MongoDB Free Certification Course

Learn MongoDB Online with us and become a certified developer for free!

  • Master query optimization, CRUD operations, schema design, and data aggregation 
  • Understand scalability using sharding and replication 
  • Write code, build real-world projects, and learn hands-on with real-world applications 
  • 450,000 + Professionals trained
  • 250 + Workshops every month
  • 100 + Countries and counting

From Basics to Pro: Excel as a MongoDB Developer

Join our MongoDB free training and embark on a journey to harness the potential of this open-source, document-oriented database. As businesses increasingly rely on MongoDB's ability to handle diverse data, mastering it has become crucial in today's tech landscape. With demand soaring for MongoDB experts, our MongoDB free course with certificate is your pathway to seizing opportunities in this field.

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  • 19+ hours of Self Learning Content  

  • Gain deep insights through engaging videos 

  • Accelerate Progress with Auto-Graded Assessments  

  • Unlock Knowledge with Interactive eBooks  

  • Test Your Learning with Recall Quizzes 

  • Elevate your learning experience with Flash Cards 

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Who Should Attend

Analytics Professionals

Database Administrators

Database Architects

Software Developers

Web Developers

Project Managers and Trainers

Technology Enthusiasts

The KnowledgeHut Edge

Superior Outcomes

Focus on skilled-based outcomes with advanced insights from our state-of-the art learning platform.  

Immersive Learning

Go beyond just videos and learn with recall quizzes, interactive ebooks, case studies and more.  

World-Class Instructors

Course instructors and designers from top businesses including Google, Amazon, Twitter and IBM.  

Real-World Learning

Get an intimate, insider look at companies in the field through real-world case studies.  

Industry-Vetted Curriculum

Curriculum primed for industry relevance and developed with guidance from industry advisory boards.  

Continual Support

Learn better with support along the way. Get 24/7 help, stay unblocked and ramp up your skills.  


Learning Objective: Get introduced to the NoSQL Database and its types and understand the purpose of MongoDB and the file format of BSON. Learn how to install MongoDB in Windows, Linux, and MAC OS. 

  • What is NoSQL Database?  
  • Types of No SQL Databases 
  • Introduction to MongoDB 
  • What is BSON? 
  • Use Case of MongoDB 
  • MongoDB in Windows 
  • MongoDB on Ubuntu 
  • MongoDB on MAC OS 
  • MongoDB Cloud-Atlas 
  • Setup MongoDB Environment 

Learning objective:

Learn the database fundamentals of the MongoDB Certification course and how the architecture works. Learn about the collection, documents, and their structures, and _id field. Go on to list the various data types and learn about Mongo Shell.  

  • What is a Database? 
  • MongoDB Architecture 
  • What is a Collection? 
  • What is a Document? 
  • Document Structure 
  • The _id Field 
  • Data Types 
  • Mongo Shell 

Learning Objective:

Learn how to insert and query data, and update and delete data as required. In our MongoDB certification course, you will also understand how to update or delete documents and drop a collection.  

  • Inserting Data 
  • Querying Data Using Find () & FindOne() 
  • The flavours of Find – Atomic Operations (Update & Delete) 
  • Updating Data  
  • Replace One  
  • DeleteMany 
  • Array Operators 
  • Array Projection 
  • Array of Embedded Documents 
  • Pagination 
  • Visualization Using MongoDB Compass 
prerequisites for MongoDB Free Course


  • Basic understanding of Java or any other programming language 
  • Knowledge of database concepts  
  • Knowledge of a text editor like ‘Vi’ is an advantage 

Skills You Will Gain

MongoDB is the basic skill that you will acquire from this course.

Frequently Asked Questions


MongoDB is an open-source document-oriented database that is designed to store a large scale of data while enabling you to work with that data efficiently. One of the most popular NoSQL databases used in modern web applications, mobile apps, and IoT devices, is mostly known for its flexible and efficient handling of unstructured data.

Built for internet and business applications that require quick and elegant scaling, MongoDB has shown its progress of becoming an industry trend, thereby increasing the demand for skilled professionals. It is free to use and is a distributed database at its core, so high availability, horizontal scaling, and geographic distribution are built in and easy to use.  

Learning MongoDB offers you a gateway to the modern data landscape. With its ability to handle unstructured data effectively, MongoDB is the linchpin for today's data-driven applications. From web and mobile apps to IoT devices, MongoDB is the driving force behind cutting-edge solutions. Its scalability empowers businesses to grow seamlessly, and as the demand for MongoDB experts rises, so do your career prospects. Agile development, a vibrant community, and the chance to make data-driven decisions are all part of the MongoDB package. In a nutshell, mastering MongoDB equips you for success in the digital age. 

MongoDB provides support for multiple programming languages through its official drivers. These drivers allow you to interact with the MongoDB database using the programming language of your choice. Some of the most used programming languages for MongoDB are Java, JavaScript, Python, Node.js, PHP, and Ruby. These are the official drivers developed and maintained by MongoDB, Inc., ensuring compatibility and reliability. So, when you start working with MongoDB, you will have to drive pertaining to the programming language you are most comfortable with or the language that suits your project's requirements.  

MongoDB is one of the top NoSQL databases which has been the most important factor for its popularity. Some of the reasons why MongoDB is so popular are as follows: 

  • It is schema less and hence flexible. It is a document-oriented database that can hold different sizes and types of documents. 
  • It is open-source and very easy to install and work with. 
  • No complex joins are needed because the data structuring is based on key-value pairs. 
  • With the growth of MEAN stack development, MongoDB like databases became more popular since the JavaScript developers can work from the front-end to the database. 
  • MongoDB can handle large volumes of data by offering excellent analytics capabilities. 
  • It has a very flexible data model, and it is very convenient to add or change fields. 
  • It provides an easier way of load balancing. 
  • It uses internal memory for storage and hence provides faster access to data. 
  • MongoDB has an efficient scale-out architecture. 
  • It supports dynamic queries on documents. 
  • It is easy to scale. 
  • It supports Agile sprints and quicker iteration. 
  • MongoDB supports sharding due to which makes it horizontally scalable thus adding more servers. 
  • It is the best choice for hierarchical data storage. 

Learning MongoDB

Learn MongoDB for free from KnowledgeHut. Our MongoDB free training provides you with over 19 hours of self-paced learning content and access to interactive resources. The program comprehensively addresses key MongoDB aspects including sharing, replication, querying, backups, and security. Dive deep into query optimization, CRUD operations, schema design, and data aggregation. Discover the intricacies of scalability through sharding and replication. Develop coding skills, advance functionalities, and embark on real-world projects to gain hands-on experience. This MongoDB course stands out as one of the top online resources for mastering this dynamic technology. 

MongoDB provides excellent documentation and beginner-friendly tutorials, making it accessible even if you're not well-versed in programming or databases. However, having a basic understanding of Java or another programming language, as well as familiarity with tools like a text editor ('Vi'), can give you an added advantage. The course is designed to accommodate both newcomers and those with a bit of prior experience, ensuring that everyone can make the most of their learning journey. 

Definitely! You can complete the MongoDB free training by KnowledgeHut in about 3 months and get a good grip on the basics. However, how fast you progress depends on factors like your previous programming experience, the time you commit to learning, the quality of your study materials, and how quickly you grasp concepts. 

If you're seeking out an option to learn MongoDB for free at your own pace, look no further than KnowledgeHut's MongoDB Free Course – it's a game-changer! With over 19 hours of self-paced learning and interactive resources, this course covers key MongoDB topics like sharing, replication, querying, backups, and security. You’ll also dive into query optimization, CRUD operations, schema design, and data aggregation. You’ll also uncover the intricacies of scalability practice coding and gain hands-on experience through real-world projects. Our MongoDB free certification course will help you gain a strong grasp of MongoDB fundamentals, opening doors to a promising career! 

Absolutely, learning the MongoDB course is highly worthwhile. MongoDB, as a leading open-source document-oriented database, plays a pivotal role in modern data management. With its flexibility in handling unstructured data and seamless scalability, MongoDB has become a must-know technology for aspiring developers and data professionals. Mastering MongoDB equips you with valuable skills to design, query, and optimize databases efficiently. Additionally, the demand for MongoDB experts is on the rise across industries, offering promising career opportunities. So, investing your time and effort in learning MongoDB is a smart move that can lead to a rewarding and impactful career journey. 

The basic starting to learn MongoDB basics involves a strong foundation focusing on key concepts and fundamental operations. Delving deeper into the roadmap includes the steps of Introduction, then Data Modelling, Installation and setup, Basic CRUD Operations, Querying Data, Data Aggregation, Application Integration, Basic Schema Design, Security Considerations, and lastly, Error Handling and Best Practices.

To have a basic start with MongoDB, opt for the self-paced learning course by KnowledgeHut. The MongoDB free training covers more critical aspects of MongoDB such as sharing, replication, querying and backups, followed by MongoDB security.  

Once you have mastered Mongo, you can consider learning the following and become a Full Stack Developer - MEAN Stack or MERN Stack. The following are the learning opportunities you can always look forward to:

  • React or Angular (UI) 
  • Node JS (Middleware) 
  • Express JS (Api Layer) 

Certificate and Career Scope

Yes. Upon successfully completing this free online MongoDB training, you'll receive a completion certificate from KnowledgeHut that validates your achievement. This certificate not only recognizes your mastery in MongoDB but also serves as a tangible proof of your skills to potential employers or collaborators. It's a testament to your dedication and an asset to showcase your expertise in harnessing Tableau's capabilities for impactful data visualization. 

Learn by doing approach in our MongoDB Developer Certification course, you will acquire immediately applicable skills to take on significant roles as a MongoDB Developer, MongoDB Specialist, back-end developer, and full-stack developer.  

The average salary of a MongoDB developer varies based on factors such as location, experience, and role. In the United States, salaries range from $70,000 to over $120,000 per year. In India, MongoDB developers can earn approximately ₹300,000 to ₹1,000,000 per year, depending on the city and experience. These figures are rough estimates and can change based on market demand and other factors. 

MongoDB has a promising future in the database landscape owing to a plethora of factors like Rise of NoSQL Databases, Scalability and Performance, Flexible Data Modeling Real-Time Data, and Ongoing development. However, having said this, the fact also remains that with the evolution of new technological evolution, it's recommended to stay in sync with the ongoing industry trends, monitor MongoDB's developments, and analyze how its features align with your current project needs before making decisions. 

What Learners are Saying

Sarah P Curious Tech Enthusiast

Engaging MongoDB learning journey! Flashcards and interactive eBooks kept concepts fresh. Recall quizzes and assessments validated my progress. Thumbs up for varied content! 

Alex K Junior Developer

Stellar MongoDB course! The 19+ hours of content, including videos and auto-graded assessments, sharpened my skills. Flashcards and interactive eBooks were fantastic for review. 

Elena M Tech Learner

Masterfully designed course! The variety - videos, flashcards, and assessments - made learning MongoDB enjoyable. Interactive eBooks deepened my understanding. A must for learners!

Michael L Database Enthusiast

The interactive eBooks and recall quizzes were game changers. I absorbed so much from this MongoDB course's diverse content. Auto-graded assessments ensured I grasped the material.

Sophia W Student & Aspiring Developer

As a student, the 19+ hours of self-learning content in this MongoDB course were invaluable. The mix of videos, flashcards, and quizzes kept me engaged and enhanced my understanding.