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Threading Python: Modules, Objectives, Problems

03rd May, 2024
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    Threading Python: Modules, Objectives, Problems

    In Computer Science, a thread is defined as the smallest unit of execution with an independent set of instructions. Threading is one of the fundamentals of python programming. Threading in Python or other programming languages allows a user to run different parts of the program in a concurrent manner and makes the design of the program simpler. Also, to know more about sys.argv command line arguments, click here.  

    During threading, different processors run on a single program and each one of them performs an independent task simultaneously. However, if you want to perform multiprocessing, then you need to execute your code in a different language or use the multiprocessing module. 

    Before proceeding further with reading this article, check out Self in Python.

    In the CPython implementation of Python, interactions are made with the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL), which always limits one Python thread to run at a time. In threading, good candidates are considered those who spend much of their time waiting for external events. These are all true in the case when the code is written in Python. However, in the case of threading in C other than Python, they have the ability to release GIL and run in a concurrent manner.  Get a better understanding of the difference in threading across different programming languages with our advanced python classes.

    Building up your program to use threading will help make the design clearer and easier to reason about. Let us see how to start a threading Python. 

    How to Start Threading in Python? 

    The Python Standard Library contains a module named threading, which comprises all the basics needed to better understand the process of threading. With this module, you can easily encapsulate threads and provide a clean interface to work with them.  

    If you want to start a thread, first you need to create a Thread instance and then implement .start()

    import logging
    import threading
    import time
    def thread_func(name):
         logging.info("Thread %s: starting...",name)
         logging.info("Thread %s: finishing...",name)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
         format = "%(asctime)s: %(message)s"
         logging.info("Main    : before creating thread...")
         t = threading.Thread(target=thread_function,args=(1,))
         logging.info("Main    : before running thread...")
         logging.info("Main    : wait for the thread to finish...")
         # t.join()
         logging.info("Main    : all done...")

    It is observable that the main section is responsible for creating and initiating the thread: 

    t = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, args=(1,))

    When a Thread is created, a function and a list of arguments to that function are passed. In the example above, thread_function() is being run, and 1 is passed as an argument. The function, however, simply logs messages with a time.sleep() in between them.

    The output of the code above  will be displayed as:

    $ ./single_thread.py
    Main    : before creating thread...
    Main    : before running thread...
    Thread 1: starting...
    Main    : wait for the thread to finish...
    Main    : all done...
    Thread 1: finishing...

    The Thread gets finished only after the Main section of the code.

    Daemon Threads

    In terms of computer science, a daemon is a computer program that runs as a background process. It is basically a thread that runs in the background without worrying about shutting it down. A daemon thread will shut down immediately when the program terminates. However, if a program is running non-Daemon threads, then the program will wait for those threads to complete before it ends.  

    In the example code above, you might have noticed that there is a pause of about 2 seconds after the main function has printed the all done message and before the thread is finished. This is because Python waits for the non-daemonic thread to complete. 

    threading.shutdown() goes through all of the running threads and calls .join on every non-daemonic thread. You can understand it better if you look at the source of Python threading.  

    Let us use the example we did before with a daemon thread by adding the daemon=True flag:

    t = threading.Thread(target=thread_function, args=(1,),daemon=True)

    Now if you run your program, the output will be as follows: 

    $ ./daemon_thread.py 
    Main    : before creating thread... 
    Main    : before running thread... 
    Thread 1: starting... 
    Main    : wait for the thread to finish... 
    Main    : all done... 

    The basic difference here is that the final line of output is missing. This is because when the main function reached the end of the code, the daemon was killed.

    Multiple Threading in Python

    Multiple Threading Process in Python

    The process of executing multiple threads in a parallel manner is called multithreading. It enhances the performance of the program and Python multithreading is quite easy to learn.

    Let us start understanding multithreading using the example we used earlier:

    import logging
    import threading
    import time
    def thread_func(name):
        logging.info("Thread %s: starting...", name)
        logging.info("Thread %s: finishing...", name)
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        format = "%(asctime)s: %(message)s"
        multiple_threads = list()
        for index in range(3):
                logging.info("Main    : create and start thread %d...",index)
            t = threading.Thread(target=thread_function,args=(index,))
        for index, thread in enumerate(multiple_threads):
            logging.info("Main    : before joining thread %d...",index)
            logging.info("Main    : thread %d done...",index)

    This code will work in the same way as it was in the process of starting a thread. First, we need to create a Thread object and then call the .start() object. The program then keeps a list of Thread objects. It then waits for them using .join(). If we run this code multiple times, the output will be as below: 

    $ ./multiple_threads.py
    Main    : create and start thread 0...
    Thread 0: starting...
    Main    : create and start thread 1...
    Thread 1: starting...
    Main    : create and start thread 2... 
    Thread 2: starting... 
    Main    : before joining thread 0... 
    Thread 2: finishing... 
    Thread 1: finishing... 
    Thread 0: finishing... 
    Main    : thread 0 done... 
    Main    : before joining thread 1... 
    Main    : thread 1 done... 
    Main    : before joining thread 2... 
    Main    : thread 2 done... 

    The threads are sequenced in the opposite order in this example. This is because multithreading generates different orderings. The Thread x: finishing message informs when each of the threads is done. The thread order is determined by the operating system, so it is essential to know the algorithm design that uses the threading process.  

    A ThreadPool Executor

    Using a ThreadpoolExecutor is an easier way to start up a group of threads. It is contained in the Python Standard Library in concurrent.futures. You can create it as a context manager using the help of with statement. It will help in managing and destructing the pool. 

    Example to illustrate a ThreadpoolExecutor (only the main section): 

    import concurrent.futures
    if __name__ == "__main__":
         format = "%(asctime)s: %(message)s" 
            with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3) asexecutor:

    The code above creates a ThreadpoolExecutor and informs how many worker threads it needs in the pool, and then .map() is used to iterate through a list of things. When the with the block ends, .join() is used on each of the threads in the pool. It is recommended to use ThreadpoolExecutor whenever possible so that you never forget to .join() the threads.

    The output of the code will look as follows:

    $ ./executor.py 
    Thread 0: starting...
    Thread 1: starting...
    Thread 2: starting...
    Thread 1: finishing...
    Thread 0: finishing...
    Thread 2: finishing…

    Race Conditions 

    When multiple threads try to access a shared piece of data or resource, race conditions occur. Race conditions produce results that are confusing for a user to under, and, and it occurs rarely and is very difficult to debug.

    Let us try to understand a race condition using a class with a false database:

    class FalseDatabase:
        def race(self):
            self.value = 0
        def update(self,name):
            logging.info("Thread %s: starting update...",name)
            local_copy_value = self.value
            local_copy_value += 1
            self.value = local_copy_value
            logging.info("Thread %s: finishing update...",name)

    The class FalseDatabase holds the shared data value on which the race condition will occur. The function race simply intializes .value to zero.  

    The work of .update() is to analyze a database, perform some computations, and then rewrite a value to the database. However, reading from the database means just copying .value to a local variable. Computation means adding a single value and then .sleep() for a little bit, and then the value is written back by copying the local value back to .value().

    The main section of FalseDatabase:

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        format = "%(asctime)s: %(message)s"
        logging.basicConfig(format=format, level=logging.INFO,
        dtb = FalseDatabase()
              logging.info("Testing update. Starting value is %d...",dtb.value)
              with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
              for index in range(2):
        logging.info("Testing update. Ending value is %d...", dtb.value)

    The programs create a ThreadPoolExecutor with two threads and calls .submit()and then run database.update().

    .submit() contains two arguments: both positional and named arguments are passed to the function running in the thread: 

    .submit(function, *args, **kwargs)

    The output will look as follows: 

    $ ./racecond.py
    Testing unlocked update... Starting value is 0...
    Thread 0: starting update...
    Thread 1: starting update...
    Thread 0: finishing update...
    Thread 1: finishing update...
    Testing unlocked update... Ending value is 1...

    One Thread

    In this section, we will be discussing how threads work in a simplified manner.  

    When the ThreadPoolExecutor is informed to run each thread, we are basically telling it to which function to run and what the parameters are to be passed: executor.submit(database.update, index)This will allow each thread in the pool to call the executor.submit(index). The database is a reference to the FalseDatabase object that was created in main function.

    Each of the threads will have a reference to the database and also a unique index value which will make the log statements readable. The thread contains its own version of all the data local to the function. This is called local_copy in the case of .update(). This is an advantage that allows all the local variables of a function to be thread-safe.

    Two Threads

    If we consider the race condition again, the two threads will run concurrently. They will each point to the same object database and will have their own version of local_copy. The database object will be the reason for the problems.  

    The program will start with Thread 1 running .update() and then the thread will call time.sleep() and allows other threads to take its place and start running. Now Thread 2 performs all the same operations just like Thread 1. It also copies database.value into its local_copy but database.value does not get updated.  

    Now when Thread 2 ends, the shared database.value still contains zero and both versions of local_copy have the value one. Finally, Thread 1 again wakes up, and it terminates by saving its local_copy, which gives a chance Thread 2 to run. On the other hand,  Thread 2 is unaware of Thread 1 and the updated database.value.  Thread 2 also then stores its version of local_copy into database.value.  

    The race condition occurs here in the sense that Thread 1 and Thread 2 have interleaving access to a single shared object, and they overwrite each other’s results. Race conditions can also occur when one thread releases memory or closes a file handle before the work of another thread. 

    Basic Synchronization in Threading

    You can solve race conditions with the help of Lock. A Lock is an object that acts like a hall pass which will allow only one thread at a time to enter the read-modify-write section of the code. If any other thread wants to enter at the same time, it has to wait until the current owner of the Lock gives it up.  

    The basic functions are .acquire() and .release(). A thread will call my_lock.acquire() to get the Lock. However, this thread will have to wait if the Lock is held by another thread until it releases it. 

    The Lock-in Python also works as a context manager and can be used within a with statement and will be released automatically with the exit of with block. Let us take the previous FalseDatabase class and add Lock to it:

    class FalseDatabase:
        def race(self):
            self.value = 0
            self._lock = threading.Lock()
        def locked_update(self, name):
            logging.info("Thread %s: starting update...",name)
            logging.debug("Thread %s about to lock...",name)
            with self._lock:
                logging.debug("Thread %s has lock...",name)
                local_copy = self.value
                local_copy += 1
                self.value = local_copy
                logging.debug("Thread %s about to release lock...",name)
           logging.debug("Thread %s after release...",name)
           logging.info("Thread %s: finishing update...",name)

    ._lock is a part of the threading.Lock() object and is initialized in the unlocked state and later released with the help of with statement. 

    The output of the code above with logging set to a warning level will be as follows: 

    $ ./fixingracecondition.py
    Testing locked update. Starting value is 0.
    Thread 0: starting update...
    Thread 1: starting update...
    Thread 0: finishing update...
    Thread 1: finishing update...
    Testing locked update. Ending value is 2.

    The output of the code with full logging by setting the level to DEBUG:

    $ ./fixingracecondition.py
    Testing locked update. Starting value is 0.
    Thread 0: starting update...
    Thread 0 about to lock...
    Thread 0 has lock...
    Thread 1: starting update...
    Thread 1 about to lock...
    Thread 0 about to release lock...
    Thread 0 after release...
    Thread 0: finishing update...
    Thread 1 has lock...
    Thread 1 about to release lock...
    Thread 1 after release...
    Thread 1: finishing update...
    Testing locked update. Ending value is 2.

    The Lock provides a mutual exclusion between the threads.

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    The Producer-Consumer Threading Problem

    In Computer Science, the Producer-Consumer Threading Problem is a classic example of a multi-process synchronization problem.  

    Consider a program that has to read messages and write them to disk. It will listen and accept messages as they come in bursts and not at regular intervals. This part of the program is termed the producer.  

    On the other hand, you need to write the message to the database once you have it. This database access is slow because of bursts of messages coming in. This part of the program is called the consumer.  

    A pipeline has to be created between the producer and consumer that will act as the changing part as you gather more knowledge about various synchronization objects.  

    Using Lock

    The basic design is a producer thread that will read from a false network and put the message into the pipeline

    import random
    Sentinel = object()
    def producer(pipeline):
        """Pretend we're getting a message from the network."""
        for index in range(10):
            msg = random.randint(1,101)
            logging.info("Producer got message: %s",msg)
        # Send a sentinel message to tell consumer we're done 

    The producer gets a random number between 1 and 100 and calls the .set_message() on the pipeline to send it to the consumer

    def consumer(pipeline):
        """Pretend we're saving a number in the database."""
        msg = 0
        while msg is not Sentinel:
           msg = pipeline.get_msg("Consumer")
           if msg is not Sentinel:
               logging.info("Consumer storing message: %s",msg)

    The consumer reads a message from the pipeline and displays the false database.

    The main section of the section is as follows:

    if __name__ == "__main__":
        format = "%(asctime)s: %(message)s"
        # logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG)
        pipeline = Pipeline()
             with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=2) as executor:
             executor.submit(producer, pipeline)
             executor.submit(consumer, pipeline)

    Now let us see the code of Pipeline that will pass messages from the producer to consumer

    class Pipeline:
        """Class to allow a single element pipeline between producer and consumer.""" 
       def pipeline_message(self): 
         self.msg = 0
         self.producer_lock = threading.Lock()
         self.consumer_lock = threading.Lock()
      def get_msg(self, name):
          logging.debug("%s:about to acquire getlock...",name)
          logging.debug("%s:have getlock...",name)
          msg = self.msg
          logging.debug("%s:about to release setlock...",name)
          logging.debug("%s:setlock released...",name)
          return msg
      def set_msg(self, msg, name):
          logging.debug("%s:about to acquire setlock...",name)
          logging.debug("%s:have setlock...",name)
          logging.debug("%s:about to release getlock...",name)
          logging.debug("%s:getlock released...", name)

    The members of Pipeline are: 

    • .msg - It stores the message to pass.
    • .producer_lock - It is threading.Lock an object that does not allow access to the message by the producer.
    • .consumer_lock - It is threading.Lock that does not allow to access the message of the consumer.

    The function pipeline_message initializes the three members and then calls .acquire() on the .consumer_lock. Now the producer has the allowance to add a message, and the consumer has to wait until the message is present.  

    .get_msg calls .acquire on the consumer_lock and then the consumer copies the value in .msg and then calls .release() on the .producer_lock. After the lock is released, the producer can insert the message into the pipeline. Now the producer will call the .set_msg(), and it will acquire the .producer_lock and set the .msg, and then the lock is released, and the consumer can read the value. 

    The output of the code with the logging set to WARNING

    $ ./producerconsumer_lock.py
    Producer got data 43 
    Producer got data 45 
    Consumer storing data: 43 
    Producer got data 86 
    Consumer storing data: 45 
    Producer got data 40 
    Consumer storing data: 86 
    Producer got data 62 
    Consumer storing data: 40 
    Producer got data 15 
    Consumer storing data: 62 
    Producer got data 16 
    Consumer storing data: 15 
    Producer got data 61 
    Consumer storing data: 16 
    Producer got data 73 
    Consumer storing data: 61 
    Producer got data 22 
    Consumer storing data: 73 
    Consumer storing data: 22 

    Objects in Threading 

    Python consists of a few more threading modules, which can be handy in different cases. Some of these are discussed below. 

    1. Semaphore 

    A semaphore is a counter module with few unique properties. The first property is that its counting is atomic which means that the operating system will not swap the thread while incrementing or decrementing the counter. The internal counter increments when .release() is called and decremented when .acquire() is called.  

    The other property is that if a thread calls .acquire() while the counter is zero, then the thread will be blocked until another thread calls .release()

    The main work of semaphores is to protect a resource having a limited capacity. It is used in cases where you have a pool of connections and you want to limit the size of the pool to a particular number. 

    2. Timer 

    The Timer module is used to schedule a function that is to be called after a certain amount of time has passed. You need to pass a number of seconds to wait and a function to call to create a Timer:

    t = threading.Timer(20.0,my_timer_function) 

    The timer is started by calling the .start function, and you can stop it by calling  .cancel(). A Timer prompts for action after a particular amount of time.  

    3. Condition  

    Condition object is used for synchronizing the threads. A condition variable can be linked to a shared resource because it is always coupled with some lock. A lock can be specified, or one will be generated automatically. Passing one in is useful when numerous condition variables must share the same lock. We don't need to track the lock individually because it's part of the condition object. As a result, threads can use the condition object to wait for the resource to be updated. 

    4. Event 

    The Event class object provides a fundamental mechanism for thread communication in which one thread signals an event, and the other threads wait for it. So, when the thread designed to generate the signal generates it, the waiting thread is activated. The event object employs an internal flag known as the event flag, which may be set to true using the set() function and reset to false using the clear() method. The wait() method freezes a thread until any other thread sets the event flag for which it is waiting to true. 

    5. Barrier 

    The barrier object can be used to synchronize a set number of threads. The caller must indicate how many threads will synchronize on a Barrier when created. Each thread makes a call, wait () on the Barrier, and they will all be blocked until the stated number of threads are waiting, at which point they will all be released simultaneously. The operating system schedules threads, so even if all of the threads are released simultaneously, they will only run one at a time. A Barrier can be used to allow a pool of threads to self-initialize. Having the threads wait on a Barrier after they are initialized ensures that none of the threads run before the others have completed their initialization. 

    6. BoundedSemaphore 

    A bounded semaphore is identical to a semaphore object, except that the upper limit of the semaphore cannot be increased. When semaphores are constructed, they are given a starting count value. Each acquire() call decrements the internal counter, while each release() call advances the counter. We can call the release() method several times more than the acquire() method, allowing the internal counter to exceed the original number. 


    In this article, we have covered most of the topics associated with threading in Python. We have discussed the following:

    • What is Threading 
    • Creating and starting a Thread 
    • Multiple threading 
    • Race Conditions and how to prevent them 
    • Threading Objects 

    We hope you are now well aware of threading Python and how to build threaded programs and the problems they approach to solve. You have also gained knowledge of the problems that arise when writing and debugging different types of threaded programs.  

    To gain more knowledge about Python tips and tricks, check our Python tutorial and get a good hold of coding in Python by joining the KnowledgeHut fundamentals of Python Programming course

    Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)  

    1. Is threading worthwhile in Python? 

    Yes! Threading is worth it in python. Python threading allows you to run multiple portions of your program concurrently, simplifying program design. If you have some Python experience and wish to use threads to speed up your software, then use python threading. 

    2. Why is Python not thread-safe? 

    Python is not thread-safe because it does not provide actual multi-core execution via multithreading. GIL, or Global Interpreter Lock, was initially created to ensure that processes be performed serially on a computer's CPU. This appears to imply that Python programs cannot handle multiprocessing, and python is not thread-safe because it cannot support multiprocessing. 

    3. How many threads can Python run? 

    Python generally executes the set of written statements using only one thread. Only one line will be performed at a time in python. 

    4. Does Python threading use multiple cores? 

    Python does not support multiple cores. Because the CPython interpreter does not allow multi-core execution via multithreading, python does not support multithreading and will not let you utilize the additional CPU cores. 


    Ramulu Enugurthi

    Blog Author

    Ramulu Enugurthi, a distinguished computer science expert with an M.Tech from IIT Madras, brings over 15 years of software development excellence. Their versatile career spans gaming, fintech, e-commerce, fashion commerce, mobility, and edtech, showcasing adaptability in multifaceted domains. Proficient in building distributed and microservices architectures, Ramulu is renowned for tackling modern tech challenges innovatively. Beyond technical prowess, he is a mentor, sharing invaluable insights with the next generation of developers. Ramulu's journey of growth, innovation, and unwavering commitment to excellence continues to inspire aspiring technologists.

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