Software Engineer Bootcamp

Master Full-Stack Development and Land a Software Engineer Job

Start your journey as a Software Engineer in your dream product company today!

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Launch Your Software Engineer Career Today

Level up your career and gear up to land a tech job in top product companies as a skilled Software Engineer. Our hands-on Software Engineer Bootcamp Online provides guidance from world-class instructors with extensive industry experience. Get proficient in front-end, back-end, and database programming tools and technologies that are essential to not only becoming a Full-Stack Developer, but a skilled Full-Stack Software Engineer!

According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), employment of software developers is projected to grow 22 percent from 2019 to 2029. This Software Engineer Bootcamp has been meticulously designed by industry experts to prepare candidates to leverage this increasing demand for skilled software engineers.

This Bootcamp transforms our Full-Stack Development Bootcamp it into an entirely new experience by strengthening your grasp on software engineering principles as well. Coupled with our industry-aligned software engineering modules, this transformative experience spans a solid 45 weeks, at the end of which, you will be equipped to land top software engineer skills worthy of MAANG.

Learn in live online sessions by experts with rich industry experience. Learn by doing with assessments, assignments and hands-on Cloud Lab exercises. Differentiate yourself from your peers with global recognition and be a top candidate for firms looking to hire for Software Engineer, Web Developer, Front-End Developer, Back-End Developer and Full-Stack Engineer roles. This is what makes this program one of the best software engineering bootcamps out there.

Program Highlights

  • 328 Hours of Live Instructor-Led Sessions 

  • 90 Hours of On-Demand Content 

  • 400 Hours of Cloud Labs Support 

  • 90 Hours of Doubt-Resolution Sessions 

  • 11 Real-World Projects 

  • 10 Case Studies  

  • 3 Employability Tests 

  • 1 Hackathon 

  • 3 Mock Interviews 

  • 4 Webinars and Masterclasses by Experts 

Tools and Technologies You'll Master

  • Mongo DB logo
  • Linux Essentials
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React
  • MongoDB
  • MySQL Tools- New
  • GitHub-New
  • React Router- New
  • Redux- New
  • Parcel- New
  • Webpack- New
  • Microsoft VSCode- New
  • New

Leverage the High Demand for Skilled Software Engineers

benefits of Software Engineering Bootcamp

Today, technology has permeated every sphere of our lives. From media streaming services to food delivery, there's an application for almost every product/service you can think of. That's why engineers who can design innovative software are in high demand and can earn as much as $1,13,732 per year on average. You too can become one of them.

Staying updated with the latest technologies has become essential for businesses across the globe, no matter the industry. Therefore, the need for developers to maintain an organization's technological operations (while also working on high-value releases in case of product companies) is ever-present. This software developer online bootcamp will equip you with the skills and knowledge that you need to land a software developer role at top companies as well as excel in it. Be it front-end and back-end technologies or databases, you will develop all the skillsets that reflect a versatile software engineer.

The KnowledgeHut Advantage

The most effective project-based immersive learning experience

Immersive Learning

  • On-demand videos
  • Guided hands-on exercises
  • Auto-graded assessments and recall quizzes
  • Assignments and projects

Learn by Doing

  • Learn to code. By actually coding.
  • Get project-ready with work-like experiences.
  • Learn on the job, like devs in tech companies.

Cloud Labs

  • Access fully provisioned dev environment.
  • Virtual machine spinned up in minutes.
  • Write code right in your browser.


  • Get advanced learner insights.
  • Measure and track skills progress.
  • Identify areas to improve in.

Blended Learning

  • On-demand, self-paced learning anytime.
  • Code review sessions by experts.
  • Access to discussion forums, community groups.
prerequisites for Software Engineering Bootcamp


  • A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related IT field 
  • Good knowledge of programming languages, preferably Python. 
  • Pass the 45-minutes test for being accepted in the program. 

What You Will Learn

Data Structures

Learn different types of data structures, such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and more.

Algorithm Design

Master algorithm design techniques, such as divide and conquer, dynamic programming, and more.

Performance Analysis

Learn how to analyze the performance of an algorithm, including time and space complexity.

Algorithm Trade-Offs

Understand the trade-offs associated with various algorithms and how to choose the right one. 

System Decomposition

Understand how to decompose a large system into smaller, more manageable components.

Design Patterns

Explore design patterns and architectures that can be used to build scalable systems.

Resilient Systems

Design a system to handle failures and meet user needs of performance, security, and reliability.

Flexible Systems

Understand how to design a flexible system while accommodating changes and future growth.

Tools and Technologies

Familiarize yourself with tools and technologies that can be used to build and deploy a system

HTML5 and CSS3

Build proficiency in structuring web content using HTML and styling it with CSS.


Develop a deep understanding of JavaScript's core concepts, functions, and libraries. 

Responsive Design

Master responsive design techniques to make web apps work well on a variety of devices.

UX Design Principles

Master UX design principles to make web applications easy and enjoyable to use.

Database Management

Learn to work with databases and data storage solutions, such as MySQL and MongoDB.

Who Should Attend the Software Engineering Bootcamp


Testing Engineers

Quality Analysts

IT Administrators

Database Administrators

IT Service Managers

Project Managers

Computer Science Graduates

Professionals from Computer Science Background

Tech Career Launch

Get ready to apply all the skills you learn through the bootcamp to ace interviews and land your dream job as a Software Engineer.

Career Planning and Coaching
  • Goal-Setting 
  • Personalized Career Planning
  • Career Coaching
Interview Preparation
  • DSA and System Design 
  • Hackathons, Mock Interviews
  • Interview Analysis and Feedback
Dedicated Job Support
  • Target Software Developer Roles
  • Resume, LinkedIn, GitHub Review
  • Comprehensive Placement Assistance


Mode of Training:  Instructor-Led


  • Planning 
  • Analysis 
  • Design 
  • Development 
  • Testing 
  • Integration 
  • Maintenance 

Mode of Training:  Instructor-Led


  • Traditional server architecture 
  • Frontend 
  • Backend 
  • Full Stack 
  • Good read-what are the different types of roles in the industry 

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • Introduction and Benefits 
  • Data Types 
  • Loops, Conditionals, and Other Essentials 
  • Java Class, Methods and Objects 
  • Recursion 
  • Enums, Interfaces and Abstract Classes 
  • Basics of OOPS – Polymorphism and Interface 
  • Arrays and Strings 
  • Collection Framework 
  • Advanced - Multi threading/Concurrency, Lambda Functions 

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • Introduction to Version Control with Git 
  • Git from the Command Line 
  • Everyday Git Commands 
  • Git for Collaboration 

Mode of Training:  Instructor-Led


  • Threads and Process, CPU Scheduling
  • Process Synchronization, Deadlock
  • Memory Management
  • Disk Management, Disk Scheduling

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • The Factory and Simple Factory Design Pattern  
  • The Singleton Design Pattern  
  • The Prototype Design Pattern  
  • The Builder Design Pattern  
  • The Adapter Design Pattern  
  • The Bridge Design Pattern  
  • The Java Decorator Design Pattern  
  • The Facade Design Pattern  
  • The Flyweight Design Pattern  
  • The Proxy Design Pattern  
  • The Chain of Responsibility Design Pattern  
  • The Command Design Pattern in Java  
  • Proxy, Chain, Command and Interpreter Patterns  
  • Iterator, Mediator, Momento, Observer Patterns  
  • The Interpreter Design Pattern  
  • The Iterator Design Pattern  
  • The Mediator Design Pattern  
  • The Memento Design Pattern  
  • The Observer Design Pattern  
  • The State Design Pattern  
  • The Gang of Four – The Origins of Design Patterns - Strategy Design Pattern 
  • The Template Design Pattern  

Mode of Training:  Self-Learning


  • What’s IP, Ports and Sockets
  • TCP and UDP
  • OSI and TCP/IP Layers
  • Security Essentials – Firewall, VPN, NAT Theory

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • Introduction to Data Structures (Arrays, Stacks, Linked Lists, Trees etc) 
  • Introduction to Basic Algorithms (Sorting, Hashing, Search) 
  • Time and Space Complexity 
  • Arrays 
  • Binary Search 
  • Sorting 
  • Bit Manipulation 
  • Coding Challenge – I 
  • Math 
  • Linked List 
  • Stacks and Queue 
  • Hashing 
  • Tree 
  • Heaps 
  • Coding Challenge - II 
  • Greedy Algorithm 
  • Dynamic Programming 
  • Coding Challenge - III 
  • Backtracking 
  • Graph 
  • Coding Challenge - IV 
  • Practice Questions/Hackathons bi-weekly 

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • 9 Steps to System Design 
  • High-Level System Design 
  • Communication Channels 
  • API Design Best Practices 
  • Database Design Best Practices 
  • DB Choices 
  • Caching 
  • Hackathon 3 
  • Message Queue Design 
  • Realtime Websockets, SSE, etc. 
  • HA and Disaster Recovery 
  • Shrading  
  • Transaction Zulily Inventory Management System 
  • Design WhatsApp 
  • DDOS Prevention Service 
  • Netflix Pause Feature 
  • Design Uber 
  • Design YouTube 
  • Design Spotify 

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • How to Tackle Mock Interviews 
  • How to Tackle Behavioral Interviews 
  • Essential Communication Skills 
  • Time Management 

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • Relational Databases- Theory 
  • MySQL 
  • NoSql 
  • MongoDB 
  • Fitment in Various Architectures 
  • CAP Theorem  

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • Why use Spring Boot 
  • Dependency Injection & IOC 
  • API 
  • Brief intro on RPC, REST, Socket Programming, GraphQl 
  • REST API in Spring Boot 
  • Spring Annotations 
  • ORMs and ODMs - Hibernate with MySQL 
  • Test cases & TDD/BDD concepts 
  • JUnit & Test cases 
  • Software Architecture patterns – Introduction 
  • Microservices, Monolith, Event Driven, Serverless, Caching 

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • DevOps - Containerization & Orchestration - Basics 
  • Docker 
  • Kubernetes 
  • Cloud Architecture - Need – Scaling 
  • IaaS vs PaaS vs Saas 
  • Major vendors and services 
  • Monitoring – cover theory, project can be optional. 
  • Elasticsearch 
  • Prometheus 
  • Kibana 
  • CI/CD practices and deployment management 
  • Jenkins 
  • Security essentials – firewall, VPN demo 

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • Introduction to Web Development 
  • Introduction to HTML 
  • Forms and Inputs 
  • Introduction to CSS 
  • Advanced CSS5 
  • Transitions and Animations 
  • Responsive Web Design 

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • Introduction to JavaScript 
  • The Absolute Fundamentals 
  • Variables and Values 
  • Conditional Execution 
  • Function Essentials and More 
  • Loops 
  • Working With Arrays 
  • Working With Objects 
  • All About String 
  • Date And Time 
  • Working With Web Pages 
  • Level up With Functions 

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • Introduction to React 
  • Components 
  • State and Props 
  • Rendering Lists 
  • Components Revisited 
  • Building Forms 
  • Render Props and Higher Order Components 
  • Portals 
  • Global and Shared Data 
  • Hooks in Focus 
  • Routing in a React App 
  • Code Splitting 

Mode of Training: Instructor-Led


  • The Development Pipeline and Toolchain 
  • Configuring VSCode For Optimum Development 
  • Modern JavaScript With Babel 
  • Working With Parcel 
  • Working With Webpack 

Frequently Asked Questions

Software Engineering Bootcamp

Software engineers are in high demand. Delivering value to customers depends on how good a product an organization can build. They also need to be able to address challenges quickly and respond to the market demand by providing value. With the software engineering bootcamp you can acquire the key skills that you would need to become a successful software engineer. 

During this bootcamp you will gain a wide variety of skills that include: 

  • Different types of data structures, such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, and trees 
  • Trade-offs associated with different data structures, such as their performance and space complexity 
  • Choosing the appropriate data structure for a given task 
  • Manipulating data structures, such as inserting and deleting elements or searching for a particular element 
  • Principles of algorithm design and analysis 
  • Implementing algorithms in code 
  • Debugging and testing algorithms to ensure they are correct 
  • Understanding how to decompose a large system into smaller, more manageable components 
  • Designing a system to handle failures and meet the needs of users in terms of performance, security, and reliability 
  • Designing a system to be flexible and able to accommodate changes and future growth 
  • yourself with tools and technologies that can be used to build and deploy a system 
  • HTML and CSS for structuring and styling content 
  • JavaScript for adding interactivity to web applications 
  • DOM manipulation and understanding how the front-end and back-end communicate 
  • Responsive design techniques to make web applications work well on a variety of devices 
  • User experience (UX) design principles to make web applications easy and enjoyable to use 
  • Tools for testing and debugging front-end code 
  • Version control with tools like Git and GitHub 
  • Server-side programming languages, such as Python, Ruby, or Java 
  • Working with databases and data storage solutions, such as MySQL, MongoDB, or Redis 
  • Building and consuming APIs 
  • Server-side frameworks, such as Django, Rails, or Laravel 
  • Deployment and scaling of web applications 
  • Security best practices 
  • Testing and debugging 

On completing this bootcamp you will become eligible to take up roles like: 

  • Software engineer: Developing software applications using a variety of languages and technologies, including both front-end and back-end components. 
  • Web developer: Designing and building web applications using languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as server-side technologies like PHP, Ruby, or Python. 
  • Front-end developer: Building the user interface and client-side logic of a web application using technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. 
  • Back-end developer: Developing the server-side components of a web application, including the logic and database interactions. 
  • Full-stack engineer: Working on both the front-end and back-end of a web application, with a focus on the integration between the two. 

Yes, we have planned our bootcamp in a way that even if you have a full-time job, you would be able to attend classes and complete the bootcamp in your free time. You can opt between weekday or weekend batches.

There is also a portion of the curriculum that is self-paced whi9ich you can cover at your convenience.

Following are the minimum requirements you will need to attend this bootcamp. 

Software Requirements 

  • A web browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge Opera, Safari or Firefox 

Hardware Requirements 

  • Any workstation or laptop with Internet access, with at least 8Gb of RAM 

Bootcamp Experience

Our bootcamps are offered through an immersive learning platform called PRISM.

There are also flexible self-learning portions available to learners that can be accessed at any time.

PRISM is KnowledgeHut’s state-of-the-art learning experience platform, designed to provide a highly engaging, immersive learning experience with you at the center of the learning.

PRISM supports all types of courses, including on-demand self-paced learning, blended learning, and live virtual classes. Here are some key features of the platform:

  • Learners can watch videos, join live sessions directly using a single dashboard.
  •  Integrated Practice Environment runs directly in the user’s browser, offering a complete set of development tools to allow learners to practice what they’ve learned.
  •  Feature-rich videos with detailed explanations are augmented by flash cards, interactive e-reading content and quick recall quizzes designed to strategically reinforce learning.
  •  Diagnostic, module-level and final assessments give learners valuable insights, allowing them to map and demonstrate their skills learning progression through the course.
  •  Learners get micro work-like experiences from auto-graded projects that help them learn on the job, much like developers in leading tech companies.
  •  Social Learning tools include a discussion board that features questions posted by other learners on the system and responses by other learners. Additionally, one-to-one and group messaging is also available.
  • Comprehensive reports give both organizations and learners a deep and thorough insight into skills progression. 

Yes, Cloud/Practice Labs—a preconfigured development editor inbuilt into your learning space—will be available for your guided hands-on exercises, assignments, and practice during and post the training.

The playground labs are low-friction sandbox environments, offering the ability to get started without any installations in your local system. We have tried hard to ensure that practice labs simulate the developer experience. These in-browser solutions feature environments for working with all kinds of platforms including operating systems, coding languages, and more.

In this sandbox environment, you can feel free to run any command and experiment without the guidelines of a typical lab. The end goal is to increase the amount of practical, real-world experience you gain to get you completely work-ready on course completion. 

Depending on the training option that you choose for the Full Stack Development Course, you’ll be granted 400 to 500 hours of access to the Cloud labs where you can perform all your assignments and projects including the capstone projects.

Post the web development training, you will retain access to the platform, the learning material, and any unutilized hours on the Cloud labs. The entire courseware and all the features of the platform, along with the unutilized hours for the full stack online course will be available to you for life. 

You will have lifetime access to the entire Self-Paced Learning material including on-demand videos, assessments, quizzes, eBooks/case studies and more. 

You can attempt the recall quizzes any number of times. Assessments can be taken twice.   

In case of any queries, our support team is available to you 24/7 via the Help and Support section on PRISM. You can also reach out to your workshop manager on your workshop group messenger. 

Raise a ticket on PRISM or email us on and we’ll get right back to you.  

Additional FAQs

Additional FAQs

Software engineers are typically Computer Science graduates who are well-versed in engineering principles and programming languages, which are essential to build software applications, develop computer games, and run network control systems. Our software engineer bootcamp online will help you gain the skills to do all this and more. 

Software engineers design and create computer systems and applications to solve real-world problems. Software engineers, sometimes called software developers, create software for computers and applications No wonder the demand for software developer online bootcamps are on the rise from the past few years. 

As you know, technology is a dynamic, ever-evolving field. There are a thousand new developments across the various tools, technologies and programming languages that make up this ecosystem. Even computer systems and software applications - the very thing software engineers are called to work on - are continuously changing. However, if you keep yourself updated, there is no dearth of work for software developers. This is a big reason many learners choose to switch their careers to this field, some with the help of a software engineering bootcamp online. 

The annual average salary for a software engineer is $113,734 in the United States. 

There are several ways in which you can get a job as a software engineer. You can, 

  • Gain a bachelor’s degree in computer science, which is usually the first step towards a career in software engineering. 
  • Explore the self-taught route by reading coding material and/or watching YouTube videos hosted by established software engineers themselves. 
  • Enroll for a technical bootcamp program. There are hundreds of such programs online. You can select the best bootcamp for software engineers (one that meets your requirements, after doing proper research). 

Whichever path you choose, ensure you’re well-versed with the latest tools and technologies in software engineering. 

Considering how almost every business across the world depends of computer software, network control systems, and web/mobile applications, the demand for software engineers and programmers have skyrocketed in the past few years. The U.S. Bureau of Labour Statistics estimates a 25% increase in software development jobs between 2021 and 2031. So, it's safe to say that there's a huge job demand for software engineers and software engineering bootcamps online as well. 

To get on the software engineering career path, it's recommended that one gets a graduate degree in computer science, software engineering, or a related field. In India, it's common for aspiring software engineers to get a Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science or a Bachelor in Computer Applications (BCA) degree after Grade 12. They may build on this knowledge with the help of a software engineer bootcamp later. 

Yes, but it depends on what you study during college. After passing your Grade 12 exams, you can enroll in a B. Tech or B.Sc. program in Computer Science. Alternatively, you can also opt for a Bachelor of Computer Applications program. However, this is not enough. You'll mostly need to enroll in a program focused in software engineering (for example, a software engineer bootcamp online) later on. 

It takes at least four years to become a software engineer, considering that you need to graduate in computer science, software engineering, or a similar field. This is because a graduate degree is the first step in your journey. After graduation, you need to learn and practice the latest tools and technologies before you can apply for software engineering jobs. How you choose to do this will decide the amount of time you need. For example, some working professionals enroll in a software engineering bootcamp online in an effort to learn the requisite skills in a more structured, quick, and trusted manner. 

There’s only one essential difference between a web developer and software engineer, and it comes down to the work they do. Software engineers mainly create operating systems and network control systems. Web developers, on the other hand, mainly focus on creating rich, intuitive websites and web applications. If you don’t possess a technical background but want to pick up these skills, you can consider enrolling in one of the best bootcamps for software engineering or web developments. 

For today’s job market, you need to have the following skills to succeed as a software engineer: 

  • Computer Programming and Coding: Ruby, Python, Java, .NET, etc. 
  • Software Development 
  • Object-Oriented Design (OOD): Abstraction, Encapsulation, etc. 
  • Software Testing and Debugging 

If the above concepts seem alien to you, don’t worry. You can bring yourself up to speed by enrolling yourself in a software engineering bootcamp. 

There’s no such thing as the best programming language for software engineers. There are a set of computer programming languages that all software engineers need to know. These are: 

  • Python 
  • Java 
  • C# 
  • Ruby 
  • .NET 

Yes. Most software engineering bootcamps and coding bootcamps are worth it because they help learners gain the skills to crack technical interviews and land roles as SDEs or software engineers. So, considering that these bootcamp programs help learners find employment in the technology industry, one can definitely say that they are worth it.  

Yes. Through this bootcamp, you will learn all the important tools, technologies, and key concepts that every software engineer needs to know in today’s job market. Along with a thorough curriculum (that teaches you everything from front-end and back-end engineering to data structures and algorithms), this program also has a separate module dedicated to interview preparation. In this module you’ll learn important skills like salary negotiation ad how to prepare for behavioral interviews, while also getting your LinkedIn/GitHub profile optimized for SDE roles. So, considering the immense value that you’ll get by enrolling, you shouldn’t worry about this software engineer bootcamp’s cost. 

No. Even the best software engineer bootcamp cannot be substituted for a college education/degree in computer science / computer applications. Graduate degrees like a B.Sc. in Computer Science or a BCA (Bachelor in Computer Applications) are important because they give you essential foundational knowledge in topics like Computer Fundamentals, C Programming, Operating Systems, Data and Database Management Systems and Web-Based Application Development. What you learn in a coding or software engineering bootcamp will only supplement this knowledge. 

Yes, they do. Over the past couple of years, tech organizations have realized that even graduates from coding or software engineering bootcamps bring viable skills to the table. This is because such learners are armed with industry-relevant and real-world skills that top tech firms expect to see from software engineers anyway. They have hands-on experience working on several projects involving the latest tools and technologies, which is a very good sign.  

There is no ‘best career’ within software engineering, as a software engineer or software development engineer (SDE) are coveted and lucrative job roles by themselves. If you’re looking to gain the skills to prepare for such roles, enrolling yourself in a software engineer bootcamp would be a good idea.    

If you’re thinking of switching your career path and becoming a software engineer, it would be a good idea to first assess the skills you already have and bridge the gap by enrolling for a software engineering bootcamp. 

The future of software engineering looks very promising. The estimated growth in job roles and demand for software engineers is steady at least until 2030. The earning potential for software engineers is also very high, which explains the sudden demand for software engineering bootcamps as well. As per the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there will be a 22% increase in job listings for software developer from 2020 to 2030. 

One of the top reasons why software engineer bootcamps are in high demand is because it gives you the hands-on, real-life experiences that prepare you for an actual software engineering/SDE role. You will learn to work with the latest tools and technologies, knowledge of which is expected from any software engineer today. This way, you get on a high-growth career path and earn handsomely as well. 

To enroll for the Software Engineering Bootcamp, you must have: 

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science or related IT field 
  • Good knowledge of programming languages, preferably Python. 
  • Passed the 45-minutes test for being accepted in the program. 

The following are the important tools that you'll learn in this software engineer bootcamp:

  • Java and Version Control 
  • Data Structures and Algorithms 
  • System Design 
  • Full Stack Development 

No. If you fulfill the prerequisites to enroll in this bootcamp, it will not be too difficult for you. 

Yes. Strong knowledge of computer programming and coding are required to become a software engineer. You need to be well-versed in several languages, notably Ruby, Java, Python, C, C#, and JavaScript. 

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) refers to a methodology with clearly defined processes for creating high-quality software. It has the following phases: 

  • Requirement analysis 
  • Planning 
  • Software design such as architectural design 
  • Software development 
  • Testing 
  • Deployment