HomeBlogWeb DevelopmentHow to Install Angular in Ubuntu

How to Install Angular in Ubuntu

30th Apr, 2024
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    How to Install Angular in Ubuntu

    Angular is an Open source and TypeScript-based modern framework which is usually used to develop Front end Single Page Applications (SPAs) and PWAs. Angular is the updated version of AngularJS by the same team at Google.  

    With respect to programming, there is a huge difference in both versions. AngularJS is commonly used with JavaScript whereas Angular is mostly used with TypeScript. 

    This article helps you to summarize on how you can install Angular CLI on your Ubuntu platform and use it to create real-life Angular Applications / Projects. Meanwhile, also check how to Install Jenkins on Ubuntu.

    This blog will cover the process steps of Angular installation on the Ubuntu platform. By the end of the blog, you will learn about - 

    • Installing Node/npm package on Ubuntu 
    • Installation and Usage of Angular CLI globally 
    • Commands of Angular CLI 
    • Creating an initial workspace for the application 
    • Running the Angular application in Browser

    Know more about angular cli.


    You must be aware of the basics of web programming like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript(otherwise we strongly recommend learning those first before getting into this). Also, this article assumes that you are familiar with terms like Node/NPM. 


    This document can be referred by anyone who wants to install latest Angular version on Ubuntu 16.04. 

    In order to continue, you must have —  

    System requirements

    • Ubuntu OS Machine 
    • Good Internet Connection 
    • Admin/Sudo access with installation privileges where you can install any packages freely. 

    PS: While working with Angular, knowledge of TypeScript is good to have, but not mandatory

    A brief note on Node.js 

    We are required to install Node.js because it acts as a lightweight server to run Angular applications. (If already installed, skip this part and jump to the next part of this blog.) 

    Node.js is again an open-source and cross-platform JavaScript run-time environment that allows to execute the JavaScript code outside of a browser (on the Server-side). Node.js is responsible for managing and installing all npm dependencies for your Angular application. It provides all the required libraries to run the Angular project. Node.js acts as a run-time environment for any Angular application with servers over localhost. For more information on Node.js refer the official docs. 

    Any Angular application requires the latest/stable version of Node.js in order to continue. Go to the official website in order to learn more about how to install Node.js on your Ubuntu OS machine. 

    There is more than one way to install Node.js on Ubuntu. You can install it via command line, via PPA (personal package archive), or via NVM (which is Node.js Version Manager) 

    You can install any version current or latest stable version as per your need. In this blog, we learn how to install using Command-Line with the below given commands: 

    curl -sL sudo -E bash - 

    here setup_12.x is the version, and this command will add the node resource repo into your Ubuntu OS. Now, let’s install Node.js using apt command, by running the below command —  

    sudo apt install nodejs 

    Once installed completely, you can verify that the Node.js and npm versions are installed by using the following command in a terminal/console window. — 

    node -v 


    node — — version 
    npm -v 

    1. Need of NPM for Angular development 

    Node.js serves as the Run-time environment for the applicationSimilarly, NPM(node package manager) is used as a dependency management tool for any JavaScript application. NPM will allow us to install the libraries required for any Angular application; for example, jQuery, angular-router, angular-http, bootstrap, and many more. 

    You can explore a number of packages available in the npm store here. 

    Note: Once you have installed Node.js it will automatically install NPM on your machine. You can check the version installed using the below command. 

    npm -v 

    2. Angular CLI — What it is and the complete Installation guide

    In the initial days of Angular, developers used to create whole architecture, webpack files, build process, etc for any project on their own from scratch, which is quite a time-consuming and lengthy process. To make it easier for the developer, the Angular team come up with an easy-to-use tool Angular CLI. 

    As the name suggests CLI (command line interface), provides a user (developer) friendly interface where you can run commands to make your development life easier and faster. 

    Angular CLI comes with a number of commands from creating a new project, to creating components, creating a routing configuration file, services, and many more.

    3. How to Install Angular CLI on Ubuntu 

    To install the Angular CLI on your machine, open the terminal window and run the following command: 

    npm install -g @angular/cli 

    where -g denotes that CLI is being installed globally to your machine, which means you can create or run any command of CLI anywhere on your machine. Once you run the above command CLI will be installed on your machine, and you can verify the version installed using the following command: 

    ng -v

    In case you want to install some specific version of Angular CLI, you can run the below command —  

    npm install -g @angular/cli@x 

    where `x` represents the Version number. You can change it to any valid version number. 

    For more commands of Angular CLI, you can refer to this blog which contains a number of commands to use.

    4. Create Project using Angular CLI – Hello WORLD 

    Moving on, let’s create our first ever Angular project using Angular CLI. Open your terminal window and type the command below on your machine. 

    ng new hello-world

    Here ng is our CLI prefixnew denotes the new project we are creating and hello-world is our project name. You can choose any name you want. 

    After running this command, you will find the full architecture of the project in the directory where you run this command. The project folder will be like what is shown below -

    Installation of Angular on Ubuntu

    5. Angular Project architecture 

    The first file to render on running this application will be index.html which is present in the src folder. 

    • src folder contains Source files for the root-level application project. 
    • assets folder contains all the static assets like images, fonts, etc. 
    • node_modules This folder is created while you run npm installed by package manager (npm) and it contains all the project dependencies or any third party modules required for the project. 
    • e2e folder contains all the source code related to Test Cases, and you can customize it as per your requirements. 
    • README.md file is being used as documentation for the app. 
    • Package.json configures npm dependencies that are available to the project in the workspace along with their versions specified. 

    For more details about components/services and source code you can explore this link. 

    Run the application 

    You have completed the installation process of the Angular application via CLI, and now its time to run the application locally. As I said, Angular CLI comes with a complete tool-chain/commands for the development of front-end applications on your machine. 

    Run the following command on the terminal (Navigate to the project directory if you are not in that directory) 

    ng serve 


    ng serve --open

    The --open (or just -o) option automatically opens your browser to  

    ng serve command will serve your application on localhost server which you can check by navigating to your browser with the below URL

    Once compiled successfully, your terminal window will look like below -

    Installation of Angular on Ubuntu

    You can customize the port as per your requirement by running the below command —  

    ng serve --host --port 8080 

    Accessing Angular Web Interface 

    ng serve command may take few seconds to run your application. Once completed, you should see a web page similar to the following

    ng serve command

    And it’s done! 

    Now you can make changes in the default component’s template which is app.component.html  

    Also, moving forward you can generate number of components/service/routing files using CLI commands as per your requirements and keep learning. 

    6. How to Uninstall Angular CLI on Ubuntu 

    There are cases when you would need to uninstall Angular-CLI from your operating system. You can do so by running this below command on your terminal -  

    npm uninstall -g @angular/cli 

    It's always recommended to run the command npm cache clean after uninstallation of Angular CLI from your system in order to avoid unwanted errors while installing it again. If you have any questions/doubts related to this blog, please let us know in the comment box below, and we would be more than happy to help you out.  If you have read this far, feel free to share this blog on social media or tweet about it.  

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    In this blog you have learned about what is Node/NPM and how you can install and use it. You have understood what is Angular CLI, and how you can use it after installing it on your Ubuntu Platform. Then we have created a new angular project from scratch using CLI command and learnt how to run it. Now you have basic hands-on Angular application knowledge which you can use to start developing more applications. 


    Sachin Bhatnagar

    Blog Author

    Sachin Bhatnagar is an experienced education professional with 20+ years of expertise in Media & Entertainment and Web Technologies. Currently, as the Program Director - Full-Stack at KnowledgeHut, he excels in curriculum development, hands-on training, and strategic deployment of industry-centric educational programs. His online training programs on have attracted over 25,000 learners since 2014. He actively contributes to the development of full-stack training products, leveraging KnowledgeHut's advanced learning platform. Collaborating with organizational leaders, he ensures the success of these programs and has created several technology programs prominently featured in KnowledgeHut's course offerings.

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