HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentHow to Install Node.js and NPM on Windows? [Step-by-Step]

How to Install Node.js and NPM on Windows? [Step-by-Step]

24th Jun, 2024
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    How to Install Node.js and NPM on Windows? [Step-by-Step]

    Node.js is a cross-platform environment that runs and executes JavaScript codes outside the browser. Since its first release, Node.js has gained massive popularity among developers. As it uses JavaScript, it is fast and easy to pick up and avails excellent scalability, making it a favourite among web developers. The Node.js framework is available for all the major operating systems like Windows, Ubuntu, and Mac. To know more, check out KnoweldgeHut Node.js course.   

    Are you ready to start working with node.js? Before anything else, let us understand how to install node.js on windows 10. 

    What’s NodeJS? 

    Node.js is a runtime environment that enables developers to execute JavaScript on the server side, without using a web browser. Traditionally, JavaScript was limited to client-side development and ran exclusively in web browsers. Node.js transformed this by allowing JavaScript to be used for server-side scripting, developing scalable network applications, and carrying out activities like file system tasks and database interactions. 

    What is NPM?   

    NPM, or Node Package Manager, is a key tool for JavaScript developers. It simplifies the management of packages, which are collections of code that others develop and make available for you to use in your own projects. NPM allows developers to avoid reinventing the wheel, instead leveraging existing solutions to create strong and feature-rich apps.

    Prerequisites to Install and Setup Node.js on Windows 

    Below we get started, here are a few system requirements to download, install, and set up Node.js on Windows 10. 

    Hardware requirements

    • RAM 4GB 
    • CPU Intel Core i3TM i3 HQ CPU @2.50 GHz 
    • ROM 256 GB 

    Software requirement: Chocolatey 

    Attention: You will also need a stable internet connection because we will be downloading most of this software. 

    How to Install Node.js and NPM on Windows? Step-by-Step

    Undoubtedly, the first step to getting started on working with node.js is installing the software package in your system. Once done, follow the step-by-step tutorial on how to proceed to get the node.js framework successfully installed in your system. We will also look at how you can uninstall the program from your computer completely.

    Step-1: Download node.js installer into your system

    Visit the official node.js site https://nodejs.org/en/download/and click on Windows installer to download the necessary software in your system. The installer contains the NPM package. Based on the system you want to install, choose 32-bit installer or 64-installer and proceed.

    Download node.js installer into your system

    Note: When you click on download, you will be asked to choose the file location you want to store the instal.msi binary files. Choose a secure file location of your choice.   

    Download node.js installer into your system

    Step-2: Run the installation

    Once you choose the path, the next step is to double-click the instal.msi binary files to initiate the installation process. Furthermore, you will be asked for permission to run the application.   

    Warning: On the open file security warning, there is a cancel option as well. Don't click on the cancel option, or else you may perhaps need to restart the installation. You can use the back button to check your previous installation step. 

    On running the application, you will proceed to an interface with a welcome message. Click the "Next" button and proceed with the installation as shown in the image. 

    Run the installation

    Step-3: Accept the terms of usage
    Accept the terms of usage

    After clicking the next option, you will get an end-user license agreement. Read the terms of using the software, and then click on next.  

    N.B. You will find a square box asking you to agree with the terms, and only when you have read the terms, you will be allowed to proceed further.  

    Step-4: Specify the path 

    Once you have accepted the terms and conditions, the next step is to specify the path where you want to install node.js for windows. Your file location is the path where you must install the node.js in your system. Before we proceed further, you can enroll in Web Design Training to accelerate your career.   

    Specify the path

    Once you have specified the path, click on the Next button to proceed with the installation. 

    Step-5: Select the default options

    On proceeding with the Next option, the custom page setup will open up on the screen. Here you will get four icons as stated below: 

    • node.js runtime 
    • NPM package manager 
    • Online documentation shortcuts 
    • Add to PATH

    Select the default options

    Select all the options as default and then proceed with the Next option. 

    Step 6 Initiate the installation of Node.js on windows

    After all these steps, you will see an install button to process the installation of node.js on Windows. Click on the install button to initiate the installation of node.js on your Windows. Based on your system performance it may take a couple of minutes to install node.js on your system. Once the installation is complete, you will get a message on your screen as — Node.js has been successfully installed.

    Initiate the installation

    Step-7: Complete the installation

    On clicking the Finish button, the process of installation of node.js is successfully completed. Congratulations! You have successfully installed node.js on your Windows 10. 

    Complete the installation

    How to Verify if Node.js is Installed or Not?

    To verify that the node.js has been successfully installed in your system, go to the command prompt and run it as administrator. Now use the following command to check the node.js version installed in your system. 

    node -v 

    The message v14.16.1 verifies that node.js has been successfully installed on your windows, and you are ready to use it. 

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

    Alternative Method of Installing Node.js on Windows [Using Chocolatey]

    Do you know there is also an alternative way to download & install Node.js and NPM on Windows 10? Using a software package manager called Chocolatey, you can install node.js and NPM on your machine. Let us understand how to install node.js and NPM on windows using Chocolatey step by step. We will also look at how to uninstall the same with Chocolatey. 

    Installing Chocolatey

    The first process that you need to do is to install Chocolatey in your system. Take a note that the installation of Chocolatey requires administrator access to the computer’s command prompt to run.  

    • Choose the option – get started as shown below:

    Installing Chocolatey.

    • Once you go to the official Chocolatey website, select the individual as shown in the picture.  

    Installing Chocolatey.

    • Open Windows PowerShell and run as administrator. Now run the command and then press enter. 


    • On running this command, you will get a message as Restricted. Once you get the message as Restricted, continue and then run another command and press enter. 

    Set-Execution Policy All Signed

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

    • You will get a screen with execution policy changes. Select the A (Yes to all) option and then press Enter.

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

    • Copy and paste the command mentioned below: 
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol =[System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10
    To check whether you have installed it well, open the command prompt below: 

    choco -version 

    If you have installed it well, you will see the display of the Chocolatey version you have installed on the screen as below: 

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10
    Boom! Chocolatey is now successfully installed in your system. 

    How to Install Node.js and NPM Using Chocolatey?

    Using Chocolatey that you have just installed, now we can install Node.js in windows system. Open the command prompt as the administrator and put in the Chocolatey command prompt as mentioned below:  

    Choco install -y nodejs.install 

    To confirm if it has installed correctly on the computer, you need to execute the command below on the computer command prompt, as an administrator: 

    node --version 

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10
    If you have followed the steps correctly, the installation would have been successful and the message below will display on your screen after the installation has been completed. 

    After installing the Node.js, the Node Package Manager NPM automatically gets installed in the system. Run the command below to check the installation of NPM. The displayed message below verifies that the installation of NPM is successful.

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

    How to Write Your First Program on Node.js? 

    Now that you have successfully downloaded and installed node.js in your system, let’s learn how to write a program using node.js  

    Follow the steps to write your first program. 

    • Step 1: Create a folder and name it. (Here we have created a folder named Node Programs. 
    • Step 2: Open any code editor of your choice (here we are using Visual Studio Code). 

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

    • Step 3: Click on the file menu and open the folder you just created.  

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

    • Step 4: Once you open the folder, create a file and name it. (Here we have created a file named as welcome.js)  

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

    • Step 5: Write your program and save it using (Ctrl + S). 
    • Step 6: Start debugging using the shortcut f5. 

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

    And that’s it! You have successfully created your first project using node.js. 

    (Goodbye-COVID-19 was the message we wanted to print and it is running successfully). 

    How to Uninstall Node.js? 

    Uninstalling node.js needs a manual process. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to uninstall node.js from your system.  

    • Step 1: Go to the file location where you have stored node.js

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

    • Step 2: Select the node.js row and right-click on it. Out of the three options available, click on uninstall.  

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

    •  Step 3: After clicking on the uninstall option, the uninstalling starts. 

    Installation of Node.js and NPM on Windows 10

    Once done, you will successfully uninstall node.js from your system. 

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    In this article we have covered how to install Node.js and NPM on windows with the help of the MSI installation module from the Node.js website. Besides, we have also learned to install the necessary modules needed to run a Node.js application.  

    In a nutshell, we have seen how to install node.js using different methodsThat’s all you need to get started with node.js. You are free to choose any terminal of your preference. If you want to learn more about Nodejs to upskill your career, you can take our Node JS Certification Course

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How to install Node.js and npm on Windows using command line?

    Get the Node.js installer from the official website. Launch the installation and follow the steps. Node.js and npm will be installed simultaneously. 

    2How to install npm in terminal?

    NPM is pre-installed with Node.js. When you install Node.js from the official website, npm will be installed for you. Try executing npm -v in the terminal to make sure. 

    3How to install Node.js in terminal?

    With Linux or macOS, a package manager can be utilized. If you have Homebrew installed on your macOS system, execute brew install node in the terminal. Use sudo apt-get install nodejs on Linux. Use the terminal to type node -v to confirm the installation.


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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