Node JS Free Certification Course

Power up your coding skills with our NodeJS Free Course and become a skilled developer!

  • Gain practical expertise in building command-line tools and web servers 
  • Learn to create real-time scalable applications and deploy them on the cloud 
  • Enhance your skills and get ready to fortify applications against malicious attacks 
  • 450,000 + Professionals trained
  • 250 + Workshops every month
  • 100 + Countries and counting

Learn Node.js Online

Are you prepared to become a skilled developer and amp up your coding skills? Then you are in the right space. Node.js, which is a popular tool for almost any kind of project, is an online open-source and cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment. It also has a giant open-source community and massive NPM repository (over 60,000 modules), making it the largest and fastest-growing software registry in the world.

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  • 20+ hours of Self-Learning Content   

  • Practice with Guided Hands-On Exercises 

  • Learn-by-Doing with Immersive Learning 

  • Test Your Learning with Recall Quizzes 

  • Unlock Knowledge with Interactive eBooks 

  • Accelerate Progress with Auto-Graded Assessments 

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Go beyond just videos and learn hands-on with guided exercises, projects, assignments and more.  

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Learn better with support along the way. Get 24/7 help, stay unblocked and ramp up your skills.  

World-Class Instructors

Course instructors and designers from top businesses including Google, Amazon, Twitter, and IBM.  

Real-World Learning

Get an intimate, insider look at leading companies in the field through real-world case studies.  

Industry-Vetted Curriculum

Six months of post-training mentor guidance to overcome challenges in your web development career.  

prerequisites for Node.js Free Course


  • A solid grasp of server-side development is essential. 
  • Proficiency in JavaScript at an intermediate level is necessary. 

Who Should Attend

Aspiring Web Developers


Technology Enthusiasts

Full Stack Enthusiasts

Professionals Exploring New Technology


Learning Objective:  

Discover Node.js and its capabilities and understand why it makes creating server-side applications easy and fast. Learn how to setup Node.js and write your first script before diving into synchronous and asynchronous programming and understanding the all-important event loop and non-blocking I/O. 

  • Introduction to Node.js 
  • Applications of Node.js and Installation 
  • Writing your first Node.js Script 
  • Synchronous and Asynchronous Programming 
  • Under the Hood - Understanding the Event Loop and Non-Blocking I/O 

Learning Objective:  

Understand what is Node.js REPL and its commands. Learn all about global and local objects in Node.js. 

  • REPL and REPL Commands 
  • Node.js CLI Commands 
  • Global and Local Objects 

Learning Objective:

Learn all about modular programming with Node.js and NPM. Discover the power of modules as you write your own module. Then learn all about using npm to set up and initialize a project before understanding package.json, local and global packages, using npx, and finally publishing a package on npm. 

  • Introduction to Modules
  • Process and OS Modules
  • Writing Your Own Module
  • Introducing NPM
  • Initializing a Project Using npm init
  • Understanding Package.json
  • Installing and Using Packages from npm
  • Local vs.Global Install
  • Using NPX
  • Publishing Package on npm


  • Write your own module

Learning Objectives: 

Node.js offers experimental support for ECMAScript modules, out of the box. Learn all about this feature and use it in your projects without the need of a third-party compiler such as Babel. You will learn to write and import an ECMAScript module as you learn about its syntax and uses. 

  • ECMAScript Modules Versus CommonJS Modules 
  • Enabling support 
  • Writing an ECMAScript Module 
  • Importing and using an ECMAScript Module 
  • ES6 syntax in detail 


  • Importing and using an ECMAScript Module 

Learning Objectives 

Node.js allows you to work with the file system. This module covers the all-important ‘fs’ module as you learn to work with files and directories. You will learn to read and write files both synchronously and asynchronously. 

  • Play Video 
  • File System Modeling in Node.js 
  • Directory and Path Resolution 
  • Reading Files Synchronously and Asynchronously 
  • Writing Files Synchronously and Asynchronously 
  • Directory operations 


  • Learn how to write a file using Sync and Async. 
  • Learn all about Directory Operations. 

What Learners Are Saying

Mark Thompson IT Professional

Well-rounded Node.js Free Course. Informative videos. Practical exercises. Quizzes and interactive resources aid learning. Enhances understanding for those curious about Node.js.

Emily Walker Aspiring Developer

Node.js Free Course is beginner friendly. Clear videos and hands-on exercises. Quizzes and interactive ebooks ensure knowledge retention. Confidence-building pathway into web development." 

David Nguyen Full Stack Developer

Node.js Free Course is comprehensive yet engaging. Videos, exercises, and quizzes maintain interest. Suitable for devs at all levels. Strongly recommended for skill enhancement." 

Alex Martinez Student

Engaging Node.js Free Course. Videos simplify concepts. Exercises and quizzes aid understanding. Interactive ebooks and flash cards are valuable assets. Transformative learning experience. 

Sarah Johnson Junior Developer

Node.js Free Course boosted my confidence. Interactive resources, quizzes, and exercises make learning engaging and practical. Highly recommended for effective learning. 

Frequently Asked Questions


A program written in JavaScript needs to be executed. Node.js is an open source run time environment that includes everything that is needed to execute a JavaScript program. This was built on the V8 JavaScript engine, which was initially developed by Google for usage in their Chrome browser. Commonly used to build various types of applications, listing web servers, APIs, microservices, real-time applications, and IoT devices, the web-development landscape has witnessed its significant popularity in the recent past for performance, versatility, and efficiency in managing the asynchronous operations. 

Learning Node.js is almost like getting hands-on with versatility as it ensures the learner with a host of skills. Irrespective of whether you are a front-end developer on the lookout for honing skillset or a newcomer in programming, Node.js has a lot to offer while we are discussing building fast, scalable, and real-time applications leveraging JavaScript. For instance, opting for Node.js free courses can let you perform full-stack development using the same language and technology stack. Again, this can be proven to become extremely advantageous for smaller teams or developers who have a knack for handling both front-end and back-end development. 

Learning Node.js for Free

While you have several free videos online which help you learn Node.js, KnowledgeHut's comprehensive Node.js Free Course is one of the best online courses that enables you to learn at your pace with expert-led video training, refines your Node.js skills through hands-on exercises, assessments and other expert curated learning resources.  

Prior to embarking on your Node.js learning journey, it's recommended to have a basic grasp of HTML and programming languages. Additionally, a solid understanding of server-side development and intermediate-level proficiency in JavaScript (covering variables, loops, and basic functions) are essential. While you don't need to be an expert in these areas before learning Node.js, establishing a strong foundation will greatly facilitate and enhance your learning experience. 

Yes! It is possible to complete and learn Node JS online in 3 months. However, it is directly or indirectly dependent on factors like your current level of programming experience, the intensity of the program you're planning to build, the amount of time you dedicate to learning and development each day, and of course, the resources available to you.

Our Node JS free course online can be the best way for you to start learning Node.js as it allows you to learn at your own pace through videos curated by expert trainers. Considering that you have the dedication and willingness to go through the content, you will be well on your way to a prosperous career in Node.js in much less than 3 months. 

Learning Node.js and Certification

KnowledgeHut’s Node JS free online course is the best way to start learning Node.js. Our comprehensive course offers over 7 hours of on-demand, self-paced learning, practical exercises, recall quizzes, interactive eBooks, and automatically graded assessments. The course not only ensures a solid understanding of Node.js but also equips you with the skills to construct real-time, high-performance, and scalable applications, preparing you to seamlessly deploy them on cloud platforms. 

Learning Node.js as a beginner involves a structured approach that combines understanding core concepts with practical experience. This includes learning JavaScript basics, grasping the fundamentals of the Express.js framework, creating a simple server, working with databases, and mastering error handling. It all boils down to breaking down your learning into manageable steps and dedicating time to practice and experiment.

Consider KnowledgeHut’s Node JS Free Course with Certificate for Beginners. It is designed to make learning Node.js easy with self-paced content, hands-on exercises recall quizzes, interactive eBooks, and lots more.  

While we are discussing what can be the basic introduction to Node.js online course, the aim is to provide you with a basic yet easy understanding of programming concepts and principles that will serve as a strong base for your future learning. For instance, you can start with anything like Programming Fundamentals, Control Structures, Data Structures, Coding Style, and simple projects to get the basic hangs of learning more about Node JS.  

Yes! Upon passing the Node.js Online Training, you will receive a signed certificate of completion from KnowledgeHut. Thousands of KnowledgeHut alumni use their course certificates to demonstrate skills to employers and their networks as this is the best node js course to begin with.

More than the certificate, however, you will get to showcase your newly acquired Node.js skills by working on real-world projects and adding these to your portfolio.  

Career in Node.js and Future Scope

 Since new tools and frameworks are constantly in the process of evolution, it’s like every now and then we have a new thing to look up to address specific needs and challenges. In this context, it's also important to note that "replacing" technology like Node.js doesn't necessarily mean seeking a direct replacement, but rather looking for options that might better suit specific use cases or requirements.

Having said that, Deno, Golang (Go), and Rust can be the possible names that churn out while we name the technologies gaining momentum. 

After you complete the Node.js online course, you can have a plethora of learning options to take you to the next level. After completing an introductory course, you have a solid foundation in Node.js, but there's still a world of possibilities to explore. With that, you can always pick courses like Intermediate Node.js, Web Frameworks, Real-time Applications, Database Integration, and Microservices Architecture.  

Yes! Learning Node.js can increase your job prospects in the software development field. As discussed earlier, Node.js is a popular runtime environment that enables you to build scalable, server-side applications using JavaScript. In the recent past it has gained significant traction, and several companies are using it to develop various types of applications, including web applications, APIs, real-time applications, and more. Back-End Developer, Full Stack Developer, JavaScript Developer, API Developer: Microservices Developer, and DevOps Engineer are some of the job roles that you might focus on after NodeJS free certification course. 

As the demand for Node.js continues to grow, more companies continue to adopt the framework, widening the job prospects for Node.js professionals. Here are some of the top firms employing Node JS professionals: 

  • Accenture  
  • Oracle  
  • Upwork  
  • LinkedIn  
  • Netflix  
  • Walmart  
  • Uber  

In the present time, Node.js has been growing a lot. According to the Stack Overflow Developer survey, the salary scale of JavaScript developers is at a high rate all over the world. It mostly depends on the company you are working with. If you have good working experience, then you will easily get a better platform for growth in this area. However, on an average, the salary of a JavaScript Developer in India, with less than 1 year of experience to 5 years ranges between ₹ 1.8 Lakhs to ₹ 12.0 Lakhs with an average annual salary of ₹ 4.2 Lakhs.  

Node.js is a fast, responsive, high-throughput server-side platform. Node.js has gained significant popularity due to its efficient and non-blocking event-driven architecture, making it well-suited for building real-time and scalable applications. It’s active community, large number of open-source libraries, and ability to handle server-side operations have contributed to its success. Major companies like LinkedIn, NASA, Facebook make use of it to build their products and future innovations.  

Node.js is a very good choice for future because of the following: 

  • It is easy to learn and most of the developers learn by self-tutoring.  
  • It is one of the fastest growing JavaScript frameworks over the past few years because of its various implementations and popularity.  
  • It enhances the productivity, performance of the application and the satisfaction level of Developers and reduces the cost and time taken for process development.  

Yes! Node.JS is in high demand because it is becoming more relevant day by day. It has many applications that make it popular. The top companies that use Node.js in their implementation include Uber, Netflix, Trello, PayPal, etc. The main advantage of JavaScript is that it is one of the most used and popular client-side programming languages. There are job offers with high packages in this arena given that it requires some expertise about these domains.