HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentHow to Install Angular CLI? [Windows, macOS, Linux]

How to Install Angular CLI? [Windows, macOS, Linux]

18th Jun, 2024
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    How to Install Angular CLI? [Windows, macOS, Linux]

    For developing modern web applications, Angular is among the most common JavaScript frameworks across the world. Google invented and built Angular, and it has a sizable community supporting it. Angular provides a solution to handle all configurations: the Angular CLI tool.  

    So what exactly is Angular CLI? What can you do with it? Our guide will provide you with everything you need to know about Angular CLI, from how to install it, the different versions of Angular CLI, how to install Angular CLI on different operating systems, the commands provided by Angular CLI and much more. To know more, check out the Angular course. 

    What is Angular CLI?

    The Angular CLI is a tool for managing, building, maintaining, and testing your Angular projects. CLI is an acronym for Command Line Interface. Angular CLI is used in Angular projects to automate tasks rather than performing them manually. Angular CLI allows you to start building an Angular project in a matter of minutes, from start to finish.  

    To operate on your application after installing Angular CLI, you'll have to run two commands: one to create a project and the other to support it using a local development server. Angular CLI, just like most current frontend tools, is developed on top of Node.js.

    Some of the things you can use Angular CLI for include; 

    • Environment Setup and Configurations  
    • Developing components and building services  
    • Beginning, testing and launching a project  
    • Installation of 3rd party libraries such as Sass and Bootstrap, among others 
    • Angular CLI is designed to save time and effort as a developer.   

    Prerequisites for Angular CLI Installation

    You ought to be familiar with the following before using the Angular structure: 

    • HTML  
    • CSS  
    • JavaScript 

    1. Hardware Requirements 

    Some of the system requirements you need to work with the Angular CLI for Windows include: 

    • The latest operating system Windows 10 OS 
    • RAM: 4 GB 
    • 10 GB of free storage 
    • User account with admin privileges or an administrator account to install software 

     For Mac OS Users, you will need: 

    • Mac OS 10.10 plus 
    • At least 4GB RAM 
    • 10 GB memory storage 
    • User account with admin privileges or an administrator account to install software 

     For Linux Users, you will need: 

    • Ubuntu 16.04 
    • 4 GB RAM 
    • 10 GB free space 

    2. Software Requirements

    • A newer version of AngularJS is required 
    • A newer version of Nodejs is required. 

     Before installing Angular, you must first install NPM.  To learn more about web development, enroll in Web Developer certification.  We will look at this in detail in the next section. 

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    How to Install Angular CLI? In Step-by-Step

    Installing Angular CLI is not a complicated process. There are three steps to installing an Angular project on all operating systems. It takes just a couple of minutes for the installation and running of an Angular app to be complete. The steps include: 

    • Installing the Node Package Manager (NPM) 
    • Testing installation of Node.js 
    • Installing Angular CLI 

    A. How to Install Angular CLI on Windows? 

    Step 1: Node.js Installer

    NPM is one of the prerequisites you require before installing Angular CLI. Angular will need to have Node.js in your system for it to run (the 8.x or the 10.x version). Node.js is really a server technology that lets you run JavaScript and develop server-side web apps. You can skip this step if you already have it installed. You can download it from here.

    Move through the pages until you get the page below. Click on Finish to have it installed in your computer.

    Step 2: Test Installation of Node.js

    After you have installed NPM, go to your Windows Command Prompt and typein node -v to see which version you have installed.

    Step 3: Install Angular CLI

    The next step is to install Angular CLI. Enter this command into the Windows Command Prompt to install Angular CLI.

    npm install –g @angular/cli

    Verify the configured version after you've added all of the packages using ng –version.

    B. How to Install Angular CLI on MacOS?

    Step 1: Nodejs Installer

    Start developing on Angular by downloading the Node.js source code. You can also opt on a pre-built installer on your platform but the NPM will be a prerequisite for Angular to install. Download the most up-to-date LTS version of NPM from here.

    When you click on the installer, you can install the.pkg in your OS. The installer wizard is launched when the.pkg file is clicked. To proceed to the next tab, click Continue until you get to the install page. Fill in your log in credentials and install Node.js. This is what you will see after it has successfully installed:

    Step 2: Test installation of Node.js

    After you have installed NPM, go to your Windows Command Prompt or your terminal and typein node -v to see which version you have installed.  

    $ node –v

    Step 3: Install Angular CLI

    The third step is to install Angular CLI after you have installed NPM. To do this, open your command prompt or terminal and type in this command:

    npm install –g @angular/cli

    When you are installing on a Mac but it resists installation, you can use a sudosu command and then try installing again. The g on the command represents angular CLI global installation. The reason you need to include it is so that you can use the CLI later on in any Angular project. Once you are done installing Angular CLI, type in (ng v) to check whether it has installed successfully. ‘ng’ stands for Angular. If it has installed successfully, you will see this:

    C. How to Install Angular CLI in Linux?

    Step 1: NodeJs Installer

    As we mentioned, NPM is one of the prerequisites you require before installing Angular CLI. If you have it installed already, you can skip this step.  
    Here is the code to install Node.js on Ubuntu:

    $ sudo curl –sL https://deb.nodescore.com/setup_12.x | sud0 -E bash – [for Node.js version 12]      
    $ sudo curl –sL https://deb.nodescore.com/setup_11.x | sud0 -E bash – [for Node.js version 12]      
    $ sudo curl –sL https://deb.nodescore.com/setup_10.x | sud0 -E bash – [for Node.js version 12]  
    $ sudoapt install –y nodejs

    Here is the code to install Node.js onCentOS/RHEL & Fedora:

    # curl–sLhttps://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | bash - [for Node.js version 12]
    # curl–sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_11.x | bash - [for Node.js version 11]
    # curl–sL https://rpm.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - [for Node.js version 10]
    # yum –y install nodejs
    # dnf –y install nodejs [On RHEL and Fedora 22+ versions]

    Here is code to install Node.js onDebian:

    # curl–sLhttps://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | bash - [for Node.js version 12]
    # curl–sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_11.x | bash - [for Node.js version 11]
    # curl–sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_10.x | bash - [for Node.js version 10]
    #apt install –y nodejs

    Step 2: Install Angular CLI

    You can complete the installation of Angular CLI with the use of the NPM package manager after you have Node.js and NPM installed, as seen below. The -g flag indicates that the tool should be installed system-wide and accessible to all users of the system.

    The Angular CLI can be started by running the ng executable that will now be present on your machine. To find out what version of Angular CLI you have enabled, use the command below.

    How to Create an Angular App With the CLI?

    Once Angular CLI is installed, you can now install an Angular app. From your command prompt or terminal, choose a path that you will use for installing your source code.  
    For example, if you choose to have the Desktop as the file location with cd Desktop as the command, you can type this command:

    ng new my-first-app

    The command will install your first Angular project with all the required configurations.  You can however choose any other name you wish. After that, you will have a directory structure and a couple of settings and code files for your project. This will mostly be written in TypeScript and JSON.

    Run the App

    Angular allows you to see the changes you make in the local browser automatically without the need to refresh the page. This is because it supports ‘live server’. Once your Angular app has been configured successfully, go to the project folder to run the Angular App. You will go to the folder that has ‘cd name-of-your-app’. Run the app using this command:

    ng serve –open

    Once you type in the command, it will start your Angular app and the open command will open the application automatically in your web browser.  
    Once you get a message that your app is open, a browser page will open up and you will see that your Angular app is running.

    Angular CLI Commands

    Here are some commands that are worth memorizing for Angular CLI: 

    add It adds to your project an external library for support.
    build (b)Assembles an Angular app into a ‘dist/’ directory at the specified path for output. The command must be run from inside a workspace directory.
    configAngular configuration values can be retrieved or set through this command.
    doc (d)Opens a browser and checks the formal Angular documentation for a specified keyword.
    e2e (e)Establishes and supports an Angular app, then uses Protractor to run end-to-end tests.
    generate (g)Centered on a schematic, creates and/or modifies files
    helpThe accessible commands are mentioned along with brief descriptions.
    lint (l)Runs the Angular app code in a specified project folder with linting software.
    new (n)Introduces an Angular app and a new workspace from scratch.
    runThis command executes a custom target specified in your project.
    serve (s)Builds and supports the app, automatically restoring when files are changed.
    test (t)Unit tests are run in a project with this command.
    updateThis command updates your app as well as its dependencies.
    version (v)The Angular CLI version is issued.
    xi18ni18n messages are extracted from a source code.

    Angular Hello World Example

    The best way to understand the capacity of an AngularJS application is to develop your initial "Hello World" program in the language. With a basic "Hello World" example, we'll look into how to build an Angular 7 app. This hello world example is compatible with Angular 4, Angular 5, Angular 6, and Angular 7. Here are the things we will look at in our example:  

    • Producing the First Angular 7 Application: Example of "Hello, World" 
    • In Angular 7, you'll learn how to make a component 
    • How component decorators are used In Angular 7 
    • Selector in an Angular 7 component 
    • TemplateUrl component in Angular 7 
    • Angular 7 StyleUrls component 
    • Angular 7: Adding Data to the Component 
    • Rendering Angular 7 template 

    Creating the First Angular 7 Application: Example of "Hello, World"

    It's best if you create a folder on the local disk where all of the Angular examples can be found easily. To navigate to the folder you have created, open a command prompt.  To create a new project in Angular from scratch, use the ng new command.

    ng new hello-world-angular

    Once the project creation has been completed successfully, you will see that your Project "hello-world-angular" has been created. Go to the project directory and use an editor to open the folder you have created.

    The structure of your directory should look something close to this:

    Based on the version of Angular CLI that you are using, the structure could vary. Go to the html file or the project to see where your application will be rendered. 

    <!doctype html>
    <meta charset=”utf-8”>
    <base href=”/”>
    <meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=>
    <link rel=”icon” type”image/x-icon” href=”favicon.ico”>

    Angular 2 allows you to create HTML tags of your own and give them custom functions. These will then be called 'components.' <app-root> is where you will render your app and it is a component that is generated by Angular CLI automatically.  

    Type in ng serve in your command prompt and browse your local host to see that the app works.

    How to Create a Component in Angular CLI?

    The command you will use to create a component in Angular CLI is ng generate component hello-world.
    As you can see from the image below, it will create four files.

    Open the “hello-world.component.ts” in your editor, for this written TypeScript component. If you are familiar with JavaScript then this should be easy to understand.

    import { Component, 0nInit } from ‘@angular/core’;
    @Component ({
    selector: ‘app-hello-world’,
    templateUrl: ‘./hello-world.component.html’,
    styleUrls: [‘./hello-world.component.css’]
    export class HelloWorldComponent implements 0nInIt {
    constructor() { }
    ng0nInIt() { }

    1. How component decorators are used In Angular 7

    When you import a component in Angular CLI, you need to inform the compiler that this is a component class. Decorators are the elements used in Angular to do this. They can be described as the metadata that is added to a code. In our Hello World Example in the \hello-world-angular\src\app\app-module.ts file, according to the decorator, the class is named "AppModule". This is an NgModule.

    The App Module can also be called the root module. Every app must contain at least one module and that is the App Module. The @NgModule metadata plays an important role in guiding the Angular compilation process that converts the application code you write into highly performant JavaScript code.

    @Component ({
    selector: ‘app-hello-world’,
    templateUrl: ‘./hello-world.component.html’,
    styleUrls: [‘./hello-world.component.css’]

    Component contains three important declarations:

    2. Selector in an Angular CLI component

    The selector parameter above specifies the tag name that will be used in the DOM.

    <app-hello-world></app-hello-world >
    (While creating the component we gave the name as “hello-world” Angular CLI added app as prefix).

    3. TemplateUrl component in Angular 7

    <app-hello-world> tag uses hello-world.component.html file as html template. We hereby then use <app-hello-world></app-hello-world> and it will display the contents of file HTML located in

    @Component ({
    selector: ‘app-hello-world’,
    template:` <p>
    hello-world works!
    styleUrls: [‘./hello-world.component.css’]

    Inline html templates are suitable for small html contents. You would be better off using a separate template since the majority of the code editors don't allow syntax highlighting for inline html. 

    4. Angular 7 StyleUrls component

    The StyleUrls property informs the compiler of styles used in the project file component hello-world.component.css.  
    Open \hello-world-angular\src\app\app.component.html file and add the created component as shown below.  and then refresh your browser.

    5. Angular 7: Adding Data to the Component

    Now that you have a static template, you will have to add some data. Open your file in the editor. The file that you are opening is the “hello-world.component.ts” file. You can then add the name of the property using name:string;

    You want to declare a variable or a property that is called "name". It is a string type. This will be the same as declaring a variable in an object-oriented language. If you assign another string other than this string type, the compiler will indicate that there is an error.  

    Assign the name variable on the constructor. It will then be called whenever you create a new class or a new instance.

    6. import { Component, 0nInit } from ‘@angular/core’;

    @Component ({ 
    selector: ‘app-hello-world’, 
    templateUrl: ‘./hello-world.component.html’, 
    styleUrls: [‘./hello-world.component.css’] 
    export class HelloWorldComponentimplemets0nInit { 
    constructor() { 
    this.name=”AngularJs Wiki” 
    ng0nInit() { 

    7. Rendering Angular 7 template.

    Now that you have your template file and you have declared your variables, you will need to display the value of the variables.  You can do this using two curly brackets that are called template tags. {{ }}

    Open hello-world.component.html which is your template file.  

    Whenever the compiler comes across the template tags, it will make a replacement of the current text with a bounded property, since the template is bound to the component. Refresh your browser once you have made this input.

    hello-world works!

    How to Uninstall Angular CLI? 

    If you're already using or have Angular CLI installed on your computer and have run into a problem or a malfunction that requires you to uninstall it and probably reinstall it afterwards, you should follow these steps to uninstall Angular CLI completely. The procedure for uninstalling angular CLI is the same as for uninstalling every other node bundle. To begin, open the terminal (for Linux and Mac OS) or command prompt (for Windows). After you have done this, type the commands below line by line.

    npm uninstall –g @angular/cli
    npm cache clean

    If you're having trouble uninstalling the Angular CLI on Windows, try opening the command prompt with Administrative access. Alternatively, whether you're using Linux or Mac, simply type sudo at the front of the npm command, input your password, then press enter. Once you have done this, wait for the terminal operation to be complete.

    Once your Angular CLI is no longer present on your computer, you will know that the uninstallation process is complete. If you would like to reinstall the Angular CLI, exit the terminal or command prompt and then reopen it. Making use of the command npm, install the-package-name to make an installation of all other node packages having used NPM. It will be placed in the node_modules directory after that.  

    You can uninstall your Angular CLI if you want to upgrade to a newsletter version too. To do this, uninstall your current version using this command:

    npm uninstall -g @angular/cli

    You can then clear your cache using this command:

    npm cache clean --force
    npm cache verify

    After you have done these steps, the next thing is to install the newer version of Angular CLI. You can do this using this command prompt:

    npm install -g @angular/cli

    When you are done with these steps, you will see this layout on your computer.

    Troubleshooting Installation Issues 

    Common Problems

    • Node.js or npm Version Issues: Ensure that you are using a compatible version of Node.js and npm. Check the Angular CLI documentation for the recommended versions. 
    • Permission Errors: If you encounter permission errors during installation, consider running the installation commands with elevated privileges using sudo on Linux or macOS. 


    • Clear npm Cache: Sometimes, clearing the npm cache can resolve installation issues. Run the following comman
        npm cache clean --force 
    • Use a Node Version Manager (NVM): Consider using a Node Version Manager to manage different versions of Node.js on your system.

    Versions of Angular CLI

    Angular CLI's first beta version was released in 2017. Since then, over 450 variations have appeared. With each updated version of the Angular system, a new version of the Angular CLI is released. If you are using Angular 12, an Angular CLI 12 would be available as well. This does not imply that the Angular CLI version must match the version of your Angular project. Most of the time, it doesn’t. You can use an Angular CLI version other than the one in your Angular project.

    A. Do you have to use Angular CLI?

    Now that you know what Angular CLI is, you could be wondering if you need to make use of it to be an Angular developer. The short answer is no, you do not need to use the Angular CLI. However, that would not be a very smart move.

    B. What is the reason for this?

    Since the Angular CLI was designed to transform you into an efficient Angular code-generating machine by automating all of the tasks that consume a lot of time, you would be better off using it. It creates Angular applications from scratch, completed with a .gitignore file. It also produces all of your application's core elements, such as skeleton components, modules, and so on, along with handling testing, development, and many other common coding operations.


    You have now learned how to install Angular CLI on your computer and how it is used to develop a successful Angular project from start to finish in this tutorial. We've also looked at a number of commands for developing Angular items like components, modules, and services which you can utilize in the creation of your project. Enrolling in an KnowledgeHut's Angular course online can enhance your skills and deepen your understanding of this powerful framework.  

    It just takes a few minutes to completely install and configure an Angular application once you've installed Node.js (npm) and Angular CLI onto your computer. We'll assume you're already acquainted with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and some of the newer methods, such as modules and classes, from the most current standards. TypeScript is used to write the code samples. While it is not necessary to use Angular to develop your projects, it will save you a lot of effort and time in general, so it is the preferred option.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

    1How to use Angular CLI?

    We can use the Angular CLI to create projects, generate application and library code, and perform a variety of ongoing development tasks such as testing, bundling, and deployment. 

    2How to Install Angular CLI on Ubuntu?

    The following are the steps to install Angular CLI on Ubuntu:

    1. Install Node.js by running the sudo command in the command prompt.

    We have to install the LTS version as it’s recommended for most users.

    curl -sL https://deb.nodesource.com/setup_12.x | sudo -E bash - 

    sudo apt-get install -y nodejs 

    2. Update the npm and Install Angular CLI by running the  commands

    sudo npm install npm@latest -g

    sudo npm install -g @angular/cli 

    3. Verify the installation 

    ng version 

    3How to install angular CLI using npm?

    Using npm, Angular CLI is installed by running the below command 

    npm install - g @angular/cli

    4What is the latest version of Angular CLI available for installation?

    The latest version of Angular CLI is 17.0.6.

    For more details about the latest versions, we can refer to the following official website Angular CLI Version 

    5Is it possible to install a specific version of Angular CLI?

    To install angular cli specific version , you can use the following command in the Terminal

    npm install -g @angular/cli@<version>

    Replace <version> with the desired version number. For example, if you want to install version 12.1.0, you can run:

    npm install -g @angular/cli@12.1.0

    You can find the available versions of Angular CLI by running:

    npm view @angular/cli


    Rajesh Bhagia

    Blog Author

    Rajesh Bhagia is experienced campaigner in Lamp technologies and has 10 years of experience in Project Management. He has worked in Multinational companies and has handled small to very complex projects single-handedly. He started his career as Junior Programmer and has evolved in different positions including Project Manager of Projects in E-commerce Portals. Currently, he is handling one of the largest project in E-commerce Domain in MNC company which deals in nearly 9.5 million SKU's.

    In his role as Project Manager at MNC company, Rajesh fosters an environment of teamwork and ensures that strategy is clearly defined while overseeing performance and maintaining morale. His strong communication and client service skills enhance his process-driven management philosophy.

    Rajesh is a certified Zend Professional and has developed a flair for implementing PMP Knowledge Areas in daily work schedules. He has well understood the importance of these process and considers that using the knowledge Areas efficiently and correctly can turn projects to success. He also writes articles/blogs on Technology and Management

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