Full Stack Java Developer Bootcamp

Start Building Java Stack Skills and Land a Lucrative Tech Job

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Boost Your Full-Stack Career with Java

Java Full-Stack Developer is one of the most in-demand tech roles. Our Java Developer Full-Stack Bootcamp helps you leverage this demand by bringing forth an industry-ready curriculum. Build an impressive portfolio by showing your mastery over all the three layers of web-application: front-end, the database layer, the back-end.

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  • 440+ Hours of Self-Paced Learning
  • 170+ Auto-Graded Assessments

  • 12+ Capstone Projects  

  • 400 Hours of Cloud Labs  

  • 450+ Guided Hands-On Exercises  

  • 40+ Hands-On Assignments  

Technologies you will master

  • JavaScript
  • React
  • MySQL Tools- New
  • Postgresql_Jamil
  • Spring_Boot_Jamil
  • css-3-jamil-1
  • devops-jamil-1
  • html-05-jamil-1
  • java-jamil-1

Java Full-Stack Developers

benefits of Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp [Java]

Today, the technologies required to develop software applications are vastly different from what they were ten years ago. Companies do not have the resources to hire a developer separately to work on each layer of an application anymore. Enter Full-Stack Java Developers – a highly sought-after bunch in the world of technology because they can work on all application layers across all development stages.

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Get ready to transition into a Full-Stack role

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prerequisites for Full-Stack Developer Bootcamp [Java]

Prerequisites for the Java Full Stack Bootcamp

  • There are no prerequisites to attend this Bootcamp, as it is beginner friendly.
  • The right aptitude, logical thinking, and drive for curiosity are all you need. Leave the rest to us!

Who Should Attend the Online Bootcamp




IT Industry Professionals

Professionals in a tech adjacent role


What you will learn in the Online Bootcamp


Learn fundamentals of programming the world-wide web and its key stakeholders 

Linux Essentials

Working in a Linux (*nix) environment, key commands, workflows, and techniques 

Git and GitHub

Embrace the power of version control and code management using GIT 

HTML5 and CSS3

Learn to build beautiful webpages and sites using HTML5 and CSS3 


Introduce interactivity, logic and function to your web pages using JavaScript 

Module Bundlers and Toolchains

Build JavaScript development toolchains and pipelines using Babel, Webpack & Parcel 


Build sophisticated and powerful web applications using React


Learn and master the Java programming language 

Hibernate with MySQL

Understand the world’s foremost RDBMS – MySQL and use it with the Hibernate ORM 

Spring Core & MVC

Leverage the power of Spring to create fully functional Spring applications 

Spring Boot

Design and develop APIs and Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud 

Test-Driven Development

Master the testing frameworks used to create robust test suites for applications. 

RESTful Web Services

Learn to build RESTful Web Services using Java 


Leverage this open-source database to create state-of-the-art applications 


Understand the need for and learn to build Microservices  

DevOps with Jenkins

Understand Jenkins Pipelines and learn to implement an end-to-end pipeline for Java applications 

Data Structures & Algorithms

Master simple and complex Data Structures and understand important Algorithms  

FSD Java Bootcamp Curriculum

Download Curriculum

Learning Objectives: 

  • The genesis and evolution of the world wide web, its key stakeholders, and technologies  
  • Fundamentals of computer programming including key concepts, architecture and more
  • Fundamentals of Computers 
  • The World Wide Web 
  • People & Companies 
  • Fundamentals of Computer Programming 

Learning Objectives:

  • Working in a Linux (*nix) environment, key commands, workflows and techniques
  • Introduction 
  • Linux Command Line 
  • Files & Directories 
  • Creating & editing Files 
  • User, Group and Permissions 
  • Other Essential Features 
  • Process 
  • Networking 
  • Shell Scripting Fundamentals 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Version controlling and managing code & assets using Git & GitHub
  • Introduction to version control with Git  
  • Git from the command line 
  • Everyday Git commands 
  • Git for collaboration 

Learning Objective: 

  • All about building responsive websites using HTML5 and CSS3 
  • Introduction to Web Development 
  • Introduction to HTML 
  • Forms and Inputs 
  • Introduction to CSS 
  • Advanced CSS 
  • Transitions and Animations 
  • Responsive Web design 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Power up by introducing interactivity, logic, and function to your web pages by using JavaScript - one of the most popular languages in the world. 
  • Introduction to JavaScript 
  • The Absolute Fundamentals 
  • Variables and Values 
  • Conditional Execution 
  • Functions Essentials & more 
  • Loops 
  • Working with Arrays 
  • Working with Objects 
  • All about String  
  • Date and Time 
  • And more… 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Learn all about a modern JavaScript build pipeline & toolchain including key tools such as Babel, Webpack and Parcel 
  • The Development Pipeline & Toolchain 
  • Configuring VSCode  
  • Modern JavaScript with Babel 
  • Using the Parcel Module Bundler 
  • Discovering Webpack 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Amp up your skills by learning to build sophisticated and powerful web applications using React 
  • Introduction to React 
  • Components 
  • State & Props 
  • Rendering Lists  
  • Components Revisited 
  • Building Forms 
  • Render Props & Higher Order Components 
  • Portals 
  • Global & Shared Data 
  • And more… 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Learn and master the Java programming language  
  • Introduction to Java 
  • Java Language Features 
  • Basic Data Types 
  • Operators 
  • Flow Control 
  • Arrays 
  • Classes and Objects 
  • Methods 
  • Inheritance 
  • Packages and Interfaces 
  • And more… 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand and get started with one of the world’s foremost RDBMS - MySQL and use with the Hibernate ORM for Java 
  • Introduction to Hibernate 
  • Hiberabte Concepts 
  • Hibernate with SpringBoot 
  • Inheritance Mapping using Hibernate 
  • Hibernate Mapping: Collection Element - Value 
  • Hibernate Mapping: Collection Element - Entity Reference 
  • Hibernate Queries 
  • A few more concepts 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Leverage the power of Spring to create fully functional Spring applications. 
  • Introducing Spring Core 
  • Environment Setup 
  • IoC/DI, Spring Configurations 
  • Constructor/Setter Injection 
  • Lifecycle and Patterns 
  • Aspect-oriented Programming 
  • Understanding Spring MVC 
  • Setting Up the Environment 
  • Basics of Model View Controller 
  • Creating and Listing Records 
  • And more… 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Design and develop APIs and Microservices with Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. 
  • Introduction to Spring Boot 
  • Dev Tools 
  • Performance Monitoring with Actuators 
  • Profiling 
  • Model Design 
  • Introduction to the Lombok Framework 
  • Understanding the Controller Tier 
  • Introduction to Swagger API 
  • Advanced concept Implementation in Controller Tier 
  • Understanding Service Tier 
  • And more… 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Master the testing frameworks used to create robust test suites for applications.  
  • Apply the test-driven development methodology with JUnit, Mockito, and TestNG 
  • Introduction to Test-driven Development 
  • Unit Testing 
  • Test-driven Development Approach 
  • Mock-based Testing with Mockito 
  • TestNG 
  • Developing Java-based Application 
  • Evaluating Tests 
  • Developing Web-based Application

Learning Objectives: 

  • Building RESTful Web Services using Java 
  • Introduction and REST concepts 
  • REST Best Practices 
  • Advanced RESTful features and Swagger 
  • Authentication and Monitoring 
  • JPA 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Equip yourself with the skills needed to create state-of-the-art apps and platforms using PostgreSQL 
  • Introduction to Database Systems 
  • Fundamentals of SQL for Postgres 
  • Postgres Foundations 
  • Advanced Query Writing 
  • Postgres Security  
  • PERN Stack Implementation 
  • Spring Boot Implementation 
  • Developing Web-Based Application 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Understand the need for Microservices architecture 
  • Learn to build Microservices 
  • Get introduced to Inter-service messaging  
  • Microservices Introduction 
  • Creating Microservices  
  • Discovering Microservices  
  • Managing Microservices 
  • Logging in Microservices 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Get introduced to Jenkins 
  • Get an understanding on Jenkins Pipelines 
  • Learn to implement an end-to-end pipeline for Java applications 
  • Overview of DevOps Practices  
  • Overview of Jenkins 
  • Install and Configure Jenkins using Docker/Kubernetes/Cloud 
  • Overview of SonarQube 
  • Pipeline as a Code 
  • Jenkins Pipeline 
  • Multi-branch Pipeline 
  • Distributed Architecture 
  • Realtime communication with socket.io  
  • Scaling node apps 

Learning Objectives: 

  • Get on par with industry trends and get a strong base for programming  
  • Solve complex problems with Data Structures and Algorithms 
  • Master simple Data Structures like Arrays and Lists to complex ones like Trees and Graphs  
  • Focus on well-known algorithms like Kruskal's, Prim's and Dijkstra's 
  • Introduction 
  • Arrays 
  • List 
  • Stacks 
  • Queues 
  • Maps 
  • Trees 
  • Graphs 
  • Sorting Algorithms 
  • Search Algorithms 
  • And more… 

Learning Objectives:  

  • Strengthen your understanding of full stack architecture  
  • Visualize and deploy a realistic full stack application 
  • Complete all essential milestones that are encountered in a production setting 
  • Handle real world scenarios from the get-go 
  • Industry relevant capstone project guided by an experienced industry-expert mentor  

Frequently Asked Questions

Full Stack Development Bootcamp

Web Developers often specialise in front end or back end development, based on their interests and skill sets. Full stack development opens up more opportunities than front end or back end development alone. Skilled full stack developers are in great demand across geographies and a great training paves the way for a fulfilling career.

Regardless of the stage you're at professionally, the full stack web development bootcamp is a great way for you to break into and accelerate your future-proof career in web development.

  • On completing the Full Stack Web Development course, you’ll be able to: 
  • Build responsive websites using HTML5 and CSS3. 
  • Build cool web apps using React and Redux. 
  • Develop and deploy full stack apps with MongoDB, React and Express with Node.js. 
  • Build secure full stack apps leveraging design and architectural patterns like REST. 
  • Create containers with Docker and orchestrate with Kubernetes.  
  • Practice version control and collaborative software development with Git and GitHub. 
  • Build rich microservices using Node.js. 
  • Safely model and store data with MySQL. 
  • Deploy full stack apps on AWS using CloudFormation. 
  • Implement CI/CD setup using JenkinsX and AWS. 
  • Cultivate an Agile mindset and contribute value to projects as a Scrum practitioner. 

The best Full Stack Developer course in the category designed to get job ready will give you the tools needed to perform well in a variety of developer roles. Some examples of job titles that align with your new skills are: 

  • Software Engineer 
  • Full Stack Application Developer 
  • Front-end Developer 
  • Back-End Developer 
  • Web Application Developer. 

Yes, you can! With our self-paced bootcamp designed for busy professionals with full-time work commitments, you can watch video lessons and complete the assignments during the weekends or on the go.

Should you find yourself struggling, just reach out to both your instructor and the KnowledgeHut support team. Together, we’ll do our absolute best to keep you on track and feeling confident about the learning.

Remember, becoming a skilled developer doesn’t come easy. While anyone can learn to code, grit and a growth mindset is what will get you there. After all, this is known as one of the best courses for front end development. 

Software Requirements 

  • An IDE or a code editor like Microsoft VSCode, Sublime Text or similar 
  • A web browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox

System Requirements 

  • Any workstation or laptop with Internet access, with at least 8Gb of RAM 
  • An AWS and Google account 
  • A code editor such as Microsoft VSCode  

Bootcamp Experience

The Full Stack Development Bootcamp at KnowledgeHut is delivered through PRISM, our immersive learning experience platform. Currently we are offering one mode of delivery: 

On-Demand Self-Learning 

With this flexible, self-paced course, you can learn conveniently at your own pace, whenever and wherever you choose. Spend as much time as you need on topics you find most difficult, pausing and replaying relevant segments of video as often as you need to. Benefit from the limitless educational possibility that comes with lifetime access. The entire courseware to learn full stack and all the features of our immersive learning experience platform will remain at your fingertips whenever you wish to refresh concepts and clear your doubts. 

Our full stack training is structured in five parts--pre-workshop, workshop, post-workshop—to provide you with a completely immersive learning experience. This tried and tested bootcamp structure has worked well with thousands of full stack developers we’ve helped upskill over the years. 

1. Pre-Bootcamp 

Take a diagnostic assessment pre-bootcamp and benchmark your skill levels at the start of the program; this enables you to track and demonstrate your skills learning progression as you reach the end of the program. 

Gear up with essential tech skills, which help lay a firm foundation for embracing the technologies and workflows that follow. These self-paced preparatory modules can be taken at your own pace but must be completed before the start of the bootcamp. These skills also promote best practices as well as fundamental techno-managerial concepts.

2. Bootcamp 

Watch rich e-learning videos from within PRISM, our immersive learning experience platform with a state-of-the-art intelligent coding environment. 

Experience immersive learning with Cloud Labs, guided hands-on exercises, assignments, auto-graded assessments, recall quizzes, real-world projects and much more.  

3. Capstone 

The best way to demonstrate your prowess is to build a super cool web application that demonstrates your command on critical application development skills, from concept to completion.

Deploy your app on the cloud and publish on GitHub in an ultimate learn-by-doing immersive experience.   

4. Tech Career Launch Prep 

Get ready to apply all the skills you learn through the bootcamp to ace interviews and land your dream job as a full stack developer. 

5. Post-Program Support 

We don’t just impart skills but also want to make sure that you implement them post the course. Make the best of continual learning support that you will receive.

We are always in touch with you through newsletters, webinars, events, and next version training. 

A unique feature of our Full Stack Web Development Course is the highly engaging, immersive learning you experience. You get to learn, practice, assess, get insights on your learning, and personalize your full stack learning path. The course is in line with the leading full stack developer with the certification you can find.

LEARN: Engaging self-learning videos, smart flashcards, interactive eBooks and recall quizzes help reinforce your learning. You also get to maximize your learning potential with collaborative social learning via discussion forums and group and one-to-one messaging. 

PRACTICE: Access our Playground Labs during and after the course. Guided hands-on exercises will help you gain confidence and get productive from day one. 

ASSESS: Assess your skills at every stage with a variety of questions ranging from multiple choice to code-based, completely auto-graded by the system. Assignments and projects within our inbuilt and intelligent development environment give you micro “work-like” experiences. Test your subject matter comprehension through diagnostic, module level and final assessments. 

GET INSIGHTS: Based on your performance in the assessments, assignments, and projects, you gain deep insights on your progress, which help you identify areas you are good at and where you need to improve. All you need to do is follow recommendations and enhance your skill proficiency from where you are to where you want to get. 

Yes, Cloud/Practice Labs—a preconfigured development editor inbuilt into your learning space—will be available for your guided hands-on exercises, assignments, and practice during and post the training. 

The playground labs are low-friction sandbox environments, offering the ability to get started without any installations in your local system. We have tried hard to ensure that practice labs simulate the developer experience. These in-browser solutions feature environments for working with all kinds of platforms including operating systems, coding languages, and more. 

In this sandbox environment, you can feel free to run any command and experiment without the guidelines of a typical lab. The end goal is to increase the amount of practical, real-world experience you gain to get you completely work-ready on course completion. 

Depending on the training option that you choose for the Full Stack Development Course, you’ll be granted 400 to 500 hours of access to the Cloud labs where you can perform all your assignments and projects including the capstone projects. 

Post the web development training, you will retain access to the platform, the learning material, and any unutilized hours on the Cloud labs. The entire courseware and all the features of the platform, along with the unutilized hours for the full stack online course will be available to you for life. 

You will have lifetime access to the entire Self-Paced Learning material including on-demand videos, assessments, quizzes, eBooks/case studies and more. 

You can attempt the recall quizzes any number of times. Assessments can be taken twice. 

At KnowledgeHut, web developer bootcamp students come from all walks of life but share one common mission: they are passionate about launching a career in tech by gaining an in-demand, technical skill set. 

We have witnessed career-changes from diverse professional backgrounds, including sales, marketing, project management, finance, and many more. Most are aiming to secure jobs as software engineers or web developers, while others may be looking to combine experience with a new skill set to enter more specialized roles. 

In case of any queries, our support team is available to you 24/7 via the Help and Support section on PRISM. You can also reach out to your workshop manager on your workshop group messenger. 

Raise a ticket on PRISM or email us on support@knowledgehut.com and we’ll get right back to you. 

Additional FAQs

Java full stack developer

Java full stack is a term that’s used to describe a developer who uses Java for developing the entire technology stack. A java developer can develop both front-end and backend of an application. You can enroll for our java full stack course to become a successful java full stack developer. 

If you’re aspiring to become a java full stack developer, then you need to master essential java full stack developer skills like React, Mongo DB, Agile, and a lot more. The good news is that you can master all these in just a few months even if you don’t have any prior technical knowledge. Enroll for our java full stack course and experience an immersive learning experience powered by cloud labs and live sessions by top experts.  

A java full stack developer can develop both front-end and backend of applications.  

A java full stack developer is equipped with essential skills and needs to have an extensive knowledge of:  

  • Linux Essentials  
  • HTML 5 and CSS3  
  • JavaScript  
  • React   
  • Mongo DB  
  • Software Testing  
  • Agile and Scrum  
  • And a lot more... 

The java full stack development course offered by KnowledgeHut is delivered by globally renowned instructors. It’s packed with on-demand videos, auto-graded assessments, recall quizzes, assignments, projects, practice on Cloud Labs, and a lot more.  

By the end of this course, you will acquire all the skills required for java full stack developer. You will also receive java full stack developer certification and build impressive java full stack projects to impress top recruiters across the globe.  

Our full stack java development course helps you to acquire essential full stack skills. Through hands-on training on Cloud Labs, you get access to fully provisioned dev environments. As a result, you will have all the essential skills and experience to clear job interviews with ease.  

A java full-stack developer develops websites, applications, and connects with clients. The main responsibilities include:  

  • Using cutting-edge technologies to design back-end architecture.  
  • Leverage latest technologies to create stellar user interfaces. 
  • Develop flexible websites and applications as per client’s requirements. 
  • And more...  

A java full stack developer needs to have extensive backend and frontend knowledge to deliver stellar websites and applications. Our java full stack developer course online comprises of an extensive full stack java developer syllabus that covers all the important topics like Linux, React, and more to acquire on-demand skills and apply for top java full stack developer jobs.  

Full Stack Developer  
Java Developer 
A full stack developer is involved in the entire front-end and the backend of an application  
A java developer usually focuses on native apps 
They are focused on the entire development stage and is also called upon when new features are needed. 
They are primarily focused on testing apps to ensure consistent performance 
They are concerned about the entire aspects of an app or a website ranging from the front-end to the backend.
They are concerned about a particular aspect ofc a program 

There is no denying that java full stack developers are in huge demand. That’s because they work on end-to-end stack of applications to deploy apps and build compelling websites. Plus, they can seamlessly work with clients in different stages – planning, implementation, and testing. Furthermore, the java full stack developer technical skills also help them to decode client expectations and understand the end-user goal.

Professionals with java full stack skills are always in huge demand. It is an extremely rewarding career path.  

According to Glassdoor, the average annual salary of a full-stack java developer is $94,262. Professionals who have java full stack certification earn more than their non-certified peers.  

The demand for Java full stack developer is rising at an exponential rate. Not just IT, industries like Finance, Healthcare, Aerospace, Logistic, Retail are actively looking for skilled full-stack java developers.  

You can capitalize on this great demand by enrolling for a java full stack developer training. With presence across 100+ countries and experiential learning offerings, KnowledgeHut provides the best java full stack developer course with full stack java developer certification to impress top recruiters.  

Java full stack developer is an extremely good career option. They are in high demand and earn an average annual salary of around $94,262 according to Glassdoor.  

Professionals with limited or no technological exposure can also become a successful full stack Java developer with our expert-led full stack java developer course online. The java full stack developer course content is developed by renowned java experts and the java full stack developer course syllabus comprises of all essential topics like Mongo DB, React, Linux, and a lot more.  

Java full stack developer is one of the most sought-after job roles. Experienced java full-stack developers can earn more than $100,000 per year.  

Not just IT, Java full stack developers also have a huge demand across various industries like Finance, Retail, Logistics, Entertainment, and more.  

If you are aspiring to become a java full stack developer and embark on a successful career, then enroll for our next-gen java full stack developer online course.  

If you are wondering, how to become java full stack developer in 6 months? The answer is yes.  

Enroll for KnowledgeHut’s java full stack online course. Learn from top experts, practice on Cloud Labs, work on java full stack developer project get certification for java full stack developer and start your journey. 

Java full stack developer is an extremely sought-after job role. As a full-stack java developer, you can work on the latest tech stack and work on both frontend and back-end of an application.  

You can enroll for the best full stack java developer course, learn from top experts, acquire impressive skills, build a job-worthy portfolio, acquire industry-recognized certification and start your journey as a skilled Java full stack developer in a renowned organization.  

To acquire the java full stack developer skills required you can simply enroll for a full stack java developer online course and learn java full stack development from recognized Java experts.  

Even a non-technical person can enroll for our java full stack developer online training and become full stack java developer in just a few months.  

From fine-tuning your presentation skills to mock interviews, KnowledgeHut helps you with everything to impress top recruiters. Plus, we have 300+ hiring partners to help you boost your tech career. When you are signing up for our java full stack development bootcamp, you can expect 100% job assistance. 

Career Accelerator Bootcamps

Jira Bootcamp
  • Specialize in Jira and Jira project management
  • Learn about Jira Issues, Visualizations, Workflow administration
  • 4
Data Science Bootcamp with AI
  • 165+ hours of live and interactive sessions by industry experts
  • Immersive learning with guided hands-on exercises (cloud labs)
  • 385 Hrs
  • 4
Design Thinking Boot Camp
  • 16 Hours of live instructor-led intensive training
  • Master advanced tools to provide solutions to design challenges
  • 16 Hrs
  • 4.5
Full-Stack Development Bootcamp
  • 200 Hours of Instructor-Led Training and On-Demand Learning
  • Immersive Learning with Guided Hands-On Exercises (Cloud Labs)
  • 200 Hrs
  • 4.5
Front-End Development Bootcamp
  • Online Bootcamp with 200 Hours of Cloud Labs
  • Immersive Learning with Guided Hands-On Exercises
  • 490+ Hrs
  • 4.5
Back-End Development Bootcamp
  • 690+ Hours of On-Demand Self-Paced Learning Content
  • Immersive Learning with Guided Hands-On Exercises (Cloud Labs)
  • 690+ Hrs
  • 4

Money-Back Guarantee

Money-back guarantee Our Java Full Stack Development Bootcamp comes with a Money-Back Guarantee. KnowledgeHut provides an immersive learning experience where you get to learn, practice your code in our integrated cloud labs-based coding environment, and get assessed in a seamless learning experience.

Zero Questions Asked Refund At KnowledgeHut, our courses are carefully curated to offer highly effective outcomes. In the unlikely event that a course does not meet your expectations and you wish to withdraw within the first 7 days, we will proceed with a refund, with absolutely no questions asked.