Learn NoSQL Course with Certificate

Learn NoSQL Online free with us and move up the data management career ladder!

  • Dive into NoSQL and Document Databases  
  • Explore MongoDB Basics and Architecture  
  • Get Hands-On with MongoDB Atlas Setup and CRUD Operations
  • 450,000 + Professionals trained
  • 250 + Workshops every month
  • 100 + Countries and counting

Master NoSQL Basics to Unleash the Power of Data

Learn NoSQL online (for) free and unlock the potential of MongoDB and many more Document Databases. Delve into the world of cutting-edge data storage and management with this completely free NoSQL course. Understand the basics of NoSQL databases and discover the unique characteristics of document databases.

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  • 12+ Hours of Self-Paced Learning  

  • Practice with Guided Hands-On Exercises 

  • Learn-by-Doing with Immersive Learning 

  • Test Your Learning with Recall Quizzes 

  • Unlock Knowledge with Interactive eBooks 

  • Accelerate Progress with Auto-Graded Assessments 

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Who Should Attend

Database Administrators

Data Engineers

Software Developers

Data Analysts

Professionals Interested in Learning About NoSQL

Students Interested in Learning About NoSQL

What You Will Learn

Fundamentals of NoSQL Databases

Explore NoSQL databases' core concepts for agile, scalable data storage and retrieval in modern applications. 

Unique features of Document Databases

Discover distinctive traits of NoSQL document databases for versatile and efficient data management. 

MongoDB Architecture

Explore MongoDB's architecture for deep insights into flexible, scalable database design. 

Data Modelling Techniques

Learn NoSQL data modeling techniques for optimized, schema-flexible database structures. 

MongoDB Atlas Set Up

Effortlessly establish MongoDB Atlas for cloud-based database deployment. 

CRUD Operations in MongoDB

Explore MongoDB CRUD operations for robust data manipulation skills. 

MongoDB Drivers

Learn MongoDB drivers for efficient database interaction and development. 

The KnowledgeHut Edge

Superior Outcomes

Focus on skilled-based outcomes with advanced insights from our state-of-the art learning platform. 

Immersive Learning

Go beyond just videos and learn with recall quizzes, interactive ebooks, case studies and more. 

World-Class Instructors

Course instructors and designers from top businesses including Google, Amazon, Twitter and IBM. 

Real-World Learning

Get an intimate, insider look at companies in the field through real-world case studies. 

Industry-Vetted Curriculum

Curriculum primed for industry relevance and developed with guidance from industry advisory boards. 

Continual Support

Learn better with support along the way. Get 24/7 help, stay unblocked and ramp up your skills. 


Learning Objective: Gain a comprehensive understanding of NoSQL databases and document databases, including types, benefits, and their pivotal role in modern data management.

  • Introduction  
  • What is a NoSQL Database  
  • Types of NoSQL Databases  
  • What is a Document Database  
  • Advantages of Document Databases

Learning Objective: Explore MongoDB fundamentals, from architecture and terminology to modeling, distributed databases, collections, and data types, building a strong foundation. 

  • MongoDB Architecture  
  • MongoDB Terminology  
  • Modelling in MongoDB  
  • Distributed Database  
  • Databases, Collections and Documents in MongoDB  
  • Data Types

Learning Objective: Acquire expertise in MongoDB Atlas setup, usage, data management, and command-line integration, fostering efficient data operations. 

  • Atlas Account Set Up + Data Install  
  • Atlas Overview  
  • Using the Command Line or Terminal with Atlas  
  • Importing Data  
  • Exporting Data

Learning Objective: Master MongoDB CRUD operations, creating databases, collections, and documents. Learn querying, updating, and projecting fields, along with key operators and array handling. 

  • Creating a Database  
  • Creating a Collection  
  • Inserting a Document  
  • Updating a Document  
  • The _id Field in MongoDB  
  • Using the findOne() Method to Return a Document  
  • Using the find() Method to Query Documents  
  • Using the $gt and $lt Comparison Operators  
  • Working with Arrays  
  • Using the find() Method to Project Fields
prerequisites for NoSQL Free Course with Certificate


  • Basic Understanding of databases.  
  • Basic Understanding of JavaScript.  
  • Command-Line Interface (CLI) familiarity.  
  • Basic Understanding of JSON.

Skills You Will Gain

MongoDB Fundamentals

Database Design

CRUD Operations

Indexing and Query Optimization

Aggregation Framework

Frequently Asked Questions


Not only is SQL referred to as NoSQL, is a subset of database systems that provide data management and archiving. In contrast to conventional SQL databases, NoSQL databases offer greater flexibility in managing the collection of data.

These databases are made for dealing with all types of data, semi-structured or unstructured, which makes them ideal for handling huge amounts of data. Furthermore, NoSQL databases offer seamless scalability and can manage data across remote networks. NoSQL is a popular choice for modern applications that handle huge data and data processing in real-time because of its versatility and scalability. 

If you choose to learn NoSQL for maintaining and analyzing datasets, you can expand what is possible. It provides professionals with cutting-edge, scalable database technologies that are ideal for huge data processing, cloud-based solutions, and real-time applications. NoSQL databases offer flexibility for processing data, enabling greater data integration and modelling.

By optimizing data storage and retrieval, you may assure improved speed and scalability by understanding NoSQL. NoSQL expertise is becoming increasingly valued as businesses rely more on big data and real-time analytics.

Getting Started with NoSQL

To learn NoSQL, you have two main options: 

  • Explore popular NoSQL databases such as MongoDB, Cassandra, or Couchbase and gain insights into their features and functionalities.  
  • Choose KnowledgeHut's free NoSQL course available online. It is a self-paced course which offers On-Demand Videos, Hands-On Exercises, Recall Quizzes, and Interactive eBooks.

Through this well-structured course, you'll be able to better understand NoSQL concepts and their practical applications, enabling you to work effectively with databases.

The prerequisites to learn NoSQL online are: 

  • A basic understanding of databases to grasp the differences between NoSQL and traditional SQL databases.  
  • Familiarity with JavaScript as many NoSQL databases use JavaScript for querying and manipulation.  
  • Having a basic idea of Command-Line Interface (CLI) operations helps navigating and interacting with NoSQL databases efficiently.  
  • Understanding JSON is crucial since it is a common data format used in NoSQL databases.  

Mastering these prerequisites will facilitate a smooth learning experience. 

This free NoSQL course is self-paced. So, the duration is flexible. The duration would also depend on various factors such as:  

  • Prior knowledge  
  • Experience 
  • Learning pace 

Learners can determine the time they allocate to study and practice.  

The course comes with On Demand Videos, Hands-On Exercises, Recall Quizzes, and Interactive eBooks, ensuring that learners receive a detailed understanding of NoSQL. Ultimately, the course allows learners to tailor their learning experience and progress at their own pace. 

You will receive a certificate of completion upon completing this free NoSQL course on KnowledgeHut, which validates the skills and knowledge in NoSQL that you recently acquired. It would be a valuable addition to your CV, reflecting your expertise in NoSQL databases to potential employers.

NoSQL Basics

The fundamentals of NoSQL databases are centered on design concepts and their salient features. NoSQL databases offer a reliable and adaptable method for managing and storing data. They don't require a set schema for data storage, giving you freedom when processing data and enhancing the efficiency of data retrieval and storage.

Furthermore, NoSQL databases are scalable and may be readily expanded to meet larger data loads by adding extra servers or nodes to the network. Additionally, NoSQL databases are excellent at assisting distributed systems by offering high availability and fault tolerance. 

You can choose to learn NoSQL if you have prior experience with JavaScript and JSON-like data formats. That would make your learning experience relatively easier. NoSQL's flexible data models make it more approachable for professionals working with unstructured or semi-structured data.

With KnowledgeHut's free course, you can learn NoSQL online at your own pace. The course also provides On-Demand Videos, Hands-On Exercises, Recall Quizzes, and Interactive eBooks, making the entire learning experience seamless.

Both SQL and NoSQL databases have distinctive benefits and fulfill multiple purposes. NoSQL databases are exceptional at managing massive amounts of data in a flexible and scalable way. They are ideal for huge data processing, practical and real-world applications, and other cloud-based services. In contrast, SQL databases offer solid consistency and data integrity, making them perfect for complicated queries.

Organizations use both of these forms of databases to benefit from the benefits they offer since they are both useful. NoSQL databases, therefore, have their benefits and are a supplement to SQL databases; they do not, however, completely replace SQL databases. 

The following are the primary four kinds of NoSQL databases:

  • Document databases: These databases are flexible and store data as documents that mimic JSON.
  • Key-Value stores: Stores data in a key-value pair format in key-value stores for quick data retrieval.
  • Column-family stores: Data is organized in columns in column-family stores, which are ideal for processing massive amounts of data and offering great scalability.
  • Graph databases: Graph databases are excellent for maintaining intricate connections and linked data in graph topologies. 

With a variety of choices for data management and storage across a range of applications, each form of NoSQL database has its own advantages and use cases.

NoSQL Database Applications

NoSQL is not a programming language, but rather a category of databases. It includes a wide range of database management systems designed to manage massive amounts of data.

The phrase "NoSQL" does not relate to any one particular programming language. Instead, it refers to a variety of database solutions, such as: 

  • Document databases
  • Key-value stores
  • Column-family stores
  • Graph databases  

Each kind has certain advantages and characteristics for data storage and other administration requirements.

One drawback of NoSQL databases is the absence of tight data consistency, which is necessary for ensuring accuracy and integrity. Additionally, according to some use cases, NoSQL databases are not the ideal option for stringent transaction control and data consistency.

Given the different data formats NoSQL features, selecting the best NoSQL database to meet a particular need might potentially be difficult. When choosing NoSQL solutions, professionals should give the data model significant thought in light of their specific requirements.

NoSQL databases can be used in the banking industry, but only under particular circumstances. Managing enormous amounts of transactional data is essential in the banking industry. Scalable and capable of handling massive volumes of data, NoSQL databases. It may thus be suitable for such jobs.

Additionally, the adaptability of NoSQL databases would enable banking firms to meet their ever-changing business needs. To decide if NoSQL databases are the best match, it's crucial to thoroughly analyze the unique use cases and data needs.

Yes, NoSQL databases are growing increasingly popular. NoSQL databases provide a scalable and adaptable alternative for businesses that manage enormous amounts of data. They are ideally suited for application development for cloud-based or real-time systems because of their data handling capabilities.

As a result, many developers and data professionals are choosing to learn NoSQL online (for) free to leverage its advantages and to stay relevant in the rapidly evolving data landscape.

Major tech companies use NoSQL databases to manage and process big data. For instance, Amazon's eCommerce platform is powered by NoSQL databases to handle vast amounts of customer data. NoSQL databases are used by Facebook to manage user profiles, interactions, and other social media-related data.

Google's storage and data processing is also done through NoSQL databases. Other brands like Netflix rely on NoSQL databases to manage its extensive library.

Given the scalability, performance, and flexibility of NoSQL databases, many brands like Forbes, Toyota, Flobiz, and Marcello also utilize NoSQL databases to handle their data efficiently.

NoSQL Career and Future

Having NoSQL expertise can be a valuable asset for career growth as data becomes more crucial for organizations. NoSQL can provide a great career path for professionals in the data industry. Given the demand for scalable data solutions continuously growing professionals with NoSQL skills are becoming increasingly in demand in profiles like data engineering, data analysis, and big data management.

By learning NoSQL online through a free NoSQL course, one can build a strong foundation and become well-equipped to meet the industry standard to secure a prestigious job.

Traditional SQL databases may struggle to handle the scale and complexity of data as the volume of big data and real-time applications continues to grow. Along those lines, NoSQL databases have a promising future. NoSQL databases, with their scalability, and distributed architecture, are well-suited to meet these challenges.

Also, given the rise of IoT devices, social media, and eCommerce platforms generating vast amounts of data can only be efficiently managed by NoSQL databases. Thus, NoSQL is expected to play a crucial role in the future.

NoSQL professionals are in high demand given the fact that organizations embrace modern database solutions to deal with diverse and large-scale data challenges. The rise of big data, real-time applications, and the need for scalable and flexible data management has led to increased demand for NoSQL.

Learning NoSQL online through KnowledgeHut's free course would be a game-changer for you, enhancing your career prospects. By gaining expertise in NoSQL databases, you can position yourself as an asset in the data engineering, data analysis, and big data sectors.

What Learners are Saying

Nicholas Stevens Programmer
This course is for anyone who wants work with MongoDB. What I learnt here helped me build MongoDB applications later on.
Leon Foster Software Tester
I've been looking for MongoDB and NoSQL courses for long. The videos are top-class even in a self-paced format.
Kayla Suarez Software Engineer
This course helped me build NoSQL with a flexible course schedule with great exercises, videos, and quizzes here.
Blake West NoSQL Developer
I love all aspects of this course - the exercises help us practice, and the quizzes after every module are helpful.
Luara Hill Data Engineer (NoSQL)

I thank KnowledgeHut for providing such a convenient way of learning the basics of NoSQL databases including MongoDB.