HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentThe Future of Angular [Trends & Predictions]

The Future of Angular [Trends & Predictions]

11th Jan, 2024
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    The Future of Angular [Trends & Predictions]

    In today's fast-paced digital landscape, staying ahead of the curve is not just a desire—it's a necessity. Enter Angular, the cutting-edge JavaScript framework that is revolutionizing the way we build dynamic and interactive web applications. Whether you're a seasoned developer looking to level up your skills or a curious newcomer eager to dive into the world of modern web development, Angular is your ticket to unlocking limitless possibilities.

    In this article, let's delve into the exciting prospects of future of Angular and explore what lies ahead for this powerful framework.

    Current State of Angular

    Angular is a popular choice among developers throughout the world, as seen by its status as the second most popular frontend framework in 2021. According to the State of JS report, it is only second to React. 

    Angular currently provides an excellent set of functionalities out of the box, including data binding, dependency injection, and component-based design. It also includes a variety of pre-designed components like tables, forms, and navigation menus that may be readily customized and extended to meet the needs of unique projects. 

    Continual development and support from Google ensure Angular growth remains up-to-date and modern, with regular releases that incorporate new features, performance enhancements, and bug fixes. Angular 13, for instance, introduces support for advanced browser features like the web animations API, better build performance, and updates to Material UI library. In case you feel to pursue a career as an Angular Developer we recommend getting an Angular online certification.

    Career, Job trends, Angular Features & Usage in Development

    In terms of job trends, Angular is one of the most in-demand skills for frontend developers, with many job openings requiring proficiency in Angular. According to job market data, the demand for Angular developers has increased steadily in recent years, and the trend is expected to continue.

    Angular’s powerful features and wide range of applications have made it a go-to choice for developers worldwide. Plus, Developer Skills Report of 2022 by HackerRank shows a strong demand for skilled Angular developers in the job market.

    Angular also offers robust data binding capabilities, making it easy to manage complex data and interactions between components. These features, along with Angular's extensive pre-built component library, contribute to increased efficiency and faster development times.

    Moreover, Angular's popularity is reflected in its widespread usage across various industries, from healthcare to finance to eCommerce. The future of Angular holds versatility that makes it an ideal choice for developing complex applications, such as large-scale web portals, enterprise-level software, and data-driven dashboards.

    Future of Angular

    Even though rival frontend frameworks like React and Vue.js are becoming popular, Angular is still widely used by developers all around the world. It is still favoured for creating complicated applications because of its extensive pre-built component library, powerful data binding features, and component-based design, to name just a few factors. Agular's future still looks very bright and promising. 

    1. The Future of Angular in Various Fields

    In the near future, Angular will continue to improve and adapt to new technological breakthroughs.

    As you are familiar, Angular is a famous open-source framework for developing online applications and has gained popularity in recent years owing to its flexibility, resilience, and vast functionality. Here are some potential Angular future use cases in various industries:

    • The eCommerce sector: With one of its abilities to build complex, dynamic web applications, Angular can provide eCommerce platforms with the necessary features and functionality to deliver seamless shopping experiences to customers.
    • Healthcare sector: In healthcare, Angular may be used to create web-based apps that improve patient management, electronic health records (EHRs), and telemedicine platforms. Healthcare providers may utilize Angular to construct scalable, secure, and user-friendly applications.
    • Education sector: Angular can be utilized here to develop e-learning platforms and educational applications for learners with different learning styles or abilities. 
    • Finance sector: Angular future may include it to be used to create web-based applications for online banking, trading platforms, and financial analytics. Angular may build applications that give real-time data and insights, allowing them to make educated choices rapidly.
    • Government sector: In the government sector, Angular may be used to create web-based apps that automate government functions, give public information, and allow for online voting. Governments may utilize Angular to construct user-friendly, secure, and scalable apps.
    • Gaming sector: In the gaming industry, Angular may be used to create web-based gaming apps that operate on desktop and mobile platforms. Angular allows game creators to construct responsive and dynamic games that provides a unified user experience.

    2. Angular New Features and Enhancement

    Did you know that around 72,924 websites in the United States use AngularJS as their framework for web development? According to Statista, AngularJS future scope will be great as it is one of the greatest web frameworks used by software engineers throughout the world.

    a. Strict Typing

    Developers may use strict typing to enable TypeScript's strict type-checking option in Angular apps. This improves program stability and maintainability by catching mistakes during development as opposed to during runtime. Strict typing may help developers in writing clearer, more succinct code.

    This implies that when a form is submitted and validated, each field is verified against its type, making it easy to ensure that your forms are genuine.

    Forms that must be carefully typed have been improved:

    • More responsive appearance and feel
    • The form is significantly simpler to use and less perplexing to users.
    • Form validation problems are presented on the screen all at once rather than as pop-ups following data submission.

    b. Reduce Framework Overhead

    In the latest version, Angular has minimized the framework overhead, making it more effective and faster. This advancement implies that developers may create apps with less code, resulting in better performance and cheaper development costs. Improved tree-shaking support, quicker rendering, and reduced bundle sizes are among the enhancements.

    c. Test Times and Debugging

    Testing is quick and straightforward using Angular. All program components are easily customizable. It is critical to load relevant services utilizing module separation in order to run the automated tests. The Angular team, for example, has developed additional debugging tools for this to make it simpler to find and repair issues in apps. Furthermore, the new Angular Testing Library provides an easier-to-use API for testing Angular components

    Furthermore, if you adhere to the "one file-one module" principle. It's more convenient for you because you won't have to memorize the loading sequence. 

    d. Using ngc

    The Angular compiler (ngc) is now more flexible and can be used outside the Angular CLI. This means developers can now use ngc in their build pipelines, which can help improve performance and reduce build times. This feature can be especially useful for large applications that require frequent rebuilds. 

    e. Optional NgModulars

    Angular recently added optional NgModulars, which allow developers to design smaller, more focused modules, which can help decrease the size of an application. This capability is especially beneficial for big applications with complicated, nested modules. Developers can increase maintainability and minimize complexity by breaking down a program into smaller, more manageable sections.

    f. Adding Directives

    Angular now makes it easier to add directives to a web application. This new feature has the potential to minimize the amount of code necessary to construct and use directives. Furthermore, the new API includes improved type-checking support, making it easier to detect errors during development.

    g. Ergonomic Component Level Code-Splitting APIs

    Previously, projects could take months, especially when using other frameworks. But with Angular, things flow much more smoothly and easily. 

    Angular has released new APIs that allow component-level code separation easier to implement. This can assist enhance application speed by minimizing the amount of code that must be loaded on each page. 

    Angular needs the program to be split into numerous MVC components (Ergonomic Component Level Code-Splitting APIs), which helps developers to catch more errors during development time and fix issues like delayed initial load time in advance. It also increases speed and decreases bundle size. Because no additional coding is required, the framework takes over. 

    3. Future Career/Job Market & Demand for Angular

    Salaries for Angular developers might range from $43,000 to $158,500 in the USA, depending on the employer and area. It is observed that Angular developers in California are being paid more than those in other states. To know more, let's look at the Angular employment market and its demand:

    • Between 2020 and 2030, the BLS anticipates a 25% increase in the number of software developer positions. 
    • According to ZipRecruiter, Angular developers make an average yearly compensation of $109,670. 
    • As per AmbitionBox, Angular Developer salaries in India range from 1.7 Lakhs to 9.0 Lakhs per year, with an average yearly CTC of 4.0 Lakhs.
    • The US Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that the job outlook for Angular developers is 8%, which is much higher than the national average.
    • Almost every organization nowadays needs a dynamic and appealing website or application, it means that AngularJS future scope is immense and demand for its developers is increasing. 

    After reading the above insight you must have realized that this is the right time to become an Angular developer. You can learn the required skills by joining a Full Stack Web Developer course.

    4. Angular Future 2023 Updates and Possibilities

    We should expect continual upgrades and improvements in Angular future for example.

    New ways to have more integration features with other Google products and services, such as Google Cloud Platform and Firebase, may occur. 

    Increased adoption in emerging industries and fields such as Internet of Things (IoT) and Virtual Reality (VR) is another possibility in Angular future. As these businesses expand, strong and scalable frontend frameworks like Angular will be required to enable their growth. 

    Other Future Trends

    The angular team has been playing with Signals, alongside a public RFC is anticipated to be released shortly. Signals will reduce the learning curve required for RxJs. It will, however, provide APIs in future to increase RxJs integration. Here are a few more trends that we can expect to see in the future of Angular:

    1. Progressive Web Page

    Accessibility is becoming increasingly crucial for online apps, and Angular is taking measures to increase the accessibility of Progressive online Pages. The latest version of Angular features increased support for keyboard navigation, ARIA characteristics, and screen readers, making it easier to design online apps that are accessible to all users.

    2. Single Page Application

    Lazy loading is becoming more significant for Single Page Applications since it allows developers to load particular elements of an application only when they are required. Angular supports lazy loading capability, which makes it simpler to develop big and complicated Single Page Applications that load quickly and effectively.

    3. Enterprise Web Application

    Security is a critical priority for Enterprise Web Application, and Angular is working to improve the security of Angular-based apps. The most recent version of Angular features increased support for Content Security Policy (CSP) and HTTPS, making it easier to construct secure online apps that safeguard critical data and information.

    4. Server-Side Rendering (SSR)

    Server-side rendering is becoming more popular as it offers faster initial loading times and better search engine optimization. Angular provides built-in support for server-side rendering, allowing developers to create high-performance, SEO-friendly web applications.

    5. Component Libraries

    With the increasing popularity of Angular, we can expect to see a growing number of component libraries that developers can use to build their applications faster and with more consistency. These libraries will offer pre-built UI components that can be easily customized to suit the needs of individual applications.

    Reasons Why Angular has a Promising Future

    Angular is a popular frontend web application framework that was created and is maintained by Google. Here are some reasons why Angular has a promising future:

    • Strong and Active Community: Angular has a large and active community of developers, constantly contributing new features, making it easier to build high-quality web applications.
    • Cross-platform development: With cross-platform development, developers can build applications that work seamlessly on different platforms and devices. 
    • Strong Enterprise Support: Angular is popular because of its scalability, performance, and strong support for enterprise-grade features. It is also backed by Google, which provides additional support.
    • Modern development: Angular is a modern and flexible framework that uses the latest web development technologies, such as TypeScript, Reactive programming, and web components. 
    • Continuous Improvement: Angular is continuously improving, with new features, this means that developers can be confident that they are using a framework that is constantly evolving. This keeps future of angular developer secure as they know that the evolution will ease their work multifolds.

    Closing Thoughts

    Angular is an excellent choice for creating fast and dynamic apps. It has achieved significant progress since its inception, and it continues to develop with each passing year. 

    Angular future applications are quick, simple to use, and deliver the performance required to grow and develop a brand effectively. The majority of businesses have discovered that using angular to develop online and mobile applications allows them to construct a sturdy and aesthetically pleasing user interface.

    Angular continues to have a promising future. With a strong community support and regular updates from the Angular team, the framework is expected to evolve and adapt to the changing needs of web development. Angular's robust features like two-way data binding, dependency injection, and component-based architecture make it a preferred choice for building scalable and maintainable applications. Its integration with modern technologies such as TypeScript and progressive web app (PWA) development further solidifies its position. As web development trends continue to advance, Angular is likely to remain relevant and continue empowering developers to create dynamic and high-performing web applications

    KnowledgeHut's experienced faculty has been teaching Angular for many years to fulfil the career aspirations of Angular job aspirants. You can pursue KnowledgeHut Web Development course for a a comprehensive learning experience.

    Join us for all your software development learning needs!

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1Will Angular still be valid in the future?

    Because of its constant progress, big community, business support, and interoperability with new web technologies, Angular’s future   is projected to be a relevant and bright. It will continue to be a popular alternative for web application development. 

    2What are some potential changes we can expect in future versions of Angular?

    Changes to the way Angular handles data binding and state management, as well as increased support for server-side rendering and testing, are also possible.

    3What improvements can we expect in Angular's performance and scalability?

    We may expect improvements in performance and scalability, deeper interaction with current web technologies, better support for progressive web apps, and additional tools for easing the development process in future versions of Angular.

    4How will Angular adapt to new trends and technologies in web development?

    Because of its modular architecture and emphasis on contemporary online standards, Angular has a great track record of coping with new trends and technologies in web development. Hence it will do it gracefully.

    5Will there be new tools or frameworks available for Angular development in the future?

    Yes, we will continue to see new tools and frameworks emerge in the future that are specifically designed to work with Angular. As the Angular ecosystem expands, developers are expected to create additional libraries, modules, and tools that enhance the framework's capability and simplify sophisticated web application development.


    Bala Krishna Ragala

    Blog Author

    Bala Krishna Ragala, Head of Engineering at upGrad, is a seasoned writer and captivating storyteller. With a background in EdTech, E-commerce, and LXP, he excels in building B2C and B2B products at scale. With over 15 years of experience in the industry, Bala has held key roles as CTO/Co-Founder at O2Labs and Head of Business (Web Technologies) at Zeolearn LLC. His passion for learning, sharing, and teaching is evident through his extensive training and mentoring endeavors, where he has delivered over 80 online and 50+ onsite trainings. Bala's strengths as a trainer lie in his extensive knowledge of software applications, excellent communication skills, and engaging presentation style.

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