reporting, Intelligent crawling and scanning, Automatic verification of vulnerabilities 

    USD $5994.00 per year 


    12. Fortify WebInspect 

    Deep scanning capabilities, Real-time scanning results, Integration with Fortify on Demand, Scans for a wide range of vulnerabilities, Comprehensive compliance reporting 

    No setup fee 

    13. Nikto 

    Detects over 6700 potentially dangerous files/programs, Checks for outdated versions of over 1250 servers, Checks for version-specific problems on over 270 servers, Configurable to check for custom items, Output to multiple formats (plain text, HTML, XML, CSV) 

    Open-source, free to use 

    14. Hashcat 

    Supports multiple hashing algorithms, Utilizes CPU and GPU for high-performance cracking, Open-source and customizable, Supports distributed cracking, Flexible rules engine for complex password policies 

    Open-source, free to use 

    15. Maltego 

    Visual link analysis, Data gathering from multiple sources, Graphical visualization of relationships, Customizable transforms, Integration with other OSINT tools 

    $5,000.00: 1 License Per Year 

    16. Hydra 

    Supports numerous protocols (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc.), Parallelized login attempts, User-friendly command-line interface, Extensive module support, Customizable attack patterns 

    Open-source, free to use 

    17. OWASP ZAP 

    Automated scanners, Passive and active scanning, Intercepting proxy, WebSocket support, REST-based API 

    Open-source, free to use 

    18. NetStumbler 

    Detection of WLANs using 802.11b, 802.11a, and 802.11g, Support for GPS, Logging of detected networks, Easy-to-use interface, Signal strength indicators 

    Free to use 

    19. Kismet 

    802.11a/b/g/n monitoring, Passive monitoring and detection, Network mapping and visualization, Intrusion detection capabilities, Integration with other security tools 

    Open-source, free to use 

    20. Intruder 

    Continuous security monitoring, Automated scans for over 10,000 vulnerabilities, Integration with Slack and Jira, Comprehensive reporting, Easy-to-use dashboard 

    Subscription-based, with various plans 

    21. OpenVAS 

    Comprehensive vulnerability assessment, Regular updates of Network Vulnerability Tests (NVTs), Scheduled and automated scans, Detailed reporting, Open-source and customizable 

    Open-source, free to use 

    22. Angry IP Scanner 

    Scans IP addresses and ports, Cross-platform (Windows, Mac, Linux), Export results in multiple formats (CSV, TXT, XML), Command-line interface, Plugin support for extended functionality 

    Open-source, free to use 

    23. Traceroute NG 

    Real-time path analysis, Identifies hop-by-hop network paths, Measures latency and packet loss, Supports IPv4 and IPv6, Command-line interface 

    Free to use 

    24. LiveAction 

    Real-time network monitoring, Deep packet inspection, Flow analysis and visualization, Application and network performance management, Integration with other network tools 

    Subscription-based, with various plans 

    25. QualysGuard 

    Continuous vulnerability assessment, Policy compliance checks, Web application scanning, Detailed reporting and analytics, Integration with other security tools 

    Subscription-based, with various plans 

    26. WebInspect 

    Continuous vulnerability assessment, Policy compliance checks, Web application scanning, Detailed reporting and analytics, Integration with other security tools 

    Subscription-based, with various plans 

    27. Hashcat 


    Comprehensive web application scanning, Real-time vulnerability assessment, Integration with CI/CD pipelines, Detailed compliance reporting, Supports multiple testing methodologies 

    Subscription-based, with various plans 

    28. DirBuster 

    Multithreaded brute force attacks, Customizable wordlists, URL fuzzing capabilities, Detailed scan reports, Cross-platform support 

    Open-source, free to use 

    29. BeEF 

    Browser vulnerability exploitation, Command and control interface, Integration with other security tools, Extensive module library, Real-time interaction with compromised browsers 

    Open-source, free to use  

    30. IKECrack

    The tool is designed to test the strength of IKE/IPSec connections, specifically focusing on Pre-Shared Key (PSK) authentication.

    Open-source, free to use  

    31. WebGoatA deliberately insecure web application for learning web application security vulnerabilities in a safe environment.
    32. SqlmapAn automated penetration testing tool targeting SQL injection vulnerabilities in web applications.
    33. W3afA free and open-source web application security scanner for identifying various vulnerabilities.
    34. GoBurp SuiteA suite of tools for web application penetration testing, including traffic interception, vulnerability analysis, and credential brute-forcing.
    Free (limited features) 
    35. NetcatA versatile command-line tool for network tasks like port scanning, file transfer, and creating network tunnels.

    Top Features of Ethical Hacking Tools 

    • Vulnerability Scanning: Identify system weaknesses. 
    • Penetration Testing: Simulate real-world attacks.  
    • User-Friendly Interface: Easy navigation for all users.  
    • Reporting and Analysis: Generate detailed vulnerability reports.  
    • Exploitation Frameworks: Test and verify vulnerabilities.  
    • Support for Multiple Platforms: Versatile compatibility.  
    • Stealth and Anonymity: Operate covertly for realism.  
    • Automation and Scripting: Streamline tasks efficiently.  
    • Documentation and Tutorials: Comprehensive guidance.  
    • Regular Updates: Address new security challenges.  
    • Customization: Adapt to diverse testing requirements.  
    • Compliance Checking: Ensure adherence to standards.  
    • Network Mapping: Visual representation of infrastructure.  
    • Password Cracking and Auditing: Assess authentication strength.  
    • Real-time Monitoring: Observe and analyze network traffic.  
    • Integration with Other Tools: Enhance capabilities with integration.  
    • Scalability: Suitable for testing large environments.  
    • Legal and Ethical Considerations: Emphasize responsible use.  
    • Community and Support: Active user community and support.  

    Why is Ethical Hacking Tool Important? 

    Whether it is hacking software or online business dealing and matching engines, the parents of the computer world always have their nerve endings on edge about what sorts of damage such programs may bring. In some cases, employers must hire actual experts to monitor the data concerning its company's important resources and expensive hardware & software systems--referred to as various business operating platforms software (BOPS)--on whom attackers would naturally set their sights if they could get in easily.  

    Here are some key attributes of hacking software: 

    It provides interior as well as exterior security to help protect end users from all sorts of threats. Today it is even possible to find many ethical hacking software programs on open-source platforms. This keeps our home networks secure from all manner of threats. Using this software for hacking, networks or systems can be assessed for vulnerabilities so that they are more resilient against outside intrusions.

    Can You Legally Use Hacking Tools?

    The short answer – is yes. You can use hacking tools legally, but under the following conditions:

    1. You’re a white hat hacker

    As previously mentioned, what separates ethical hackers from criminals is that the former uses their skills and these tools to identify security threats and vulnerabilities in computer systems and networks. You cannot exploit any organization’s security flaws for personal gain or fun (even if you’re wearing a white hat/beanie).

    2. You have written permission

    If you have express written permission from the organization (whose computer network you’re intercepting), it is legal for you to use the hacking tools mentioned above. This means that the company probably employs you as an ethical hacker, and they’re aware of what you’re doing.  However, if they are not, you’re a cybercriminal engaging in criminal activity.

    Looking to boost your career? Enroll in our ITIL Foundation Certification Course! Gain valuable skills and knowledge to excel in the IT industry. Don't miss out, sign up today! 

    How Do You Use Hacking Tools?

    • You can use any hacking tool you want by using the steps outlined below:
    • Download and install the desired hacking tool you want.
    • Launch the software once it has been successfully installed.
    • Finish setting up the particular software on your system.
    • Please acquaint yourself with the tool's UI and functionalities; get comfortable with it, basically.
    • Take the software for a test drive using a preconfigured external browser.
    • Get started, i.e., use the software for hacking to intercept/analyze a website.

    Wondering what Social Engineering is? Read more about recent attacks, steps, and prevention involved in social engineering in the linked blog.

    Before they can hack into any system and start figuring out security issues in the code, every ethical hacker usually has to sign a legally binding document, which states that they have to work towards improving the organization’s security and nothing else. They would have typically built their capabilities by enrolling in a CEH training program


    Amidst the rising tide of Internet security threats, there has been a surge in demand for talented and certified ethical hackers. Courses such as the Certified Ethical Hacking Course enable people to fight back against fraud and prevent identity theft, CEH Training Programs will help you achieve the skill set to build your career and take advantage of upcoming opportunities. Realizing that the weakest links in cybersecurity are usually end users, hackers take advantage of vulnerabilities and exposed security holes to effect spectacular high-profile data breaches as have happened recently.   

    Now that you know what makes an ethical hacker and the different tools you may end up using, we hope you’re more evident on whether you’d consider making ethical hacking your career. If you’re looking to build a career in this domain, check out our Certified Ethical Hacker Training course. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Which one is the best hacking tool?

    There are several useful hacking tools you can use. Nmap, Nessus, and Burp Suite are some of the more popular ones.

    2Is it legal to have hacking software?

    You can legally use hacking software only if you’re a white-hat hacker, i.e., you have consent from the organization whose websites you plan on intercepting.

    3Is ethical hacking hard to learn?

    Yes, but several ethical hacker training programs or courses on cybersecurity can help you get started.  

    4What are the steps to learn hacking legally?

    You can learn hacking legally through an ethical hacking course, wherein you’ll learn how to work with various hacker tools. There are also several websites where you can learn to hack legally.  

    5How much time does it take to become a hacker?

    This depends on several factors, such as how you plan to acquire skills. For example, learning on your own will take you much longer than if you were to enroll in a cybersecurity course.


    Vitesh Sharma

    Blog Author

    Vitesh Sharma, a distinguished Cyber Security expert with a wealth of experience exceeding 6 years in the Telecom & Networking Industry. Armed with a CCIE and CISA certification, Vitesh possesses expertise in MPLS, Wi-Fi Planning & Designing, High Availability, QoS, IPv6, and IP KPIs. With a robust background in evaluating and optimizing MPLS security for telecom giants, Vitesh has been instrumental in driving large service provider engagements, emphasizing planning, designing, assessment, and optimization. His experience spans prestigious organizations like Barclays, Protiviti, EY, PwC India, Tata Consultancy Services, and more. With a unique blend of technical prowess and management acumen, Vitesh remains at the forefront of ensuring secure and efficient networking solutions, solidifying his position as a notable figure in the cybersecurity landscape.

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