JavaScript in Singapore

Learn by doing and build rich, interactive websites and applications with JavaScript

  • Utilize your SkillsFuture Credit and avail UTAP Support
  • Get hands-on with 30 MCQs, 2 classroom assessments based on case-studies
  • Add two more projects to your web development portfolio
  • Gain from real-time code analysis with feedback from industry experts
  • Experience immersive learning with mentorship from industry experts
  • 24 hours of live instructor-led training including of 2.5 hours of assessment time
  • Get  free E-learning access to 100+ courses

Utilise Your SkillsFuture Credit and Claim UTAP Support

Talk to a Course Counsellor

Get Additional Course Fee Support Up to $500 under UTAP  

The Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP) is a training benefit provided to NTUC Union Members with the objective of encouraging them to upgrade with skills training. It is provided to minimize the training cost. If you are a NTUC Union Member, then you can get 50% funding (capped at $500 per year) under Union Training Assistance Programme (UTAP).

For more information visit NTUC U Portal – Union Training Assistance Program (UTAP)  


  • Course Fee (Before GST)
  • GST (Full Course Fee, 9%)
  • Course Fee + GST

Unfunded Course Fee with GST

  • Singapore Citizens & Permanent Residents

    (39 years and below)

  • $800.00
  • $72.00
  • $872.00
  • Singapore Citizens & Permanent Residents

    (40 years and above)

  • $800.00
  • $72.00
  • $872.00
* Note:
  1. UTAP funding for NTUC Union Members is capped at $250 for 39 years and below and at $500 for 40 years and above.
  2. UTAP support amount to be paid to training provider first and claimed after end of class by learner.
  3. Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) to pay. For more details, visit



  • Singapore Citizens & Permanent Residents

    (39 years and below)

  • Course Fee (Before GST)

  • GST (Full Course Fee, 9%)

  • Course Fee + GST

  • Unfunded Course Fee with GST

  • Singapore Citizens & Permanent Residents

    (40 years and above)

  • Course Fee (Before GST)

  • GST (Full Course Fee, 9%)

  • Course Fee + GST

  • Unfunded Course Fee with GST

* Note:
  1. UTAP funding for NTUC Union Members is capped at $250 for 39 years and below and at $500 for 40 years and above.
  2. UTAP support amount to be paid to training provider first and claimed after end of class by learner.
  3. Singaporeans aged 25 and above can use their SkillsFuture Credit (SFC) to pay. For more details, visit

Steps to Apply to Claim SFC and Avail UTAP

NTUC Union Members can enjoy 50% unfunded course fee support up to $500 under UTAP. 
Not sure how to get started with applying for UTAP support and claiming SFC? Just follow these simple steps: 

Step 1: Get enrolled
- Enroll into our JavaScript Training. 

Step 2: Apply for the SFC claim
- Check out KnowledgeHut’s upcoming schedules and select a workshop on a date convenient to you. An invoice will be issued to you with the fee breakdown.
- Follow this step-by-step process in the MySkillsFuture portal:
a. Login to the MySkillsFuture portal, select the course you’re enrolling into and enter course date and schedule
b. Enter the course fee payable by you (including GST) and enter the amount of credit to claim
c. Upload your invoice and click ‘Submit’
For more details on SkillsFuture Credit and the various approved skills-related courses, visit

Step 3: Apply for the UTAP Support 
- Log in to your U Portal account to submit your UTAP application upon completion of the course. 

Step 4: Enjoy your course 
-  Utilize your SFC credits, UTAP support, and skill up! 

Need help with checking your funding eligibility?

Become a skilled JavaScript developer

The JavaScript program by KnowledgeHut is designed to help professionals learn and master JavaScript, one of the most popular programming languages globally and the driving force behind the Internet. This project-driven and hands-on program is offered as a 32-hour instructor-led training (ILT) program.

Both individuals and enterprises looking to upskill their workforce can benefit from the immersive learning experience offered by KnowledgeHut. Learners can leverage on the hands-on training to achieve an in-depth understanding of concepts to be productive and production-ready right from day one. Our course curriculum is constantly updated to reflect the latest advancements in tech.  

The course follows a well-curated learning path with the curriculum split into well manageable modules. Following a practical and reason-based learning approach, you will start off with an introduction to JavaScript and its fundamentals. You will then learn the intricacies of JavaScript as we traverse through a myriad of features, functionalities and intuitive capabilities that makes JavaScript flexible, powerful and fun. Each module is supplemented with plenty of hands-on exercises to help learners understand best practices and coding conventions.

Course Reference Number: C11895901

What you will Learn

  • Learn what are the new features in JavaScript. Work with ECMAScript 2021+ language features
  • What happens when the form of the original data changes? Understand mutation and immutability

  • Using a variable to store different elements. Explore and understand Arrays and their applications 

  • Learn what constitutes objects in JavaScript. Understand the ways in which Objects can be used

  • Learn what loops are. Understand conditionals. Explore how to work with loops and conditionals

  • Learn all about functions. Find out how to build constructor function. Learn to use recursive functions

  • Learn to work with Date and Time features in JavaScript. Discover how to work with timers in JavaScript

  • Find out how JavaScript accesses elements in a web page. Understand the Document Object Model (DOM)
  • Master advanced concepts like closures, currying, partial application, and higher order functions

  • Prior knowledge/ training required
    • Basics of HTML and CSS or any other programming language will will make it easy to understand JavaScript concepts.
    • Basic knowledge of an IDE or a code editor like Microsoft VSCode is helpful
  • Software Requirements
    • An IDE or a code editor like Microsoft VSCode, Sublime Text or similar
    • A web browser such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Firefox
  • System Requirements
    • Any workstation or laptop with at least 8Gb of RAM

Who Should Attend

  • Web Designers
  • Those who wish to learn web development
  • Those who wish to build enterprise grade, robust & scalable web apps
  • Those looking to build a career in front-end or back-end web dev

Knowledgehut Experience


Immersive hands-on training combining theory, hands-on exercises, group discussions, assignments and intensive Q&A sessions.


Ask questions, get clarifications, and engage in discussions with instructors and other participants.


Take advantage of real-world guidance from expert Industry practitioners with at least 10 years or more of experience


Learn the logical reasoning behind each theoretical concept and go on to master the practical application of each.


Learn concepts with examples and build your portfolio of projects to showcase your expertise to potential clients and future employers.


Benefit from a rigorous approach to module design and preparation by experts to ensure current and industry-relevant content.


Learning Objectives

Discover JavaScript, its origins and understand it from the point of view of the language standard. Also learn about the evolution process of the language before getting hands-on experience as you setup your development environment and write your very first script.


  • What is JavaScript? 
  • A Historical Look 
  • The TC-39 Feature Release Process 
  • Setting Up Your Development Environment 
  • Your First Script

Learning Objectives

While JavaScript is a dynamic language, there are core data types and structures it works with. You will learn about key data types and their abilities and use cases including key operators and even handling exceptions and errors.


  • Understanding Data Types and Structures  
  • Number and Numeric Operators
  • BigInt
  • String
  • Boolean
  • Object
  • Array
  • Undefined, Null and NaN
  • Equality Operator
  • Relational Operators
  • Comments
  • Handling Exceptions

Learning Objectives

Variables allow you to hold dynamic data as you process it in your script. In this module you will learn about the ways to create variables, constants and handle their values and their data types.


  • Understanding Variables 
  • Block Scoped Variables with ‘let’ 
  • Creating Constants with ‘const’ 
  • Type Conversion

Learning Objectives

Learn to conditionally control the flow of execution in your script by using decision-making constructs that JavaScript offers. You will also learn about special operators that help you implement decision-based flow of control.


  • Conditionals - An Introduction  
  • Decision Making with ‘if-else’  
  • Lots of Choices with 'else if'  
  • Switch 
  • Ternary Operator  
  • Binary Logical Operators  
  • Nullish Coalescing Operator  
  • Optional Chaining Operator  

Learning Objectives

Discover functions as a critical building block of your JavaScript application. You will learn about distinct types of function types that JavaScript offers including the ever-important execution context and working with parameters.


  • What are Functions?  
  • Function Declaration  
  • Function Expression  
  • The 'this' Keyword and Function Execution Context  
  • Arrow Functions  
  • Constructor Functions  
  • Default Parameters  

Learning Objectives

Loops allow you to incorporate repetitive execution of code that is governed by conditions. Discover various techniques and strategies for implementing loops in your scripts.


  • What are Loops?  
  • The 'for' Loop  
  • The 'for-of' and 'for-in' Loop  
  • The 'while' and 'do-while' Loops  
  • Recursive Functions  

Learning Objectives

Arrays are a data structure in JavaScript and is particularly useful when you want to hold a set of data for processing. In this module, you'll learn about Arrays and the host of operations that you can do with them.


  • The Array Prototype 
  • Reversing an Array 
  • Converting Strings to Arrays and Back 
  • Iteration using forEach() 
  • Finding an Element 
  • Creating Arrays Using Array.of() and Array.from() 
  • Using Destructuring Assignment 
  • Using Spread 
  • Remapping Arrays 
  • Sorting Arrays 
  • Slice and Splice 
  • Filtering Arrays 
  • Flattening Arrays 
  • Reducing Arrays 
  • Comparing Arrays 

Learning Objectives

Objects are an important data structure and can be used for storing named values and methods. You will learn about the Object in its fundamental form and its associated methods and functionality.


  • The Object Prototype 
  • Object Destructuring 
  • Adding and Composing Properties 
  • Creating Customized Properties 
  • Shallow Copying vs Deep Copying 
  • Detecting the Presence of Properties 
  • Getting Properties and Values 
  • Sealing and Freezing 

Learning Objectives

Strings allow you to store alphanumeric data such as words, phrases and paragraphs and hence they are an important data type. JavaScript offers you a lot of methods and workflows to work with Strings and that is the subject of this module.


  • The String Prototype 
  • Finding a String 
  • Repeating a String 
  • Introduction to Regular Expressions 
  • Find Matching Characters 
  • Replacing Text 
  • Extracting Text 
  • Trimming Whitespace 
  • Start With or Ends With  

Learning Objectives

Date and time are fundamental to computer programming, and you need them in web applications all the time. In this module, you'll work with date and time features in JavaScript.


  • Working with Date and Time 
  • Getter and Setter Methods 
  • Formatting Date and Time 
  • Computing Difference Between Dates 
  • Adding Days, Hours or Minutes to Date 

Learning Objectives

JavaScript allows you to use the Document Object Model to build a website that is interactive and robust. You will learn all about it in this module.


  • Discovering the DOM 
  • Integrating JavaScript Code in a Web Page  
  • Creating and Rendering Elements  
  • Selecting Elements  
  • Understanding Events  
  • Playing with Events  
  • Playing with Keyboard Events  
  • Playing with the Mouse  
  • Implementing Drag and Drop  
  • Working with Forms  
  • Building a Shopping List Application 

Learning Objectives

You already know about functions. Now is the time to level up your knowledge and learn advanced patterns that are integral to good application design.


  • Closures  
  • Higher Order Functions  
  • Currying  
  • Partial Application  
  • Timers  

For the final capstone project, you will build an end-to-end web application using plain vanilla JavaScript employing modular code and a test-driven architecture.


The Course

JavaScript developers are in high demand earning salaries upto $88,939 per year in Singapore. Learning JavaScript will also help you unleash your talent and creativity and work with the best in the website development business, building interactive and state of the art websites. This comprehensive course has been formulated keeping in mind industry needs and hence equips you with in-demand skills. You will learn everything from the basics to advanced functionality and hence even novice professionals and students can enrol for this course.

You will:

  • Learn up to date modern JS features
  • Be proficient with JavaScript language.

By the end of the course, you will have:

  • Completed several hands-on examples, 2 course projects which gives you basic to immediate skills of JavaScript
  • Prepared yourself with the foundational knowledge you need to begin a career of continuous learning.

There are no restrictions but participants would benefit if they have elementary programming knowledge and familiarity with statistics.

Yes, KnowledgeHut offers this training online.

On successful completion of the course you will receive a course completion certificate issued by KnowledgeHut.

Your instructors are Web development experts who have years of industry experience.

SkillsFuture Credit

SkillsFuture Credit is an initiative by Singapore Government to encourage Singaporeans to upgrade their skills. Singaporeans can use this credit to pay for different training courses including our Certified Scrum Master course.  

All Singaporeans aged 25 and above can apply for the SkillsFuture Credit. For more information on eligibility click here. 

No, The SkillsFuture Credit is only provided to individuals to skill up.  

SkillsFuture is not a cash account and you will not earn any interest from it.  

You can only use the credit to offset course fees for training programs which are approved by SkillsFuture like our Certified Scrum Master training course.  

As SkillsFuture is not a cash account, you cannot withdraw cash from this account and pay course fees directly to your Training Partner.  

Your course fee will be directly paid to your course provider through MySkillsFuture. 

You can reach out to our course counselor for assistance or follow the following steps:  

  • Login to MySkillsFuture 
  • Select course and enter course data and schedule 
  • Enter course fee payable including GST and enter the claim amount 
  • Upload invoice and click Submit. 

UTAP Funding

Union Training Assistance Program (UTAP) is a training benefit provided to NTUC members to minimize training costs. As a result, they are encouraged to enhance their skills and achieve a rewarding career.  

UTAP support is provided to Singapore citizens and permanent resident who are NTUC members.  

NTUC members can get up to 50% unfunded course fee support under UTAP support. The UTAP amount is capped at $250 for participants under 39 years and at $500 for participants above 40 years. 

You can reach out to our course counsellors or Log in to your U Portal account to submit your UTAP application upon completion of the course. 

The UTAP support amount is paid to the training provider first and can be claimed by the learner only upon course completion.  

Finance Related

Any registration cancelled within 48 hours of the initial registration will be refunded in FULL (please note that all cancellations will incur a 5% deduction in the refunded amount due to transactional costs applicable while refunding) Refunds will be processed within 30 days of receipt of written request for refund. Kindly go through our Refund Policy for more details:

KnowledgeHut offers a 100% money back guarantee if the candidate withdraws from the course right after the first session. To learn more about the 100% refund policy, visit our Refund Policy.

The Remote Experience

In an online classroom, students can log in at the scheduled time to a live learning environment which is led by an instructor. You can interact, communicate, view and discuss presentations, and engage with learning resources while working in groups, all in an online setting. Our instructors use an extensive set of collaboration tools and techniques which improves your online training experience.

Once you register for the course you will be provided with system requirements and lab setup document which contains detailed information to prepare the environment for the course

Reviews on our popular courses

Review image

KnowledgeHut's Agile Master's Program is exceptional. It provided me with the necessary skills and certifications to excel in the Agile domain. The career advancement opportunities are vast, and the program enhanced my job performance significantly. A must-have for Agile professionals!

Emily Wilson

Team Lead
Attended Agile Masters Certification Program workshop in June 2023
Review image

Impressive program for Azure data engineering. Covers essential concepts with practical examples, equipping learners with valuable skills for the industry. Loved the assignments and projects. 

Robert Brown

Business Analyst
Attended Azure Data Engineer Master's Program workshop in June 2023
Review image

At KnowledgeHut, I had one of my best educational experiences. The course is extensive and contains many materials, including videos, PPTs, and PDFs. In addition, all the trainers and the support staff were incredibly accommodating and accessible.

Anubhav Ingole

Senior Data Scientist
Attended Data Science with Python Certification workshop in August 2022
Review image

The learning methodology put it all together for me. I ended up attempting projects I’ve never done before and never thought I could. 

Lea Kirsten

Senior Developer
Attended Back-End Development Bootcamp workshop in July 2021
Review image

The learning methodology put it all together for me. I ended up attempting projects I’ve never done before and never thought I could. 

Daiv D Souza

Senior Developer
Attended Front-End Development Bootcamp workshop in July 2021
Review image

I am glad to have attended KnowledgeHut's training program. Really I should thank my friend for referring me here. I was impressed with the trainer who explained advanced concepts thoroughly and with relevant examples. Everything was well organized. I would definitely refer some of their courses to my peers as well.

Rubetta Pai

Front End Developer
Attended PMP® Certification workshop in May 2020
Review image

I was totally impressed by the teaching methods followed by Knowledgehut. The trainer gave us tips and tricks throughout the training session. The training session gave me the confidence to do better in my job.

Matteo Vanderlaan

System Architect
Attended Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)® workshop in January 2020
Review image

Trainer really was helpful and completed the syllabus covering each and every concept with examples on time. Knowledgehut staff was friendly and open to all questions.

Sherm Rimbach

Senior Network Architect
Attended Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)® workshop in February 2020

Have More Questions?

JavaScript Course in Singapore

The national personification of Singapore is the Merlion and just like its mascot, the country too embodies diverse characteristics?that of a business leader, futuristic city with sci-fi architecture, mouth-watering delicacies, wide open spaces and an enviable waterfront. From being a fishing village to dominating Asia?s markets, Singapore has come a long way. The skyline today is dominated by skyscrapers that house some of the world?s most renowned companies including CISCO, OCBC, GE, Dell, Microsoft and top companies in the shipping, finance, oil-refining, and engineering sectors. Among its distinctions include being one of the world?s busiest port, top oil-refining centre, the largest oil-rig producer, ship repair services, and according to the World Bank one of the easiest places to do business. And if you think Singapore is all about work then you should know that it is also the world's second largest casino gambling market. Professionals who wish to thrive in their career would find that they can do well here, with certifications such as PRINCE2, PMP, PMI-ACP, CSM, CEH, CSPO, Scrum & Agile, MS courses and others. Note: Please note that the actual venue may change according to convenience, and will be communicated after the registration.