HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentAngular Bootstrap: How to Use It Practically? [with Examples]

Angular Bootstrap: How to Use It Practically? [with Examples]

05th Sep, 2023
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    Angular Bootstrap: How to Use It Practically? [with Examples]

    JavaScript programmes can run outside of a browser by using Node.js. Although it was initially intended to be a server environment for applications, JavaScript has been used by developers to handle local tasks. Since then, a brand-new ecosystem of Node-based tools has developed, completely altering the process of front-end development. Thus, we are continuing the revolution as Angular, React, Vue, and other technologies have been widely applied in enormous businesses. 

    Although creating websites is always fun, creating attractive websites is the most rewarding. The Angular framework can be used to create a whole website. 

    Angular is a framework for building desktop and mobile web apps with Typescript and JavaScript. Angular offers several advantages in terms of speed and performance by utilizing the Web Platform's current maximum speed as well as extra cutting-edge strategies and APIs like Web Workers and server-side rendering. You have the edge over scalability when you use push-model libraries to build data models that can manage enormous amounts of data. 

    For easily developing and customizing responsive mobile-first websites, Bootstrap is regarded as the most popular front-end open-source toolkit in the world. A responsive grid system, a big library of pre-built components, SASS variables and mixins, a sizable library of JavaScript plugins, and more are all included. 

    Angular Bootstrap: Overview

    What if you require all of Bootstrap's functionality but do not have access to JavaScript libraries? Use component libraries like NGBootstrap, created using Bootstrap and has several components and APIs created specifically for the Angular Ecosystem. 

    Why not incorporate those libraries? It is preferable to steer clear of libraries that do direct DOM manipulation (like jQuery) when using Angular and let the Angular ecosystem take care of things instead. 

    To design attractive websites quickly, you can easily integrate Bootstrap with Angular. If you want to understand how to do this, check out this in-depth post on Angular Bootstrap. 

    Building a solid foundation in Angular fundamentals is always advised before moving forward. You can check out the Angular course for beginners here, which will assist you in gaining a thorough understanding of Angular and its most up-to-date features by completing certification, allowing you to not only explore but also learn about the fascinating Angular ecosystem. 

    Angular Installation [Step-by-Step]

    Step 1 : Installing Angular CLI

    By executing the subsequent command in a fresh command-line interface, you can install the most recent version of the Angular CLI: 

    • npm install –g @angular/cli 

    Note: You only need to adjust your npm permissions if your system requires you to install Angular CLI globally and prepend sudo to your command in macOS or Linux systems or use a CMD with admin access in Windows. 

    Step 2 : Initializing the workspace

    You'll have access to the ng utility once the installation is complete. Let's use it to build a brand-new Angular project in the manner shown below: 

    • ng new angular-bootstrap 

    Step 3: Configuring the CSS

    You'll be asked a few questions, including these: 

    • ? Would you Like to add Angular routing? Yes 
    • ? Which stylesheet format would you Like to use? (Use arrow keys) 
    • > css 
    • scss [ https: //sass-Lang.com/documentation/syntax#scss ] 
    • Sass [ https: //sass-Lang.com/documentation/syntax#the-indented-syntax ] 
    • Less [ http://Lesscss.org ] 

    Most importantly, select CSS as the stylesheet format because this article will use the Bootstrap CSS version. As soon as you hit Enter on your keyboard, Angular CLI will create the files for your initial project and install the necessary packages. 

    Step 4: Bootstrapping the project

    Next, navigate inside the root folder of your project, and you can then serve your application as follows: 

    • cd angular-bootstrap 
    • ng serve 

    Your app will be served from http://localhost:4200/ 

    Installing Bootstrap in Angular

    You may add Bootstrap to your project in different ways: 

    • Using NPM to install the Bootstrap framework. 
    • Downloading Bootstrap files and placing them in your Angular project's src/assets folder. 
    • Using a CDN to access Bootstrap. 

    Integrate Bootstrap with Angular

    If you have an Angular ≥ 9 CLI project, you could simply use schematics to add ng-bootstrap library to it. Just run the following: 

    • ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap 

    After executing the aforementioned command, the angular CLI will contact the package management to determine the best library to install and will then prompt for the appropriate package version. Just type "YES" to confirm. Then CLI itself takes care of the following procedures. They are listed below. 

    1. Library installation and download. 
    2. Updating dependencies with the name and version of the library in package.json. 
    3. Including the NgbModule in imports to use the project's bootstrap component 
    4. Including bootstrap.min.css in the styles object to update angular.json. 
    5. In polyfills.ts, importing the "@angular/localize/init" 

    With the help of the new package @angular/localize, Ivy apps can offer internationalized messages. A localize symbol must be present globally for this package to function. When the @angular/localize/init module is imported, the symbol is loaded, and, as a by-product, it is added to the global scope. 


    As dependencies, only Angular, Bootstrap CSS, and Popper are required. You can consult the documentation to determine the compatible version. And make sure to review all the breaking changes indicated in the change-log before pushing the NGBootstrap major version. 

    • D:\angular-bootstrap>ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap 
    • I Using the package manager: npm 
    • v Found compatible package version: @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@12.1.2. 
    • v Package information Loaded. 
    • The package @ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap@12.1.2 will be installed and executed. 
    • Would you Like to proceed? Yes 
    • v Package successfully installed. 
    • UPDATE package.json (1220 bytes) 
    • v Packages installed successfully. 
    • UPDATE src/app/app.module.ts (464 bytes) 
    • UPDATE angular.json (3172 bytes) 
    • UPDATE src/polyfills.ts (2567 bytes) 

    Manual installation

    If you want to add ng-bootstrap to an older project or don't want to utilize schematics, you must do the following: 

    1. Add the NPM requirements for bootstrap, @popperjs/core, and @ng-bootstrap. 
    2. Add the @angular/localize directive to polyfills.ts 
    3. Include bootstrap in your project's CSS and SCSS (no JavaScript is required) 
    4. Include NgbModule or any other component module in your application, such as NgbAccordionModule or NgbDropdownModule. 
    import {NgbDropdownModule, NgbAccordionModule} from '@ng-bootstrap/ng-bootstrap'; 
    imports: [NgbDropdownModule, NgbAccordionModule], 
    export class CustomAppModule { 

    Alternative imports

    With NgbModule, you may just import the modules that include the components you need, such as accordion and datepicker, as opposed to the entire library. As a result, in this scenario, the package that produces will be smaller. Check the Web Development course syllabus to learn more about Angular bootstrap frameworks, libraries, components, etc. 

    Angular Bootstrap Example / Use Cases

    1. Animations

    Animations are available by default for all popular bootstrap components. Utilizing CSS Transitions, which make use of Bootstrap classes, they are put into use. You can either use your own theme or just override the built-in styles to change them. 

    To stop animations from happening everywhere, modify the animation flag in NgbConfig by injecting it into the application root: 

    export class AppComponent { 
      constructor(ngbConfig: NgbConfig) { 
        ngbConfig.animation = true; 

    Note: By altering the component configuration, as shown above, you can also opt to disable them by component type. 

    2. Internationalization

    Internationalization, often known as i18n, is the process of creating and preparing your product for use in numerous locations throughout the world. The process of creating localized versions of your project is called localization. These actions are a part of the localization procedure. 

    • Format information for a region;  
    • Text extraction for language translation. 

    A location identifies a region where a certain language or language family is spoken. Potential regions include things like nations and geographical areas. The location will determine how the following information is formatted and parsed. 

    • Measurement units like the day, the hour, the number, and the currency 
    • Names of time zones, languages, and nations have been translated. 

    The procedure for internationalizing ng-bootstrap components is the same as that outlined in the Angular manual. Angular v9 and ng-bootstrap v6 are required to use ng-bootstrap in components. The following additional @angular/localize polyfills must be added to the CLI project: 


     * Load `$localize` onto the global scope - used if i18n tags appear in Angular templates. 
    import '@angular/localize/init'; 

    3. Positioning

    Datepicker, Dropdown, Popover, Tooltip, and Typeahead are examples of library components that can be launched inside popup windows. 

    When the popup is opened, it is neatly positioned next to the target element and fits inside the viewport. Moreover, options can be shown, such as whether to position the popup at the top or bottom of the target element. 

    For example, even if the Popover won't fit in the viewport, it must always be enlarged to the top in this case. 

    <!-- PopOver will be positioned automatically to fit in the viewport à 
    <button ngbPopover="..."></button> 
    <!-- PopOver will always be on the top, even if it doesn't fit à 
    <button ngbPopover="..." placement="top"></button> 
    <!-- PopOver be on the top. If it doesn't fit, it will be on the bottom à 
    <button ngbPopover="..." placement="top bottom"></button> 
    <!-- we can also provide an array of strings à 
    <button ngbPopover="..." [placement]="['top', 'bottom']"></button> 

    Most Used Angular Bootstrap Components

    1. Angular Bootstrap Modal

    Bootstrap Modals provide a quick-loading, versatile, and responsive JavaScript popup. They are positioned over everything than any other elements and disable scrolling in the <body> in favor of the modal content. They can be utilized to show videos, photos, and alert popups on a website. 

    Angular Bootstrap Modal
    Implementation procedures: 

    1. Include the NgbModule in the (root).moudle.ts file (for all components) or the NgbModalModule (exclusively for using Modals). 
    2. Add the following HTML code to (file). Component.html. 
     <ng-template #content let-modal> 
    <div class="modal-header"> 
       <h4 class="modal-title" id="modal-basic-title">Modal Title</h4> 
       <button type="button" class="btn-close" (click)="modal.dismiss()"></button>  
    <div class="modal-body"> 
          <div class="mb-3"> 
             <label>Lorem ipsum dolor sit, amet consectetur adipisicing elit. 
             Enim autem doloribus quisquam qui velit quos dolorum expedita est quam </label>  
    <div class="modal-footer"> <button type="button" class="btn " (click)="modal.close()"> 
       Close </button>  
    <button class="btn btn-lg btn-outline-primary" (click)="open(content)"> 
    Launch modal  

    3. NgModal Service must be imported into (file).component.ts to open the modal, and the built-in function open () must be invoked as shown below. 

    export class ModalComponent { 
      constructor(private modalService: NgbModal) {} 
      open(content: any) { 

    4. Using NgbModalOptions and NgbModal.open(), other properties and templates can be implemented as needed. 

    • background - It specifies that the background window for the modal should be made to be disabled (Default value: true). 
    • centred - It is used to position the modal in the vertical centre (Default value: false). 
    • scrollable - Applied to make the modal's scrollable content (Default value: false). 
    • animation – It is used to animate the modal window's opening and closing (Default value: true). 
    • keyboard - if true, using the Escape key will cause the modal to close (Default value: true). 
    • size: It's used to specify a new modal window's size. Value might be formatted as a string. 

    2. Angular Bootstrap Accordion

    A set of panels that are piled on top of one another is an accordion. In web applications, accordion menus and widgets are frequently used to handle a lot of content and navigation lists in a little space. With only one click, accordions can cycle across several text blocks, substantially improving the user experience of your project. 

    Angular Bootstrap Accordion

    Implementation procedures: 

    • Add the NgbModule or NgbAccordionModule to the (root).moudle.ts file, depending on whether you're utilizing all components or just the accordion. 
    • Place the given HTML code in (file). component.html as shown. 
    <ngb-accordion #acc="ngbAccordion" [closeOthers]="true" activeIds="tab-1"> 
        <ngb-panel title="First -- Simple & Active Tab" id="tab-1"> 
          <ng-template ngbPanelContent> 
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus 
            numquam autem nesciunt soluta quaerat incidunt repellat, odit aliquid 
            tempore, ea ullam vel quos temporibus inventore laboriosam? Accusamus 
            natus tempora laboriosam? 
        <ngb-panel title="Second -- Disabled Tab" [disabled]="true"> 
          <ng-template ngbPanelContent> 
            Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus 
            numquam autem nesciunt soluta quaerat incidunt repellat, odit aliquid 
            tempore, ea ullam vel quos temporibus inventore laboriosam? Accusamus 
            natus tempora laboriosam? 
        <ngb-panel id="tab-2"> 
          <ng-template ngbPanelTitle> 
            <span>Third -- Template Tab</span> 
          <ng-template ngbPanelContent> 
           Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Doloribus 
            numquam autem nesciunt soluta quaerat incidunt repellat, odit aliquid 
            tempore, ea ullam vel quos temporibus inventore laboriosam? Accusamus 
            natus tempora laboriosam? 
    • Various properties and templates can be implemented as per the requirement. 
      • activeIds - To active/open the tab by default on landing. 
      • closerOther - If true, it will close the other tabs while opening the specified one; else all the tabs will remain open. 
      • disabled – Boolean property is used to disable the tabs. 
      • Properties like ngbPanelTitle and ngbPanelContent are used to set the title and content of the body from HTML. 
    • To switch the accordion's animation on and off. NgbConfig can be imported and defined in the constructor by altering the animation property 
    export class AccordianComponent implements OnInit { 
      constructor(ngbConfig: NgbConfig) { 
        ngbConfig.animation = false; 
      ngOnInit(): void {} 

    3. Angular Bootstrap Datepicker

    Your date selection will be aided by Datepicker. With the NgbInputDatepicker directive, it may be used either in line with the NgbDatepicker component or as a popup on any input element. Additionally, it includes a list of services for date formatting, i18n, and support for different calendars.

    Angular Bootstrap Datepicker

    Implementation procedures: 

    • In the (root).moudle.ts file, add the NgbModule (for all components) or NgbDatepickerModule (specifically for using the Datepicker only). 
    • Add the following HTML code to (file). Component.html. 
    <ngb-datepicker #dp [(ngModel)]="model" (navigate)="date = $event.next"> 
    <ng-container *ngIf="model"> 
    <p>Day Selected : {{ model.day }}</p> 
    <p>Month Selected : {{ model.month }}</p> 
    <p>Year Selected : {{ model.year }}</p> 
    • Various properties and templates can be implemented as per the requirement 
      • displayMonths - To display number of months for selection. (Default value: 1) 
      • closerOther - This is the Boolean property. If true, it will close the other tabs while opening else all the tabs will remain open. 
      • outsideDays : The way of displaying days that don't belong to the current month. 
        • "visible" - days are visible 
        • "hidden" - days are hidden, white space preserved 
        • "collapsed" – thus days are collapsed, and the date picker height might change. 
    •  navigation:This property is used to display various option as follows. 
      • "select" - select boxes for month and navigation arrows. 
      • "arrows" - only navigation arrows. 
      • "none" - no navigation visible at all. 
    • To determine the current date. The contractor allows for the import and definition of NgbCalendar. The built-in function getToday() can be utilized as a result. 
    export class DatepickerComponent implements OnInit { 
      model!: NgbDateStruct; 
      date!: { year: number; month: number }; 
      constructor(private calendar: NgbCalendar) {} 
      selectToday() { 
        this.model = this.calendar.getToday(); 
      ngOnInit(): void {} 

    4. Angular Bootstrap Dropdown

    Dropdown menus are contextual menus that may be toggled and are used to present data in a list. It makes it easier for users to select one value from a list of options.

    Angular Bootstrap Dropdown

    Implementation procedures: 

    • 1Include the NgbModule or NgbDropdownModule in the (root).moudle.ts file, depending on whether you're utilizing all components or only DropDown. 
    • Add the following HTML code to (file). component.html. 
    • Different properties and templates can be used depending on the situation. 
      • placement - In the order of preference, it defines where the popup should be placed. A string with values separated by spaces and an array of strings is acceptable. Each component has its default order of preference if no placement value is given. 
      • autoCloseIndicates whether the dropdown should be closed when clicking one of dropdown items or pressing ESC. (Default value: true) 
        • true - the dropdown will close on both outside and inside (menu) clicks. 
        • false - the dropdown can only be closed manually via close () or toggle () methods. 
        • "inside" - the dropdown will close on inside menu clicks, but not outside clicks. 
        • "outside" - the dropdown will close only on the outside clicks and not on menu clicks. 
    • disabled – Boolean property which is used to disable the item inside a menu. 
    <div ngbDropdown> 
        <button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-primary" ngbDropdownToggle> 
          Toggle dropdown 
        <div ngbDropdownMenu> 
          <!-- Simple Item Drop Down--> 
          <button ngbDropdownItem>1 -- Simple Item</button> 
          <!-- Disabled Item Drop Down --> 
          <button ngbDropdownItem [disabled]="true">2 -- Disabled Item</button> 
          <!-- Item as Link Drop Down--> 
          <a href="#" ngbDropdownItem>3 --Link Item</a> 

    5. Angular Bootstrap Table

    A table is a way to organize information or data, usually in rows and columns but sometimes with more complicated structures. Furthermore, by utilizing for loops in angular, we can map objects with a pre-set interface type to rows in tables.

    Angular Bootstrap Table
     Implementation procedures: 

    • Include the NgbModule (for all components) or NgbTableModule (exclusively for utilizing Tables) in the (root).moudle.ts file. 
    • By defining the interface and assigning static data, write the given HTML code as follows in (file). component.html and (file).component.ts. 
    <table class="table table-striped"> 
            <th scope="col">#</th> 
            <th scope="col">Country</th> 
            <th scope="col">Area</th> 
            <th scope="col">Population</th> 
          <tr *ngFor="let country of countries; index as i"> 
            <th scope="row">{{ i + 1 }}</th> 
              <img [src]="'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/' + country.flag"       
              class="me-2" style="width: 20px"  /> {{ country.name }}   </td> 
            <td>{{ country.area | number }}</td> 
            <td>{{ country.population | number }}</td> 

    In the example above, a basic table has been implemented. For the purpose of implementing advanced choices such as sorting, pagination, filtering, searching, and invoking data-using services you can refer to the documentation. 

    interface Country { 
      name: string;  flag: string; 
      area: number;  population: number; 
    export class TableComponent implements OnInit { 
      countries: Country[] = [ 
          name: 'Russia',      flag: 'f/f3/Flag_of_Russia.svg', 
          area: 17075200,      population: 146989754, 
          name: 'Canada',      flag: 'c/cf/Flag_of_Canada.svg', 
          area: 9976140,      population: 36624199, 
          name: 'United States',      flag: 'a/a4/Flag_of_the_United_States.svg', 
          area: 9629091,      population: 324459463, 
      constructor() {} 
      ngOnInit(): void {} 

    Difference Between Bootstrap and Angular

    As a JavaScript framework, Angular provides us with everything we need for front-end development. It extends HTML and its directives to alter the DOM (Document object model). It is primarily used to create web apps because it includes all the necessary components and data binding techniques, making it a suitable framework, whereas Bootstrap was originally developed as a style guide by members of Twitter and is primarily used to make websites more responsive with clean UI.  

    SR. No.AngularBootstrap
    1Google created Angular, which largely uses a component approach to make its generated applications more structured.Twitter released Bootstrap as an open-source community with widely used libraries like CSS, Styles, and JavaScript.
    2Angular is a JavaScript-based framework that follows the MVC model, as previously stated. As a result, progress is comparably slow.Bootstrap is well recognized for being a CSS-based framework that allows for quick development.
    3Angular does not support mobile application development.Bootstrap is a popular framework for creating mobile apps.
    4The two-way data binding is the most significant feature of an Angular application.Two-way data binding is not supported in Bootstrap-based apps.
    5By default, Angular does not allow responsiveness in developed applications.Bootstrap applications, on the other hand, are responsive by default.
    6The routing mechanism is used in Angular applications to implement navigation across pages/screens.However, for page navigation, Bootstrap does not support the routing idea.
    7Dependency injection is available in Angular.Dependency injection is not available in Bootstrap.
    8On a page, elements are difficult to arrange.This is simple to implement with Bootstrap because it includes flexbox support.

    Unlock your coding potential with our online programming course. Learn in-demand skills and build your own unique projects. Start coding today!


    Now that you've joined the intriguing Angular ecosystem, you may use its superpower. We also know how to employ a bootstrap to put your innovative ideas into practice. What will happen after that? Maintain your momentum. Learn more about the exciting world of web development by taking KnowledgeHut’s Angular course for beginners. But where will your adventure start from? Join us for our cutting-edge bootcamps for full stack development, backend programming, frontend development, and a range of frameworks such as Node.js, JavaScript, JAVA, and more.  

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How do you start bootstrap in Angular?

    Follow the steps listed below to begin using bootstrap in Angular: 

    1. Create an Angular project using CLI. 
    2. Use npm command - ng add @ng-bootstrap/ng bootstrap to install the Bootstrap. 
    3. Insert NgbModule into app.module.ts. 
    4. Launch the server using the command – ng serve 
    5. When putting various components and functionalities into practice, check the documentation.

    While performing the instructions, if you run into any problems. Please see the above article for instructions on installing Angular, integrating it with Bootstrap, and creating various components. 

    2Which bootstrap is best for Angular?

    You may significantly reduce the amount of time required by your process by utilizing efficient Angular UI Component Libraries. Here are some libraries you may utilise for your upcoming project. 

    1. Ng Bootstrap 
    2. Ngx Bootstrap 
    3. Angular Material 
    3Should I learn Bootstrap before Angular?

    It is not necessary to learn Angular initially because Bootstrap is an HTML/CSS framework that allows you to play sensibly with HTML and CSS while providing the finest user experience. Angular, on the other hand, is a JavaScript framework that handles the middle layer between HTML and server calls. 

    4Which is better Bootstrap or AngularJS?

    Bootstrap is just a Library for Responsive web pages, while AngularJS is a JS framework for Single Page Applications. 

    Comparing them would be like comparing CSS with JavaScript. 

    5Is Bootstrap the same as Angular?

    Angular supports MVC architecture with data model binding and is extensively utilized for single page application development. On the other hand, Bootstrap is developed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making it significantly faster.

    6What does bootstrap do in Angular?

    Bootstrap is a function component in the core ng module that is used to manually start an Angular application, giving you more control over how your application is initialized. 

    7Do we need bootstrap in Angular?

    When the app-level module loads, the bootstrap property or key of the NgModule decorator defines which component should be loaded by Angular. 

    8What is the service in AngularJS?

    A service in AngularJS is a function or object that is only available for your AngularJS application. There are around 30 built-in services in AngularJS. The $location service is one of them.


    Prathmesh Bhansali


    Prathmesh Bhansali an SDE @ Datasee.Ai and a Technical Content Writer, has a demonstrated history of working in the tech-ed industry. Skilled in Python (Programming Language), and Java, he has a Strong education professional with a BTech in Information Technology.

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