HomeBlogData ScienceData Science vs Computer Science: What to Choose in 2024?

Data Science vs Computer Science: What to Choose in 2024?

27th Jun, 2024
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    Data Science vs Computer Science: What to Choose in 2024?

    Data Science and Computer Science frequently coexist, but what distinguishes them? Do they share any common ground as well? In the general themes of the Data Science processes one can see how Computer Science is integrated in those.  

    The distinctions between these two disciplines and the situations in which one demands ideas and principles from the other should be noted by everyone who is interested in working in either profession or who is currently employed in it. A Data Scientist will typically benefit from first mastering Computer Science and then specializing in machine learning methods. Some Data Scientists, on the other hand, begin with statistics before learning to code, emphasizing the concept of Data Science and Machine Learning methods.

    Let us dive in further to learn the differences between data science vs computer science through several parameters.

    Data Science vs Computer Science [Comparison Table]

    Here is a comparison table of Data Science versus Computer Science, highlighting their distinct focuses, usage, degree, job titles and benefits in the realm of computing and data analysis.

    ParametersComputer ScienceData Science
    1. Basic Difference
    • Computer design and architecture are studied in Computer Science
    • It includes both the software and hardware components of computers, machines, and gadgets.
    • Data analysis, data mining, and data manipulation
    • Prediction, visualisation, and simulation are all studied in Data Science.
    2. Usage

    Computers, Databases, Networks, Security, Informatics, Bioinformatics, Programming languages, Software engineering, Algorithm designing
    • Big data analytics, Data engineering, Machine learning,
    • User-behaviour analysis, Customer analytics, Operational analytics, Predictive analytics, Fraud detection, etc.
    3. Benefits
    Speed and PerformanceReduction in Data Redundancy
    4. Real-time Usage
    Usage of advanced and ultra-fast devices.Maintenance and Handling of large volumes of customer data
    5. Industry
    Basic Science to become a Computer Software ProfessionalAfter studying throughout this field, you will be able to work as a Data Scientist or Analyst.
    6. Field
    Covers the entire technical field that is a subset of Data Science.A branch of computer science that studies data using various technologies and methods.
    7. Education Required
    To be a competitive candidate on the job market, you will almost certainly need a Bachelor's degree.necessitate further education beyond a Bachelor's degree
    8. Master’s Degree
    Students pursuing a master's in computer science gain knowledge of cutting-edge technologies in this rapidly expanding field.Undergraduate courses in mathematics, statistical analysis, and data analytics can provide a solid foundation for those pursuing a Data Science Master's degree.

    9. Job Titles
    Web Developer, System Developer, Hardware Engineer, Software Developer, Database Administrator, etc.Data Analyst, Data Scientist, Data Engineer
    Data Warehouse engineer, Business Analysts
    10. Salary
    A computer scientist will most likely earn $103,730 per year on average.Data scientists earn an average annual salary of $116,654 per annum in the United States.
    11. Common Job Duties
    Game Development, Web Development, Database Management, IT consultant, etc.Data Modelling, Data Analysis, Data Architecture, etc.

    What is Computer Science?

    The study of computers and computing concepts is referred to as computer science. It is essentially the study of factors that interact with data in the form of programs. It is concerned with the manipulation of information through the application of various algorithms.  

    Computer science encompasses the architecture, design, development, and manufacture of computing machinery or devices that propel the Information Technology industry and its advancement in the world of technology. Programming languages, algorithm design, software engineering, computer-human interaction, and the computation process are all examples of computer science concepts. Operating systems and compilers are also topics of study in computer science. 

    What is Data Science?
    What is Data Science
    Why of AI

    A field that extracts insights and understanding from data using various scientific methodologies, algorithms, and methods. It can therefore be characterised as a collection of diverse mathematical tools, algorithms, statistics, and machine learning techniques that are used to discover hidden trends and correlations in data to aid in strategic planning.  

    It is concerned with both structured and unstructured data. This field has something to do with both data mining and big data. Data science entails examining historical trends and using the insights to redefine current trends as well as forecast potential trends. 

    Data Science can be used to study internet users' behaviour and habits by collecting information from their internet traffic as well as browsing history. This is how preferred ads will be presented on a user's internet browser pages without their contribution. 

    Difference Between Data Science and Computer Science

    1. Data Science vs Computer Science: Scope

    Data Science Scope: 

    • Discovering Insights: Data Science is about uncovering hidden gems in data, revealing patterns and insights that help businesses make smarter decisions. 
    • Predicting the Future: It's like having a crystal ball for trends. Data Science predicts future patterns based on past data, from anticipating customer preferences to forecasting market trends. 
    • Machine Learning: Involves teaching computers to learn and make decisions on their own, like your favorite streaming service suggesting movies you might love. 

    Computer Science Scope: 

    • Creating Digital Worlds: Computer Science is the architect behind digital landscapes, building everything from your favorite apps to the complex systems running the internet. 
    • Algorithmic Prowess: Involves crafting the smart instructions (algorithms) that make computers perform tasks efficiently, like sorting through a massive library of information. 
    • Building Strong Foundations: Focuses on constructing robust systems, including networks, databases, and software, ensuring everything runs smoothly in the digital realm. 

    In simple terms, Data Science is the detective finding stories in data, while Computer Science is the builder creating the digital structures, making software and systems work seamlessly. 

    2. Data Science vs Computer Science: Educational requirements 

    Data Science: To work in data science, one typically needs a bachelor's degree in one of the STEM fields, which include math and computer science, economics, computer science, and programming languages. (Python, R, or SQL are preferred). A master's degree in data science is, therefore, typically required to advance in your job as a data scientist in prestigious companies. 

    The practical use of data science techniques, such as machine learning, the foundations of computational and statistical science, and basic business analytics activities, such as finance, operations, and marketing, should all be explicitly emphasized in advanced degrees and training. 

    Computer Science: Generally speaking, a bachelor's degree is necessary for employment in computer science, so start developing your resume with a strong educational background. As a high school student, science, math, and technology studies will be beneficial to you. A computer science bachelor's degree should take four years to complete. 

    3. Data Science versus Computer Science: Skills 

    Data Science Skills: 

    • Number Crunching Mastery: Data Scientists need to be comfortable with numbers using statistical skills to extract meaningful insights from data. 
    • Programming: Coding is the language of data. Data Scientists use programming (like Python or R) to manipulate and analyze data effectively. 
    • Data Visualization: Turning complex data into easy-to-understand visuals is crucial. Data Scientists possess the skill to create compelling charts and graphs. 

    Data Scientist Skills
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    Computer Science Skills: 

    • Coding: Computer Scientists are coding experts, writing the software that powers everything from apps to complex systems. 
    • Algorithmic Thinking: Designing smart algorithms that solve problems efficiently is a key skill. It's like creating a recipe for computers to follow. 
    • System Design: Building robust systems that understand networks, databases, and software architecture ensures that everything runs smoothly in the digital world. 

    In essence, Data Scientists crunch numbers and visualize insights, while Computer Scientists craft the code and systems that make our digital world tick. 

    4. Data Science vs Computer Science: Applications 

    Data Science applications: 

    • Data science builds precise prediction and classification models using machine learning techniques. Among the industries that employ it are demand forecasting, fraud detection, credit scoring, and recommendation engines. 
    • NLP uses data science to handle and evaluate data pertaining to human language. It is the engine that drives data retrieval applications, chatbots, sentiment analysis, text classification, and language translation. 
    • Data science examines industry trends, consumer behavior, and social media data. Through the provision of customer preference insights, organizations can better target marketing efforts, undertake sentiment analysis, and improve advertising campaigns. 
    • Data science is essential in preserving and analyzing large-scale, complicated information and uncovering patterns and insights. This is accomplished by tools like scalable algorithms, data mining, and distributed computing. 
    • Data science approaches are used in computer vision applications such as object identification, face recognition, picture segmentation, and video analysis. It makes programs like surveillance systems, medical imaging, and autonomous driving conceivable. 

     Computer Science Applications 

    • Software Development: Think of computer science as the wizard behind the curtain of your favorite apps, making them user-friendly and functional. 
    • Web Development: It's the magic behind the websites you browse, ensuring they're not just pages but interactive experiences. 
    • Data Management: Ever wonder how your information is stored and accessed? Computer science handles the behind-the-scenes work, ensuring databases run smoothly. 
    • Artificial Intelligence: From voice assistants to self-driving cars, computer science fuels the brainpower of machines, making them smart and adaptable. 
    • Networks and Security: Computer scientists act as digital guardians, ensuring that your online data is secure and that devices can talk to each other without any 

    5. Data Science vs Computer Science: Job profiles 

    The best way to compare Data science vs computer science jobs is to understand the profiles they offer: 

    Data Science Job profiles: 

    • Data analysts: Data analysts are typically entry-level workers in the data science industry. They may have a master's or bachelor's degree in data science or a related discipline. The instruments and methods that a data analyst uses specifically for data analysis are developed by a data scientist. Often, a data analyst is a trainee with the goal of eventually becoming a full-fledged data scientist through experience. 
    • Data Scientists: They work with data warehouses, mine data, develop algorithms, and learn from them. One of the responsibilities of the job in this field is to ensure that the entire data pipeline, from data mining operations to the final algorithm or the display of analysis results, satisfies the requirements of each project.  
    • Data Engineer: To create the infrastructure needed to manage all of their data, data scientists rely on data engineers. You manage the operational aspects of the data pipeline in this field of work. You can write programs that fetch data from warehouses or establish databases to store relevant data. Data engineers are also capable of troubleshooting when database problems arise. While receiving training as a Data Engineer from a recognized training provider, you can discover more about this position. 
    •  Business Intelligence Analyst: Equipped with a foundation in data science, a business intelligence analyst can utilize that knowledge to examine corporate data and offer data-driven solutions to operational and strategic issues. Their analysis can also be useful in making decisions on competitor activities, marketing, HR, and staff training. 

     Computer Science Job profiles: 

    • Software Developer: Utilising their programming abilities, software developers produce new software and enhance already-existing applications. They create and compose programming that powers everything from video games to mobile apps to operating systems. 
    • Software Architects: Software architects plan, organize, and oversee an organization's technical standards, which include systems, frameworks, coding, and tools. Web services, user interfaces, coding programs, databases, and desktop apps are just a few of the software systems and applications they create and construct with the express purpose of meeting the demands and preferences of their clients. 
    • Principal Software Engineer: The top executives in charge of overseeing and managing every technological facet and function of a business are principal software engineers. As chief software engineers, their main duty is to expand projects effectively while lowering expenses, increasing productivity, and optimizing performance. 
    • Computer Scientist: To improve and increase a company's business operations and efficiency, computer scientists create and manage computer-based technologies. They study several tech disciplines in-depth, including robotics, virtual reality, and artificial intelligence. To enhance the functionality of current computer systems and software tools, they conduct modeling and experimentation. 

    6. Data Science versus Computer Science: Salary 

    Let's take a look at data science vs computer science salary:  

    • Data Scientist Salary: The average salary for a data scientist in the United States is $124,512 per year (Source: Indeed).   
    • Computer Engineer: The average salary for a Computer Engineer is $88.043 per year in the United States  

    It is important to keep in mind that data science vs Computer Science salary can vary based on experience, higher degrees, and specific skills. 

    Data science vs Computer Science: Which is Better?

    Your career goals, personal interests, and how far you want to take your education will all influence your decision of which field is best for you. Computer science takes a broader approach to computing, requiring the acquisition of a diverse set of skills. This gives it one great advantage over a data science degree: a broader range of career possibilities. A data science degree, on the other hand, can be a definite advantage for those engaged in data science careers.  

    Although both branches are connected to the same core of computers and technology, ambitious young data scientist must acknowledge their unique talent in this field and select a specialisation accordingly. Just like Computer science or data science is also gaining academic recognition, and Data Science course fees in India are soaring as more and more degree courses are being added at the university level. 

    How to Begin Your Career?

    • If you want to be a data scientist, you'll need to be familiar with a tool that can be used in a wide range of environments, which will likely include SQL, coding, command line, and cloud technology. 
    • If you want a career in Computer Science, through studying mathematics and computer science concurrently, you can build a solid foundation for your computer science career early on. 
    • If you really like to develop new things, we recommend computer science, but if you like to analyse, study, and draw any conclusions based on the available information, data science is really for you. 

    Both careers are extremely rewarding, but there is also a point that you can check is data science vs computer science salary. A Computer Scientist earns an annual salary of USD 100,000 on average. A data scientist, on the other hand, earns more than USD 140,000 per year. Because of the wealth of data being produced all over the world, as well as the need for someone to handle enough of that data, talented data scientists will have no trouble finding a high-paying career. 

    To learn more about data science, you can opt for knowledgeHut learning Data Science with Python and get certified.  

    Learn where you lean!

    Both fieldsof Computer Science and Data Science are essential in all technicalities in which they are progressing and providing opportunities and innovations with advanced processes to make a human's life easier. 

    Computer Science and Data Science are two distinct fields that, when applied to the use of advanced technology butfall under the same broader category. Computer Science teaches us how to use technologies to compute data, whereas Data Science teaches us how to operate on existing data to make it useful. 

    A Data Scientist's key focus is to use Machine Learning algorithms to solve business problems, whereas a Computer Scientist's overall focus is either object-oriented programming and Software Engineering or more towards IT, requiring a broad sense thorough knowledge of everything about computers. 

    Check out our course Learning Data Science with Python. The course comes with no prerequisites and helps you get hands-on learning data science with python skills.

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Is Data Science same as Computer Science?

    Data science and computer science have a lot in common because they both require a lot of the same skills. However, computer science students are more interested in the theoretical foundations of how those languages work, whereas data science students only use computer science tools to analyse metrics.

    2Which pays more salary, data science or computer science?

    Data Science is more valuable than computer science. A Computer Scientist earns an annual salary of USD 100000 on average. A data scientist, on the other hand, earns more than USD 140000 per year. If you are a software developer or an experienced systems engineer, owning skillsets can instantly boost your salary.  

    3Is data science part of Computer Science?

    No, data science is not only a computer science subfield. Although there is a lot of overlap between data science and computer science, each field is distinct. In general, computer science entails learning the theory and practise of modern computing, as well as a diverse set of coding skills and languages. Everything from software to the operating systems they run on, as well as the core hardware that comes into contact with the OS, falls under this category.

    Because both careers can involve similar tasks, data science can appear to be a branch of computer science. 


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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