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How to Get a Job Abroad from India with and without Experience

24th Jul, 2024
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    How to Get a Job Abroad from India with and without Experience

    Working abroad has fascinated most Indian youth. Working abroad not only enhances their CVs but also opens them to several job options with an opportunity to mingle with the culture and surroundings in a new country. Many countries offer special work permits to Indians, while some of them have specific laws to be followed for the same. Keeping in mind various factors, an individual can opt for a job that suits him/her the best. 

    If you are aiming for a job abroad from India with or without experience, there are several things that you must know before laying out a plan, including how to get a job abroad from India. Keep reading to learn more about different industries, in-demand job sectors, and work permits.

    Various Ways to Get a Job Abroad From India
    Various Ways to Get a Job Abroad From India
    Source: globaljobassist.com

    Indian students are keen to work in an established company competitively. Working in an overseas company gives their career a good boost. With more opportunities abroad, Indian nationals are looking for employment possibilities abroad in a number of ways. If you're wondering how to get a job abroad from India, there are several different ways to explore:

    1. Check which country has a good opportunity for your job profile

    It's important to research and take into account the employment markets in various nations for your particular job profile when looking for employment prospects abroad. When looking for a job abroad from India, some things to keep in mind are visa requirements, living costs, job demand, etc.

    2. Preparing International resume

    It's important to modify your resume for each country and industry you apply to when seeking work overseas. Utilize a formal and clean format, relevant keywords and phrases, emphasize any overseas experience, and include information about your schooling, certifications, and language proficiency. 

    3. Connect with your International Alumnus of your university and Friends

    Networking can be a useful tool for locating employment abroad. One approach to achieve this is to get in touch with friends who are now working overseas or with international alumni of your university. They could be able to offer job leads, give you useful insight into the work market, or even recommend you to potential employers.

    4. Present the organization's international transfer option

    It's a great idea to think about the possibility of an overseas transfer inside your current company when looking for a job abroad. Many businesses operate internationally; thus, they might be willing to move employees to those offices. This can be a fantastic option because it saves time on the visa application procedure, and the employer might even help with relocation. 

    5. Find a Professional Job Consultant

    Consider partnering with a job consultant specializing in international placements. Their expertise can streamline your search, identify hidden opportunities, and provide valuable insights into navigating the application process for your target country.

    6. Use Portals With International Jobs

    Expand your reach by utilizing online platforms like Indeed, LinkedIn, and Glassdoor. Refine your searches by location, industry, and keywords to find relevant postings. Remember, some companies even advertise sponsorship for work visas on these platforms.

    7. Check for Indian Companies with H-1B Visa or Sponsors International Travel

    Research Indian companies with a presence abroad, particularly those known for sponsoring H-1B visas in the US or offering relocation assistance. Investigate opportunities within these companies' international branches that align with your skillset.

    8. Apply for A Course in Your Target Foreign Country

    Enrolling in a specialized course or program at a university in your target country can be a strategic move. This not only enhances your qualifications but also allows you to gain valuable experience through internships and build a local network.

    9. Visit the Embassy of Your Dream Country

    Schedule an appointment with the embassy of your dream country. They can provide crucial information regarding work visa requirements, job markets, and cultural nuances that will strengthen your application.

    10. Learn the language

    Demonstrate your commitment and respect for the target culture by learning the local language. This not only improves your communication skills during interviews but also enhances your employability in the long run.

    Which Country is the Best Option for Job Opportunities?

    There are several countries that are open for Indians to work. If you're wondering how to go abroad for job from India, you need to compare several factors to make the most of the opportunity. Also, taking up courses like certification for PMP or other can help you enhance your chances of getting the job. Below are a few countries with work permit options to choose from: 

    1. Countries with open work permits:

    A type of work visa known as an "open work permit" enables an individual to work for any employer within a nation without requiring a specific job offer. These licenses are typically given to particular categories of people, such as foreign students, young professionals, or people on working holiday visas. This is beneficial for a job abroad in India. 

    CountryAverage Salary


    CAD 41,323.18 

    United Kingdom 

    £‎ 53253.41 


    DKK 266101.96 


    AUD 83369.56 

    New Zealand 

    NZD 79730.89 

    2. Countries welcoming Indians:

    If you are wondering how to get a job abroad from India and are worried about the visa, then chill. Numerous nations offer a variety of visas for travel, business, education, and employment to Indian nationals. Be aware that depending on the nation and program, there may be differences in the visa application's precise requirements, eligibility standards, and length of stay. Several nations that accept Indians are as follows: 

    CountryAverage Salary

    United States 

    USD 52271.51 

    United Kingdom 

    £ 53236.90 


    CAD 41318.97 


    AUD 83369.87 


    SGD 48684.92 

    3. Countries suitable based on Industries:

    Depending on their strengths and prospects, different nations may be more or less appropriate for those wishing to work in or invest in a certain industry. This has provided more overseas jobs for Indians. Examples of nations and industries that have a close relationship are: 

    • United States:  


    1. Banking: This sector deals with managing the cash flow, accounts and other financial services to the people of the country.
    2. Technology: This industry is associated with the design and manufacture of electronic goods. 
    3. Entertainment: It covers media, endorsements, movies, shows, and much more.
    • China:  


    1. Renewable energy: This industry tackles all sources of natural and renewable resources. 
    2. E-commerce: It includes buying and selling goods from B2B and B2C.
    3. Manufacturing: This industry handles the production of goods, raw materials, and much more.
    • Germany:  


    1. Automotive: It is associated with the production, wholesaling, retailing, and maintenance of motor vehicles. 
    2. Engineering: It handles the ideals and principles behind production and manufacturing. 
    3. Chemicals: This industry handles the production of natural and man-made chemicals, which are further used in other industries in various methods.
    • Japan:  


    1. Robotics: This industry is associated with the research and manufacturing of supermachines called robots. 
    2. Automobile: This sector deals with the production, designing, and selling of motor vehicles. 
    3. Technology: The role of this industry is to handle the production and research of electronic goods and appliances.
    • Singapore:  


    1. Logistics: This industry delays supply chain management. 
    2. Financial Services: This sector deals with loans, payments, fund transfers, and much more. 
    3. Biotechnology: It deals with the mixing of already biologically existing organisms with technology to get it's the best result for the human race. 

    If you have any expertise in any of the above-mentioned industries, then you may apply for those industries abroad. 

    Things to consider when getting a job in another country
    Things to consider when getting a job in another country
    Source: timesjobs.com

    When it comes to getting a job abroad away from home, you have to remember that it is not an easy task. There are many things to keep in mind. Here is a list of them: 

    • Different time zones:

    Before getting to know how to apply for jobs abroad from India, time zones should be known to you. The time zone difference between the country you are considering working in and your current location should be considered while considering a job there. This may affect your capacity for customer and coworker interaction, meeting attendance, and task completion. 

    • Holidays:

    Considering the national holidays of the country where you will be working is crucial if you are considering finding an overseas job in India. This is important for knowing the cultural context of the nation as well as for planning your job. 

    Many public holidays are observed worldwide, but each nation has distinctive, particularly important ones. For instance, some nations observe religious holidays on dates different from those in other nations. In addition, numerous nations have national holidays to honor significant historical occurrences. For instance, the Civil War is commemorated on holiday in the United States, and the Bastille storming is celebrated in France. 

    • Economy and politics:

    There are many economic and political things to consider when looking for foreign jobs for Indians. For example, the exchange rate for the local currency is a key factor that affects how much money you can bring home. Another important thing to think about is how stable the government is or how likely it is that there will be political unrest. 

     It's important to learn about the country's past, present and any problems that could arise while working there. Lastly, you should look into the cost of living in the area, as this will directly affect the quality of your life. When you look at all these economic and political factors together, you can figure out if moving to a different country is a good financial move. 

    • Experiencing new cultures:

    Knowing the culture in whichever country you choose can be important when considering jobs outside India. Some things to think about are: 

    1. What language is spoken most often in the country you're thinking about? Will you have to learn a new language to be able to talk to people? 
    2. How does the culture of the country you're thinking about living in differ from your own? Are there any traditions or habits you should know about? 
    3. What are the social rules in the country you're thinking about? Should you be aware of any differences in how people talk to each other or act? 
    4. Religion: What religion is most common in the country you're thinking about? Do you need to know about any religious customs or holidays?

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    Benefits of Working Abroad

    There are several advantages to working overseas, both professionally and personally. It is a great opportunity. Learning how to apply for jobs outside India can open many doors. There are many advantages to jobs in foreign countries for Indians for your career ahead. Among the advantages:

    • International job experience

    Potential employers may take notice of you if they see that you have experience working abroad. It demonstrates that you have prior experience working in many environments, languages, and cultural contexts, highly prized by multinational corporations. 

    • Language skills 

    You'll probably get the chance to advance your language skills if you work in a nation where a language other than your native tongue is spoken. This could be a very useful tool in the current, globally connected employment market. 

    • High independence

    Working overseas can provide you with the chance to become more independent because you will frequently need to figure out new locations and circumstances on your own. Working overseas can increase independence in a number of ways, including: 

    1. Possibility of gaining fresh insights and expanding one's horizons. 
    2. Chance to create a global network of contacts in both professional and personal fields. 
    3. Prospects to gain useful job experience and skills. 
    4. Save money owing to a cheaper cost of living in some countries. 
    5. Increase employability and opportunities for career development. 
    • Greater adaptability

    Working abroad presents a fantastic chance to improve your adaptability because it needs you to deal with new situations and places. Working overseas can improve adaptability in a number of ways, including: 

    1. Possibility to gain navigational and situational adaptability skills. 
    2. Possibility to practice problem-solving and cross-cultural communication skills. 
    3. Possibility to learn how to be more adaptable and understanding. 
    4. Possibility to gain experience working with people from various backgrounds and cultures. 
    5. Possibility to get knowledge about ambiguity and uncertainty. 
    6. Possibility to develop as a more rounded and worldly person. 

    In-Demand Job Sectors to Apply Abroad

    There are a number of industries where employment is in high demand abroad, including: 

    • Healthcare

    It is one of the most sought-after employment categories for those wishing to work overseas. Particularly in emerging nations, there is a great demand for highly skilled medical professionals.

    • Technology

    Because many nations want to improve their technological capabilities and infrastructure, technology-related professions are in great demand internationally. Jobs in data science, web design, and software engineering are in demand. 

    • Hospitality 

    To meet the always-expanding need for services in the tourism, hospitality, and food service industries, hospitality occupations are also in great demand. People are needed in many nations to work in hotels, restaurants, and other service-related industries. 

    • Agriculture

    Another industry with significant demand abroad is agriculture. In nations striving to increase their capacity for food production and delivery, professionals in this industry are required. 

    • Childcare

    As many nations seek to improve the care they give to their young inhabitants, there is a significant demand for childcare positions internationally. Childcare facilities, schools, and even private homes can all use qualified personnel in this profession to fill open roles. 

    • Business Administration

    Another industry that is in high demand abroad is business administration. To organize their operations, formulate plans, and manage financial operations, enterprises and governments need the assistance of professionals in this field. 

    Online Study options and post-study work permits

    Students can now do their coursework from the convenience of their homes, thanks to online study opportunities. There are several online courses from Harvard Institute, Microsoft, Google, Accenture, etc., that students can take up to polish their skills.

    Online learning opportunities provide Indian students with a cost-effective approach to obtaining the credentials they need to pursue employment overseas. These study alternatives frequently lead to a range of post-study work permits, the holders of which may be permitted to stay in their preferred location for a predetermined period of time. 

    As a graduate, if you are thinking of how to apply for jobs abroad from India, you won't need work experience to obtain jobs abroad with the proper permit. Graduates might also be allowed to live and work abroad for longer with the proper visa and officially approved documents like permission from the VISA office, Identity Cards, and Job Offer letters. Students studying online are associated with the production, wholesaling, retailing, and maintenance of motor vehicles. They have a great chance to earn the credentials they need to land high-paying jobs abroad. 

    Certifications for securing Abroad Jobs

    Getting a job abroad from India is hard. A fantastic strategy to gain a competitive edge in the job market is to obtain credentials for jobs abroad. The most frequently held credentials are the TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge Assessment English, CELPIP, and PTE. 

    • TOEFL 

    An international standardized examination of English language competency for non-native English speakers is called the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). It is intended to judge a person's proficiency in academic English communication. It is widely regarded as a reliable indicator of English language proficiency by colleges worldwide. 

    • IELTS

    An assessment of non-native English speakers' level of language ability is done using the International English Language Testing System (IELTS). Four sections make up the test: reading, writing, listening and speaking. A score of 7 or higher indicates a good level of English language ability. Each section is graded on a 9-band scale. 

    • Cambridge Assessment English

    Various exams are available from Cambridge Assessment English to gauge someone's English language proficiency. These exams, which are used for professional and immigration purposes as well as university admission, assess language proficiency in learners at all levels, from beginner to advanced. The examinations evaluate a person's ability to read, write, listen, and communicate in English. They contain a variety of assessment methods, from multiple-choice tests to essays. 

    • CELPIP

    Canada's premier English language competency exam is the Canadian English Language Proficiency Index Program (CELPIP), which has been authorized by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC). It is intended to assess a person's English proficiency level before they immigrate to Canada. The test evaluates test-takers' English speaking, reading, writing, and listening abilities. 

    • PTE

    An English language competency test known as the Pearson Test of English (PTE) was created by Pearson and is recognized by universities, colleges, and governments all around the world. It is intended to assess a person's proficiency in using English to communicate in academic, professional, and social contexts. Four sections make up the test: reading, writing, listening and speaking. The purpose of each component, which is graded on a 10-point scale, is to assess the test taker's level of proficiency in the English language. 

    How Can I Enhance my Chances of Securing a Good Job Abroad?

    It takes a lot of effort and commitment to land a decent job abroad, but there are several actions you can take to increase your chances. To learn how to get a job abroad from India, and learn more about what talents are in demand and what employers are looking for, start by investigating the employment market in the nations you are interested in. Making relationships with people already employed in the nation you are interested in and soliciting their opinions can also be beneficial. 

    A CV that stands out from the competition can also give you an advantage, so keep up with the most recent developments in resume writing. To demonstrate to potential employers you are sincerely invested in the chance and to have a deeper understanding of the local culture, think about enrolling in language lessons or online courses in the country you are interested in. You can significantly boost your chances of finding the ideal job overseas by working hard and being committed. 


    That was all about various job sectors, entrance exams, and other details which would help Indians how to get job abroad from India. The most important benefit is there are countries that also offer jobs to fresh graduates and candidates who are still pursuing graduation. This gives the freshers an opportunity to kick-start their careers with global exposure. 

    But before applying, it's necessary to check all the rules and regulations of the respective country and follow them strictly to avoid trouble. Also, candidates must check other benefits like tax deductions, scholarships, etc., to choose the best country for working.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What should I study to pave the best way to get a job abroad from India?

    Studying in India is a great option for those seeking work abroad. Students can pick from a wide range of programs to help them get the skills and information needed to land a decent job overseas. Students also have access to a priceless educational experience that may be helpful while looking for employment. Overall, if you want to be competitive in the global job market, attending education in India is a wise choice.

    2In which country do most Indians work?

    Millions of Indians are employed by several countries throughout the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and others. However, the bulk of Indian laborers is employed in India itself. As a result of the robust economy and high labor demand in India, residents are likely to continue working there.  

    3Which country has the most job opportunities for Indians?

    One of the most popular places for Indians searching for work is the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This country is well known for its strong economy, which provides both professionals and unskilled workers with a wide range of employment possibilities. For jobs, many Indians come to the UAE. Because the UAE is home to several global organizations, Indians have many alternatives for work and career advancement there. A great choice for Indians seeking work is the UAE.  

    4How can Indians get visa sponsorship benefits for working abroad?

    Sponsorships for visas are an advantageous and a great way to get a job abroad from India since they offer a more secure route to finding a job overseas. Workers are required to prove their suitability for the job and that they have the necessary education, training, and experience. They must also have the financial means to cover the costs associated with applying for the visa, including travel expenses and visa fees. If a visa request is approved, the holder may work provided they follow the requirements of the visa. 

    5Are there any exams to get jobs abroad? 

    Depending on the location and the position, you might need to pass a number of tests to get a job in another country. For instance, if you want to work as a teacher in a foreign country, you might need to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) exam to prove your language proficiency. To apply for a job abroad, you need to take the TOEIC, or Test of English for International Communication. A broad aptitude or knowledge test that covers various topics, including math and science, may be required of you. 


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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