HomeBlogLearningHow Do The E-Learning Courses Boost One's Skill Sets?

How Do The E-Learning Courses Boost One's Skill Sets?

05th Sep, 2023
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    How Do The E-Learning Courses Boost One's Skill Sets?

    It is said that when preparation meets opportunity, success is inevitable, as a professional in any field of business, it is very important to have a Continues Professional Development (CDP) plan or else you’ll be lagging behind your colleagues. “For he who fails to plan is planning to fail.”

    In an ever-increasing globalised and competitive society, the importance of Continuing Professional Development cannot be overstated. The world’s industries are forever evolving and creating exciting opportunities. As an individual you must regularly pay attention to the important areas of development and take appropriate action to reduce any shortfalls in knowledge and remain competitive with your peers

    Your traditional academic background or qualification is important to secure you a place in the job market, but your relevance and sustainability in this dynamic, cosmopolitan and world, requires a personal mindset to develop your skills and embrace the changes that presents itself on a day to day basis.

    A personal empowerment of learning brings with it an increase in confidence and resulting abilities, all of which correlate to an improvement of capability for their employment environment

    The most important thing about developing one skill set is that it can be done at your own pace and environment, taking advantage of the fact growing internet based E-learning, webinars, conferences, seminars and the like.

    As busy as one might be as a working professional, time is a greater resource that hinders one’s ability to pursue feature career aspects through e-learning. The best way to go about this is through E-Learning platform.

    Pursuing E-Learning comes with it divers advantages that one can think of.

    1. Broader educational options breaking geographical boundaries and limitations, giving room for greater student interactions, collaborates with other from different background, not withstanding better instructor and student contact. Instructor and learner approach can create a better interactive online environment for enhanced understanding through case studies, online references, demonstrations, discussion groups, project teams, streamed videos among others

    2. Every individual having different needs and skill set development is able to choose the content of learning that best suite his/her developmental needs.

    3. Having a self space of learning, one is able to manage the time lines and combine both work and learning without much stress and time constraints. Having at your disposal 24/7 online accessibility that will enable you to pan and schedule your own study timetable.

    4. E-Learning present with itself the opportunity to have access to the major international universities that just by once means of recourses wouldn’t have had that leverage of access. Using myself as a typical case study have gotten myself certified by international accredited universities as well as other university courses that were outside my scope includes but not limited to:

    • Getting and Cleaning Data – Johns Hopkins University
    • Exploratory Data Analysis-Johns Hopkins University
    • Developing Innovative Ideas for New Companies: The First Step in Entrepreneurship – University of Maryland
    • Programming for Everybody – University of Michigan
    • Negotiation and Conflict Management-United State Institute of Peace

    5. Elimination of cost associated with traveling, food, accommodation and other expenses that come with taking the traditional classroom courses cannot be over emphasis. You can be at the comfort of your home, be on your bed, be on a round table with a cap of coffee or even be on a trip in a car or a plan and still study without constraints once you have your device connected to the internet and sometime have an offline access.

    6. Organization that believes in CPD but is constrained with time and cost adopts E-learning for as the best means for skills development.

    7. A higher knowledge retention rate can be assured through E-learning with its blended learning approach and as well communicate new policies within the organization.

    8. Risk free environment in the area of E-Learning in terms of been intimidated for getting it wrong is greater as compared with the normal traditional class room training. Learners will have the leverage to learn new things from scratch make mistakes, relearn and unlearn.

    9. Wider scope of experience and knowledge hub to tap from learners who shares their experience and feedback on issues and how it’s been applied in different environment and background. Considering geographical boundaries and believes

    E-learning comes with a lot of advantages that you can tap into as an individual in enhancing your skill set to remain competitive in your professional field and relevant to your employers.


    Fred Kusi

    Blog Author

    I am an experienced marketing professional skilled with the areas of marketing, sales, Customer Care and IT. I offer significant abilities in the areas of project /process, department and team management, data analysis, and marketing research and quality service delivery in customer service which can be attested to over the period of working for Airtel Telecommunications currently serving as Associate Manager- customer operation for the Call Center

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