HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentWho is a Web Developer? Responsibilities, Salary, Job Growth

Who is a Web Developer? Responsibilities, Salary, Job Growth

19th Jun, 2024
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    Who is a Web Developer? Responsibilities, Salary, Job Growth

    From mobile apps to websites, the role of a web developer is very significant in 2024. Web developers are behind all the websites you access and the hundreds of apps you use daily. Naturally, in this scenario, the notion of how do you become a web developer is of primary importance. From front-end development and back-end development to full-stack development, a web developer has various roles to perform in 2024. 

    In order to become a web developer, you can try out online certifications and courses that will make you job-ready in a short time. The best Web Development course imparts theoretical and practical knowledge to candidates seeking to enter the world of web development in 2043. Go through the article to find out how to become a web developer step by step. 

    What is Web Development?

    In short, web development is the creation of applications and websites. Web development can be for the internet or intranet, which is a private network. 

    A thing to keep in mind is that web development is different from web designing, which is about the look of the website. Development is all about the coding process that goes on behind the functionality of a website. All mobile apps and websites you use daily for work are the result of web development. 

    Who is a Web Developer?

    Since now you know what web development is, the next term that you should familiarize yourself with is ‘web developer’. A web developer is a person who does web development. They work with the back-end, front-end, and sometimes both to ensure the seamless working of a website or a mobile application. A full-stack web developer builds a webpage from scratch and knows all about front-end and back-end development.

    Web developers are fluent in programming languages; their main work involves creating codes for building websites and maintaining them. They are the backbone of any application or website. It is not the responsibility of a web developer to look after the design of the page, which a web designer is responsible for.

    What Does a Web Developer Do?

    In order to know how to become a professional web developer, the first thing to learn is the role of a web developer. A web developer is responsible for creating and maintaining web apps and websites. Though it might seem straightforward, the role consists of a number of duties, such as writing codes and supervising the site’s performance and traffic. 

    Apart from the technical aspects, a web developer also needs to have some soft skills, which you can see below. They need to know the company's mission for whom they make websites to engage more users. Depending on the type of web development, there are four kinds of web developers. 

    1. Back-End Web Developers

    The back-end developers create the database and server using programming languages such as Java, Python, C##, and PHP. It is also known as server-side development, as the main work of back-end developers happens behind the scenes, hidden from the users at the front end.  

    Users can access the parts developed by back-end developers with the help of a front-end application. Writing APIs and creating libraries are some other duties of back-end developers. 

    2. Front-End Web Developers

    The front-end developers handle the duty of coding the website with the help of tools such as JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. They look after the CMS (Content Management System). It is also referred to as client-side development and heavily involves the visual elements that users will see on the website. 

    Front-end developers work in tandem with web designers to enhance the site's visual look. Everything you see when you open up an app or website – is the work of a front-end developer. A key role of the front-end developers of today is to ensure the responsiveness of any site – normally appearing on all devices. 

    3. Full-Stack Developers

    The role of a full-stack developer combines front-end and back-end development. They have to learn back-end languages such as Python and PHP and also gain knowledge of front-end skills such as JavaScript and CSS.  

    A full-stack developer must do everything from creating websites to maintaining them. A front-end developer can do the work of an entire team, thereby cutting down the cost of organizations. Getting a Full-stack Developer Certification can be your answer to how to become a certified web developer. 

    4. Webmasters

    Website managers are known by the term webmasters. The key duty of webmasters is to update the websites regularly so that the links and web applications function properly without any glitches. 

    How to Become a Web Developer?

    Many people want to know how to become a web developer from scratch. You do not need a formal education to become a professional web developer, but a thorough knowledge of coding is very much required. Take a look at some of the steps you can take to learn web development.

    How to Become a Web Developer

    1. Learn Web Development Fundamentals

    The journey to becoming a web developer starts with knowing how the web operates. You must first learn the markup languages CSS and HTML, which help to structure the website content. When people ask how long does it take to become a web developer, the answer lies in the time you take to learn the basics. You can learn CSS and HTML in one week if you practice enough. 

    You will find a number of resources to learn the fundamentals. Make use of them as they form the building blocks of your web development journey. Learn how the web functions. 

    2. Sharpen Relevant Skills

    A web developer must have both hard skills and soft skills. Hard skills cover programming languages which you will find in more detail in the section just below this. Apart from the languages, you must learn how to use tools such as WordPress and Photoshop. 

    To do effective work, a web developer needs to have some soft skills apart from technical skills. To manage and perform quality control of projects, they must develop the following soft skills.  

    • Organizational Skills: A good web developer knows how to keep track of projects and deadlines. Making budgets and planning workflow are also parts of organizational skills. 
    • Multitasking: You must be able to multitask while developing websites. Often you will find you have to work on multiple projects simultaneously. Your multitasking skills will come in handy at this point. 
    • Detail-oriented: Taking care of small details while coding is very important for the proper performance of a website. 
    • Self-motivation: Procrastination is the archenemy of a web developer, as you have to meet the deadlines set forth previously. Motivating yourself can even boost your work to a great degree. 
    • Communication: You should have good communication skills to engage with your client, as your work is client-focused. 
    • Problem-solving: Once you start working as a web developer, you will inadvertently run into errors while making websites. You need to have the patience to identify coding errors and rectify them systematically. 

    3. Learn Key Programming Languages for Web Development

    The perfect way to learn “How can I become a web developer?” is by learning the programming languages necessary for web development. After you learn HTML and CSS, the next in line is JavaScript. These three will help you a lot in your initial days of creating projects.  

    Alongside these, here is a list of key programming languages you need to learn to master web development.  

    1. PHP 
    2. Ruby on Rails 
    3. Python 
    4. C## 
    5. Java 
    6. GO 
    7. SQL or Structured Query Language  

    Do not go for all of these at the same time. Take your time and upskill yourself to become a good web developer. 

    4. Take Relevant Web Development Course

    The internet is abuzz with a plethora of web development courses waiting for you. These are your best solutions when faced with a question such as “How to become a web developer without a degree?” You can take part in these courses from any place and incorporate the skills into your own website. 

    Taking part in courses such as the KnowledgeHut’s Best Web Development Course will allow you to acquire web development skills in a short frame of time. Learning from industry experts is a bonus as the online courses are curated, taking the help of the best in business. You will get both free and paid courses on the online platform. Taking the help of YouTube is a great way to familiarize yourself with the fundamentals before you enroll in the courses.

    5. Develop a Knowledge of Web Development Tools

    As you begin your work as a web developer, you will need to learn how to use web development tools. The tools assist in the development stage to simplify the coding process. But you must know which tool does what, as a slight error can have big ramifications on the website. Look at some common web development tools that any good web developer knows about.  

    • GitHub: This tool is the savior of any web developer when they face errors. You can revert back to previous versions of your code using GitHub, saving you hours of rewriting the same code. 
    • Visual Studio Code: One of the best code editors developers use is VSC or Visual Studio Code. Syntax highlighting and a built-in debugger are some of the popular features of this Microsoft – built tool. 
    • Sublime Text: A great text editor for all types of business, you can use Sublime Text to edit files simultaneously, side by side. A huge number of keyboard shortcuts make the work easier for web developers. 
    • jQuery: With the help of this tool, you can easily use JavaScript in your project. A user-friendly API of jQuery helps to add plugins and create animations to websites that make the website interactive for the clients. 
    • Angular.JS: A web developer can take the help of this tool to extend the HTML vocabulary. You can build a framework and access other libraries as well using the Angular.JS tool. 

    6. Work on Web Development Projects to Develop Your Practical Skills

    As soon as you gain insights about the fundamentals such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, you should develop projects to see how much you have learned. The projects do not have to be complicated but try doing something out of your comfort zone. You can use the projects as portions of your portfolio which you will showcase during interviews. You can understand how many practical skills you have learned and what steps to take if any errors occur. 

    7. Develop a Portfolio to Showcase Your Web Development Skills

    When you ask yourself, “How do I become a web developer?” the primary step is to build your portfolio. Whether small or large, you can include any project in the portfolio. Often, a portfolio can supplement online certifications as interviewers will gauge how much you know as a web developer from the portfolio only. 

    Some tips for a web development portfolio:  

    • Add any projects that show your skill to your portfolio. 
    • Hiring managers will look into your portfolio during the interview process. 
    • A good practice is to publish the code on GitHub, as the public domain ensures your code has nothing hidden. 
    • Showcase the tools that helped you to create the projects. 

    8. Raise Your Online Profile

    For starters, your profile consists of things that let others know who you are, such as your name, your job role, your location, and more. Your skills are the next part of your profile – both soft and technical skills. When we say “raise your online profile”, it means building up your profile to let more people know about yourself. 

    Raising your profile is essential to your role as a web developer. If you have a growing reputation in your organization, your chances of getting promoted are higher. You will get new connections and interact with industry leaders as you raise your profile. Here are a few steps to raise your online profile.  

    1. Update your GitHub profile page. The open-source site is ideal if you want other developers to see your work. Your visibility will increase to a large extent 
    2. Writing blog posts is one of the best ways to improve online visibility. You can use blogging platforms such as WordPress or Medium or your newly gained skills to create your own blog. 
    3. You cannot deny the role of social media in 2024. Creating social media posts has to be on your to-do list as a web developer. A few of the popular mediums where you can create content are Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook. Social media is a great tool when it comes to raising an online profile. 
    4. There are various forums on the internet where you can answer the queries of people. The more regularly you answer with accuracy, the faster your reputation will increase. 
    5. Use YouTube to give tech talks. People will slowly learn that you know what you are talking about as a web developer. Opening your own channel can work wonders for novice developers who wish to know how to become web developers with no experience. 

    9. Apply to Relevant Web Development Jobs

    Now that you have built a portfolio, the next step is to apply for web developer jobs. Although there is no specific answer to how long to become a web developer, you can land a job in a few months using your skillset. Do not stop the learning process while applying, as new developments are always taking place in the field of web development. Take the help of job portals to find relevant jobs and use the connections that you have established while learning the skills. 

    10. Prepare for Web Development Interviews

    After you apply for jobs, begin your preparation for the interviews. Here’s how you can prepare yourself for web development interviews.  

    • First and foremost, learn everything about the organization you are sitting in an interview for. 
    • Find out popular web development interview questions from the internet and practice answering them. 
    • Try to challenge yourself by creating codes in a short time. 
    • Make a list of anecdotes that can come in handy. 
    • Sit for mock interviews taking the help of friends. 

    11. Get an Entry-Level Data Job

    Your first job as a web developer can help you gain knowledge about professional life. No job is small, and even an entry-level data job is rewarding. You may work on minute assignments such as fixing broken code before you get to develop your own code. Your work will increase with time. Entry-level developers might have to find a job at an agency before landing a web developer job in a reputed company. 

    12. Get a Degree in Computer Science or Web Design Course

    A lot of people want to know how to become a good web developer. The answer lies in getting a degree in computer science or enrolling in a web design course. A degree is not mandatory for being a web developer, but it certainly helps.  

    Choose the right course depending on the type of web development you prefer, back-end or front-end. Coding boot camps are great ways to learn programming languages in short periods of time. You can even take part in part-time courses if you have other obligations.

    Web Developer Salary and Job Growth

    Now that you know the basic details and roles of a web developer, it is time to talk about the salary. The average base salary of a web developer in the US is $79,744 per year, with a maximum limit of $129,442 per year. You can understand from this the scope of a web developer.

    Job growth depends on your knowledge of web development tools. The average time to land the job of a web developer after starting from scratch is about 12 to 18 months. It relies on your portfolio and the languages you know. You might even take less time to get a promotion in your company if you constantly upskill with new tools. Create new projects as much as possible, and watch as you soar high in web development.

    Can You Become a Web Developer Without a Degree?

    Web Development Specializations 

    It is possible to be a web developer without obtaining any formal degree. You can learn web development on your own using online tutorials and courses. Becoming a professional web developer does not take much, but you have to be hardworking. Enrolling in online courses with a specialization in web development is one of the top ways to become a web developer in 2024. 

    Since there is no specific web development degree, it is not at all necessary to pursue a degree course. Employers focus on the portfolio, having little care for your educational history. It is important to create a good portfolio of projects using a number of programming languages. Use the internet to find out what type of portfolios you can create to attract clients. 

    How to Stand Out in the Web Developer’s Crowd

    With more and more people opting for web development, the question of “How hard is it to become a web developer?” comes naturally to the mind. Increasing salaries and high demand for developers are making people choose web development as their career. Without the right skill, you face the risk of getting lost in the crowd of web developers. You might have great coding skills, but you still have the possibility of struggling to make progress in your career as a web developer. Learn some of the ways to stay a cut above the rest.  

    • Upgrade yourself at all times. Use online resources to learn about new development tools. 
    • Have a long-term goal set in your mind. Think about where you want to see yourself in the next decade or more. 
    • We cannot stress enough how important it is to maintain professional relationships. Networking can connect you with people who can help you take a step forward in your career. 
    • Do not focus only on your work. It is necessary to look after your mental and physical health, as a fresh mind and body can lead to the development of new ideas. 
    • Communicate with others. Being a team player is essential in today’s world, and this calls for excellent communication skills. 
    • Learn other skills apart from coding. You need to think about the user while coding, and that’s when your other skills can take over. 
    • Lastly, you must master the basics. Without proper knowledge of the fundamentals of web development, you cannot progress anywhere. 

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    Web Developer vs Web Designer: What’s the Difference?

    A lot of people confuse the terms web developer and web designer and think these two are interchangeable terms. The reality is that these are vastly distinct terms. A web developer creates websites using codes and ensures the smooth functioning of the same.  

    A web designer designs the visual outlook of the website. They ensure it is user-friendly and that the content is placed appropriately. Both web designers and web developers work with each other to build properly working apps and websites. You can see some of the differences in the following section.

    Sl. No.Web DeveloperWeb Designer
    OverviewThey use back-end development and front-end development to create web apps and websites.They design the site to make it visually appealing to the users.
    ToolsThey use tools and languages such as HTMP, JavaScript, CSS, Python, PHP, etc.They use tools such as Dreamweaver, Sketch, Illustrator, GIMP, and Adobe Photoshop.
    Salary PerspectiveThey earn more than web designers.They earn less than web developers.
    Sites to create portfolioWeb developers rely on GitHub to show their coding work portfolios.Web designers use sites such as Dribble and Behance to present their portfolios to clients and hiring managers. They might even create their own website to showcase their work.
    FocusThey look after the technical aspect of a website.They focus on the creative side of any website or application.

    Types of developers: 

    • Front-end Developer 
    • Back-End Developer 
    • Full-Stack Developer 
    • Webmasters 

    Types of designers: 

    • User Interface (UI) 
    • Graphic Designer 
    • User Experience (UX) 


    With the demand for apps and websites steadily increasing, a web developer will only have more work to do. The scope is immense in this field, as we have discussed in this article. Get enrolled in an online web development course at KnowledgeHut to gain hands-on training from experts in the field. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Do Web Developers get a good salary?

    The average salary for a good web developer is good enough in India at present. The salary depends on factors such as skills, location, and job position. 

    2Can you become a Web Developer in 3 months?

    It is difficult to predict how long it will take for a novice to become a web developer. Some might learn the basics and start working in 3 months, while others may take a year. 

    3Is web development hard?

    Once you master the skills and tools, it is not hard to become a web developer. Keep in mind that you do need to learn a huge number of things to become a successful developer. 

    4Is Web Developer still in demand?

    Web developers are much in demand in 2023, with more organizations coming up with their own websites and apps. 

    5Is a Web Developer a stressful job?

    It depends on you if you want to take stress in your job as a web developer. A sound mind can lead to the creation of beautiful projects that you can showcase in your portfolio. 


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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