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AngularJS History: Timeline, Previous Version, Latest News

13th Sep, 2023
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    AngularJS History: Timeline, Previous Version, Latest News

    Today we will be discussing the Angular Framework, which is a widely used Typescript language open-source framework. Begun as a side project in 2009, Angular offers features like high performance and compatibility with major mobile platforms like Android and iOS. Now, let us discuss its Angular version history and more. 

    What is AngularJS?

    Angular.js is a JavaScript framework for creating dynamic web pages in front-end applications. It is mainly used to develop the SPAs or Single Page Applications and is endorsed and maintained by Google. AngularJS is an open-source framework that is free to use, and it is utilized by thousands of developers all over the world. You can use HTML to create templates and extend it to use your TypeScript variables. A templating language is a language that allows you to define placeholders and programming language variables inside an HTML body. HTML is a fantastic declarative language, which means it's a high-level program that explains how a computation for static content should work.

    Data binding and dependency injection in AngularJS are the two features that allow you to remove redundant codes and reuse the pieces of code. It is based on declarative programming, implying that programs express their desired outcomes without explicitly stating instructions or processes to follow. Angular software course gives you a perfect idea of what Angular is capable of. It is solely used for the front end and not for business logic. The MVC (Model-View-Controller) architectural paradigm is used to build Angular-JS. With Angular, we must separate Model, View, and Controller. We utilize directives to do this. These directives give HTML code more capability. We don't need to replace or modify HTML patterns in this framework; we simply connect our HTML with Angular-JS. Internally, Angular-Js uses Dependency Injection to inject dependencies, which is why a developer does not need to write code to execute it, making it incredibly user-friendly. 

    Angular Version History

    Adam Abrons was one of the initial inventors of AngularJS; however, he has since quit working on it. In 2009, two engineers, Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons started AngularJS as a side project. GetAngular was created as an end-to-end tool for web designers to communicate with both the front and backend. Misko Hevery and his boss, Brad Green, renamed the original GetAngular project AngularJS and formed a team within Google to develop and support it. Adam Abrons was one of the initial inventors of AngularJS; however, he has since quit working on it.


    AngularJS, sometimes known as Angular1, is a JavaScript front-end framework created by Google. In contrast, Angular is a TypeScript-based open-source front-end web application platform managed by Google's Angular Team. Let us attempt to comprehend it more thoroughly.

    In 2010, Google launched AngularJS. Some individuals refer to AngularJS as Angular1 instead of AngularJS. As a result, AngularJS is version Angular 1.x. AngularJS is only available in this version. Everything was good, but the development of ReactJS and its enormous global influence, and the fact that Facebook created it, was extremely intense. It resulted in a battle between two well-known firms' frameworks. This when Angular and React started to a part of every single web development crash course in offline or online setups. 

    The growing competition let to the release of Angular2 in 2016, and it was a complete rewrite of AngularJS by the same team that created AngularJS. To avoid misunderstanding, the team used the same name sans the JS. And the differences between AngularJS 1.x and the new Angular were so great that updating from one to the other was impossible. As a result, the only choice was to relocate. The service/controller model is used in Angular2, whereas the MVC approach was used in AngularJS.

    In addition, instead of JavaScript, TypeScript is used to develop the application. Then they created Angular3, but it was abandoned in favor of Angular4. In 2017, Angular4 was released, bringing various new capabilities such as Universal Project. Angular4 is compatible with Angular2, unlike AngularJS and Angular2. This indicates that it is an upgraded version of Angular2 rather than a complete rewrite. Compared to Angular2, Angular4 offers several improvements. Inbuilt Animation Package, ngTemplate, form Validator attributes, title case pipe, and other upgrades are among them.

    Then came Angular5, which was simply an improved version of Angular4. It includes several new features and bug fixes, such as Build Optimizer and HttpClient. The most recent version of Angular is Angular6, published in 2018. In the future, it will focus more on Angular's toolchains, such as ngAngular Elements, CLI Workspaces, Library Support, and Angular Material Starter Components. So far, these are the versions of Angular that have been released. Because it uses Ivy Rendered, a rendering engine, Angular6 is significantly quicker than earlier versions. 

    Angular 2

    • In 2016, it was released. 
    • Angular 1 has been completely rewritten. 
    • The typescript was used exclusively. 

    Angular 4

    • It was released in 2017 
    • Modifications to the core library 
    • Angular 4 is essentially the next edition of Angular 2, with the same basic principle and inheritance from the previous version. 

    Angular 5

    • It was released on 1st November 2017 
    • Build optimizer: This tool aids in the removal of unwanted code from your program. 
    • Angular Universal State Transfer API and DOM Support — With this functionality, we can simply transfer the application's state between the server and client sides. 

    Angular 6 

    • In April of 2018, it was released. 
    • This release focuses less on the underlying framework and more on the toolchain and enables future angular development easier. 
    • There are no significant changes. 


    • It was released in October of 2018. 
    • This major release affects the entire platform, including the core framework, Angular Material, and the command-line interface. 

    Angular 8

    • In March/April of this year, the film will be released. 
    • It will make Angular developers' lives easier by being smaller, faster, and easier to use. 
    • TypeScript 3.2 is now supported. 

    Angular 9

    • The default compiler is IVY. 
    • ng-update is dependable service. 
    • Updates to the API extractor 

    Angular 10

    • Language Service 
    • Compiler Update 
    • New default browser configuration 

    Angular 11 

    • TypeScript 4.0 
    • Webpack 5 Support 
    • Migration to ESLint 

    Angular 12

    • TypeScript 4.2 
    • Webpack 5.37 Support 
    • Migrating from legacy i18n message IDs 

    Angular 13 

    • TypeScript 4.4 
    • Webpack 5.37 Support 
    • View Engine is no longer available 

    Features of Angular 

    Let us get an overview features of Angular:

    1. Avoid Tiresome Work: When creating a new app, you may skip rewriting the code. You can simply copy and paste the code into the new project to create a real component in Angular. Most of the code is written by AngularJS, saving the user time and effort. 
    2. High Performance: A big number of variables can help the developer/designer improve the agility of their program. 
    3. Compatibility: Apps built with a framework like Angular perform well on Android, iOS, and other major mobile platforms. 
    4. Data Binding: The Model-View-Controller approach of engineering was used to create AngularJS. The system ties the Model and the View together. Changes will cascade the application structure's objects and vice versa.
    5. Scope: Apart from Directives, AngularJS also has Scope, a handy feature. Scopes are items that draw attention to the model. They link the display layer and the controller layer together. 
    6. The AngularJS Router: This framework's router serves a specific purpose. It ignores the location.hash, unlike other frameworks. The router monitors and checks for the location.hash in those frameworks, then runs the function after the route matches. In AngularJS, it serves as a server-side router. 
    7. User Interface with HTML: AngularJS uses User Interface with HTML to construct the user interface, which sets it apart from other frameworks. Angular makes using and executing short labels a breeze. It provides a very improved interface without adding additional expenditures. 
    8. Directives: This is one of AngularJS's standout features and distinguishes it from competing frameworks. Directives are qualities that begin with the letter ng- before the action, they perform. Mandates allowed developers and design teams to segment practices into the Document Object Model (DOM), allowing software architects to create dynamic HTML components. 

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    We discussed the Angular Framework and its history. It is a Typescript framework that can be used to build client and server-side applications and provides various features like Data Binding, Routers, etc., for efficient development. Miko Hevery created it in 2009, and it has evolved since then. KnowledgeHut Angular software course takes you through the journey with live example and hands-on projects. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Who introduced AngularJS?

    In 2009, Miko Hevery of Brat Tech LLC created AngularJS as the software powering an online JSON storage service. 

    2Are AngularJS and Angular 2 the same?

    In 2016, Angular 2 was introduced, a newer version of AngularJS. The same team that produced AngularJS rewrote Angular2 from the ground up. The team adopted the same name but without the JS to avoid confusion. 

    3What is the difference between AngularJS and ReactJS?

    Angular is a fully functional framework whereas React is a library for JavaScript. 

    4Is AngularJS a framework?

    Yes, AngularJS is a JavaScript framework. 


    Simran Kaur Arora

    Trainer & Consultant

    Experienced Senior Content Developer with a demonstrated history of working in the computer software industry. Enthusiastic and dedicated person in the field of Computer Science. Skilled at my work area and believe in working with passion and work ethics. Have a good understanding of programming languages, operating systems, and databases. I have good communication skills and interested in staying updated with technology and learning new things.

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