HomeBlogData ScienceData Science for Beginners: Complete Roadmap

Data Science for Beginners: Complete Roadmap

18th Oct, 2023
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    Data Science for Beginners: Complete Roadmap

    Data Science is a field of study involving statistical tools and techniques to extract meaningful insights from data. Data science has become a major part of the modern-day business world, as it helps organizations make informed decisions based on logic and reason rather than intuition alone.

    Data scientists work with structured, semi-structured, and unstructured data to find patterns that help them solve problems and predict future events. Data scientists work in teams with other members of their organization and often have advanced computer science or mathematics degrees. However, several data sciences for beginners' courses are now available, which teach individuals the basics of data science so they can get started immediately if they wish.

    As data science is an emerging field, there is not one curriculum for how it should be taught. Data science is not hard to learn, and the following guide will give you some insight into what you should expect from an introductory course on data science, as well as some tips on how to choose your first course.

    What is Data Science?

    Data science is a field that analyzes data to extract meaningful insights. The data from which these insights are extracted can come from various sources, including databases, business transactions, sensors, and more. As a result, it is a fast-growing field with close to many job options.

    It is a broad term that encompasses many disciplines and skill sets, including statistics, machine learning, artificial intelligence (AI), computer programming, and more. As a result, data scientists have many career paths depending on their specific interests and skill sets. Data scientists may work in various industries, including finance, healthcare, or government. To get started with data science, you should check knowledgehut.com, as it offers the best online Data Science Bootcamp.

    Data scientists use technology and statistical analysis to acquire new knowledge from data sets. They often work in teams with professionals with complementary skill sets, like software engineers or analysts. They also work with other types of data scientists, such as statisticians or mathematicians, who have different areas of expertise than those in computer science.

    Why Data Science?

    The world is changing at a lightning pace. We live in an era where new technologies are introduced daily. In such a scenario, companies must adopt innovative ways to remain competitive. This has led to the rise of big data and data science as key tools for business growth.

    In short, data science is about analyzing large amounts of unstructured information (such as text or images) to find patterns that will enable businesses to improve their operations and increase profits.

    Data science can get used in any industry, but it is more profound in certain fields like healthcare, retail, and finance, where large volumes of raw data are generated daily. It has become an essential part of businesses today. There are multiple data science courses for beginners that you can take to become a pro.

    With the rise of big data, companies are collecting more and more data about their customers, making it imperative for them to develop ways to help them gain insights into their consumer behavior and preferences to make better business decisions. As a result, data science jobs for freshers are on the rise. Data scientists are responsible for analyzing the huge amount of data businesses collect and finding meaningful insights.

    Is Data Science Easy for Beginners?

    Data science is a multidisciplinary field that involves using scientific methods, processes, and systems to extract knowledge and insights from structured and unstructured data. It encompasses a wide range of activities, including data exploration, feature engineering, model building, and visualization. As such, data science for beginners can be a complex and challenging field to learn.

    However, there are various tools for achieving expertise in the field with the help of tools and tutorials. Here are a few challenges that most Data Science Bootcamp cost covers:

    1. One of the main challenges for beginners in data science is learning the various tools and technologies used in the field. It includes programming languages such as Python and R, libraries, and frameworks like NumPy, Pandas, and sci-kit-learn. These tools can be intimidating for those new to programming and are wondering how to get started with data science. Programming language tools require a certain level of comfort with concepts such as variables, functions, and loops.
    2. Another challenge faced in data science for beginners is understanding the mathematical and statistical concepts that underlie many of the techniques used in the field. It includes topics such as probability, statistics, linear algebra, and optimization. These concepts can be challenging to grasp, especially for those who have not studied them before, and they are essential for understanding how to build and evaluate machine learning models.

    Despite these challenges, data science can be an exciting and rewarding field for beginners to learn. Many resources are available, such as Data Science online courses, data science tutorials for beginners, and forums. It can help beginners get started. In addition, there are several community-driven projects and open-source tools that can help beginners get hands-on experience and build their skills.

    To succeed in data science as a beginner, it is essential to be persistent, curious, and open to learning. It can take time to build a solid foundation of knowledge, but with practice and persistence, it is possible to become proficient in data science.

    Academic Requirements

    Academic requirements for data science may vary depending on the specific program or institution, but a strong background in math and computer science is generally essential. It may include coursework in calculus, linear algebra, statistics, and programming.

    In addition, many programs for data science for beginners may also require machine learning, data mining, and data visualization courses. Some programs may also require students to complete a capstone project or internship, which provides an opportunity to apply the concepts learned in a real-world setting.

    How to Start Learning Data Science as a Beginner?

    Learning data science as a beginner involves learning the necessary tools and technologies, understanding the underlying concepts, and practicing and implementing what you have learned. With persistence and dedication, you can build a strong foundation in data science and become proficient in the field. So, if you are unsure about where to learn data science, given below is a step-by-step data science roadmap for beginners to help you get started on your pursuit.

    Step 1: Learn Query Language Like SQL  

    If you are a beginner in data science, a good place to start is by learning a query language like SQL. SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language used for managing and manipulating data stored in databases. It is a critical skill for any data scientist, as it allows you to retrieve, filter, and aggregate data from various sources.

    Beginners can find many resources for learning SQL, including online courses, tutorials, and textbooks. You can also practice your skills by working on SQL exercises and projects. Once you have a solid foundation in SQL, you can move on to the next step.

    Step 2: Programming Language Like R/ Python

    After learning SQL, the next step in data science for beginners is learning a programming language like R or Python. R and Python are widely used in data science for data manipulation, visualization, and machine learning tasks.

    To get started, you can choose one of the languages and begin learning the basics. This may include concepts such as variables, data types, loops, and functions. There are many resources available for learning R or Python, including online courses and tutorials available on the best websites to learn data science. As you progress, you can delve into more advanced topics and build your skills.

    Top certifications:

    In addition to learning a programming language, you may also consider earning a certification in data science. There are many certifications available, such as the Data Science with Python Course from KnowledgeHut, the Google Professional Data Engineer Certification, the Microsoft Certified Azure Data Scientist Associate Certification and more. These certifications provide a structured learning path and help you build your skills and knowledge in data science. Let's take a look at some of the top data science certifications.

    1. Google Professional Data Engineer Certification

    The Google Professional Data Engineer Certification is a certification offered by Google Cloud Platform to demonstrate that an individual has the skills and expertise to design, build, and manage data processing systems and analyze, transform, and visualize data. The certification exam assesses the ability to develop and maintain data structures and databases, use machine learning and predictive modeling, and apply data analysis techniques to various scenarios. The exam is a combination of multiple-choice questions, scenario-based questions, and performance-based tasks, which requires using Google Cloud Platform tools.

    2. Microsoft Certified Azure Data Scientist Associate Certification

    The Microsoft Certified Azure Data Scientist Associate Certification is a certification offered by Microsoft to validate the skills and knowledge of individuals in designing and implementing data science solutions on Azure. This certification requires expertise in data processing, data visualization, machine learning, and AI. The exam assesses the ability to prepare data for modeling, create and validate machine learning models, deploy models, and monitor models for performance.

    3. Amazon AWS Big Data Certification

    The Amazon AWS Big Data Certification is a certification offered by Amazon Web Services to validate the skills and knowledge of individuals in designing, building, and maintaining Big Data solutions on AWS. This certification requires expertise in data processing, data analysis, and data visualization using AWS services like Amazon EMR, Amazon Redshift, and Amazon QuickSight. The exam assesses the ability to design and maintain Big Data solutions, select the appropriate AWS services, analyze and optimize Big Data solutions, and secure Big Data solutions.

    4. Dell EMC Data Science Certification

    The Dell EMC Data Science Certification is a certification offered by Dell EMC to validate the skills and knowledge of individuals in data science and big data analytics. This certification requires expertise in data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization using the tools and technologies like Hadoop, R, and Python. The exam assesses the ability to understand and manipulate data, build predictive models, use machine learning algorithms, and create visualizations.

    5. SAS Certified Data Scientist

    The SAS Certified Data Scientist is a certification offered by SAS to validate the skills and knowledge of individuals in data science and big data analytics. This certification requires expertise in data analysis, machine learning, and data visualization using SAS tools like SAS Enterprise Miner, SAS Visual Analytics, and SAS Viya. The exam assesses the ability to understand and manipulate data, build predictive models, use machine learning algorithms, and create visualizations. The exam is a combination of multiple-choice, scenario-based, and performance-based tasks, which require the use of SAS tools.

    Step 3: Visualization Tool Like PowerBI/ Qliksense/QlikView/Tableau etc.

    Once you have a solid foundation in programming and data manipulation, the next step as an enroller of data science for beginners is to learn a visualization tool like PowerBI, QlikSense, QlikView, or Tableau. These tools allow you to create interactive and visually appealing charts, graphs, and dashboards to communicate your data insights.

    To get started, you can choose one of these tools and begin learning the basics. This may include topics such as creating charts and graphs, building dashboards, and connecting to data sources. Many resources are available for learning visualization tools, including online courses, tutorials, and documentation. As you progress, you can delve into more advanced features and techniques.

    Step 4: Basic Statistics for Machine Learning

    After you have learned a programming language and visualization tool, the next step is to learn basic statistics for machine learning. Machine learning is a subfield of data science that involves using algorithms to learn from and make predictions on data. To get started, you should learn basic concepts such as probability, statistics, and linear regression.

    Many resources are available for learning basic statistics of machine learning. These include data science online courses, tutorials, and textbooks. As you progress, you can delve into more advanced topics and build your skills in machine learning.

    Step 5: Machine Learning Algorithms

    Once you have a solid foundation in basic statistics, the next step is to learn about machine learning algorithms. There are many different algorithms used in machine learning, each with their strengths and weaknesses. To get started, you should learn about common algorithms such as decision trees, linear regression, and k-means clustering.

    For beginners, many resources are available for learning machine learning algorithms, including online courses, tutorials, and textbooks. As you progress, you can delve into more advanced algorithms and build your skills in machine learning.

    Step 6: Practice and Implementation

    The final step in learning data science as a beginner is to practice and implement what you have learned. It can involve working on projects and exercises to apply your skills, as well as participating in online communities and forums to learn from others and get feedback on your work. You can also consider joining a data science group or club, which can provide you with additional opportunities to learn and collaborate with others.

    To practice and implement your skills, you can work on real-world data sets and use the tools and techniques you have learned to explore, visualize, and analyze the data. You can also try building your machine-learning models and testing them on different data sets. This can help you gain practical experience and build your portfolio, which can be useful for job applications or freelance work.

    Top Platforms to Learn and Implement

    There are many open platforms available for learning and implementing data science skills. Some of these platforms also offer beginners the option to learn data science online for free. Some popular options include:

    • KnowledgeHut: KnowledgeHut is a platform that offers online courses and training programs in data science for beginners. It features courses from top instructors and provides access to learning resources and materials. KnowledgeHut offers a variety of courses and programs in data science for beginners, including foundational courses in programming and statistics, as well as more advanced courses in machine learning and data visualization. It also offers certifications, such as the Data Science Certificate, which provides a structured learning path and helps students build their skills and knowledge in the field.
    • Dell Education Services: Dell Education Services is another popular platform that offers online courses and certificates in data science and other related fields. It features courses from top industry experts and provides access to learning resources and materials.
    • AWS Learning Platform: AWS Learning Platform is a well-regarded platform that offers online courses and workshops, projects, and exercises in data science for beginners and experts. It features courses from top instructors and provides access to learning resources and materials.
    • Microsoft Azure Learning Platform: Microsoft Azure Learning Platform is a platform that offers online courses and interactive exercises in data science and related fields. It provides a structured learning path and access to a range of learning resources and materials.

    Is Data Science a Good Career Option?

    Data science is a rapidly growing field with many career opportunities. Here are some points to consider if you are wondering if data science is a good career option:

    • High demand: Data science is a highly in-demand field, with many companies seeking qualified professionals to help them make sense of the vast amounts of data they generate. This demand is expected to continue in the coming years, making data science a promising career option.
    • Good salaries: Data science professionals are often well-paid, with salaries ranging from around $60,000 to over $150,000 per year, depending on factors such as experience, location, and industry. 
    • Variety of industries: Data science is a multidisciplinary field that applies to a wide range of industries, including finance, healthcare, retail, and technology. It means that many career opportunities are available in a variety of sectors. 
    • Opportunity for growth: Data science is a field that is constantly evolving, with new techniques and technologies being developed all the time. It means there is ample opportunity for growth and advancement in the field. 
    • Versatility: Data science skills are highly transferable and can be applied to many roles, including data analyst, data engineer, and machine learning engineer. This versatility can provide flexibility and opportunities for career advancement. 

    Overall, data science is a good career option for those interested in using data and analytics to solve complex problems and make informed decisions. With the right combination of skills, knowledge, and experience, data science professionals can enjoy rewarding and lucrative careers in several industries.

    Moreover, if you are wondering how long it takes to learn data science, you should try some beginner boot camps, as the duration varies according to the level of expertise you wish to achieve.

    Data Science Jobs Roles

    Data scientists are the people who design and execute data-driven projects. They use their technical skills to collect, process, analyze and visualize data to find patterns and make predictions. Data scientist is a broad term that can encompass many job roles.

    Data scientists use their skills to understand the stories hidden in large datasets (sets of information). They can also help organizations develop new strategies and make more informed decisions by analyzing data from multiple sources. Below are some of the most common ones:

    • Machine Learning Engineer 
    • Data Engineers 
    • Business Analyst 
    • Statistician
    • Data Architect 
    • Data admin 
    • Data Scientist


    Hopefully, this article could provide insight into the world of data science. To become a data scientist, it is important to be familiar with the programming languages used most frequently in the industry and some major data-related concepts. You can start with a data science course for beginners to become data scientists.

    Data science is a fast-growing industry, and we are interested in seeing where it goes in the coming years. Data scientists need a broad skill set covering all these phases and domain expertise in the industry they serve. As you can see from the list above, a data scientist requires a few qualifications. With the guidance of KnowledgeHut best online Data Science Bootcamp, anyone could become one.

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

    1How can a beginner learn Data Science?

    Data science is a new skill set that can help you make better decisions, solve problems, and ultimately change the world. But data science is not easy. It is a complex field with many moving parts, and the best way to learn it is by taking data science introduction for beginners courses that teach you the fundamentals. 

    2Can I teach myself Data Science?

    It depends on what you mean by "teach yourself." If you mean "read some books and take some online courses," then yes. Or at least some people do that successfully! However, if you mean "learn everything there is to know about statistical modeling and machine learning" without any supervision or guidance, then no, most people cannot do that alone.

    3Which course is best for Data Science beginners?

    Data Science is a very broad field, and it is not easy to pick the right course. There are many options available online that can help you learn Data Science at different levels. Knowledgehut.com offers a variety of courses based on the pace of the student. 

    4What are the basics of Data Science?

    The first step toward becoming a data scientist is developing a strong computer science and mathematics foundation. It will help you understand the basics of data analysis and visualization. In addition, a good understanding of programming languages such as Python and R will also be useful for you. If you have a degree in these areas, it gives you an advantage when applying for jobs as a data scientist because employers will know that you are qualified for the job. 

    5Is data science a good career?

    Yes! Data scientists are currently among the highest-paid professionals. In recent years, data science has become one of the most sought-after career options. It offers high-paying jobs, flexible work hours, and job satisfaction. The demand for data scientists has increased exponentially in recent years due to increasing demand from businesses, government agencies, and research institutes. Data science can play an important role in your career if you have an analytical mind and enjoy working with numbers. 


    Ashish Gulati

    Data Science Expert

    Ashish is a techology consultant with 13+ years of experience and specializes in Data Science, the Python ecosystem and Django, DevOps and automation. He specializes in the design and delivery of key, impactful programs.

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