HomeBlogData ScienceFuture of Robotics: How Robots Will Reshape Our Lives?

Future of Robotics: How Robots Will Reshape Our Lives?

19th Jun, 2024
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    Future of Robotics: How Robots Will Reshape Our Lives?

    When we think of robots, sci-fi-inspired, humanoid automatons often come to mind. However, there are many types of robots that are already in use today. But what exactly are robots, and how will they change the world?

    The future of robotics includes performing operations remotely and exploring extra-terrestrial worlds by 2030. Robotics, one of the fastest-growing tech fields, is shaping the future of travel, work, and adventure. Advances in AI, computing, and IoT are driving these developments.

    Data Science is crucial to these advances, powering the algorithms that make robots smarter. Online Data Science courses will help you build skills in creating models, allowing you to play a key role in this transformative field.

    What is Robotics?

    The area of engineering known as robotics is concerned with the creation, design, building, use, and application of robots. Future robotic technology is an automatically operated machine that performs a series of activities independently and completes tasks typically completed by humans.

    Robots don't necessarily look like people, though some do. For evidence, look at pictures of vehicle manufacturing lines. The term "androids" is frequently used to refer to machines that resemble human traits. It's not always the case, even though robot designers try to make their inventions look human, so people feel more comfortable around them. Some people find robots unsettling, particularly those that resemble people.

    How will the Future of Robotics Impact the World?

    Robots will continue evolving from simple rote machines to collaborative partners with cognitive capabilities due to increased sensor technology and more notable advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence. These advancements, expected to impact these and other related industries positively, would be extremely beneficial for robotics.

    Two examples of how robots are pervasive in our daily lives are the automated factories that produce our cars and the virtual helpers that use conversational interfaces to aid us around the house. However, as we've seen, they're not yet suitable for all facets of life. But will that change in the future?

    Despite worries about an AI takeover in which robots supplant humans as the world's dominating intelligence, such a scenario seems remote. According to business network PwC, up to 30% of vocations may be replaced by robots by the middle of the 2030s.

    By 2030, there may be 20 million robots in operation worldwide, replacing up to 51 million human jobs, according to forecasts. We anticipate seeing more robots in our daily lives, even though they might not take over the planet.

    Future of Robotics in Different Industries

    Consider the self-serve pump the next time you stop for gas to get an idea of how robots transform our daily lives. When gas stations first appeared, it wasn't easy to envision such improvement. Now that they are available, Americans living in rural areas can use these robots. That is just one illustration of how the future of robotics and artificial intelligence will change our lives. 

    Leading tech companies constantly compete to improve how robotics are incorporated into people's daily lives, which will pave the way for an incredibly exciting future. 

    1. Robotics in Healthcare

    We're also considering a new future of robotics in healthcare. We'll have intelligent robots performing these jobs instead of going to a primary care doctor, who will examine us using just a stethoscope. They will converse with patients, monitor their health, and decide whether or not they require follow-up sessions.

    More significant alterations will result from pharmaceutics. We can obtain the required meds without inconveniencing ourselves by disclosing the details of our medical conditions to a stranger using these medical ATMs.

    2. Robotics in Hospitality

    AI in robots has also created many opportunities for the hospitality industry, with a wide range of applications that can enhance brand awareness, customer loyalty, and customer experience.

    Today, robots can perform certain skills, actions, and services more safely than people. Robot adoption is accelerating due to the demand for frictionless customer services (such as robotic food ordering and delivery).

    3. Robotics in Technologies

    For a while now, the primary purchaser of robots for manufacturing jobs has been the technology sector. Power dynamics are rapidly changing. Automotive industry growth has been outpaced by that of the electronic industrial robot's sector. Despite growing profit margins, robot automation is anticipated to be a successful idea for the electronics industry in the next few years. In this sector, customization is becoming standard.

    4. Robotics in Manufacturing

    Robots were initially used in production, such as on automobile assembly lines. Material handling, steel cutting, Arc welding, and food packaging are just a few activities that industrial robots can perform.

    The difficulties that manufacturing and construction are currently encountering are influencing robotics development. Robots are the ideal answer to these problems. One of the earliest industries to use robotics was manufacturing, which is still a prime contender for more automation. Many manufacturing operations are structured and repetitive, which makes it simple to incorporate robotics. By the 2030s, the future of robotics in manufacturing could be completely autonomous, from assembly to quality control, thanks to advancements in AI and the Internet of Things (IoT). Robot maintenance and operation will replace traditional jobs in this industry.

    5. Robotics in Household

    Cloud-connected household robots in the future will make it easy for homemakers. We may programme the vacuum cleaner to complete the task automatically, and we can plan for a nice home-cooked meal to be ready when we finish our workday. Robotic cookers can fry, steam, bake, slow cook, and perform any other operation without our assistance. They had only been set up.

    These cloud-connected robots will probably develop into more sophisticated models. In the coming years, we anticipate enhanced human interaction and voice comprehension. These changes could wind up completely altering how our houses look and feel!

    6. Robotics in Industrial

    At the moment, industrial robots are flourishing. The difficulties that industry and construction are currently confronting are accelerating robotics development. For instance, the need for new homes and infrastructure has never been higher, even though the construction industry lacks an estimated 2.2 million people. Similar problems exist in manufacturing, where over 2.1 million open positions cost $1 trillion in lost revenue.

    The future of industrial robots is that they will most frequently be used in simple, repetitive industrial operations. Examples include welding, picking and packing, and other comparable tasks used in manufacturing lines. They provide consistency, precision, and quickness.

    7. Robotics in Logistics

    Everyone wants the delivery of their online orders on time, if not earlier. Therefore, businesses use robots to stack warehouse shelves, retrieve products, and even make local deliveries. Self-driving cars become more intelligent every year, but they won't be common on the roads until the 2020s. Human randomness and AI computation present a difficulty for robotic transportation. With structured, predictable data, robots perform best.

    Human behavior is always unpredictable. Researchers working on autonomous vehicles are creating AI models that can react precisely and reliably to roadblocks, particularly people. Robot-powered automobiles could be on the road in major cities worldwide by 2030 is the future of robotics technology. These vehicles will improve policing practices, lower pollution, and facilitate travel.

    8. Robotics in Military

    Recent breakthroughs have led to the deployment of robots by military forces worldwide in UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle), UGV (Unmanned Ground Vehicle), triage, and surveillance applications. The robot can perform a greater variety of duties on the battlefield. We'll soon see completely new autonomous combat vehicles on the battlefield as these systems advance.

    9. Robotics in Travel

    How might artificial intelligence and robots alter the way we travel? First, since they can recall information, automate operations, and multitask better than humans, robots could speed up check-in procedures, as numerous hotel chains are already doing. 

    In the travel sector, robotic technology is quickly gaining popularity due to shifting consumer preferences for travel. Hotels, travel agencies, and other businesses are interested in automation robots because customers are increasingly looking for self-service options.

    10. Robotics in Entertainment

    People are purchasing robots more frequently now for entertainment (especially during the pandemic). There are several well-known robot toys, robot restaurants and enormous robot monuments.

    For quite some time, robotics has become increasingly prevalent in the entertainment sector. Even if you might not see them, robots are used in the entertainment sector. They do engage tasks, including working at points of sale and providing food in sporting venues. In the world of movies, robot use is also gaining popularity.

    11. Robotics in Space Exploration

    Robots like Sojourner and Perseverance are Mars explorers. Deep space probes like Voyager and Cassini, as well as the Hubble telescope, are categorized as robots. Exciting new developments in exploration, from the ocean depths to Mars' surface and beyond, are being driven by robotics. The difficulty of exploring new frontiers arises from the fact that these regions are inaccessible to humans without the aid of cutting-edge technology.

    One of the least researched regions in our region of solar system is the ocean, which may surprise some people. There may be entire species in the ocean's deepest regions that science has not even been able to name. In these regions of the deep, where the water pressure is much too intense for scuba divers to endure, robots are assisting explorers.

    How will Robots Transform Our Future?

    Future robotics and automation might serve as assistants, workmates, teachers, surgeons, and explorers. As engineers and scientists continue to develop and advance robotics, the capabilities of this technology will only increase. In many ways, robots are already an integral part of daily life. They might even assist us in expanding our horizons on our planet and beyond, helping billions of people live better lives. 

    Robots and machines with learning capabilities may have a wider range of uses in the future. Future robots would be better suited to more difficult and dynamic activities if they could learn new processes, adapt to their environment, and change their behavior. 

    In the end, robots may raise our standard of living. They may be able to relieve us of the strain of physically taxing or repetitive chores as well as advance healthcare, increase the effectiveness of transportation, and allow us more freedom to engage in creative activities. 

    Advantages and Disadvantages of Robots

    The future of robotics engineering will offer solutions to various issues. As we shall see, the future of robots may alter the environment in which humans live. That does not imply that the technology is without drawbacks, though. In our current world, using robots has both advantages and disadvantages.  

    They can provide greater productivity, efficiency, quality, and consistency in some contexts. 
    Robots are replacing people in various industries, leading to economic issues. 
    Robots, unlike people, never get bored. Robots cannot improvise because they can only follow instructions (although AI and machine learning are changing this).  
    They can carry on with them until they face any mechanical issues. Robots today are less agile than humans and unable to match a human's capacity for visual perception, despite advances in robotics technology. However, researchers are attempting to create robots that have improved world perception. 
    They are especially helpful in producing microelectronics because they can be exactly even to fractions of an inch. Robots with practical applications are typically expensive in terms of initial cost, maintenance, the requirement for additional components, and the cost of programming
    Robots can operate in hazardous conditions for people, such as those involving hazardous substances or high radiation levels. -
    In contrast to humans, they don't have the same physical or environmental needs. -
    Some robots have actuators and sensors that are more capable than those found in people. -

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    What's the Use of Artificial Intelligence in Robotics? 

    Artificial intelligence (AI) improves collaboration possibilities, quality, and human-robot interaction. Co-bots, robots that do testing and assembly alongside people, are already used in the industrial sector. Robots were initially developed to replicate human behavior, and AI advancements make this easier. Robot future artificial intelligence may act and think more like people and be more flexible and effective employees than humans. 

    Robot designers use artificial intelligence to improve the capabilities of their creations, such as: 

    • Robots can identify and recognize objects they encounter, make out details, and learn how to move around or avoid particular objects due to computer vision. 
    • Artificial intelligence (AI) enables robots to acquire the fine motor abilities necessary to hold objects without damaging them. 
    • Due to motion control and navigation advancements, robots no longer require humans to direct them along paths and process flows. Robots can self-navigate and evaluate their surroundings thanks to AI. Even in the software industry's virtual environment, this competence holds. Robot software processes can prevent process exceptions or flow bottlenecks using AI. 
    • Robots may better understand their environment, spot patterns, and grasp data with the aid of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML), which uses Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Real-World Perception (RWP). With these upgrades, the robot is more autonomous and depends less on human agents. 

    How to Get Started with Robotics?

    There are many options for prospective roboticists to break into this field. You'll need to practice important abilities like arithmetic, science, programming, and problem-solving for a future of robotics and automation. Additionally, you'll need to learn robotics fundamentals and gain experience designing and developing them. 

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    Career Options in Robotics

    For aspiring engineers, a career in robots can be immensely gratifying. The field provides various fascinating professions for robotics engineers due to the daily introduction of newer, quicker, and more intelligent robots. Join the rapidly expanding field today and participate in the revolution for the future of robotics in education.  

    Below are some fascinating career paths you can choose with an associate's, graduate, or master's degree in robotics. 

    • Robotics engineer 
    • Design engineer 
    • Computer scientist 
    • Electromechanical and Robotics technician 
    • Software engineer 

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    The future of robotics will provide several fascinating opportunities with high pay and promising career advancement. Your chances of having a rewarding job in the industry can be further increased by formal education, certification, practical training, and work experience. 

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    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Does Robotics Research Have a Future?

    Over the upcoming years, the robot's sector is anticipated to expand dramatically. By 2030, the robotics sector may value up to 21 billion rupees, according to research. A significant chunk of this increase will be accounted for by professional service robots that do practical tasks for humans, like cleaning, distributing, and transporting.

    2What will Robots Be Like in 2050?

    In 2050, AI will make incredible strides unimaginable to many today. Robots will be more efficient because they can accomplish that duty promptly, cost-effectively, and thoroughly.

    3Will Robots Replace Humans in Future?

    These "robots" are real in and of themselves, but they are not meant to replace people as employees. According to experts, it is unlikely that robots will completely replace human workers; instead, RPA is much more likely to contribute to possible employment reallocation and job creation. 


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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