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HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentNode.js Versions: Previous Releases, Check, Update

Node.js Versions: Previous Releases, Check, Update

26th Apr, 2024
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    Node.js Versions: Previous Releases, Check, Update

    Node.JS is a JavaScript runtime engine used to develop real time applications. It is an open source, cross-platform runtime environment that allows you to develop client-side as well as server-side applications. It is fundamental, and the platform acts as a prerequisite to installing your machine. For more details on its properties, you can visit Node certification to strengthen your base. 

    JavaScript was always a browser/client side programming language that runs on browser only because it was understood by browsers only. The browser uses JavaScript Engine to interpret into machine code to execute completely.

    There are different types of browsers like Chrome, Mozilla, Opera. Browsers interpret JavaScript code according to browser configurations and JavaScript Engines. 

    Spider Monkey was the first JavaScript Engine developed for Netscape and Chrome uses V8 JavaScript Engine. But JavaScript is later expanded for Mobile, Desktop or Server to build under v8 runtime environment and Node.JS 

    Node.JS is not any programming language or a framework. It runs JavaScript written code into a standalone machine code. It helped JavaScript developers to build stand-alone scalable full-fledged applications. 

    Node.JS is actually the JavaScript Engine that runs JavaScript written code and allows both client side and server side development .

    Node.js comprises of certain key features: 

    1. Node.JS comes with high efficient full stack development than other programming languages like C++.
    2. Node.JS allows smooth sync and alignment of front end and backend.
    3. Node.JS is light and scalable. 
    4. Concurrent request processing, single thread event loop, non-blocking input-output model makes Node.js CPU favorite and highly processed at backend. 
    5. Node.js has a rich packaged ecosystem that amplifies every strength of JavaScript to its best. 

    Node.js Latest Version (Current Version)

    Node.js is the robust hero of development to build efficient and scalable real-time applications. The landscape of node.js takes you to the different rocks of versions and releases. The nodejs versions keep growing for better functionality and better operability. 

    When you visit Node.js official website  you find two different paths to choose from : 

    LTS or node its version, also known as Long Term Support version, with stable and safe features are recommended for long term support . The current version includes an experimental phase with a high probability of bugs and errors.

    The above image varies in node js according to the versions that is installed either on Windows or macOS. 

    All Notable Changes

    Official documentation of node.js versions and their releases can be viewed on its official site.

    Node v15.0.0 is the (Current) nodejs current version that is available and bug-free to download. 

    Notable changes involve a list of deprecations and additions to the runtime environment. 

    • [a11788736a] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) build: remove --build-v8-with-gn configure option (Yang Guo) #27576 
    • [89428c7a2d] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) build: drop support for VS2017 (Michaël Zasso) #33694
    • [c25cf34ac1] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) doc: move DEP0018 to End-of-Life (Rich Trott) #35316
    • [2002d90abd] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) fs: deprecation warning on recursive rmdir (Ian Sutherland) #35562
    • [eee522ac29] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) lib: add EventTarget-related browser globals (Anna Henningsen) #35496
    • [41796ebd30] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) net: remove long deprecated server.connections property (James M Snell) #33647
    • [a416692e93] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) repl: remove deprecated repl.memory function (Ruben Bridgewater) #33286
    • [f217b2dfb0] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) repl: remove deprecated repl.turnOffEditorMode() function (Ruben Bridgewater) #33286
    • [a1bcad8dc0] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) repl: remove deprecated repl.parseREPLKeyword() function (Ruben Bridgewater) #33286
    • [4ace010b53] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) repl: remove deprecated bufferedCommand property (Ruben Bridgewater) #33286
    • [37524307fe] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) repl: remove deprecated .rli (Ruben Bridgewater) #33286
    • [a85ce885bd] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) src: remove deprecated node debug command (James M Snell) #33648
    • [a8904e8eee] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) timers: introduce timers/promises (James M Snell) #33950
    • [1211b9a72f] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) util: change default value of maxStringLength to 10000 (unknown) #32744
    • [ca8f3ef2e5] - (SEMVER-MAJOR) wasi: drop --experimental-wasm-bigint requirement (Colin Ihrig) #35415 

    This is a mere theoretical representation to see through. If you are interested in a more detailed change in the chart, you can find that on the official documentation of Node.js. 

    List of Node.js Versions

    The node js versions list is the releasing snapshot of node js landscape. 




    Node.js 18.10.0 



    Node.js 18.9.1 



    Node.js 18.9.0 



    Node.js 18.8.0 



    Node.js 18.7.0 



    Node.js 18.6.0 



    Node.js 18.5.0 



    Node.js 18.4.0 



    Node.js 18.3.0 



    Node.js 18.2.0 



    Node.js 18.1.0 



    Node.js 18.0.0 



    Node.js 17.9.1 



    Node.js 17.9.0 



    Node.js 17.8.0 



    Node.js 17.7.2 



    Node.js 17.7.1 



    Node.js 17.7.0 



    Node.js 17.6.0 



    Every version of node.js comes with different features or adding or removing some features for data-driven efficient development. Node.js versions look like x.y.z where x represents the most significant changes, and the rest represent the minor changes. 

    Generally, even-numbered node.js versions are recommended for development and deployment into production environments, referred to as node stable versions, and odd numbered node.js versions are better suited for library maintenance. Also, version 7.0.0 is the npm stable version, and npm-check-update is the command line for the npm major update. version. 

    Node 17


    node.js npm versions release schedules with the time interval of six months where the new version becomes the current npm version with the experimental zone. The old version becomes the active LTS recommended but bug-corrected by developers with long term version in use. Also npm –v is used for the npm current version on the terminal. 

    Remember, nvm is the node version manager that allows version-switching but npm is a package manager that allows to install third-party software to build node js applications. 

    Node JS version 17 is no longer the Current version released in October 2021 but Active LTS comes with major responsibilities and add-on features. 

    Before exploring more into the key features, nvm is used to replace node js older version and update node.js version. 

    % nvm install 17.0.0 

    Downloading and installing node v17.0.0... 



    Computing checksum with sha256sum 

    Checksums matched! 

    Now using node v17.0.0 (npm v8.1.0) 

    % nvm use 17 

    Now using node v17.0.0 (npm v8.1.0) 

    % node --version 


    Key Features 

    1. OpenSSL 3.0 support 
    2. V8 JavaScript engine is updated to V8 9.5 
    3. Readline Promise API 

    Node 16

    Overview and Key Features 

    Node.js 16 was released on April 20, 2021.

    The Key features include : 

    1. Stable timers promises API 
    2. V8 JavaScript engine is updated to V8 9.0 
    3. Toolchain and compiler upgrades 

    As node 17 sounds, it is also very easy to upgrade and update the node js version on your existing working node.js packed machine. It is the latest node js stable version. 

    % nvm install 16.0.0 

    Downloading and installing node v16.0.0... 



    Computing checksum with sha256sum 

    Checksums matched! 

    Now using node v16.0.0 (npm v7.10.0) 

    % nvm use 16 

    Now using node v16.0.0 (npm v7.10.0) 

    % node --version


    Node 15 


    Every release of nodejs makes developers excited to explore a new lane of add-ons and features.

    Key Features 

    Some of the new features include: 

    1. Diagnostic Reporting, is now stable 
    2. V8 has been upgraded to V8 8.1 
    3. Node Streams have been updated 
    4. Removal of Experimental Modules Warning 

    The code sample to upgrade to Node 14 VERSION looks identical to Node 15 and node 16 above. They are the node js old version. 

    Node 14


    The Node 14 version brought some major changes related to JavaScript only, which helped the developers at the root to write better and more efficient code. 

    Key Features 

    The major key features include 

    1. Optional Chaining 
    2. Nullish Coalescing 
    3. Intl.DisplayNames 
    4. Intl.DateTimeFormat options 

    The fundamentals and advancement of JavaScript can make you go and practice these features while developing projects. 

    The code sample to upgrade to Node 14 VERSION looks the same as Node 15 and node 16 above. 

    Node 13


    The older versions of Node.js gives comfort to developers for coding and to those who are new to JavaScript extended advantages. 

    The Node 13 version brought many enhancements but is not often used version in deployment it is recommended best for development practices. 

    Key Features 

    1. Stable Worker Threads
    2. V8 is upgraded to V8 7.8 
    3. Changes in HTTP communications 

    The code sample to upgrade to Node 13 VERSION looks the same as Node 15 and node 16 above. 

    Node 12 & Earlier

    Node 12 and earlier versions are on the verge of deprecation and are not being now generally used more often in development due to the new versions and their features add-on. The older features have gradually become redundant and are not in much use now due to older syntax tactics. 

    The current stable version of node.js to use is Node 16 with active LTS support.

    Which Version of Node JS is Best?

    The Node.js versions have a list of variations making it confusing and ambiguous for developers to choose which version to install, reinstall or upgrade. It is always advised to install the current version that works best for your project and development requirements. 

    The different environment managers differ different node js versions to be installed. 

    But the official documentation suggests to always use even numbered versions that are labeled as Recommended for most users on the download page on the official site. 

    Even node versions like 16.x.x LTS, 18.x.x LTS are used for learning and deployment. 

    Choosing your node-version is a cyclic process of upgrading or downgrading the required version compatible with your requirements. 

    We should try to avoid current versions because even though they are advanced to work on but without the LTS label, they are less reliable and more experimental. Check out the KnowledgeHut’s Node Certification course to strengthen your node.js skills with real time projects. 

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    The LTS node versions are the most often recommended for development and learning. You can find the latest LTS support on the official Node.js site. 

    The different node.js comes up with different versions, releases, checks and updates, but it is always advised for developers to use LTS landscape for stable support and fewer bugs. But if we try to experiment more with open-source we should test current versions to find out ambiguity or bugs for a future fix. 

    The Node.js is a runtime environment behind the execution and scalability of full-fledged JavaScript applications. The extended steps can be taken with a Full Stack Developer course to build real projects. 

    Node.js Version FAQs

    1What is the latest node js version?

    Node js 19 is the latest release at present but an unstable experimental release due to its odd number variation. The biggest ace of change is node –watch which works similarly as nodemon and replace it in the new version and with the new release Node 18 becomes the LTS (Long Term Support) stable version to use at high efficiency.

    2Is node 12 still supported?

    At present Node 12 is no longer supported past November 2022 and is disabled from project settings and existing projects throwing out the configuration errors if any. 

    3How do I check the Node.js version?

    The easiest way to check node version is to run node version on the terminal present in your workstation.

    4How can I degrade my Node.js version through CMD?

    Node version can be easily downgraded using nvm that helps in controlling node version.

    Step 1: check your nodejs version using node –version command. 

    Step 2: go to browser and search for nvm for windows. This is the nodejs version manager for windows that is a pre-requisite to download followed by installing the exe file.

    Step 3: Check number of node versions installed on terminal using nvm list command. 

    Step 4: To downgrade to any older node js version, run the following command on terminal by nvm install <version number> 

    Step 5: check again the number of nodejs versions are now installed using nvm list command

    Step 6: Final step allows you to use any older version or switch to any downgraded version using nvm use <version number> command

    5Which Node.js version is best for the React Native Expo?

    Node js version 12 or newer are the best supporters for the React Native Expo

    6What is the most popular version manager for node.js?

    Nvm is the most popular node version manager in controlling, updating and managing nodejs . Nvm helps in easy switch between different nodejs versions installed as well.


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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