HomeBlogCloud ComputingLearn How To Configure Jenkins With BITBUCKET - Cloud Computing

Learn How To Configure Jenkins With BITBUCKET - Cloud Computing

05th Sep, 2023
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    Learn How To Configure Jenkins With BITBUCKET - Cloud Computing


    This article will provide you a complete detailed knowledge of configuring Jenkins with Bitbucket repository which will help in automating the deployment process and will help to set the path for the interaction of Jenkins continuous integration tool with bitbucket repository.

    Meanwhile, don't forget to check out the article on Install Jenkins on Ubuntu.

    As a part of the continuous integration and deployment process, it is a requirement that the code repository should interact with the build automation and continuous integration tool. In this article, we are working with bitbucket and Jenkins to achieve the same, but this could be like the other tools that are available in the market. Let’s see the steps to integrate a Bitbucket with the Jenkins. To know about Cloud Computing, check out certification on Cloud Computing.  

    Ways for Enabling Jenkins with Bitbucket:

    STEP 1: Login to your Jenkins and then select Manage Jenkins->Plugin Manager and on the tab available select the option bitbucket plugin and click on install without restart. In my case, this is installed already hence it’s showing under the Installed section.

    Step 2: Once the installation is done, configure a sample project and in build triggers section during the creation of a new project select build when a change is pushed to bitbucket and click apply and save to enable trigger Jenkins with bitbucket:

    Step 3: Now, visit Bitbucket URL: https://bitbucket.org/ and create your own repository, if you haven’t created yet else visit your own bitbucket repository for the purpose of this course. I have LearnShareKnowledge as the repository-

    Step 4: Click on the clone and copy the repository URL which you want to configure with Jenkins from bitbucket:

    Step 5: Go back to Jenkins and click on the project which you have to create and click on configure under the Source Code Management section, select the repository type which you have in your bitbucket repository. In my case, it is git and paste the URL by removing git clone to connect Jenkins with bitbucket. Click on save to reflect the changes:

    Step 6: Select the credentials if it is not a public repository for configuring the credentials, you can click the Add button on credentials section and proceed with username and password under global credentials domain and click Add.

    Step 7: Now, again visit the bitbucket repository which you want to configure. For that, click on settings under that repository:

    Step 8: Under settings, click on webhooks highlighted in the picture:

    Step 9: Click on add webhook and give the title to that webhook and paste the URL of Jenkins which you have configured with bitbucket and then select active and repository push and save the changes. If you want to make this more secure, then you can verify this with SSL certificate but in my case,  I used a secure key which provides a security to this setup. To advance your career in Cloud Computing, enroll in KnowledgeHut certification on Cloud Computing.   

    Now with the Jenkins setup for Bitbucket, we are ready to test the complete configuration. As soon as you do commit to the repository, you will be having an automated build triggered initiating a job inside the Jenkins project which you have configured with the repository.

    Towards the end, I hope that you have gained a clear understanding of How To Configure Jenkins With BITBUCKET.

    If this article has helped you clear your fundamentals and if you wish to learn more about AWS by getting certified, then you can undertake the AWS certification course offered by KnowledgeHut.


    Rohan Singh

    Blog Author

    Rohan Singh is the Devops Engineer Manager and Solution Architect at healthcare product based MNC, he is a technical blogger who shares technical related issues based on real life experiences to motivate IT professionals in putting their efforts for the betterment of  Devops and solution architect field

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