HomeBlogDevOpsAgile and DevOps: Common Misconceptions

Agile and DevOps: Common Misconceptions

08th Sep, 2023
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    Agile and DevOps: Common Misconceptions

    Agile and DevOps are the most commonly used terms in the IT industry. However, many questions, confusion, and misconceptions related to these two terms. Do you also get confused about Agile and DevOps, or what is predictability in Agile? Well, if you wonder what these two methods are all about or what is a common misconception about Agile and DevOps, you are at the right place.  

    In this article, we will throw light on both methods, alongside the similarities, differences, and misconceptions people have about them. So, let's get started!  

    What is a Common Misconception About Agile and DevOps?

    Let us have a look at what are the common misconceptions about Agile and DevOps. 

    1. Agile And DevOps Are Synonymous

    The most common misconception about Agile and DevOps is that the two terms are synonymous and may be used alternately. The underlying goal of both DevOps and Agile is to improve the company's operations and results. However, they cannot be compared as synonyms. Agile is an operational style that breaks down difficult jobs into more manageable chunks and distributes these assignments to many workers.  

    The company sets a deadline for the completion of these tasks from its personnel. By doing this, businesses may monitor the business process and quickly address problem areas.  

    On the other hand, the DevOps philosophy upholds the value of collaboration and open communication among the organization's many teams. 

    2. Merely Investing in Agile and DevOps will Help the Business Grow  

    There's yet another Agile and DevOps myth: if a company just bought both technologies, its overall business processes would enhance noticeably.  

    However, this perception is untrue. By investing in the necessary software tools, the company may unquestionably implement the Agile framework, but the business won't fully benefit from it unless it makes structural changes to its personnel training, product development, and open communication practices.  

    Similarly, personnel must fully understand the value of communication and teamwork to benefit from the DevOps technique. The businesses would need to work on creating improved procedures that would aid in the more effective application of these technologies. 

    3. Agile and DevOps can be used as Alternatives

    The third DevOps and Agile myth is that organizations may use DevOps technology instead of Agile methodology. But once more, this supposition is wholly false.  

    The ultimate objectives of both of these techniques are the same: to add excellent value to the company's current business activities. Businesses should be aware that just how these technologies are applied varies; this does not suggest that using them separately would yield positive results.  

    Agile and DevOps have different focuses and require different implementation strategies from businesses. To accomplish their intended aim, the businesses must combine Agile and DevOps. 

    Definition of DevOps
    Definition of DevOps

    Although there isn't a single definition, we can define DevOps as a system of processes that enables engagement between development and operational departments so that code can be sent to production environments more quickly in an automated and consistent manner.  

    The remainder of this article will be devoted to explaining that assertion, and you can learn about it by investing in DevOps Courses Online 

    The term "DevOps" is a combination of two terms, "development" and "operations." which accelerates the delivery of services and applications. It enables businesses to provide effective customer service and raise their level of market competition. DevOps can be defined as an improvement in interaction and coordination between development and IT operations. Since DevOps in a company generates ongoing value for consumers, it is not only about the technologies.  

    One of its foundations, together with people and procedures, is tools. Companies are better capable of producing high-quality solutions quickly thanks to DevOps. It automates every step of developing and deploying a commodity or application. You must, therefore, strongly consider undergoing DevOps Training Online 

    Definition of Agile
    Definition of Agile

    Agile is a set of guidelines used in project management and software development. Agile is about giving teams the tools they need to produce work in manageable, tiny chunks, making it simple for them to offer value to their clients easily. Constant evaluation of the needs, strategies, and outcomes is conducted.  

    As a result, the team is better able to react to changes quickly. The Agile manifesto is a comprehensive description of the major Agile tenets. The Agile manifesto, written at the beginning of 2001, describes the various values and concepts underpinning the method. 

    The following are the primary aspects of agile - 

    • Discussion of rapid change among group members, administration, and other teams. 
    • Opportunities for reflection or team compilations allow team members to talk about what worked well, what went wrong, and what should be improved. 
    • A versatile, adaptive method of functioning when tasks call for sudden, unforeseen adjustments. 
    • Teams can allocate their respective tasks, sprint objectives, and projections thanks to self-organizing and independent working methods. 
    • Group members should work together and independently to boost efficiency. 

    How are DevOps and Agile Different? 

    Is Agile related to DevOps? Well, there is no denying the fact that they have some similarities. Although the objectives of the two ideologies are similar, their methods and application methods are very different. 

    1. Communication

    Agile emphasizes the utilization of continuous progressive updates and cross-functional team collaboration. In a constant development cycle, DevOps focuses on bringing together the teams for development and operations. The most popular technique for adopting Agile software development is scrum, and there is a daily scrum meeting. 

    On the other hand, specs and design documents are shared throughout DevOps communications. To successfully manage the deployment process, the operational team must thoroughly understand the software launch and its consequences for hardware and networks. 

    2. Documentation

    The functioning system is prioritized over exhaustive documentation according to the agile methodology. Being adaptable and reactive is good. It could sting when attempting to transfer responsibility to another team for delivery.  

    As DevOps transfers the program to the operational team for delivery, process documentation is crucial in the DevOps methodology. DevOps facilitates automation which further lessens the effects of inadequate documentation. However, it might be challenging to impart all the necessary expertise when creating complicated software. 

    3. Specialization

    Agile places a strong emphasis on software development methodologies. The agile team won't be concerned with what occurs to the program once it is created and released. On the other hand, the goal of DevOps is to deploy software ready for launch in a secure and dependable method. 

    Can Agile and DevOps Coexist? 

    What Would Result from a Merger of Agile and DevOps? 

    Agile and DevOps are often viewed as mutually exclusive, which is unfair to everyone involved in the software creation and delivery industry. These methods can greatly strengthen the Scrum principles of openness, scrutiny, and adaptation, making it easier for product teams to create, deliver, and maintain complicated products.  

    Agile and DevOps exemplify brilliant ideas and passion that may bring value to how teams function in an era where business is propelled by and challenged by software.  

    So, we can say that yes, Agile and DevOps cannot just coexist but bring numerous benefits to a company as well. Some of the advantages of merging Agile and DevOps include the following - 

    • The enhanced product offers. 
    • Simpler process releases. 
    • Facilitates Maximum collaboration. 
    • Continuous deployment and delivery through a pipeline.  
    • Fewer dangers with every release. 
    • Bugs are fixed easily. 
    • Increased awareness 
    • Higher levels of client satisfaction. 
    • Higher-quality goods. 

    Wrapping Up 

    All in all, we can say that companies regularly mix up the usefulness and implementation of Agile and DevOps despite their obvious differences. Maybe this is the main reason why it often makes us wonder this much about Agile and DevOps misconceptions. However, doing a good DevOps Foundation Certification Training Course won't confuse you. 

    As it is quite apparent, there are numerous differences and similarities between Agile and DevOps. But, it doesn't mean that any one of them is inferior as both have their benefits. Moreover, when a company merges Agile with DevOps, it provides even better results.  

    If you are looking forward to doing a course in Agile or DevOps, KnowledgeHut is your one-stop solution! KnowledgeHut’s DevOps Courses Online provide you with the necessary knowledge and skills.  

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What is a common misconception about Agile and DevOps?

    One of the most common misconceptions of Agile and DevOps is that they can't be merged, but it's completely wrong. 

    2What is common about Agile and DevOps?

    Agile promotes ongoing innovation to produce better software on schedule. The same is true for DevOps, which encourages ongoing innovation to shorten the time to market. 

    3How do Agile and DevOps interrelate?

    Agile and DevOps are methodologies, and both serve as compelling examples of concepts that can enhance team productivity. And their combination increases the likelihood that a business will succeed. 


    Mayank Modi

    Blog Author

    Mayank Modi is a Red Hat Certified Architect with expertise in DevOps and Hybrid Cloud solutions. With a passion for technology and a keen interest in Linux/Unix systems, CISCO, and Network Security, Mayank has established himself as a skilled professional in the industry. As a DevOps and Corporate trainer, he has been instrumental in providing training and guidance to individuals and organizations. With over eight years of experience, Mayank is dedicated to achieving success both personally and professionally, making significant contributions to the field of technology.

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