HomeBlogAgileTop 9 Advantages of Agile Methodology

Top 9 Advantages of Agile Methodology

19th Feb, 2024
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    Top 9 Advantages of Agile Methodology

    The software development industry has come a long way from the days of small one-man teams, limited resources, and routine code management. Today, the industry is constantly changing and evolving to keep up with the demand and growth. Companies are realizing the potential advantages of agile methodology and are increasingly adopting agile methodology to combat the effects of this rapid change.  

    Agile development allows a more rapid pace of development and creates a more efficient and effective timetable for stakeholders. Agile methodology solutions are a good choice for creating software solutions for rapidly changing environments. 

    What is Agile? 

    The Agile Manifesto contains the precise definition of Agile. Agile isn't a methodology, as the Agile Manifesto makes clear. It is not a particular method of carrying out software development. It is not a procedure or a structure. Most items labeled as Agile frequently miss the mark regarding what Agile is. A set of ideals and principles define agile.  

    Numerous strategies, methodologies, and even particular development tools are discussed in great detail regarding Agile. Although they might be useful to a team attempting to practice Agile, these things are not Agile in and of themselves. It is a collection of beliefs that teams can use to decide how to complete the work. 

    Many companies like to use the Agile method for various reasons. A major one is that other methods have proven too large and slow to respond to changes in the business environment. The Agile method, on the other hand, is much smaller and much more nimble and responsive to such changes.  

    Additionally, the Agile method promotes a more collaborative culture, increasing the team's morale and making recruiting new talent easier. The Agile method also uses techniques that promote a continuous customer focus, ensuring that the final product meets the customer's needs. Upskill yourselves by enrolling in the best Agile courses. 

    Top Benefits Of Using The Agile Methodology  

    Using multiple phases, the Agile methodology splits a project into manageable chunks. Working continuously with stakeholders and improving at every stage is necessary. Once the job begins, teams go through a cycle of planning, doing, and evaluating. There must always be continual communication between the project team and all stakeholders. The following are the ten benefits of agile methodology- 

    1. Prompt Delivery

    Agile teams employ the Scrum methodology. Software development can be planned out into sprints, which are typically 1-4 weeks long. Agile, iterative approaches refer to brief intervals where the appropriate thing is delivered at the right time and where each team incrementally develops software. To reduce Time-To-Delivery, design and testing are done concurrently.  

    To accelerate the entire product development cycle, teams deliver prioritized requirements first while streamlining overall delivery operations. Compared to the conventional waterfall system, this methodology performs better. It does not rely on extensive documentation but instead directly on functional software. 

    1. Superior Product

    The software development team does not try to create all features simultaneously when utilizing Agile methodologies. Instead, they break the project down into manageable pieces so they can concentrate on high-quality collaboration, development, and testing. 

    They test each iteration and request feedback from the product owner, who is you, afterward. Using this method, the team may quickly identify problems and misaligned expectations throughout the early stages of development. 

    1. Foreseeable Costs

    Agile approaches are built to reduce expenses. Story points, a framework that enables developers to precisely forecast the budget, serve as the foundation for cost-estimating strategies. To avoid wasting time and resources, only the necessary features are built, including sprints, MVPs, and unit testing.  

    There are no additional costs because project managers and middlemen are not required to be on the team. Based on previous learnings, future sprints will be better planned, which will result in further cost reductions. 

    1. Enhanced Flexibility

    One of the main advantages of Agile methodology is adaptability or agility because it is important at every level of the organization. Organizations get increasingly complex as they expand. Therefore, to stay competitive, businesses emphasize speed, yet speed alone won't enable you to create a more effective system. This is why firms are adopting agile practices more and more.  

    1. Transparency

    As everything is established from the outset, alignment between all teams is simple. Developers and project owners can keep an eye on everything from planning to deployment and provide regular feedback to the application before and after each sprint to ensure all goals are achieved.  

    Daily reports and tools are used to update all stakeholders to keep everyone informed and on the same page. Transparent labor processes enable a managed and watched product development cycle. Early on, project limitations and bottlenecks are addressed to enable more seamless deliveries. 

    1. Improved Project Management

    In Agile, you and the team collaborate to determine what goes into each iteration. As a result, everyone on the team is aware of the requirements. There is also less likely that the sprint will involve unpleasant surprises or unanticipated characteristics. Every day, the team gathers for a standup meeting.  

    All team members speak for a few minutes regarding what was accomplished yesterday and what they plan to accomplish today. This allows everyone to know the status of the project.  

    If a team member notices a bug or a block during their morning commute, they can log into the bug tracking software and enter the bug or block, so the team can address it during the standup meeting. This ensures all team members know the project's status and that any issues are caught and dealt with before they balloon into larger problems that could delay the project. 

    1. Customer Involvement And Satisfaction

    A successful development process does not just involve programmers. It involves every member of the development team to create a client-centric product. The developers must be able to listen and be open to change requests.  

    While this may disrupt the development process, it will make the product more usable and better overall. While an agile development team has weekly meetings that allow members to check in with each other, they are also free to use their discretion to decide what tasks are the highest priority. 

    1. ROI For Businesses

    Customer happiness and business value are constantly given priority. Development teams always have a product backlog to produce the most functional, intermediate product on schedule.  

    User feedback is necessary for every iteration. Therefore every sprint contributes to the success of the project. The Product Owner must continually reorder the Product Backlog's priorities to maximize ROI. Agile strategies outperform conventional methods in terms of speed and ROI. 

    1. Risk Mitigation

    Throughout the entire process of developing a product, risk management is utilized. After the Scrum team has identified the risks, action plans are developed. However, the action plans are carried out and continuously monitored due to the default style of iterations and corrections as well as the overall project level. At the beginning of the project, risks are categorized broadly. Before execution, top-prioritized risks are analyzed using checklists and mapped. 

    You can also take advantage of a new opportunity and create a product that is superior to existing products in the same market. Agile is all about innovation, but it also has massive benefits for your business. An Agile approach to software development provides the following benefits - 

    • The ability to deliver quality software faster 
    • The ability to produce minimal marketable features, 
    • The ability to produce quality software at a lower cost. 

    Agile is a complete strategy for delivering a product to market quickly and delivering it on budget, but it also improves your ability to understand the product you're developing. Agile requires listening to your customers by talking to them or closely observing how they use your product. 

    Become an Agile expert with our Agile Management Training Online. Acquire the skills to effectively lead Agile projects from any location!

    Final Thoughts

    Most coaches advise beginning agile practices with clear business goals, a small number of chosen teams, and a few well-chosen tools. To establish, extend, scale, and maintain their organizations' technological capabilities, organization leaders must strike the correct balance between varied teams, self-organization principles, standards, tools, and integrations.  

    Agile systems and processes are centered on providing value to the product's end user. This places users at the center of project development and indicates a keen interest in their requirements and desires. Working agilely improves client satisfaction. The client is continually informed of progress and has constant access to decision-making power during an agile process. Upskill yourselves today with KnowledgeHut's best Agile courses. 

    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

    1. What are agile tools? 

    Project management tools called agile tools are made to support agile methodology. The following are a handful of the more well-known agile project management tools: Active Collab, Jira, Lean Kit, Pivotal Tracker, and others 

    2. What are the most used agile project management methodologies?

    Responding to change rather than sticking to a predetermined course is what sets the agile methodology advantage apart. Agile techniques include Scrum, Kanban, and Adaptive Project Framework. Agile is adaptive (APF). 

    3. What are the top agile principles?

    The agile manifesto lists 12 agile principles, but it also emphasizes the importance of the four main agile values: people and interactions over tools and processes, working software over thorough documentation, customer collaboration over contract negotiations, and responding to change over following a plan.


    Lindy Quick

    Blog Author

    Lindy Quick, SPCT, is a dynamic Transformation Architect and Senior Business Agility Consultant with a proven track record of success in driving agile transformations. With expertise in multiple agile frameworks, including SAFe, Scrum, and Kanban, Lindy has led impactful transformations across diverse industries such as manufacturing, defense, insurance/financial, and federal government. Lindy's exceptional communication, leadership, and problem-solving skills have earned her a reputation as a trusted advisor. Currently associated with KnowledgeHut and upGrad, Lindy fosters Lean-Agile principles and mindset through coaching, training, and successful execution of transformations. With a passion for effective value delivery, Lindy is a sought-after expert in the field.

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