General Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

Are you excited about the new interview you have bagged? But also worried about how to ace the interview. We have got you covered. In this article, we have mentioned 65 general interview questions with answers for you. General interview questions are more hypothetical in nature. They are asked in almost every interview to assess the overall behavior of the candidate. The answers can be random - depending on one's skills and talent. This guide is also helpful for HR to help them with general interview questions to ask candidates.

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A common question in General interview questions, don't miss this one.  

How you respond to this question will set the tone for the rest of the interview. Hence, you must understand what the interviewer wants to know. So, it would help if you answered the question intellectually.

Here's a little tip: the interviewer wants to know your experience and how it can be helpful for the given role. In addition to this, you can also talk about education. You can briefly tell them what defines you about the job and your experience. Also, you can add a few strengths and weaknesses. You can prepare a script of your answer in advance to save you from real-time nervousness. Here is what you can say -

"Hello, I am (Your Name). Thank you for having me here. I have completed my graduation from XYZ university. I have been in this industry for a very long time and gained much experience to be eligible to work with such a reputable company. My most recent job role was as a team leader - where I managed a bunch of content writers - from assigning to editing and managing the content calendar. One reason I love working in this industry is - content writing is not just writing; it is challenging, requires creativity, and focus. The project I worked on was writing content for marketing, and we have increased our sales by 30% with effective use of content marketing."

When a hiring manager asks you about the company, there are a few things they want to learn - your career goals and how you fit into the company. They also want to make sure you are genuinely interested in the position. They also want to know how well you know the company. You can use the following points to answer the question - 

  • Talk about the company's value and how it matches yours. 
  • Demonstrate knowledge of your company. 
  • Do not over-say things - that seem fake. 

Here's what you should not do while answering the question - 

  • Try not to cross the line of flattery. 
  • Do not sound uninformed. 
  • Refrain from talking badly about your former employers. 

The best way to answer the question is - 

"I have been following this company on LinkedIn for the past few days and noticed your innovative way of working. Also, I have seen many clients and employee testimonials that talk about the company appreciatively. I also like how you help your employees succeed in their career growth and recognize their efforts."

What is your ideal company - this is a common interview question, and the interviewer is interested in learning why you chose this company above all of your other possibilities. You are being questioned about what it is about this organization that aligns well with your goals, values, capabilities, and objectives. Here's what you must not do -

  • Do not speak irrelevant things.  
  • Do not give a general answer.
  • Avoid vague descriptions.

The answer must be strong, specific, and consistent. Here's how you can answer the question -

"My ideal company provides creative solutions to the problem. The company must be able to provide reliable, authentic products, etc. I love to work in an organization that prioritizes cooperation, with managers and coworkers that respect each person's particular abilities and understand how to collaborate to make the greatest use of everyone's skills."

One of the most frequently posed General interview questions, be ready for it.  

Out of all the general interviews for experience, this is the most popular one. Whenever switching companies, you must be prepared to explain to the interviewer why you are changing the company. Though many people quit companies because of a screaming boss, low pay, etc., it is not advisable to say all these reasons to the interviewer. Though many companies appreciate and truly believe in work-life balance. So, always add a positive aspect rather than crying about how bad your last company was. You can answer the question by saying -

"I left the job because I was looking for a change in my career - someplace where I can completely utilize my expertise. Also, I believe we work best if we have a healthy work balance. I love to spend time with my family and friends after work."

Employers appreciate people with visions and goals in life. Tell them you reached your potential in your last job and are looking for new challenges. You can also talk about the career advancement you are looking for. Always remember - do not overshare, keep your information limited but cover the essential aspects, and be honest with the interviewer.

A staple in General job interview questions, be prepared to answer this one.  

Here your answer must be specific to the job. This is to check if your skill sets align with the company. Once they know their role and responsibilities in your previous company gives them a sense of confidence, making it easier for them to hire you. Here is an example of how you can answer the question - 

"As a web developer, I ensure the company's website works well. Whenever there is any issue or problem with the site, I use my coding skills to resolve the problem so that the customer or the end-user has no problem using the website. Apart from that, my website designing skills are excellent, which could be a great addition to this job."

The interviewer asks this question because they do not want to know that the reason behind looking for a job is just paying the bills. They are looking for enthusiastic and goal-driven individuals who think of a job more than a reason for paying bills. Below are three steps to getting the answer right.  

  • Tell them what you are looking for - career advancement or a chance to get involved in another field.  
  • Tell them you noticed something interesting in the job description which allured you to apply for the position. 
  • Lastly, recap how you are fit for the job. 

Here's what you can say- 

"I have been working as a content writer for the last two years and also have done digital marketing, content management, and communication course. It is a field of growing and ample opportunities. After going through your company's job description, it feels like this is a great opportunity to ramp up my career. My Facebook, social media, and email marketing skills can be better used. I have been doing this for my independent clients and have delivered great outcomes." 

Expect to come across this popular question in General interview questions for freshers.  

This question can be tricky and requires more than just a regular answer - telling them how great you are. Also, the answer - Because I need a job, won't work. With this question, the interviewer wants to know if you are the best fit for the job. Here you have to demonstrate yourself as the solution to the problem the company is facing and show them how you can do what their previous employees need help to do. 

Before the interview, research their company, products, and social media profiles to see what they do and their goals. Also, go through the job description, as it can contain some of the skills you might have to mention during the interview. Also, relate to the cultural aspect of the organization and avoid cliche phrases like -  

  • I am the perfect fit for the job 
  • I am a team player 
  • I have no weaknesses 
  • I am a perfectionist 
  • I am a workaholic 
  • I am a natural leader 

You can start answering by - 

"My digital marketing expertise, copywriting, and explicable content writing skills make me a good fit for the job. In my last job, I managed a team of writers and delivered great results."

You might be asked another version of the question - "Where do you see yourself in the next five years?" By this question, the interviewer wants to know your future goals. You think you can answer this easily, but this can get tricky as nobody knows what's in for them in the future. Also, it would help if you gave a clear answer. The interviewer wants a creative answer along with what your career goals are. They like candidates with great ambition. Explain how your career goals align with the company. You can answer the question by saying -

"As I visited your website, I saw how this company helps the employees grow, and I hope to manage a team someday. In the process, I would like to learn the management process to be on the management board someday."

This is also one of the most asked general interview questions for freshers.

This is the best way to impress the interviewer with your skills and strengths. Learn skills that make you different from job candidates. Make a point of your skills and what you are good at. Also, you can ask a few of your past colleagues and friends about some good qualities in you, make a note and apply it in the interview. You can create a list of your strengths by dividing them into three categories: 

  • Knowledge-based Skills (technical skills) 
  • Transferable Skills (communication skills) 
  • Personal Traits (flexibility, friendly, etc.) 

In addition to this, you can check out the job description. Employers usually load their job descriptions with all the responsibilities. Hence, that would be easier for you to understand what you should say. Try to keep the conversation minimal without overselling yourself. Some examples of your strength can be: 

  • Discipline 
  • Creativity 
  • Versatility 
  • Honesty 
  • Enthusiasm 
  • Trustworthiness 
  • Dedication

Everybody has their weaknesses. But, you must consider who should accept their shortcomings - especially in an interview. Well, this question can be well-handled by adding some positivity to it. Select a trait (but be honest) and devise a solution. Do not emphasize the personality trait. The best examples of positive weaknesses are: 

  • Not familiar with the recent software 
  • Attempting to please everyone 
  • Being too critical about work 
  • Impatient till the work is done

The best way to curate your answer is -

"I feel my management skills are lacking, which I can improve if I work on. Also, I struggle with public speaking sometimes - but I am working on improving what is necessary." 

A must-know for anyone heading into a General interview, this question is frequently asked in General interview questions for freshers.  

for the interview will help the interviewer assess if you are worth your expected salary. The interviewer may also ask - "What are you looking for in terms of salary?" This is one of the trickiest interview questions. This is because the question might seem simple, but it can be a reason for the employer to say no. You will still tell them what you expect - but presenting it in a way matters. Also, while telling them your expectations, ensure to put it in between a budget and be reasonable - that makes a good impression.

To be within the budget, you must carefully research how much they offer. Several websites can help you with this. An example of the answer to this question is -

"My salary expectations are quite flexible. However, as I have significant experience in the field, which adds value to my candidacy, I would like to discuss my roles and responsibilities in the company, and then we can decide on something."

Even after this, the interviewers ask you to give a number; you can tell them accordingly (here, the research comes in handy)-  

"I think we must decide and discuss my responsibilities and the role in the job, which I look forward to. Therefore I do understand the pay for a similar job role for freshers here is INR A to INR B. With my experience and skill set, I expect something between INR B and INR C."

Always give it a thought before answering these questions. Here the interviewer is looking for negative points. You might be talking yourself out of the job if you say it randomly. This doesn't mean you have to lie - you need to answer the question with some positive angle. This is to check your job satisfaction - it is human nature to get dissatisfied with something easily. Do not start the answer with negativity, like - my job role kept changing every now and then, and I am looking for stability, or, my boss used to criticize me if there was one single mistake in my work - these answers create doubts and confusion, based on which your candidacy could be denied. Instead, here's what you can say 

"After giving a thought to this question and trying to figure out what I liked least about my last job, I concluded that there's nothing I hated in my last job. I have worked with great minds and a wonderful, enthusiastic, and success-driven team. But I would say that the job demanded a good amount of time making reports and paperwork. Not that I don't like working in those situations. But it was preventing me from doing the best I could do - that is working with people, collaborating with them, and obtaining results."  

This question demands understanding yourself. Here the interviewer wants to know if you know the role and the responsibility. Answering this question is very simple. You must read the job description, review the company's profile, and check its social media handles. Frame your answer and make it job specific. Do not add any fluff, and don't pretend. This will create a really bad impression. Be more detailed about the job and what motivated you to apply. Here's how you can answer the question -

"One thing that really excited me about the job is - the opportunity to work with a global client base. I love traveling and exploring new places. So, this job will allow me to go places, do my job, and see new cultures, as knowing other cultures helps to learn a lot about life. In addition, I will also have an opportunity to move upward and give the most to the company with my skill set and knowledge."

It's no surprise that this one pops up often in General questions to ask in an interview.  

This question is similar to the following general interview questions: 

  • Do you have any hobbies? 
  • What do you usually do when you are not working? 
  • How is your time after work usually spent? 
  • What do you do for fun?

Many people think of this as a privacy intrusion. However, the interviewer just wants to know as a person. This does not mean you can talk gibberish. They want to know how you manage your work-life balance. This is the best way to create a great impression of yourself because if you are involved in activities that directly or indirectly relate to your work - that is a plus point. You can also include some fun activities like gardening, knitting, cooking, drawing, writing poems, sports, etc. Here's how you can answer the question:

"I love to read books - novels, children's books, etc. Books give the inspiration to write the next book I am on to finishing. I have already written a few books (name them). In addition to this, I love to cook for my family at times, plant a tree twice a month, and stroll down nature to be ready for the next day."

Sometimes the interviewer wants to ask you something beyond your professional life. This gives information about your values and an idea of your character. Below are some tips to help answer this question: 

  • Think carefully before answering the question.  
  • Choose a memory that is presentable, and you can describe it clearly to your audience. Below are some ideas around which you can share or curate a story. 
    • School events 
    • Humorous situation 
    • Moments with pets 
    • Accomplishment 
    • Milestones 
    • Competition 
    • Travel experience 
    • Sports events 
    • Family gathering 
    • Holidays, etc. 
  • Be descriptive. Use as more relevant information. Tell your story in a manner that helps the interviewer visualize the entire scenario. If your story is about a vacation on the beach - describe the wind, the ocean waves, the sound of the people laughing, surfing, and seagulls cawing.  
  • Keep it on the positive side. Focus on the memories that bring you joy and calm. 
  • The way you speak shows your character. It determines your integrity, determination, and kindness.  
  • Always be honest. Do not fake a story if you are not a great storyteller. The fabrication of the answer will create a bad impression in the interview. 

Here's how you can answer the question -

"I remember a day when I was five and got a tiny brown kitten - and I love cats. It was so fluffy and adorable. But it was very confusing during the first few days. I stayed in the basket and rarely came out. I used to feed it in its basket, hoping it would be comfortable with us soon. One day, I was sleeping on the couch and felt something trying to climb up. To my surprise, I saw this bundle of joy trying to get hold of the couch, but unfortunately, it couldn't climb up. So I helped him climb up, and she sat on my lap and rolled up like a snowball. Hence, I named her snowball, and she is the sweetest, snuggliest, and perfect cat." 

This is a frequently asked question in General interview questions.  

This is such an open-ended question that it can be quite intimidating at times. There are several ways to answer the question, and the interviewer wants to know how much knowledge you have of the industry you have applied for. Research and be prepared, as no one wants to hire such employees who don't know what they are signing for. Also, you must focus on your communication skills, as knowledge alone is not enough.

Avoid saying anything you are not sure about, and do not go on for too long. Keep it small, simple, and smart. Here's how you can answer the question -

"I learned about the industry when I was first doing my certification course in digital marketing. The best thing that I came across is - this industry is the future of the business. Online marketing, digital marketing, SEO, SEM, SMM, are all a part of the foreseeable future."

Before answering this question, keep this in mind - Do Not Criticize Others. Apart from this, there are several other do's and don'ts - however, the interviewer wants to assess you if you are a team player. Do not talk about what they can or can't do. Rather, focus on yourself. Here's what you can do - 

  • Talk about your unique abilities.   
  • Share your experience  
  • Tell them about your achievements 
  • Lastly, tell them what you can bring in 
  • Do not sound proud or arrogant

Here's how you can curate your answers:

"Every person has their unique traits and approach to work. Here is what I can do for the company. I believe my skills in writing great content will boost your website's traffic and visibility. Also, my copywriting skills are quite effective, which can improve your sales. While writing content, I make good use of CTAs, which can redirect the traffic to the main page of the website." 

Expect to come across this popular question in General HR interview questions.  

This is to ensure you know a thing or two about leadership, even though you have not applied for a managerial position. This is a great way to show off your leadership skills. This way, the interviewer wants to know if you are capable of leading a team.

Some are natural leaders - they do not have to learn leadership. Here are a few qualities that you can tell the interviewer - 

  • A good leader is inspirational and has a vision. 
  • They can think strategically. 
  • They also possess problem-solving abilities.  
  • They are self-aware and have great interpersonal skills. 
  • They are flexible and creative. 

Every person has their definition of success. For some, success means buying a new car or a new house. While others think success means having a great job with a high-paying salary and having a great time with family in some faraway place. Here the interviewer wants to know what motivates you to work - hence, they want to see if you would fit in the company. 

This is one of the most common open-ended general interview questions. Here's what you should consider while answering the question _ 

  • Do not give vague answers. The interviewer will look for a descriptive answer which will mean that you're very sure of yourself. 
  • Try incorporating your knowledge about the company 
  • Highlight your skills and values 

Here's how you can curate your answer:

"My definition of success is quite broad. I believe success depends on the workplace, team members, and their efforts - which contribute to the overall company's growth. I see it as meeting goals and targets that my manager has set out for me."

This is also one of the most asked open-ended general interview questions. This is usually asked at the end of the interview. Do not respond with "No, thank you. I don't have any questions." Also, do not ask unnecessary questions. Below are some great questions to ask your interviewer: 

  • How would you describe the management style? 
  • Is it possible to talk about the company's culture? 
  • What are some of the major goals for the company in the next five years? 
  • What motivates you to come to work every day? 

Here's what you should not ask: 

  • Can I do this job from home? 
  • What is your company's strategic planning? 
  • What is the name of your child? 
  • Are you married, etc.? 


This question is a regular feature in General topics for interview, be ready to tackle it.  

If you are applying for a managerial position or any stressful job, the interviewer would want to know how well you perform under pressure. You can give them a real-life example and explain the situation where you have dealt with positivity, though the circumstances were tough. Here's how you can answer the question-

"I have been working on a high-end website, and the project was humongous. Suddenly my manager came to me and said that we need to publish all the articles by the 20th of the month. However, there were many articles left for editing and reviewing. I asked permission to make a team of 5 people who can work on the project and make the deliverables on time. Thankfully, the request was accepted. 

Though the situation was tough, and I was under too much pressure to complete the entire article within 7 days, I kept calm and stretched my working hours. However, we delivered all the projects on time with quality."

This is a frequently asked question in General interview questions.  

The interviewer is quite aware of the fact - nobody is perfect, and to err is to be human. They are not interested in the mistake you made; rather, they are interested in the solution you came up with to rectify the mistake. Do not worry about telling them about your mistake. Explain and focus on what you did after that. Here is how you can answer the question. 

"In my last company, my manager wanted me to edit some of the articles and told me to rewrite the articles written by the other employee. He made me understand how to edit the article in CMS. I didn't get it and have edited some of the published articles, which I realized when I was about to save the changes. I called my manager and told him about the mistake. Fortunately, the damage was not done. Since then, I learned to pay close attention to the instructions and made sure to note it down somewhere, just in case I forgot."

With this interview question, the interviewer wants to know how you set your daily goals and targets. Also, he wants to know about your long-term goals. In addition to this, they also want to know how you align with their goals. This is an opportunity for you to show off your career goals and what you want to accomplish. Do not lie, but keep this in alignment with the company's goals. Remember the following points before answering the question: 

  • Think about your future vision 
  • Add some detail about the job 
  • Tell them your qualification 
  • Describe what you are planning to take 
  • Keep your answer precise and to the point. 

The best way to answer the question is - 

"As I started my career as a content writer, I realized the world of content is more than just writing content - it is about content marketing, digital marketing, and many more. Once I research all my things, I set off to learn more about the field, and here I am with good knowledge and skills of marketing and learning to grow with more opportunities as soon as I get one." 

Expect to come across this popular question in General HR interview questions.  

This behavioral interview question might be asked even if you are not applying for a managerial position. This is to test your compatibility with new challenges and if you will be able to take up projects in certain circumstances. You can use a real-life example where you have managed a project on your own.

Practice well before the interview. Think of the project you have taken care of and write down the positive points - what were your goals, what was expected of you, how did you manage the project, what were the challenges faced, etc. The best way to answer this behavioral question is -

"In my previous company, I was assigned several projects to work on. There was a project which was assigned to me. It was a YMYL website, and it was all about mental health and lifestyle. I was concerned because it is a huge website with sensitive content. Also, to make my work easier, a few people were assigned under me. Though it was challenging, we delivered quality work, which led to my promotion."

With this behavioral interview question, the interviewer wants to know how well you handle issues at work. Do not emphasize the dispute and how hurt you were after the disagreement. Rather focus on what you learned and what changes you made. As you know, the workplace is a place with different great minds, and it is common to have some disagreements in evaluating what is best for the company. Here the interviewer won't judge you by the conflict - if you have some disagreement, this shows how involved you are in the project and your work.

The best way to answer the question is -

"In my previous company, I was asked by my supervisor to present some of the innovative ways we can increase our productivity. Every time I came up with a solution, I was interrupted by one of my coworkers. I tried explaining things, but the agreement never took place. One day, I confronted him, telling him that the changes were made for the betterment of the work environment, but the same thing happened. Maybe he was unable to understand my way of presenting the solution, So to avoid any such conflict in the future, I used to sit with him and talk things out on what challenges he was facing and what improvements could be made according to him."

A must-know for anyone heading into a General interview, this question is frequently asked in General interview questions.  

Here the interviewer wants to know how well you work as a team. Because the success of the organization depends on the team players and how effectively they follow the schedule and directions. Here is an example of how you can answer the questions -

"During my tenure in the last company, there was a new project going on in the historical development of language. We were assigned different languages, and there was a set deadline. The language was new to me and others, but working on it was so amazing. We learned and collaborated with each to ensure the work was done before the deadline. Our project manager was great and helped us in every way possible. With the team effort, the project was ready before the deadline, and we all cherished this achievement."

Challenges are in every part of life. Here the interviewer wants to know how well you handle challenges and your reaction in difficult times. In an organization, there are always stages where you might feel the challenge in work. So, rather than crying about the tough situation in life, focus on the positive side of the story. Tell them what you have learned in the situation. Give them a detailed picture of the problem faced and what you did to overcome those. You can tell any stories - from your past work experience or any part of your life.

You can answer the question by - 

"Once, my supervisor went out of town and asked me to complete a PowerPoint presentation to share it with a new sponsor. He left me with some briefings and notes. It was not new to me. But I was a bit nervous because the sponsorship depends on the presentation. I was wondering if I did something wrong. But fortunately, my presentation was accepted by the sponsors, and that was a life-changing moment of my life, where I learned that I can do anything with some hard work and smart vision."

Here the interviewer wants to know how you have used your skill sets, as you have said. They need a real-life example of what choices you can make during a tough situation. Hence, their motive is to see you can make clear choices practically, not only theoretically. Tell them what the situation was and how you managed to make the right decision. 

Here's how you can curate your answer -

"During a semester in my college, I was working on a project of web development and data security simultaneously. Each project had the requirement to learn new things, and the deadline was tight. I had to decide which I should focus on more so that both projects would be completed on time. I prioritize the one which has fewer things to cover and can be completed within a day or two. Next, the huge one, which required extensive research, took time, and fortunately, I was able to submit my project at the given time."

Whenever you are in an interview, these behavioral questions are often asked to see where you stand if you are being given a leadership opportunity. This doesn't mean you have to be a manager or a team leader to show off your leadership skills. The best way to answer the question is to define leadership. Then, choose a story to share - it can be a very small one and also can be something extraordinary.

The example of the answer is as follows:

"Leadership means making sound decisions keeping other people's consent in mind. Also, it is to accept your mistake and rectify it wherever needed. In my last role, I was responsible for a presentation to a potential client that involved extensive research. I had four people with me. So, I quickly assigned the work equally among us. But the project was stuck; as discussed with the team, they said they were having issues in sharing their inputs. So, I decided to brief them accordingly. With a session of 2 hours, everyone was back at work and delivered an extraordinary outcome."

It's no surprise that this one pops up often in General job interview questions.  

This is, again, the most common behavioral interview question. The interviewer wants to know what solution you came up with and how you rectified the mistake. In other words, we want to know if you can get up and get back to work or if you are a quitter. No company wants a quitter. Having a strong vision and a can-do attitude is what a company looks for. Here is the best way you can answer the question and make a good impression.

"When I started to work, I found myself procrastinating, and due to this, my work fell behind. This affected my work, and there was a time when I used to miss the meeting for fear of speaking. That was my lack of confidence. One day, my manager talked to me, and we sorted this out - my manager asked me to sit with other team members and see how they work, what they do, how they ask questions, etc. Upon following this routine, I am at a very good place - asking questions proactively, expressing my thoughts, and I have also involved myself in Softskill course training at my organization - which helped me a lot." 

The interview asks this question to see if you love what you are doing. This is because if someone does not like their job, they don't usually take their career seriously, and the interviewer doubts if they can contribute something to the company. Here are a few points you can say while answering the question -

"I worked as an entry-level digital marketer at a startup agency, and it was great. I was learning more about marketing but also learning to manage projects alongside. The management was very transparent, always appreciating if someone wanted to move ahead in their career. It was a collaborative environment, and everyone worked on almost every project - basically, everyone was given equal opportunities to showcase their talent. These factors make me happy to apply for new positions.

A common question in General questions to ask in an interview, don't miss this one.  

Most people don't think about this in advance. But having a goal makes a good impression. You can find your answer by determining your career objectives. Some of the long and short-term goals a person can have are -

  • Be a team leader
  • Gain promotion  
  • Have your own company someday, and many more.  

The best way to answer the question is:

"My short-term goal is to get a job in your company, learn the role and know the responsibilities and my team, and become productive in the organization. My long-term goal is to gain management experience, and I hope to become a leader or manager in this organization. Also, my secondary long-term goal is to buy a house."

The interviewer wants to know your strengths and skills. You need to learn how to demonstrate your skills and achievements through some great examples. You must consider the following factor while selecting accomplishments: 

  • Select an accomplishment that relates to the job 
  • Always choose an accomplishment  
  • Keep your conversation professional rather than personal. 

Here's how you can curate your answer - 

"As a content writer, I was in charge of writing several articles on diverse niches. My forte was financing, and I loved writing finance and insurance blogs. But, one day, my manager came up to me and asked me to write about cannabis - it's a high-end client, and I was nervous about writing something so new. But, still, I said yes to the project. I researched and wrote the articles, and those were amazing. My manager appreciated my work, and from then onward, I was given many new projects - which I can count as an upgrade and accomplishment."

One of the most frequently posed General job interview questions, be ready for it.  

The interviewer asks this question to know your strength and how well-suited you are to the company. When the interviewers ask this question, you must answer this with confidence. A company looks for a candidate with high spirits and some career goals - they do not want anybody who can show up to work, do their job, and go back home. They want to know what you think of your future and how serious you are about it. You can answer this in a story format - as the interviewer loves when a story comes up, as they also look for communication skills in candidates.

The best way to answer the question is:

"I have been working in this industry for two years and have a certification course in digital marketing. So, I can write and do the marketing - whenever needed, as there might be a time when the writer is unavailable, and someone has to write the article. So, I can be the solution to this problem. Plus, I am a digital marketer, which would make my writing more effective as I know how to rank an article, which increases traffic to the client's website. Thus boosting sales." 

This question can be easily answered if you have gone through the job description. Many companies mention the ongoing project, and this is the question where you can make an impression by letting them know you have read the job description and have also checked the website. 

There can be numerous projects that a company may have - it can be educational campaigns, environment campaigns, etc., which can take place anywhere - on the premises or social media. As most of the campaign takes place online, here you have the advantage of showing them how you will be fit for the campaigns. You can showcase your digital marketing and funnel marketing knowledge along with your social media knowledge to prove that you are the one they are looking for. 

First, John takes the flashlight and crosses the bridge with Paul, which takes 2 minutes.  

  • John then returns with the flashlight, which takes 1 more minute (3 minutes have already passed). 
  • John gives the flashlight to George. Both George and Ringo cross the bridge together, which takes 1 minute (13 minutes have passed so far). 
  • George then gives the flashlight to Paul, who comes back for John taking two more minutes (15 minutes) 
  • Now, John and Paul cross the bridge again, taking 2 minutes. Hence, they reach the concert in 17 minutes.  

Turn on the first switch and wait for five minutes. Switch it off and switch on the other one. Do the same thing. Leave the third light turned off. Now enter the room, and notice - the warm bulb is the first one, the bulb which is still lit is the second one, and the one which you left turned off is the third one.

This question is based on crucial information. All you need to know is - how many people are using Instagram at a given time period, depending on the number of people living in San Francisco. This question is asked to ensure you answer the open-ended question. You have to make use of your educated guesses here to ace the interview. Nobody wants a perfect answer to the question.

This is a frequently asked question in General topics for interview.  

This question is usually asked to check mathematical and logical reasoning. Here's how to answer the question:

"We all know the three-gallon bucket is small, and the five-gallon is big. Here we can assume that the final four gallons will end up in a five-gallon bucket. The first step is -

Fill the three-gallon bucket and pour all the liquid into the five-gallon bucket. Now because 5-3=2, we know two more gallons can fit in the five-gallon bucket. So, we will fill in the tree gallon bucket again and pour it into the five-gallon bucket until it is full. 

Now 3-2=1, so there's one gallon in a three-gallon bucket. We throw the water and fill it in with one gallon. Then, we fill in the three bucket gallons again and pour them into the five-gallon water. Here, we have four gallons of water."

This is, again, an open-ended question and requires logical reasoning. You can determine the total area of the park (an assumption can be made). Then assume the distance between the trees. This way, you can calculate the total number of trees in the park.

These questions are to check the active listening part. The interviewer wants to determine if you are active enough and how to creatively answer the questions. The benefits of wearing a seatbelt while driving are - 

  • Avoiding minor accidents 
  • Avoid a false sense of security 
  • Avoiding fines 
  • Avoid being thrown out of the car when it comes to a sudden halt.

Expect to come across this popular question in General interview questions.  

This question is just to check the presence of mind and how you would explain some work to a newbie. You could answer the question by saying: 

"Once the person woke up from the coma, I would ask him if he remembered anything from the last movie he watched where people used crystal balls with smoke in it to determine what was happening around them. I would tell him the internet is just like the crystal ball of the modern era. All you need to do is type or speak what you want you are looking for, and you will have the results in front of you. In addition to this, I will also tell him the advantages of the internet and how the world has evolved with its help of it." 

This question is usually asked to check the candidate's intellectual ability. The answer to the question is very simple. Here's how ill you get the right answer - 

"In this, there will be three scenarios: 

  • If the first pair of socks are red, and the next one you draw is red, then you have a match. If not, you'll have to draw again.  
  • If the second socks are yellow, then the third socks drawn are red or yellow, you have a match. If not, draw again. 
  • If the third sock is green, then the next socks you draw would be a perfect pair for all the socks.  

These questions are asked to people to check their values and aspirations. A fantasy or imaginary ideal person is easy to make up. But the aspiration and values you get from a real person are notable. These qualities can be anything - decision-making skills, thinking smartly, and mathematical skills. It can also be something like dancing, writing poems and prose, etc. There are so many notable people that you can talk about.

A must-know for anyone heading into a General interview, this question is frequently asked in General interview questions.  

This question is quite clear. Hence, you will not have any difficulty picking the right one. This question will be easier to answer if you are aware of the fact that the management looks for people and appreciates them who are good and on time rather than a perfectionist who does not want to be on time.


A must-know for anyone heading into a General interview, this question is frequently asked in General interview questions and answers.  

You won't be judged based on your mistake. Potential employers may ask this question to gauge your moral character and see if your values and views coincide with those of the business. Use your answer to express your dedication to integrity and high-caliber work.

The best way to answer the question is -

"In my opinion taking responsibility for one's mistake is a big thing. If I made a mistake and I could solve that, I would go ahead and change the mistake. But, if it is huge, I would go to the manager, tell him the situation, apologize for the mistake I made, and seek help from them. Because if I don't tell them, my mistake will disrupt the entire work." 

Employers want to know how you use your problem-solving abilities to pick up new skills, which is why they ask you this question. Make an effort to describe in detail how you plan to learn a new skill in your response. Everybody does something for the first time. Hence, this can be a great question to show off your adaptability skills. Share your experience of how you were being briefed and how you achieved the task.  

The best way to answer the question is -

"If I am assigned a new job, I usually clarify the expectation of the work, the details that I need to mention, and the deadline. This gives me an idea of what I should be doing. Next, I look for the resources to ensure I am doing it correctly. Also, I will check with colleagues and the manager if I face any challenges. Also, I believe in gathering information from multiple sources to ensure I have enough points to put in the work and deliver the best." 

It's no surprise that this one pops up often in General questions to ask in an interview.  

The interviewer wants to see how to deal with conflict and tough situations. This question also determines how well you get along with your colleagues. Always include the positivity of the situation. Do not describe the situation negatively. Tell them what you have learned and how it has changed you. Here's how you can answer the question -

"I had to work alongside a member of the higher management who was very hard to please. Every time I submitted the project, he used to ask me to make changes, as he was never really satisfied with the outcome. But, slowly and gradually, we started being on the same page. He understood my Point of view, and I understood his way of working. Since that time, we have worked alongside each other very well and have worked on several sensitive projects."

By this question, the interviewer wants to know your response in a tight situation. This is to assess your stress management skills. They want to ensure that no matter what the circumstances are, you can still get your work done. This is the best chance to prove that you can produce excellent results even under pressure. Here's how you can answer the questions -

"I was assigned a project of web development which was due in a much shorter time, and there were several expectations of the client that were to be met alongside. I blocked my entire time to complete the project and also reached out for help wherever necessary. I also made sure I was resting well so I had the energy to spend on the assigned work. It took a lot of effort, but I was able to deliver it with 100% accuracy and even got an appreciation for the same."

You can use this opportunity to show off your skills in communicating with clients and doing as per their requirements. This question assesses your work ethic and communication skills. You can tell the interviewer that to make a good impression on the client, you first should research them and see how they work and what they are looking for.

You can curate your answer by saying -

"I remember this one time I received a project for web development. The client was too picky. I had to make several changes and always communicated with the client to see what changes they required. I had to show him a few designs I made and ask him what he liked or disliked about them. Then we narrowed down the design to three, and he picked one that required minimal change. With the changes made, he was happy about the project and also hired me as a contractor to design the rest of his websites."

A common question in General job interview questions, don't miss this one.  

This is a commonly asked situational interview question to assess your problem-solving skills. The interviewer will gain an understanding of how you consider yourself about others in a professional context from your responses. By responding to situational questions, you will get the chance to demonstrate to the interviewer the personal qualities that make you the ideal applicant for the position.

Here's the best way to answer the question -

"At my previous job, I was asked to check and audit the work of a former employee, which needed to be rewritten, and the articles were supposed to go live within a day or two. We were sure that it wouldn't take much time. But errors were too much, which was overlooked by one of the editors - I may forget to check those out. I came up to him and asked him to make the changes, and the article was good to go."

Do not boast about yourself; do not let others down to make yourself look great.

This helps the interviewer to determine your communication skills in action. For every job, it is very important to understand what the client is trying to say, and the interviewer wants to hire those who can comprehend what a client is saying. You can share a personal experience and how well the outcome was. Here's what you can say about the situation -

"A client was not happy with the project's delivery to him and was looking for something more. Also, he wanted the project before the deadline. However, we all completed the project before the time and delivered the same. However, the client shared a huge email with feedback on how bad the project was - though all the requirements the client wanted were there. But he wanted something more. But was not able to make us understand. Then, my manager and I had a session with them, asking what he wanted. We put several options in front of him, so it might be easier for him to choose the kind of changes he is looking for. Though he was being difficult, with a little effort, we understood what he wanted, and the project we delivered was exactly what he was looking for."

One of the most frequently posed General topics for interview, be ready for it.  

Every organization has some pressure at a given point in time. Hence, the interviewer wants to make sure you are capable enough to handle the workload without quitting. Fabricating a story is not the solution over here. If you are fresher with no work experience, you can take an example of your college project.

Here's what you can say:

"Once several team members were absent, some were sick - the project delivery dates were closing in. The graphics team was also behind schedule. We had only 5-6 members left to complete the project, and as the team leader, I had to stay back at the office for a few more hours and complete the reviewing part. This went on for days. Also, I had other priorities to complete. But with enough hard work and planning, we have achieved all month's targets."

A staple in General job interview questions, be prepared to answer this one.  

Here the interviewer wants to check your interpersonal skills. This is because the interviewer wants to know if you can effectively collaborate with your coworkers in the workplace. Interpersonal skills help find creative solutions and resolve conflicts. In addition to this, it also helps you maintain workplace relationships with your colleagues and team members.

Do not say anything negative about your colleagues or pull them down. Simply showcase your interpersonal skills and how you can improve any such situations. You can curate your answer by saying -

"If any of my coworkers are not sharing the deliverables on time, I will contact the person by asking how the project is coming along and if he is facing any issues in finding any information. If yes, I would go ahead and help them out. If not, then I would ask him to drive the project on time by letting him know the importance of the deadline and what impact this could have on the entire work."

Disagreement with your boss can sometimes mean you have to get into a big fight. It can be over anything. If you do not have prior experience, you can talk about any disagreement with your former classmate. Remember to focus on the positive aspects - what have you learned, how have you improved yourself, and what changes has this disagreement brought? You can say the answer -

"I won't say disagreement, but there was a situation where I asked my boss to consider the changes that were recently made to the work process. There were 5 members in our group, and we all used to pick random work and work every day. However, one day the manager asked us to work on only one topic continuously, which in my opinion, would have made the entire workflow monotonous. I conveyed the same thing to the manager, and after a few days, he considered the same."

Your expectations are perhaps the most frequent interview question when talking about pay. Although the question is fairly simple, it might be challenging to respond properly. This question is mostly used by interviewers to determine if they can afford you. Additionally, it reveals to them how highly you regard both your job and yourself. Also, it's inappropriate to answer them directly. It seems rude and incompetent. The best way to answer this is -

"What I believe is this is a huge upgrade in my career. So, it is better if we discuss my job role and what responsibilities I would be handling. According to that, we can discuss what salary will be best for both of us. Aso, I need to what your expectations are from me." 

The interviewer wants to know about the salary from the previous role because of the following reasons - 

  • They want to evaluate your market value 
  • They want to ensure they are offering a fair value 
  • Also, they want to ensure the amount aligns with your expectations. 

Not all interviewers ask you about your salary history. But, if you feel uncomfortable talking about your salary, you might have the leverage to skip the question by saying -

"I would prefer to learn more about the job and the responsibilities, then we can discuss my last salary."

Always remember to provide them with an exact number when you are talking about your last salary. You can also say that range - from where you started and where you are now.  

This gives an idea to the interviewer about the accomplishments and what you did to achieve those. You can share the number of goals you achieved, the work done, and many more. You can also share your background if your achievements involve problem-solving. You can answer the question by -

"Our department was struggling with an unplanned absence, which affected the overall performance for the month. My team and I analyzed the absent trend and who was the person missing work the most. Through our findings, we came across several names who were into the habit of skipping work repeatedly. Seeing this, we planned on announcing a remuneration for those who are regular to work, and for those who are ascent from work, we would deduct some amount. Upon implementing this, the productivity improved, and we picked the same pace." 

Here the interviewer wants to know what drives you and what you are looking for in your future job. You can think of several good things, along with emphasizing how you are a good fit for the job. Also, keep your response professional. Here are some don'ts while answering this question - 

  • Do not share something that can bring you into a negative color 
  • Do not share anything personal 
  • Do not exaggerate the achievements - keep it to the minimum.  
  • Do not share irrelevant information.

Here's how you can answer the question -

"I like the opportunity my last company provided me in terms of growth and expanding my knowledge. I have been into many things - leading a small team, managing projects, etc. I also like the in-house training scheme that helps employees grow and get promoted to a senior level." 

This question is a regular feature in General knowledge questions for interviews, be ready to tackle it.  

Even if you were not in a managerial position, the interviewer might ask you to evaluate if you have any leadership qualities. Share an honest answer, even if you have little experience in managing a team. Here's how you can answer the question efficiently -

"In the previous organization, there was a newly launched project. It was a micro niche, and I already had a good knowledge of project management, so I asked my manager if I could get the opportunity to lead the project. Upon evaluating my skills and knowledge, they agreed, and the result was great - the projects were delivered on time, the quality was great, and even the client appreciated such efforts." 

Here the interviewer is curious about two things - your experience and your familiarity with the position you have applied for. Incorporate your skills and background with the job description, and efficiently answer them. Here's how you can do it -

"I have been working in this role for almost 2 years now, and when I started as a content writer, I used to write pitch decks for small companies, which was great knowledge about the startups and how they make their financial models. Then I switched to writing SEO content as I was doing a digital marketing course alongside, and I wanted to learn while I earned it. Since then, I have handled my clients and even worked with some agencies. I have read in the job description that you are looking for a finance writer, so let you know I have been working as a finance writer since the beginning, and my background satisfied a lot of criteria on the job description." 

Even if you have not led the team, the interviewer will still want to know about your management skills. This is because every organization needs a team leader. If you are fit for the job, they will appoint you as a team lead. To answer this question, first, think about your managers and how they manage a team. Pick some great traits, combine them, and put them in an answer like the one below:

"A good manager must be motivational and encouraging. I love to push myself toward a new goal and try to accomplish it, and I prefer doing the same with my team. I like putting on new challenges every day and helping them out if they get stuck in between. I once asked a writer to write a long-form article that they did not know of, and I helped them along the way. This way, my team became the strongest research writer team."


Tips for General Interview Questions

Crushing a job can be daunting and stressful. However, we have curated a list of 4 tips that will help you crush the most common interview questions:

  • Research the Company- It is recommended to do your homework before going for the interview. This will make a good impression on you and also will help you answer any company-related questions easily. Knowing the company will help you understand if you are a good fit for them. Not researching the company will exhibit a lack of interest in the job. 
  • Match the Job Description with your Skills- This is divided into two parts. First is going through the job description and finding keywords such as detail-oriented, good communication skills, etc. Then make use of your social connections - visit the LinkedIn profile of the company. See what they do and what the reviews are. Also, check out what kinds of posts they upload. You can also check Glassdoors for reviews. Now that you have understood what the company is all about, note down some of your key skills and talents. Check if they match what the company is looking for. 
  • Get your Resume- Professionally, make your resume. Also, get your certifications and degree along with you. Though the interviewer will have a copy of the resume, you must carry one. Get your notebook where you have written all the relevant skills, points, and other things that you might need to tell them.
  • Be on Time - Timing plays a very important role here. Always be on time for the interview.  

How to Prepare for General Topics for Interview?

Here's how you can prepare for the interview questions: 

  • Always do your research 
  • Do not fumble - be confident 
  • Do share your examples 
  • Do not ask about job security 
  • Practice well before going for the interview 
  • Avoid including your personal life in the interview 
  • Do not hesitate to ask when you don't understand something about the question. 
  • Always ask questions at the end. 
  • End the interview with a thank you note.


With the list of interview questions above, it will be easier for you to ace the interview. Along with general questions, you should prepare general topics for interview questions for experienced people. The common interview questions are just to assess and analyze your communication skills. The top interview questions are asked to assess your logical thinking and how you come up with solutions then and there. They also ask you salary questions to know your salary expectations and the questions experience to evaluate your skills and what you know about the field you are applying for. 

You must remember that you have only one chance to make a first impression in the interview. The way you start the general job interview questions will determine the rest of the interview. So, always prepare and ensure you have all your documents, presentations, etc., in the plan. Do not panic. Be yourself and confident - this way, you'll crush your interview and bag the job.  

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