Free Spring Boot and Spring Cloud Course with Certificate

Learn Spring Boot from Scratch and become a job-ready cloud professional!

  • Understand Spring Boot and the importance of the Spring Boot framework 
  • Get a hands-on introduction to Spring Initializer and implement a project using Spring Initializer. 
  • Learn about dev tools and understand how to configure and implement dev tools. 
  • 450,000 + Professionals trained
  • 250 + Workshops every month
  • 100 + Countries and counting

Learn Spring Boot with Confidence

Here's your chance to learn and explore Spring Boot and Spring Cloud through our comprehensive Spring Boot free course, thoughtfully tailored to cater to the needs of both beginners and professionals. Immerse yourself in a transformative learning experience as you seamlessly blend theory and practice and harness the remarkable capabilities of Spring Boot.

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  • 3 Hours of Self-Paced Learning Content 

  • Practice With Guided Hands-On Exercises 

  • Test Your Learning with Recall Quizzes 

  • Unlock Knowledge with Interactive eBooks 

  • Accelerate Progress with Auto-Graded Assessments 

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Immersive Learning

Go beyond just videos and learn hands-on with guided exercises, projects, assignments and more. 

World-Class Instructors

Course instructors and designers from top businesses including Google, Amazon, Twitter and IBM. 

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Industry-Vetted Curriculum

Curriculum primed for industry relevance with guidance from our Industry Advisory Boards.

prerequisites for Spring Boot and Spring Cloud


The course requires learners to have intermediate Java skills to learn Spring Boot through this course. 

Who Should Attend This Course?

Software Engineers

Software Testers

System Architects

Anyone looking to work on the Spring Framework


Learning Objective:

In the first module of this Spring Boot free course, you will gain a comprehensive understanding of Spring Boot by exploring its characteristics, hands-on experience with Spring Initializr, and insights into how Spring Boot applications run. 

  • Characteristics of Spring Boot 
  • Hands-on with Spring Initializr 
  • How Spring Boot Application Runs 

Learning Objective:

Explore the concept of development tools (dev-tools) and their functionalities within Spring Boot projects. 

  • What are Dev-Tools and How Do They Work?  

Learning Objective:

Master model design principles, package naming conventions, and component scanning techniques while testing model designs using the CommandLineRunner. 

  • Model Design, Package Naming Convention and Component Scan 
  • Test Model Design with CommandLineRunner 

Learning Objective:

Familiarize yourself with the Lombok Framework, its initial configuration, and how to eliminate boilerplate code through Lombok annotations. 

  • Introduction to Lombok Framework  
  • First time configuration of Lombok 
  • Get rid of Boilerplate code with Lombok annotations 

Learning Objective:

Delve into the Controller tier, learning about mapping methods, the DispatcherServlet, differences between @RestController and @Controller annotations, and harnessing Lombok's @Data for streamlined code. 

  • Introduction to Controllers, Mapping Methods, and DispatcherServlet 
  • Difference between @RestController and @Controller Annotations; use of @GetMapping Annotation 
  • Using @Data to cut down Lombok boilerplate code 
  • Create a POST API; install and use Postman Plugin in the Chrome browser 

Learning Objective:

Understand the Service tier by comprehending the role of the Service class and initializing loggers using the Lombok @Slf4j annotation. 

  • Introduction to Service Class 
  • Initializing Logger with Lombok Annotation @Slf4j  

Learning Objective:

Learn fundamentals and tools, set up Spring Boot Cloud Config Server, and explore Spring Cloud Config Client 1. Master remote Git linking, property refreshing, and multi-project configuration for efficient configuration control. 

  • Introduction to Configuration Management  
  • Tools for Configuration Management  
  • Spring Boot Cloud Config Server Project  
  • Spring Cloud Config Client 1 Project  
  • Pointing the Spring Cloud Config Server to Remote Git Repo  
  • Refresh Imported Properties  
  • Managing Configurations for Multiple Projects 

Learning Objectives: 

Delve into the importance of Inter-Process Communication and acquire hands-on expertise in implementing effective communication through OpenFeign. Learn to master the art of facilitating smooth process interactions using OpenFeign within the Spring Cloud framework.  

  • Inter-Process Communication 
  • Implementing Inter-Process Communication with OpenFeign 

Learning Objectives: 

Grasp AWS security group creation with inbound and outbound rules. Deploy the Spring Boot bookstore app on an EC2 instance using the provided guide, enhancing your practical skills in AWS deployment. 

  • Create a Security Group in AWS  
  • Deployment to AWS EC2 Service 

Frequently Asked Questions


Spring Boot is one of the most popular frameworks that developers use to create Java-based applications. It's one of the go-to frameworks for developers thanks to its cohesive and opinionated setup. It's ideal for Java-based apps because it streamlines configuration, reduces boilerplate code, enabling rapid development and deployment. On the other hand, Spring Cloud extends Spring Boot's capabilities by addressing the challenges of building distributed systems and microservices architectures. You can also access tools for ice discovery, load balancing, configuration management, and more, making it easier to create resilient and scalable cloud-native applications. Both Spring Boot and Spring Cloud enhance development efficiency and promote best practices in modern application design, and a good way to learn this is through a free Spring Boot certification. 

Yes, Spring Boot requires coding as it is a framework for building Java applications. While Spring Boot provides a streamlined and efficient platform with pre-configured settings and defaults, coding is essential to develop the application's logic, functionality, and features. Spring Boot simplifies the development process by minimizing boilerplate code and offering various built-in tools, but developers still need to write code to define application behavior, create endpoints, handle data, and implement business logic. It empowers developers to focus on the application's core functionality while providing the necessary infrastructure to quickly create robust and scalable applications. Enrolling for KnowledgeHut’s Spring Boot free course will help you understand this better. 

Spring Boot is primarily used for backend development. It's a popular framework for building Java-based, server-side applications and microservices. While it can serve as a backend for web applications, APIs, and other server-side components, it is not typically used for front-end development tasks like creating user interfaces or designing web pages. Instead, Spring Boot focuses on simplifying the development of backend logic, database interactions, and handling requests from front-end applications. 

Spring Cloud is not strictly necessary for microservices, but it offers valuable tools and features that simplify the development, deployment, and management of microservices architectures. It provides essential components for common microservices challenges, such as service discovery, load balancing, configuration management, and monitoring. While it's possible to build microservices without Spring Cloud, leveraging its capabilities can significantly enhance the efficiency, resilience, and scalability of your microservices ecosystem, making it a preferred choice for many developers and organizations seeking streamlined and effective microservices implementation. 

No, Spring Cloud and AWS are not the same. Spring Cloud is a framework that provides tools and libraries for building and deploying cloud-native applications. It focuses on enhancing the development and management of microservices and offers features like service discovery, load balancing, and configuration management. 

On the other hand, AWS (Amazon Web Services) is a comprehensive cloud computing platform provided by Amazon. It offers a wide range of cloud services, including computing power, storage, databases, analytics, networking, and more. While Spring Cloud can be used to develop applications that run on AWS, AWS itself encompasses a broader spectrum of cloud-based services beyond what Spring Cloud offers. 

Yes, Spring Cloud builds on top of Spring Boot. Spring Cloud is a set of tools and frameworks that facilitate the development of distributed and microservices-based applications. It provides features like service discovery, configuration management, load balancing, and more. Spring Boot, on the other hand, simplifies the process of building standalone Spring-based applications with embedded servers and production-ready features. Spring Cloud leverages Spring Boot's capabilities to create scalable and resilient microservices architectures. Therefore, Spring Cloud typically requires Spring Boot as its foundation to effectively manage and coordinate various aspects of distributed applications. 

Spring Boot and Spring Cloud are both projects within the Spring ecosystem, designed to simplify and enhance different aspects of building and deploying applications. 

Spring Boot focuses on simplifying the process of creating stand-alone, production-grade Spring-based applications. It provides a wide range of pre-configured settings, reducing the need for manual setup and boilerplate code. 

Spring Cloud, on the other hand, addresses the challenges of building distributed systems and microservices architectures. It offers tools and components for service discovery, configuration management, load balancing, and more, making it easier to develop and operate resilient, scalable microservices applications. 

Learning Spring Boot

Learning Spring Boot and Spring Cloud is essential for modern software development. Spring Boot simplifies building robust, production-grade applications, streamlining the setup and providing a comprehensive ecosystem. Spring Cloud extends this by offering tools for building and managing cloud-native microservices, enabling scalability, fault tolerance, and efficient development. Mastering these frameworks empowers you to create efficient, scalable, and resilient applications while staying aligned with industry trends and best practices. If you want to strengthen your skills in both these frameworks, you can consider this free Spring Boot online course as a part of your learning journey. 

This depends on the kind of course you're looking for (in terms of learning resources, curriculum, etc.) and where you're looking. You can access and enroll for both free and paid courses, based on your convenience and the offering at hand. Various online platforms and educational resources offer introductory courses, tutorials, and documentation for free. However, if it's a more in-depth or specialized training program that you want, you'll obviously have to pay more. You can also explore official Spring Framework resources, community forums, and reputable online learning platforms to find the most up-to-date information on courses. If you want to learn Spring Boot, this free course offered by KnowledgeHut is a great option too. 

To effectively grasp Spring Boot and Cloud basics, having a fundamental understanding of Java programming is helpful. If you're confident in your Java concepts, such as object-oriented programming, data structures, and core libraries, you don't have much to worry about. If you're familiar with concepts like HTTP protocols, RESTful APIs, and databases, you'll also be better placed to understand and work with Spring Boot's functionalities. Additionally, a basic grasp of cloud computing principles, such as virtualization and cloud service models, will enhance the learning process for Spring Cloud. What we also tend to forget is having a good attitude is essential to learn Spring Cloud and Spring Boot. 

Yes, you can certainly gain a solid foundation in Spring Boot and Spring Cloud within three months. Focused learning, consistent practice, and well-structured resources can enable you to understand the core concepts, develop applications, and utilize the cloud capabilities these frameworks offer. While becoming an expert may take more time, dedicating yourself to learning and applying these technologies can empower you to create functional and efficient applications within this timeframe. Continuous learning and hands-on experience will contribute to your proficiency and confidence in utilizing Spring Boot and Spring Cloud for your projects. 

Spring Boot Certification

Yes, upon successful completion of the free Spring Boot and Cloud course, you will be awarded a certificate by KnowledgeHut. This certificate of completion acknowledges your dedication to mastering essential concepts in Spring Boot and Cloud technologies, providing you with valuable recognition and proof of your accomplishment. It's a testament to your commitment to advancing your skills and knowledge in these crucial areas of modern software development. 

Obtaining a Spring Boot certification can be worth it for those seeking to validate their expertise and enhance career prospects in Java application development. The certification demonstrates proficiency in utilizing Spring Boot's features and streamlining development processes, making you an attractive candidate for roles requiring these skills. Additionally, the certification can boost confidence and open doors to diverse projects. However, its value also depends on personal career goals, current skill level, and the specific job market. It's advisable to assess individual circumstances before pursuing the certification to ensure alignment with professional aspirations. 

Caree in Spring Boot and Future Scope

A Spring Boot developer is responsible for designing, developing, and maintaining Java applications using the Spring Boot framework. They create robust and scalable applications, utilizing Spring Boot's features for rapid development, microservices architecture, and simplified configuration. The developer works on various layers, including designing models, implementing controllers, and managing services. They ensure seamless integration with databases, third-party APIs, and other components. Problem-solving, code optimization, and staying updated with industry best practices are crucial aspects of their role. Overall, a Spring Boot developer contributes to efficient, high-performance applications that meet business needs while adhering to coding standards and best practices. 

The average salary of a Spring Boot developer varies based on factors like location, experience, and company size. In the United States, the average annual salary for a Spring Boot developer is around $90,000 to $120,000, according to various platforms like Glassdoor, ZipRecruiter, and, as per a report by This depends on the specific region and seniority as well. In countries like India, the average can range from INR 6-10 lakhs per annum. However, as you know, salaries can differ significantly due to market demand, industry trends, and individual skillsets. If you’re trying to ascertain if becoming a Spring Boot developer makes for a lucrative career, it’s always a good idea to research current salary data from several online platforms and consider other specific factors, such as benefits and growth opportunities in the organization. 

Yes, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud continue to be in high demand within the software development industry. Their robust frameworks, seamless integration, and scalability capabilities make them essential for building modern, efficient, and cloud-native applications. As businesses increasingly adopt microservices architecture and cloud-based solutions, the expertise in Spring Boot and Cloud becomes invaluable for developers, ensuring the creation of resilient and scalable applications that meet the evolving demands of today's technology landscape Today, top multinational corporations, across a range of industries such as information technology, consulting, telecommunications, and financial services need skilled Spring Boot developers. Examples of such MNCs include Capgemini Infosys FIS Global Accenture Ericsson Wipro Citi AT&T Northern Arc Capital. According to this report by IT Jobs Watch, UK, there’s been a consistent increase in demand for Spring Boot skills since 2021. 

Proficiency in Spring Boot and Cloud remains a valuable skill set, offering exciting career opportunities considering the rapidly evolving software development ecosystem. So, if you want to learn Spring Boot from scratch, it’s a good idea. 

Absolutely, the future for Spring Boot and Spring Cloud skills is promising. As organizations continue to adopt cloud-native architectures and microservices, demand for these technologies will remain strong. Spring Boot's efficiency in simplifying Java application development and Spring Cloud's capabilities for building resilient and scalable microservices are highly relevant in today's dynamic tech landscape. Their active community support, constant updates, and seamless integration with cloud platforms position Spring Boot and Spring Cloud as essential skills for developers aiming to create robust, scalable, and cloud-ready applications in the evolving software industry.  

What Learners Are Saying

Ryan Patel Software Tester

Confidently dive into Spring Boot and Spring Cloud basics with this course. Swiftly grasp essentials with clear content and practical exercises. 

Sophia Chen Software Engineer

Quality course for Spring Boot and Spring Cloud newcomers. Clear explanations and thorough content made for solid understanding. 

Daniel Lopez Software Developer

Strong foundation in Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. I enjoyed the structured learning format and hands-on exercises. 

Emily Wang System Architect

Concise and beginner-friendly Spring Boot and Spring Cloud course. At-Your-Pace learning, practice projects, and essentials covered. 

Alex Turner Software Engineer

A perfect entry into Spring Boot and Spring Cloud. Ideal for beginners, offering an immersive learning experience and hands-on practice.