HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentHow to Install Angular on Windows? [Step-by-Step Guide]

How to Install Angular on Windows? [Step-by-Step Guide]

27th Jun, 2024
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    How to Install Angular on Windows? [Step-by-Step Guide]

    Angular is a popular front-end web application framework created by Google. It allows developers to easily create robust, dynamic single-page applications (SPAs). To install Angular on Windows, you must first install Node.js, npm (Node Package Manager), TypeScript, and the Angular CLI (Command Line Interface). 

    This blog will walk you through the process of configuring your development environment and provide you with the necessary Angular CLI commands to get your project started.

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    What is Node.js?

    The very first thing required to install is Node.js. (If already installed, skip this part and jump to the next part of this blog.)

    Node.js is an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that allows to execute JavaScript code outside of a browser (on the Server-side). Node.js is responsible to manage and install all npm dependencies for your Angular application. It provides the required libraries to run the Angular project. Node.js acts as a run-time environment for any Angular application which uses servers over localhost. For more information on Node.js refer to official docs.

    Angular requires the latest/stable version of Node.js in order to continue. Go to the official website in order to install Node.js on your machine locally.

    You can install any version, the current one or latest stable version, as per your need. Just click on the button and it will start downloading the package on your machine. 

    How to Install Angular on Windows

    Once downloaded click on the icons downloaded and follow the steps, till the installation is completed. To check the version installed of Node.js you can use the following command in a terminal/console window. —

    node -v


    node — — version

    Prerequisites to Install Angular in Windows

    Before embarking on the journey to install angular in windows, it's imperative to ensure that your system meets the necessary prerequisites for Angular development. 

    A. Hardware Requirements

    Angular, being a sophisticated framework, doesn't demand extravagant hardware. A standard Windows PC or laptop with a reasonably fast processor and at least 8GB of RAM is generally suitable for Angular development. However, for larger projects, consider upgrading to 16GB or more. 

    B. Software Requirements

    The backbone of Angular development is Node.js. Make sure to have the latest version of Node.js installed on your Windows machine. Angular relies on Node.js for package management, server-side functionality, and running scripts. 

    C. Additional libraries or tools to be installed in prior (if any)

    Depending on the specific requirements of your project, you might need additional tools or libraries. Some projects may require specific versions of Node.js or additional packages. Ensure that you review your project documentation for any such prerequisites. 

    This will ensure that we have a system that will be able to install angular on windows. 

    How to Install Angular in Windows? Step-by-Step

    Now, let's delve into the comprehensive step-by-step process to install Angular in windows machine: 

    Step 1: Installing Node.js 

    Begin by visiting the official Node.js website (https://nodejs.org/) and downloading the installer. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation. Once installed, open a command prompt and verify Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) installation by running the following commands: 

    node -v  
    npm -v 

    This ensures that Node.js is installed and accessible from the command line.

    Step 2: Install TypeScript Globally (Optional)

    1. Install Node.js and npm

    • Download and install the most recent stable version of Node.js from the official website. 
    • The installation includes npm, which you'll use to install additional packages. 

    2. Install TypeScript Globally 

    • Launch Command Prompt or PowerShell as an administrator in your Windows machine. 
    • Use the following command for installing TypeScript globally: 
    npm install -g typescript 
    • Verify your installation by checking the TypeScript version using the following command. 

    tsc -v 

    Step 3: Installing Angular CLI 

    With Node.js successfully installed, you can proceed to install Angular CLI (Command Line Interface) using npm. Open a command prompt and run the following command: 

    To install the Angular CLI on your machine, open the terminal window and run the following command: 

    npm install -g @angular/cli 

    where -g denotes that CLI is being installed globally to your machine, which means you can create or run any command of CLI anywhere on your machine. Once you run the above command CLI will be installed on your machine, and you can verify the version installed using the following command: 

    ng version 

    To know more about Angular CLI commands, you can refer to this blog which contains a number of commands to use. 

    Step 4: Creating a Project using Angular CLI

    Now, let’s create our first ever Angular project using Angular CLI. Open your terminal window and type the command below on your machine.

    ng new hello-world

    Here ng is our CLI prefix, new denotes that we are creating a new project and hello-world is our project name. You can choose any name you want.

    After running this command you will find the full architecture of the project in the directory where you run this command. The project folder will be something like below in the image -

    Creating a Project using Angular CLI

    Step 5: Angular Project Architecture 

    The first file to render on running this application will be index.html which present in the src folder. 

    • src folder contains Source files for the root-level application project. 
    • assets folder contains all the static assets like images, fonts, etc. 
    • node_modules This folder is created while you run npm installby package manager (npm) and it contains all the project dependencies or any third party modules required for the project.  
    • e2e folder contains all the source code related to Test Cases.You can customise it as per your requirements. 
    • README.md file is being used as documentation for the app. 
    • Package.json configures NPM dependencies which are available for the project in the workspace along with their versions specified.    

    One with the installation process of Angular application via CLI, it’s time to run the application locally. Angular CLI comes with complete tool-chain/commands for the development of front-end applications on your machine.

    Run the following command on the terminal (Navigate to the project directory if you are not in that directory).

    ng serve 


    ng serve --open 

    Angular CLI Commands 

    The Angular CLI is a powerful tool that makes development easier by providing commands for generating, creating, and running Angular applications.  

    1. Install Angular CLI: 

    After installing TypeScript, you should install the Angular CLI globally. 

    npm install -g @angular/cli 

    Verify your installation by using the following command, you will get the version that you will be using further: 

    ng version 

    2. Create a new Angular project: 

    Leverage the Angular CLI to create a new project: 

    ng new my-angular-app 

    Navigate into your newly created project directory: 

    ng serve 

    3. Open any browser and go to http://localhost:4200/ to see your application in running. 

    4. You can try some Angular CLI commands like: 

    To generate a new component, you can use the following command: 

    ng generate component dummy-component 

    To generate a new service: 

    ng generate service dummy-service 

    You could opt for our Angular training course that would help you build your knowledge on Angular framework right from basics to advanced topics with practical hands-on examples and guided training. 

    How to Test If Angular Installation in Windows is Properly Done?  

    The --open (or just -o) option automatically opens your browser to http://localhost:4200/. 

    ng servecommand will serve your application on localhost server which you can check by navigating to your browser with the below URL http://localhost:4200/. You can customise the port as per your requirement. 

    Accessing Angular Web Interface

    ng serve command may take few seconds to run your application, and once completed, you should see a web page similar to the following. 

    Accessing Angular Web Interface
    And we are done!

    Now you can make changes in the default component’s template which is app.component.html .

    Also, moving forward, you can generate a number of components/service/routing files using CLI commands as per your requirements and keep learning.

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    How to Use Angular? 

    Now that Angular is installed, I will take you through understanding some basic concepts and usage of important blocks of angular that will help us understand the Angular ecosystem and build our knowledge on it. 

    A. Creating a Component

    Components are the building blocks of an Angular application. Components are fundamental building blocks that encapsulate specific functionality and user interface elements within a web application.  

    A component in Angular is a TypeScript class that interacts with a corresponding HTML template and optional CSS styles. It follows a modular, reusable, and maintainable approach to structuring web applications.  

    Components in Angular follow a hierarchical structure, allowing for the composition of larger applications by combining smaller, self-contained components. This modular approach enhances code organization, reusability, and maintainability, facilitating collaborative development efforts.  

    Run the following command to generate a new component: 

    ng generate component my-component 

    This command creates the necessary files for an Angular component, including TypeScript, HTML, and CSS files. 

    B. Running Tests

    Angular provides robust testing capabilities. Run the following command to execute tests: 

    ng test 

    This will run the tests defined in your project and provide feedback on their success or failure. 

    C. Exploring Angular Modules

    Angular applications are modular. module is a logical container that groups related components, directives, pipes, and services, defining the boundaries and organization of an application. Modules help in organizing code, encapsulating functionality, and facilitating the reusability of components across different parts of an application. 

    Each Angular application has at least one module, the root module, which serves as the starting point for the application's execution. Additional modules can be created to organize and manage different features or sections within the application. 

    You can create a new module using the following command: 

    ng generate module my-module 

    Understanding how to organize and utilize modules is crucial for scalable and maintainable Angular applications. 

    D. Utilizing Angular Services

    In Angular, services play a crucial role in promoting modularity, encapsulating business logic, and facilitating the sharing of data and functionality across different components. Services are singleton objects that are instantiated once and can be injected into various components or other services within an Angular application. 
    These injectable services in Angular often handle tasks such as fetching data from a server, managing application state, or encapsulating complex algorithms. By centralizing these functionalities within services, developers can achieve a more organized and scalable codebase. 

    You can generate a new service with the following command: 

    ng generate service my-service 

    Services play a crucial role in data sharing, and understanding their usage enhances the functionality of your Angular applications. 

    How to Uninstall Angular from Windows?

    If, for any reason, you need to uninstall Angular, follow these steps: 

    Step 1: Uninstall Angular CLI 

    To remove Angular CLI from your system, open a command prompt and run the following command: 

    npm uninstall -g @angular/cli 

    This command uninstalls Angular CLI globally from your machine. The `-g` flag specifies the global scope. 

    Step 2: Remove Node.js 

    If you wish to remove Node.js as well, you can uninstall it using the standard Windows uninstallation process. Navigate to "Add or Remove Programs" in the Control Panel, locate Node.js, and uninstall it. 

    Removing Node.js will also uninstall npm, the Node Package Manager, as it comes bundled with Node.js. 

    It's always recommended to run the command  

    npm cache clean 

    After un installation of Angular CLI from your system in order to avoid unwanted errors while installing it again. 


    In conclusion, to install Angular on windows, you must first install Node.js, npm, TypeScript, and the Angular CLI. These tools establish a solid foundation for developing and managing Angular applications. By complying with this guide, you should be well prepared to begin your Angular development journey. 

    The powerful Angular CLI allows you to easily generate components, build applications, and serve them locally, making the development process simpler and enjoyable. Happy coding!

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Can I install Angular locally?

    Yes, you can install Angular locally in your project directory. This is accomplished by running npm install @angular/cli in your project directory. However, it is more common and beneficial to install the Angular CLI globally via npm install -g @angular/cli, allowing you to create and manage Angular projects from anywhere on your system. 

    2How to install Angular using CMD?

    To install Angular on Windows from the Command Prompt (CMD), first make sure you have Node.js and npm installed. Open CMD as an administrator and type npm install -g @angular/cli. This command will install the Angular CLI globally. You can then use the Angular CLI to develop and manage Angular projects. 

    3How do I know if Angular is installed on Windows?

    To see if Angular is installed on your Windows machine, launch Command Prompt or PowerShell and enter ng --version. This command will show the installed version of Angular CLI, as well as other Angular-related packages. 


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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