HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentTop 25 Front End Web Developer Projects in 2024 [Source Code]

Top 25 Front End Web Developer Projects in 2024 [Source Code]

19th Jun, 2024
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    Top 25 Front End Web Developer Projects in 2024 [Source Code]

    If you're a developer or starting up with the process, you're probably already aware of how critical it is to develop live projects. My purpose of writing this article is to help you build your passion for coding as well as improve your programming skills. You can proceed by watching instructional videos to learn a skill or two, but you must finally begin by building the projects.  

    In my journey as a front-end developer, projects have acted as a bridge between learning and real-life skills, improving problem-solving and creativity. I’ve learnt that a diverse front end project portfolio is vital for advancing in your career and showcasing your abilities to potential employers. It's like presenting your skills on a stage.

    Hence, I’ve listed down a variety of front end project ideas in this article so you can get started and build a strong portfolio and become a front-end developer by taking up a Front End Development Bootcamp training.  

    My list includes the best front end web developer projects of various skill levels, allowing you to select one based on your level of interest and expertise..

    List of Top 25+ Front End Developer Projects in 2024

    Working on front end web development projects might seem tough, but creating cool stuff makes it fun! this year is the best time to showcase your skills and enjoy projects. With lots of choices, where should you start? Here are 25+ fantastic project ideas, suitable for all skill levels and interests. 

    A. Front end projects for beginners:

    1. URL Shortening Landing Page
    2. Single Price Grid Component
    3. Intro-Component with Signup Form
    4. Pricing Component with Toggle
    5. Product Landing Page
    6. Bookmark Landing Page
    7. Base Apparel Coming Soon Page
    8. Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
    9. Temperature Converter

    B. Front end web developer projects for Intermediates:

    1. Quiz App  
    2. Build a Calculator
    3. Build a Content Management System
    4. Music player using JavaScript
    5. To Do List App
    6. Responsive Blog Website
    7. Job Listings with filtering
    8. Build a Weather App  
    9. Build your own portfolio site
    10. My-team multi-page website
    11. REST Countries API with Color theme Switcher

    C. Front end development projects for experienced professionals:

    1. Calendar Viewer Component
    2. Multi-select Search Component
    3. Video Player Web App
    4. Social Media Aggregator
    5. Sustainability Tracker
    6. Interactive Map for Local Services

    Front End Developer Project Ideas for Beginners [with Source Code]

    Explore the vital Front-end web development projects for beginners with source code. They're essential for anyone starting out in web development!

    1. URL Shortening Landing Page

    This challenge will give you a taste of using an API to retrieve data. To create a fully functional URL shortener, you'll be integrating with the rel.ink API.

    URL Shortening Landing Page

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JS, APIBeginner
    • Learning Outcome: Learn how to send HTTP requests and integrate with a third-party API. This project could also be a good way to get your feet wet with JS libraries/frameworks like React or Vue. Also, if the user refreshes their browser, try using localStorage to save the list of shortened links.
    • Source Code: GitHub - URL Shortening
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: Users can do the following:
      1. See the site's optimal layout based on their device's screen size.
      2. Reduce the length of any valid URL.
      3. Even after refreshing the browser, you can see a list of their shortened links.
        • With a single click, they can copy the shortened link to their clipboard.
        • When you submit the form, you'll get an error message if: The input field is currently empty.

    2. Single Price Grid Component

    Single Price Grid Component

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSSBeginner
    • Learning Outcomes: Despite its small size, this project poses some interesting layout challenges. It's an excellent chance to work with Flexbox or CSS Grid. You'll also learn how to create a responsive component from the ground up. To learn further about web development, enroll in Web Design Online course.   
    • Source Code: GitHub - Single Price Grid Component
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project
      1. View the component's optimal layout based on their device's screen size.
      2. On desktop, the Sign Up call-to-action has a hover state.

    3. Intro-Component with Signup Form

    Intro-Component with Signup Form

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptBeginner
    • Learning Outcomes: The main takeaway here will be how to write reusable JavaScript code to verify the validity of various form fields.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Intro-Component with Signup Form
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project
      1. View the site's optimal layout based on their device's screen size.
      2. All interactive elements on the page have hover states.
      3. When you submit the form, you'll get an error message if:
        • There are no input fields available.
        • The email address is incorrectly formatted.

    4. Pricing Component with Toggle

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JSBeginner
    • Learning Outcomes: If you opt for the bonus, you'll need to carefully consider your HTML structure. To be able to use pseudo-classes and sibling selectors for the toggle, you'll need perfect markup.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Pricing Component with Toggle
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. View the component's optimal layout based on with their device's screen size.
      2. They can use their mouse/trackpad and keyboard to control the toggle.
      3. Complete the challenge using only HTML and CSS as a bonus.

    5. Product Landing Page

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, jQuery, JavaScriptBeginner
    • Learning Outcomes: Before diving into the code, take some time to plan this out. Columns will be used on a product landing page, and the components of the landing page will be aligned within them. This also covers basic editing tasks such as cropping images and using design templates.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Product landing Page
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. View the site's optimal layout based on their device's screen size.
      2. All interactive elements on the page have hover states.

    6. Bookmark Landing Page

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptBeginner
    • Learning Outcomes: When creating a fairly complex layout, this project will help you strengthen your knowledge and modify your workflow. Another good opportunity to use a pre-processor in this situation. If you're comfortable with pure CSS/Sass at this point, you might want to try using a UI framework like Tailwind.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Bookmark Landing Page
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. View the site's optimal layout based on their device's screen size.
      2. All interactive elements on the page have hover states.
      3. When you submit the newsletter form, you'll get an error message if:
        • The input field is currently empty.
        • The email address is incorrectly formatted.

    7. Base Apparel Coming Soon Page

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptBeginner
    • Learning Outcomes: You'll learn how to validate a single field in a basic form. This project will also necessitate some layout planning, so set aside some time at the start to think it over.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Base Apparel Coming Soon Page
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following
      1. View the site's optimal layout based on their device's screen size.
      2. All interactive elements on the page have hover states.
      3. When you submit the form, you'll get an error message if:
        • The input field is currently empty.
        • The email address is incorrectly formatted.

    8. Rock, Paper, Scissors Game

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS and JavaScriptBeginner
    • Learning Outcomes: This challenge will allow you to put your logic-based problem-solving skills to the test. If you can, try to push yourself to complete the bonus game. This is another chance to practise using localStorage to keep the game's state when the user refreshes their browser.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. View the game's optimal layout based on the size of their device's screen.
      2. Against the computer, play Rock, Paper, Scissors.
      3. After refreshing the browser, keep the score in the same state (optional).
      4. Play Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock against the computer as an added bonus (optional).

    9. Temperature Converter

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptBeginner
    • Learning Outcome: You will learn validation of user input. After this project, you will get a good hands on practice on working with forms and validation of input.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Temperature Converter
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. Input the value in either Celsius or Fahrenheit.
      2. Get the converted value without clicking any button.

    Front End Developer Project Ideas for Intermediate [with Source Code]

    1. Quiz App

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptIntermediate
    • Learning Outcomes: It can be difficult to figure out how to put what you've learned into practise and choose a project that fits your skill set when you first start learning JavaScript. Starting with a simple quiz game is a great way to get started. You'll be dealing with a lot of abstract logic, and it'll be up to you to control and/or expand the quiz difficulty range. Assign correct answers to each of them.  
    • Source Code: GitHub - Quiz App
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. Select option from multiple choices.
      2. Get the result of the question as correct or incorrect.

    2. Build a Calculator

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptIntermediate
    • Learning Outcomes: You'll will create a user interface with data entry buttons and a display screen to show the results. The CSS Grid can then be used to align buttons and a screen in a grid-like format. If-else statements, loops, operators, JavaScript functions, event listeners, and so on will increase your knowledge.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Build a Calculator
    • Check Front-end Development course online for complete front-end training and projects.
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. Perform different operations like addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division.
      2. Enter data and get result on display screen.

    3. Build a Content Management System

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScript, ReactIntermediate
    • Learning Outcomes: You would be familiar with contents of CMS and web development. This will enhance the learning of HTML, CSS as the designing part is also there. You will get to know about the scheduling of different components. The project will help you to go through the React Component Lifecycle and Framework.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Build a Content Management System
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. Manage the content as per their requirement.
      2. Even manage another users.

    4. Music player using JavaScript

    The architecture, which is divided into three buckets, will be used: CSS (Cascading Style Sheets (adding styling to each element defined in the HTML file) JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to (adding elements for audio, player buttons, and music information) (when HTML elements are clicked, functionality is added).

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptIntermediate
    • Learning Outcomes: Before diving into the code, take some time to plan this out. You will get your hands on HTMLMediaElement Interface to play audio files and control its playback. In this project you will get to work on Sliders, Flex Layout and different functions of JavaScript.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Music player using JavaScript
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. Add new tracks to the tracklist to play the music of their choice.
      2. Use the Player on any browser.

    5. To-Do List App

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptIntermediate
    • Learning outcomes: You will learn how to perform CRUD operations on a to-do list app using JavaScript and DOM Manipulation. Work on different functionalities of JavaScript and also learn about Tailwind CSS.
    • Source Code: GitHub - To-Do List App
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. Add new To Do to the list.
      2. Remove a To Do or mark it as done.

    6. Responsive Blog Website

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptIntermediate
    • Learning outcomes: You will learn how to use LocalStorage to store data with no expiration, even when browser is closed. This Project will help you know about grid components and JavaScript Functionalities to add the blogs.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Responsive Blog Website
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project
      1. Dynamic Blog pages.
      2. Have a dedicated editor for blogs.
      3. Users can add/make as many blogs you want.
      4. Users can add Headings, paragraphs, and Images to the blog post.
      5. Have read more blogs section also.

    7. Job Listings with filtering

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptIntermediate
    • Learning Outcomes: You'll leaHTML, CSS, JavaScriptrn how to filter items in the DOM using JavaScript. This is an important skill to have when developing client-side applications, so this challenge will be beneficial!
    • Source Code: GitHub - Job Listings with Filtering
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. View the site's optimal layout based on their device's screen size.
      2. All interactive elements on the page have hover states.
      3. Filter job postings by the categories you've chosen.

    8. Build a Weather App

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptIntermediate
    • Learning Outcomes: You'll learn how to use APIs using JavaScript to fetch the details. This is an important skill for web developers. After this project, you will be familiar with AJAX Components.
    • Source Code: GitHub - Build a Weather App
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. Enter the city name in field to get weather report.
      2. Even get device location and check the weather report for that location.

    9. Build your own portfolio site

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptIntermediate
    • Learning Outcomes: You should be able to organize a webpage with HTML, style its elements with CSS, and make the website interactive with JS.
    • Source Code: GitHub - portfolio site
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. View the best layout for each page based on the size of their device's screen.
      2. For all interactive elements on the site, see hover states.
      3. On the homepage, click the "About Me" call-to-action and scroll down to the next section.
      4. When submit the contact form, you'll get an error message if:
        • If the Name, Email Address, or Message fields are blank, the message "This field is required" should appear.
        • "Please use a valid email address" should appear if the email address is not formatted correctly.

    If you want to improve your front end developer resume and portfolio then you can check KnowledgeHut Front End Development course online.

    10. My-team multi-page website

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptIntermediate
    • Learning Outcome: If you've never built a multi-page website before, this project will teach you a lot. Because it is a larger site, it is necessary to plan ahead of time. To keep your code scalable, focus on structuring your CSS/Sass/Styles (or whatever). ITCSS, SMACSS, and 7:1 are some excellent patterns to investigate. They're all excellent approaches that will greatly aid in the development of larger websites.
    • Source Code: GitHub - My-team multi-page website
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. View the best layout for each page based on the size of their device's screen.
      2. For all interactive elements on the site, see hover states.
      3. When you click the + icon on the About page, you'll see the correct content for each team member.
      4. When you submit the contact form, you'll get an error message if:
        • If the Name, Email Address, or Message fields are blank, the message "This field is required" should appear.
        • "Please use a valid email address" should appear if the email address is not formatted correctly.

    11. REST Countries API with Color theme Switcher

    Top 20 Front-End Web Development Projects For Beginners

    Skills RequiredDifficulty Level
    HTML, CSS, JavaScriptIntermediate
    • Learning Outcome: You will learn various things during this project. Also get a chance to work on different styling concepts of CSS.
    • Source Code: GitHub - REST Countries API with Color theme Switcher
    • Tech Stack and Features required for the project: User can be able to do following:
      1. On the homepage, you can see all of the countries that the API supports.
      2. Using an input field, look for a country.
      3. Countries can be filtered by region.
      4. On a separate page, click on a country to see more detailed information.
      5. On the detail page, click through to the border countries.
      6. Toggle between light and dark colour schemes (optional).

    Advanced Front End Projects for Experienced Professionals [with Source Code]

    Here is a list of front end web developer projects for experienced professionals:

    Front-end Developer Project for Advanced ProfessionalsSource Code
    Calendar Viewer Component
    Source Code
    Multi-select Search Component
    Source Code
    Video Player Web App
    Source Code
    Social Media Aggregator
    Source Code
    Sustainability Tracker
    Source Code
    Interactive Map for Local Services
    Source Code

    Best Platforms to Work on Front end Development Projects

    Now that you've got a bunch of cool front-end project ideas, let's talk about where to actually build them. I've got some go-to platforms that are reliable and make the whole building process smoother. In my experience as a developer, these platforms have been rock-solid. In this section, we'll check out these user-friendly tools that make front-end development fun and effective.

    • GitHub: Essential for version control and collaboration, GitHub allows you to showcase your projects and collaborate with others, enhancing your coding skills.
    • CodePen: Ideal for quick prototyping and sharing, CodePen provides a sandbox environment to experiment with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, making it easy to showcase your front-end skills.
    • Netlify: A powerful platform for hosting and deploying web projects, Netlify offers continuous integration and supports modern web development workflows, streamlining the deployment process.
    • StackBlitz: A browser-based IDE for web applications, StackBlitz enables you to work on front-end projects directly from your browser, with features like live preview and collaboration.
    • Bitbucket: Similar to GitHub, Bitbucket provides version control and collaboration tools. It supports both Git and Mercurial, offering flexibility in choosing your version control system.
    • GitLab: A comprehensive platform offering not only version control but also built-in CI/CD pipelines, making it a one-stop solution for code management and project deployment.

    Utilizing these platforms will enhance your workflow, facilitate collaboration, and allow for seamless project presentation, essential for establishing your presence as a skilled front-end developer.

    Looking to level up your coding skills? Dive into the world of Python with our online course! Learn the language that powers tech giants and start building your own projects. Join now and unlock your coding potential. Python online course.

    Build Experiences

    Most design experience is gained through practise and putting your skills and knowledge into action. Like I said before, you can watch as many videos or tutorials as you want, read books, and take classes, but the only way to learn is to start working on real projects.  

    In my experience, the most effective learning occurs when working on real-world projects. It is essential to delve into some code and create something with the knowledge you have gained along the way. It is now entirely up to you to decide which project you want to work on first. You can go with one of my suggestions or come up with something new on your own. Project creation is an excellent way to expand your knowledge. Before you start working on a project, make sure you have everything planned out. You will be able to avoid a lot of mistakes and finish the project quickly and efficiently this way.  You can start with creating a new React App.  

    Check out Front-end Web Development full course by KnowledgeHut. This course comes with 65+ hours of Instructor-Led training covering various technologies like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React, Git etc. 

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1What are some best front end projects? 
    1. A portfolio website
    2. A clone website
    3. A CRUD web application
    4. An API-connected website
    2What should I build as a frontend developer? 

    As a front-end developer, you should build different kind of simple front end projects which includes the use of HTML, CSS, JavaScript and any of JS frameworks.

    3What are some good web development projects? 
    • Transcript Summarizer for Youtube
    • DSA Tracker
    • Sorting Visualizer
    • Link Shortner
    • Weather Application
    • Online Code Editor
    • Blog management System
    • Customer Onboarding Project
    4Where can I find front-end practice projects?

    You can check open online platforms or enroll in courses with capstone projects for front-end practice projects.


    Abhresh Sugandhi


    Abhresh is specialized as a corporate trainer, He has a decade of experience in technical training blended with virtual webinars and instructor-led session created courses, tutorials, and articles for organizations. He is also the founder of Nikasio.com, which offers multiple services in technical training, project consulting, content development, etc.

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