Spring MVC Interview Questions and Answers for 2024

Spring MVC is a popular framework for building Java-based web applications. As with any technology, there are a number of Spring MVC interview questions that you might be asked if you're applying for a job that uses Spring MVC. Here, we will provide you with some of the most common Spring MVC questions, along with detailed answers. Spring MVC Interview Questions are divided into two sections, Spring MVC Beginners Interview Questions and Spring MVC Interview Questions for Experienced. Spring MVC Beginners section covers all the basics of Spring MVC, while Spring MVC Experts section will test your knowledge on advanced Spring concepts. Spring beginners questions will focus on topics like Spring Framework, Spring MVC Architecture, Spring bean lifecycle, spring default servlet container and more. Spring MVC interview questions for 5 years' experience and more sections will test your knowledge on advanced Spring concepts. Spring beginners questions will assess your knowledge of advanced topics like Spring AOP, Spring Security, Spring REST and more. Regardless of your level of expertise, preparing for these Java Spring MVC interview questions will help you crack the interview with ease.

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Spring MVC is a popular Java-based web development framework. The MVC in Spring MVC stands for Model-View-Controller, a design pattern that separates the application into three main components: the model, the view, and the controller. 

It is a lightweight alternative to other Java web frameworks such as JSF and Struts. It provides excellent support for RESTful web services and a comprehensive set of tools for working with data binding, validation, flow control, and internationalization.

One of the key benefits of using the Spring MVC framework is its flexibility. The framework is designed to be easily extended and customized. For example, you can add your own custom interceptors or converters to the framework. You can also take advantage of the numerous third-party extensions that are available for Spring MVC.

Another benefit of using Spring MVC is its ease of use. The framework provides a consistent programming model across different types of applications. This makes it easier for developers to learn and use the framework. In addition, Spring MVC includes a wide range of features that can be easily configured without changing application code.

As an open source framework, Spring MVC is well supported by the community and there is a large number of resources available online, including tutorials, books, and articles. The Spring team is also very responsive to questions and issues raised by users. With so much to offer, it's no wonder that Spring MVC is one of the most popular web development frameworks available today and a good choice for a project. 

There are three ways to return data from a controller to a view in Spring MVC: Model, ModelMap and ModelAndView.  

Model is a simple abstraction for representing data in Spring MVC. It can be used as a replacement for using a Map to store data attributes, with the advantage that it is easier to use and provides more methods for accessing and manipulating data attributes.  

public String passParametersWithModel(Model model) { 
Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); 
map.put("spring", "mvc"); 
model.addAttribute("message", "Baeldung"); 
return "viewPage"; 

ModelMap is an extension of Model that provides more flexibility and functionality, such as the ability to merge two models together.  

public String passParametersWithModelMap(ModelMap map) { 
map.addAttribute("welcomeMessage", "welcome"); 
map.addAttribute("message", "Baeldung"); 
return "viewPage"; 

ModelAndView is a wrapper that combines both a ModelMap and a view name or View object. This is useful when you need to pass multiple pieces of data to view, or if you need to specify a different view for different data.  

public ModelAndView passParametersWithModelAndView() { 
ModelAndView modelAndView = new ModelAndView("viewPage"); 
modelAndView.addObject("message", "Baeldung"); 
return modelAndView; 

In general, it is best to stick with using Model unless you need the extra functionality that ModelMap or ModelAndView provide. However, there is no harm in using any of these three methods - it is simply a matter of preference and what works best for your particular application. 

There are two main types of architectures for Spring MVC applications: Model 1 and Model 2.  

  • Model 1 Architecture: It is the traditional approach where the entire application is built as a single unit. All components, including the presentation layer, business logic, and data access layer, are tightly coupled. This approach is simple to develop and deploy but it has some drawbacks. For example, it is difficult to make changes to the presentation layer without affecting the other components.  
  • Model 2 Architecture: It is a more modern approach where the presentation layer is separated from the business logic and data access layers. This makes it easier to modify the presentation layer without affecting the other parts of the application. Model 2 architecture is more scalable and maintainable than Model 1, but it is also more complex to develop and deploy.  

Depending on your needs, you may choose one or more architectures for your Spring MVC application. If you need a simple application that is quick to develop and deploy, Model 1 might be the best choice. If you need a more scalable and maintainable application, Model 2 is probably a better option. There are several benefits of using a Model 2 architecture. 

  1. Increased flexibility and modularity: Model 2 architectures are much more flexible than Model 1, as they allow you to change or add functionality without affecting the rest of the codebase, making them ideal for applications that need to be constantly updated or extended. 
  2. Better separation of concerns: Model 2 architectures also tend to have a better separation of concerns, as each component is only responsible for a small part of the overall application. This makes the code easier to understand and maintain. 
  3. Easier to test: Since Model 2 architectures are more modular, they are also easier to test. Each component can be tested in isolation, without affecting the others. 
  4. Improved performance: Model 2 architectures can also lead to improved performance, as each component can be optimized independently. This is in contrast to Model 1 architectures, which are often slower due to their monolithic design. 

Spring MVC is flexible enough to support both Model 1 and Model 2 architectures. You can even mix and match components from both architectures to create a hybrid approach that meets your specific needs. 

The front controller of the Spring MVC framework is the DispatcherServlet. This servlet initializes the spring container, provides configuration options, and dispatches requests to controllers. The DispatcherServlet is responsible for resolving view names and forwarding requests to the appropriate View class. It also processes any exceptions that may be thrown by the controller or view.

In addition, the DispatcherServlet offers a range of features that allow developers to customize its behavior. For example, developers can specify the order in which controllers are invoked, add interceptors to process requests, and map request URLs to specific controllers. The flexibility of the DispatcherServlet makes it an essential component of the Spring MVC framework. 

The @PathVariable annotation is a very useful tool for developers working in Spring MVC as it allows them to capture variables from the URL path and bind them to method parameters. By using the @PathVariable annotation, developers are able to determine both the type and name of each variable that needs to be passed along with the request URL. This versatile annotation lets developers use dynamic URLs and make their applications more flexible while still following RESTful conventions.

Moreover, with @PathVariable's ability to accept regex expressions as input, multiple segments of the same route with different parameters can still be matched without writing multiple controller methods. All in all, the @PathVariable annotation provides developers a convenient way to use dynamic URLs when building applications with Spring MVC.

The ApplicationContext and BeanFactory interfaces are used for managing beans in the Spring framework. Both provide similar functionality, but there are some important differences between the two. The ApplicationContext interface is designed to be used in a more enterprise-level application, while the BeanFactory interface is more basic and can be used in a wider range of applications.

The ApplicationContext interface provides additional features such as the ability to resolve messages, access a configured environment and resources, and publish events. It also supports internationalization and supports annotation-based configuration. Application Context is built over BeanFactory interface. The BeanFactory interface is more lightweight and does not have as many features as the ApplicationContext interface. However, it is still a powerful tool for managing beans in Spring-based applications.

The RowCallbackHandler is an interface used by the JdbcTemplate class to process result sets. It allows you to process each row of the result set one at a time. The RowCallbackHandler interface contains a single method, processRow, which takes a ResultSet and an int as parameters. The ResultSet contains the data for the current row, while the int represents the row number (starting with 0). You can use the processRow method to access the data in theResultSet and do whatever processing you need to do.

For example, you could use it to loop through all the rows in a result set and print out each one. Alternatively, you could use it to insert each row of data into a database table. The RowCallbackHandler is just one of several ways that you can process result sets with Spring. Other options include using a ResultSetExtractor or using aRowMapper. Each of these has its own advantages and disadvantages, so it's important to choose the right one for your particular needs. 

The Model interface is a central part of Spring MVC. It is used to represent the data that will be displayed in the view. The model can contain both simple data, like Strings and Numbers, as well as more complex data types, like Objects and Arrays. The Model interface also provides methods for manipulating the data, such as adding, removing, and updating items. In addition, the Model interface can be used to store information about the state of the application, such as whether a user is logged in or not. Ultimately, the Model interface provides a way for the controller to communicate with the view and pass data back and forth between them.  

A Joinpoint is a specific point in the execution of a program, where an aspect can be plugged in. This point could be a method being called, an exception being thrown, or even a field being modified. In the Spring framework, a Joinpoint always represents a method invocation. So, when you write aspects in Spring, you are always dealing with method executions and advising them before or after they take place. But what exactly is advice? Well, advice is code that gets executed around a joinpoint.

A singleton bean is a bean that is instantiated exactly once by the Spring container. This ensures that all clients of that bean will get the same instance every time. A prototype bean, on the other hand, is instantiated each time it is injected or looked up by the container. This allows for greater flexibility in how the bean is used, but it also means that state cannot be maintained between different clients.

When deciding which type of bean to use, it is important to consider both the functional needs of the application and the performance implications of each option. In general, singleton beans are a good choice for stateless objects that will be used frequently, while prototype beans are more suited for stateful objects that will be used less often. 

AOP Alliance is an open-source project that defines a set of standard interfaces for AOP implementations. The goal of the project is to make it easier to write AOP-based applications, and to promote interoperability between different AOP implementations. The AOP Alliance interfaces are designed to be generic and applicable to a wide range of programming environments. The project includes interfaces for pointcuts, advisors, and bindings. In addition, the project defines a set of AspectJ-style join point signatures that can be used with any AOP implementation.  

The Spring MVC form tag library is a set of custom tags that can be used to render common input fields, such as textboxes, dropdowns, and checkboxes. The library also includes tags for generating field validation errors and for displaying messages. In addition, the library provides tags for creating complex layouts, such as tabbed forms. The Spring MVC form tag library is an integral part of the Spring Framework and is designed to simplify the process of creating and rendering forms in a web application.  

When it comes to validating user input in Spring MVC, there are a few different approaches that you can take. One option is to use the @Min and @Max annotations to specify the minimum and maximum allowed values for a given field. For example, if you wanted to ensure that a user's input was between 1 and 10, you would annotate the field as follows: 

int value; 

 Alternatively, you could also use the @Range annotation, which allows you to specify both the minimum and maximum values in a single annotation. For example: 

@Range(min=1, max=10) 
int value; 

If neither of these annotations meets your needs, you can also create a custom validator by implementing the org.springframework.validation.Validator interface. This gives you full control over how input is validated, although it requires more code than either of the other two options. 

InternalResourceViewResolver is one of the built-in view resolvers in Spring MVC. As the name implies, its primary purpose is to resolve views internally without going through the dispatcher servlet. This is useful when working with static pages or resources that do not need to go through the controller layer. 

To configure InternalResourceViewResolver, you need to set the prefix and suffix properties. The prefix property specifies the path to the resources, while the suffix property specifies the file extension. For example, if you set the prefix to "/WEB-INF/jsp/" and the suffix to ".jsp", InternalResourceViewResolver will look for resources in the "/WEB-INF/jsp/" directory and will use the ".jsp" extension. 

In addition, you can also set properties such as viewClass and contentType. ViewClass specifies the class that will be used to generate the view, while contentType specifies the content type of the response. By default, InternalResourceViewResolver uses JstlView to generate views. 

Spring MVC Tiles is a component of the Spring Framework that helps developers create web applications that are maintainable and scalable. Spring MVC Tiles allows developers to define page fragments that can be reused across multiple pages. This reduces the amount of duplicate code and makes it easier to update the look and feel of the application.

Further, Spring MVC Tiles provides support for internationalization and localization, making it easier to develop web applications that can be used by people around the world. As a result, Spring MVC Tiles is a powerful tool for developing rich and user-friendly web applications. 

Hibernate is an open-source, lightweight ORM (Object Relational Mapping) library that provides a way to map Java objects to relational database tables. In other words, it lets you persist your data in a relational database without having to write SQL queries.

The Spring framework provides two ways to access Hibernate: through JPA (Java Persistence API) and through Hibernate Template. JPA is the standard way of accessing Hibernate, and it is the recommended approach. Hibernate Template should only be used if you need to use proprietary Hibernate features that are not available in JPA.

To access Hibernate through JPA, you need to add the hibernate-entitymanager dependency to your project. This dependency will give you access to the EntityManagerFactory interface, which is used to generate EntityManager instances. The EntityManager interface provides all the methods you need to interact with your data, such as persist(), find(), remove(), and merge(). 

To access Hibernate through Hibernate Template, you need to add the hibernate3 dependency to your project. This dependency will give you access to the SessionFactory interface, which is used to generate Session instances. The Session interface provides all the methods you need to interact with your data, such as save(), load(), delete(), and update(). In addition, the HibernateTemplate class provides convenience methods that wrap around common tasks, such as saveOrUpdate() and findByCriteria().

In general, it is recommended that you use JPA instead of Hibernate Template for new projects. However, if you have an existing project that uses Hibernate Template, there is no need to rewrite it – it will continue to work just fine. 

The Spring framework is a popular Java application framework that helps developers build high-quality enterprise applications. One of the reasons that the Spring framework is so popular is because it makes it easy to create applications that are both robust and scalable. The Spring framework is also very modular, which means that developers can easily add or remove features as needed.

Additionally, the Spring framework provides a wide range of tools and services that can be used to speed up development and make applications more reliable. As a result, the Spring framework is an essential tool for any Java developer who wants to build high-quality enterprise applications. 

The various modules used in the spring framework are: Aop Module, Aspects Module, Instrumentation Module, JMS Module, JDBC Module, Object/Relational Mapping (O/RM) Module, Remoting Module, Transaction Management Module, Web Framework Module, and the Web MVC Framework module.

Each module provides a specific function and serves a different purpose. For example, the AOP module provides support for aspect-oriented programming, while the Aspects module provides an implementation of the AspectJ aspects. The Instrumentation module provides support for class-instrumentation agents, while the JMS module provides support for messaging applications. The JDBC module provides support for database access and connectivity, while the O/RM module provides object/relational mapping capabilities.

The Remoting module provides support for remoting services, while the Transaction Management module provides support for transaction management. Finally, the Web Framework module provides a basic web framework and the Web MVC Framework module provides a more sophisticated version of the same. 

The Spring Framework provides two different approaches for managing transactions: programmatic and declarative. Programmatic transaction management entails the use of code to demarcate transactions, whereas declarative transaction management relies on external configuration. Both approaches have their advantages and disadvantages, and which one you choose will depend on your specific needs.

Spring supports several different platforms for declarative transaction management, including Java EE, JTA, and JTA-XA. For programmatic transaction management, Spring provides a transactional API that can be used to demarcate transactions without the need for any external configuration. In either case, Spring offers a comprehensive set of tools for managing transactions, making it an ideal solution for a wide variety of applications. 

The AOP module is one of the key components of Spring MVC. It provides a powerful framework for Aspect-Oriented Programming, which can be used to solve many common software development problems. For example, AOP can be used to modularize cross-cutting concerns such as logging, data validation, and security.

This makes it possible to cleanly separate these concerns from the application's business logic, making the code more maintainable and easier to understand. In addition, AOP can also be used to improve performance by reducing the amount of duplicate code that needs to be executed. Overall, the AOP module is a valuable tool that can help make Spring MVC applications more robust and efficient. 

The scope of a Spring bean defines its lifetime. This is especially important when beans are collaborating with each other. The three most common scopes are singleton, prototype, and request. A singleton scope indicates that only one instance of the bean will be created per container. This is the default behavior.

A prototype scope indicates that a new instance of the bean will be created each time it is requested from the container. A request scope indicates that a new instance of the bean will be created for each HTTP request. When defining the scope of a bean, it is important to consider the dependencies of the bean.

For example, if a bean has a prototype scope and it is injected into a singleton-scoped bean, then a new instance of the Prototype Bean will be injected into the Singleton Bean every time the Singleton Bean is accessed. As a result, it is important to understand how beans interact with each other in order to properly configure their scopes.

Spring Framework's Auto Wiring feature is a powerful tool for reducing the amount of configuration and initialization code that is necessary when working with Spring beans. In particular, it can be used to automatically wire together Beans based on their type, Annotations, or even custom algorithms. Auto Wiring works by inspecting Bean definitions supplied to the IoC container and examining their dependencies.

If an available Bean matches the requirements of a given dependency, it will be wired in automatically, without any additional effort from the developer. Auto Wiring also makes it much easier to keep application code organized and maintainable; developers don’t have to write endless amounts of boilerplate code just to connect objects together.

Furthermore, it ultimately simplifies debugging because any wiring issues won't go unnoticed - in fact they'll appear here in auto wiring itself! Ultimately, Spring's auto wiring feature is an invaluable time-saver for anyone developing software with Spring MVC.

Autoproxying is an important concept to understand when preparing for a Spring MVC interview question. It refers to the ability of the Spring framework to automatically create proxies when creating MVC controller objects. When autoproxying is enabled, it helps the framework determine if certain methods are suitable for invocation and if they should be invoked in a particular order. In addition, autoproxying enables controllers to be annotated with special marker annotations that tell the framework which methods to invoke and how. 

Autoproxying makes it easier for developers to use the MVC pattern with less boilerplate code; instead of writing a lot of plumbing or setup code, you can simply build upon standard annotations provided by Spring and configure your controllers as needed. Lastly, wrappers around existing business logic or service objects become available with autoproxy, allowing them to be seamlessly integrated into your application's workflow.

All of these features combined make autoproxying an essential tool for any developer pursuing a career in designing and developing applications with Spring MVC. 

When it comes to transaction management in software development, declarative transaction management is a preferred approach among developers. This is especially true when working with Spring applications, where an XML-based configuration and annotation-based processing are both available. In comparison to programmatic transactions, the declarative model makes it easier to configure and manage transactions as part of an application.  

Annotation-based configuration also allows different groups of services to share the same transaction boundaries, enabling developers to define multiple transactional units which can execute in isolation or together. This simplifies the development process and helps minimize rollbacks due to errors while enhancing overall performance. Furthermore, switching from one platform to another requires minimum effort since the underlying configuration is independent of the platform being used.  

Declarative transaction management also ensures that there are no excessive locks created for long running operations, ensuring efficient read/write operations in Spring applications. Ultimately, this makes declarative transaction management a preferred choice for developing robust Spring applications. 

The Bean Validation API is a set of guidelines used to help ensure the accuracy and integrity of data stored in JavaBeans. It does this by defining specific rules that must be followed when validating data, ensuring that all data conforms to pre-set criteria. These criteria can range from checking for correct types and lengths of fields to making sure only certain values are allowed. This adds layers of protection to database and application data, helping to prevent errors and maintain security across the system.

As it applies to the Spring MVC framework, the Bean Validation API serves as an integral part of developing secure web applications. It can be used both on the frontend with form validation or on the backend with database queries, allowing developers to create comprehensive validation solutions quickly and easily regardless of their experience level.


A key component of the Spring Framework is its annotation-based configuration. This allows developers to easily configure their applications without having to write lengthy XML configuration files. @Component, @Controller, @Repository, and @Service are annotations used in spring framework. Each annotation has a specific purpose and is used in different situations. 

  1. @Component: It is used to indicate that a class is a component of the application and can be used on any class. It is typically used on classes that provide some sort of service or functionality. For example, a service class that provides business logic would be a good candidate for the @Component annotation. 
  2. @Controller: It is used to indicate that a class is a controller in the MVC sense. Such annotations are typically used on classes that handle web requests. For example, a class that handles requests for a specific page would be annotated with the @Controller annotation. 
  3. @Repository: The @Repository annotation is used to indicate that a class is a repository. It is typically used on classes that provide access to data stores. For example, a class that provides access to a database would be annotated with the @Repository annotation. 
  4. @Service: The @Service annotation is used to indicate that a class is a service. This annotation is typically used on classes that provide some sort of business logic. For example, a class that provides financial calculations would be annotated with the @Service annotation. 

In general, the Spring Framework annotations can be used in any situation where you need to indicate that a class is part of the Spring application. These annotations are not limited to any specific situation or use case. However, it is important to understand the purpose of each annotation so that you can use them correctly in your own applications. 

Spring MVC Interceptor is a concept that can be best explained with the help of an example. Suppose we have a Spring MVC application that contains two methods - one for handling GET requests and other for handling POST requests. Now, suppose we want to add some security checks before allowing any request to access these methods. This is where interceptors come into picture. 

A Spring MVC interceptor is a component that can intercept incoming requests and outgoing responses in a Spring MVC application. Interceptors can be used to pre-process requests, post-process responses, or perform general tasks that need to be done before or after request processing. 

Interceptors can be chained together; each interceptor in the chain will have an opportunity to process the request or response before it is passed on to the next interceptor in the chain. They are also useful for performing tasks that need to be done before or after request processing, such as logging, authentication, and authorization. 

Interceptors can also be used to access resources that are not normally accessible to controllers, such as the HttpServletRequest and HttpSession objects. They are invoked in the order they are configured. Each interceptor in the chain will have an opportunity to process the request or response before it is passed on to the next interceptor in the chain. 

If an interceptor throws an exception, the request will be forwarded to the exception handler for that interceptor. If no exception handler is configured for that interceptor, the exception will be propagated up the interceptor chain. 

Thus, interceptors provide a powerful and convenient mechanism for adding extra functionality to Spring MVC applications. They can be used for a wide range of tasks, such as security checks, performance monitoring, etc. 

In Spring MVC, the "initBinder" method is used to initialize WebDataBinder objects. WebDataBinder is used to bind request parameters to controller methods. The initBinder method takes a WebDataBinder object and an HttpServletRequest object as arguments. The WebDataBinder is then used to bind the request parameters to the controller method.  

For example, if you have a controller method that takes a Person object as an argument, you can use the initBinder method to bind the person's name and age request parameters to the Person object.  

This is useful when you want to automatically populate form fields with data from a database or other source. It can also be used to pre-process request parameters before they are passed to the controller method.  

The initBinder method is called before the controller method is invoked. It is important to note that the WebDataBinder object is only used for binding request parameters. It cannot be used to bind other objects such as model attributes. 

To use the init binder annotation, you first need to create a custom editor class that extends the PropertyEditorSupport class and overrides the setAsText() method. This method will be called whenever the user enters data into a field that is mapped to the type specified in the editor class. 

Once you have created the custom editor class, you can annotate a controller method with the @InitBinder annotation and specify the type that this method should handle. The init binder annotated method must have a single argument of type WebDataBinder. This object provides methods for registering custom editors. 

When it comes to Spring MVC, knowing about the various scopes of Spring beans is an essential interview question to consider. A bean's scope refers to a bean's life-cycle and how long objects are retained for a given scope. Spring offers six different scopes for beans - singleton, prototype, request, session, application and websocket.

Singleton scope ensures that only one instance of a bean is created per application context and it will be reused again if referred. Prototype scope denotes that a new instance of the bean will be created each time it is requested while in request scope a single bean is created each time an HTTP request lands on the server with subsequent requests reusing the same instance; this applies only to web aware Spring ApplicationContexts.

Differently than the associated behaviors of the previous scopes session scope produces another instance of Bean class in web applications whenever an HTTP session event occurs while like request scope this too applies only when you're running in a web-aware Spring ApplicationContext.

On top of these there are also two other scopes worth considering which are application and websocket scopes: application increases the liveliness span so that bean exists for as long as your whole application does while websocket makes a long lived conversation possible between browser and server due to its relaxed restrictions on resource requests meaning that bean lives from the opening of WebSocket connection until its closure. 

Inversion of Control (IoC) is a software development principle that is implemented using Dependency Injection (DI). It helps to decouple components, allowing for increased flexibility and maintainability in both newly developed and legacy code. An IoC container manages the lifecycle of the dependent objects, making sure that the various components work together. The benefits of IOC include an increase in testability; it allows developers to easily switch components or modify existing objects without having to rewrite code.

Additionally, with IoC multiple instances can be created off of predefined object templates. Finally, it allows developers to focus on project specific code instead of boilerplate code, helping them develop better applications faster by reducing maintenance time and speeding up deployments. By utilizing Inversion of Control, developers are able to design robust applications while taking advantage of all the benefits that come with employing IOC containers. 

Spring MVC is a powerful web development framework that can significantly reduce the amount of time and effort required to create a high-performing web application. When working with Spring MVC, it is important to understand the limitations of auto wiring for beans. One significant limitation of auto wiring is that all objects must be managed by the Spring container in order for dependency injection to work properly.

This means that you cannot use non-Spring objects or components in your beans without additional coding modifications, which may make your code more complex. Another limitation is that when there are multiple classes with identical names and/or similar signatures, it can be difficult for the Spring container to distinguish between them during configuration.

Additionally, auto wiring does not allow developers to set properties on components outside of the Spring context, like environment variables or system properties. While understanding these limitations will help developers design and build successful applications using Spring MVC, familiarize yourself with its features and advantages before making any decisions about adopting this technology into your project. 

The @EnableWebMVC annotation is one of the most important aspects of configuring Spring MVC. With this annotation, you can define a broad range of web application behaviors, such as: setting up view resolvers, defining message converters, and adding interceptors. The annotation also allows you to set up a powerful controller layer by specifying base packages for controller classes, mapping servlet names to HandlerMapping objects, and even explicitly declaring controller classes.

Furthermore, if you wish to enable more advanced features such as asynchronous requests handling or cross-origin resource sharing (CORS), you can make use of the @EnableAsync and @CrossOrigin annotations respectively. Taken together, these annotations allow you to create powerful yet lightweight web applications with minimal configuration. All in all, the @EnableWebMVC annotation offers the power necessary for controlling major elements of a Spring MVC application with relative ease. 

DataAccessException is a subclass of RuntimeException that provides an API for dealing with recoverable exceptions that occur during Data Access operations. In particular, this exception is thrown when errors related to retrieving data from databases occur, such as errors in connection or query execution.

It's important to understand that DataAccessException marks the boundary of the app's codebase and the data access layers such as JDBC, Hibernate, JPA and others such that it still allows for meaningful explanation of underlying exceptions without introducing implementation-specific details into the application layer. Furthermore, DataAccessExceptions provide methods for retrieving certain vendor-specific codes or SQL state codes which can help developers to determine and fix the root cause of the error more quickly.

Ultimately, understanding how to configure and use DataAccessExceptions are essential skills for any Java developer who plans on developing projects using Spring MVC Framework.  By being familiar with how they work in practice, developers can save time debugging their applications while also taking advantage of rich diagnostic tools provided by Spring MVC Framework.

XMLBeanFactory is an important tool for Java developers who are constructing Spring MVC applications. It allows developers to work with externalized bean definitions that match a specific configuration. Specifically, it allows projects built on the Spring MVC framework to incorporate application contexts from sources such as XML file configurations.

XMLBeanFactory is a powerful tool in the development process, allowing developers to customize their application context by providing factory class definitions and property values at runtime.

Moreover, this type of bean definition supports parent-child relationships between beans, helping make the code more layered and organized. As a result, understanding how to use XMLBeanFactory can be invaluable when preparing for a Spring MVC interview and shows that you have an advanced knowledge of the technology. 

The Spring framework includes a robust set of beans and objects which manage web application development. The important bean lifecycle methods provide a way to manage the lifecycle of beans in an efficient manner. The most commonly used methods are @PostConstruct, @PreDestroy, @Configuration, and @Bean.

The PostConstruct method is called immediately after the constructor of the bean has been executed. Inside this method any customizations regarding configuration can be done before using it in production scenarios. The PreDestroy method is called before the bean instance is destroyed by the Spring Container. This may be useful when resources have to be released or connection pooling must be taken care of. @Configuration tags indicate that this particular class will serve as a Spring Configuration class for beans etc and it enables explicit dependencies to be defined between beans at runtime depending on certain conditions.

Lastly, @Bean annotation indicates that a particular method is going to produce spring managed bean so that it can be looked up later from BeanFactory or ApplicationContext for autowiring or manual lookup purposes. Thus these four important beans lifecycle methods help ensure proper functioning and management of beans in an efficient manner for web applications developed with Spring MVC framework. 

ORM integration modules are essential components of the Spring MVC framework. ORM stands for object-relational mapping and refers to the process of mapping objects in code to data stored in a database. This is often done with frameworks such as Hibernate, JPA, or iBatis which automate many of the tedious aspects involved in creating database applications.

Spring MVC has a number of integration modules that allow developers to easily integrate their own ORM implementation into their projects. These modules provide common functionality like creating sessions, generating and executing queries, and so on.

They also take care of keeping all the configurations in sync with each other, making it easy for developers to use different databases without having to constantly update their code. With these helpful ORM integration modules, developers are able to quickly get started building dynamic web applications with the power of the Spring MVC framework. 

Cross-cutting concerns and concerns in Spring AOP are terms used to describe aspects of code that can be applied to multiple classes or components. For example, a good example of a cross-cutting concern would be logging, which is useful for tracking every action within an application. When such functionality is implemented as a stand-alone feature, it has to be repeated across various classes and components even if the core business logic behind it remains the same.

To avoid this problem, Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) allows developers to be concerned about establishing these common functionalities once and then set up a pointcut abstraction. This then makes it easy for these common functions to act upon all relevant classes at the same time without having to repeat the core logic each time.

Spring AOP provides this type of solution for enterprise applications, making it possible for developers using Spring Framework to write clean modular code with consistent design abstractions where convenient cross cutting concerns logically fit in without compromising system architecture.

Annotation-based container configuration is a type of dependency injection (DI) used in applications that utilize the Spring MVC framework. It allows developers to reduce boilerplate code and optimize development time by configuring components directly from annotations. For example, an @Component annotation can be used to register a bean in the DI container, while an @Autowired annotation can be used for internal member injection.

This annotation-driven approach gives conceptual clarity to application internals and removes the need to create boilerplate XML-based configuration files. This helps reduce complexity and makes projects more maintainable in the long run.

Annotation-based container configuration is one of the key features of Spring MVC that makes it such a popular platform for developing web applications. Moreover, this approach also makes it easier for developers to quickly spin up new projects without having to manually configure DI containers every time.  

The Spring @Required annotation is a powerful tool for streamlining coding and development when working with the Spring MVC framework. By applying this annotation to certain methods, class fields or parameters, developers can drastically reduce the amount of time spent explicitly checking whether certain mandatory elements are present. In plain terms, using a required annotation tells the application that a particular item is defined as essential and must be included in order for the method or construct to function correctly, without the developer having to explicitly code any validation logic.

This saves time, increases accuracy and allows more attention potential to be dedicated to other more specific areas of your project. Additionally, @Required annotations work in conjunction with other core Spring MVC annotations like @Autowired so you can ensure that all wired up dependencies have been properly initialized prior to managing any requests.

All in all, @Required makes it simple and straightforward to incorporate validation into your MVC application with minimal effort on the part of the developer.  And by doing so, overall productivity is improved so that your team can deliver high quality applications at an accelerated pace.

Configuration metadata refers to the information needed by the Spring container to configure beans and manage their lifecycle. It can be provided in several different ways, each with their own benefits and drawbacks. XML-based configuration files are one of the most common methods used, providing a way to declare the dependencies between components and create hierarchies of beans.  

Annotations are also common, allowing developers to indicate the configuration of classes directly within their code. Java configuration is another method that is becoming increasingly popular, allowing users to easily create bean definitions separate from the implementation code.  

Moreover, external properties files provide yet another way for users to provide configuration metadata, offering an easy way for values like server names or port numbers to be changed without needing to recompile or interpret complex XML documents. All of these different methods work together to give developers flexibility and control when configuring the Spring Container. 

Spring MVC stands for Model-View-Controller and provides a rich library of components that developers can use to create Java web applications. To use Spring MVC, you need to include spring-mvc.jar in your project’s classpath. On the other hand, Spring Core is an umbrella framework that provides fundamental support for developing Java/Java EE applications and provides integration with many other frameworks and technologies, such as JDBC and JMS.

It does not include any specific components from the MVC architecture; instead, it provides foundational infrastructure that makes the development of Java web applications more straightforward and consistent. To summarize, while you do need spring-mvc.jar in your classpath if you want to work with Spring MVC, Spring Core itself is not part of this dependency and should be treated as a separate entity within your application's dependencies list. 

Spring and Struts can be integrated in several ways. At their core, these two technologies are based on the same principle of Model-View-Controller architecture, but they achieve it with different methodologies. In order to integrate Spring and Struts, the most obvious solution is to use an adapter class that implements both frameworks. The adapter acts as a bridge between the two, allowing them to communicate with one another.

For example, when a request is made from a Struts application via an HTTP POST or GET request, it can then be handled by the appropriate controller defined in Spring MVC. This integration allows for increased efficiency, validation capabilities and better control over the mapping of request controllers. In addition, it grants developers greater flexibility in how their applications are structured.

By integrating Struts and Spring MVC through an adapter class, developers can take advantage of all the features offered by each framework while maintaining compatibility with both technologies. This integration results in applications that are faster and more reliable while providing end users with a smoother experience overall.

The concept of inner bean has revolutionized the industry for Java developers, providing them with more flexibility when it comes to Spring MVC applications. An inner bean is essentially a bean that exists within another bean definition and can be configured from within this definition. This allows a programmer to configure different beans in different ways and provides the means to create specialized implementations of beans that are specific to the application being built. As helpful as this feature may be, it does have its drawbacks.

For one, configuring complex objects with an inner bean requires extra time, effort and maintenance as each object is nested inside another bean definition. In addition, since an inner bean is isolated from other beans in the context, sharing state between beans becomes very difficult or impossible if using multiple instances of the same inside-bean definitions. 

Finally, tying together a set of tightly coupled objects with multiple layers of nesting can lead to confusion and difficulty debugging functionality that relies on those components. Although it can take additional effort to properly utilize inner beans during configuration, learning how to incorporate them into Spring MVC applications can provide significant benefits in terms of application complexity and extensibility in the future

The @RequestMapping annotation is an important tool for configuring incoming server requests in Spring MVC applications. It maps a specific URL or URLs to a method that will handle the request. In this way, it acts as the "traffic cop" of the application, routing high-level requests to low-level functions and endpoint handlers. For example, you might have one @RequestMapping method set up to handle all requests for books beginning with a certain letter, and another @RequestMapping annotated method for handling individual book information responses.

Each method requires different parameters and return types, but they are handled through one parent mapping annotation.@RequestMapping also allows developers to define parameters in the request so as to better filter out unneeded results or display alternate content based on parameters such as language selection or client type. This makes them more dynamic and easier to manage than traditional URI requests.

By utilizing @RequestMapping annotations in your application, you can customize how users access your data quickly and securely by matching specific requests with designated functionality from your back-end code. This type of flexibility makes it an essential element in any Spring MVC applicatio

When an application is given an HTTP request, the request first goes to a front controller servlet known as the Dispatcher servlet. This servlet retrieves any relevant data from the request and passes it on to the appropriate part of the MVC application. For example, if a controller class is specified in the request's URL, then the DispatcherServlet will create an instance of that controller class and pass on the data. The controller is then responsible for processing the data and returning an appropriate response.

Usually, this response takes the form of a model object that contains all of the necessary information to render a view page; however, depending on your specific implementation, it may instead redirect to another URL or simply return no output at all. Once a response has been generated by the Controller, control is returned back to DispatcherServlet which uses views to render it in an HTML formattable by web browsers.

As you can see, Spring MVC provides developers with a clear pattern by which they can develop their applications while still keeping everything code-based and highly configurable. In this way, Spring MVC enables developers to rapidly build complex web applications with minimal effort.. 

JDBC has long been a mainstay of database access, but it can be somewhat cumbersome to use. Luckily, the Spring Framework provides an easier way of accessing databases through its JDBC support. By using the built-in DAO classes, developers are able to make connections and execute queries with no manual coding necessary.

Additionally, Spring offers connection pooling, which optimizes the number of connections by reusing them across requests and reducing overhead. This makes it much more efficient than writing your own custom code for each connection.

Finally, Spring integrates seamlessly with JDBCTransactionManager or JtaTransactionManager to implement transactions within a data layer. In short, if you're looking for an easier and more efficient way of interacting with databases via JDBC, then leveraging the features provided by Spring is your best bet. Not only will it help save time and resources, but it will also give your applications the type of consistency that comes from utilizing well-tested components like the ones included in the Spring Framework.

PreparedStatementCreator is a utility class provided by Spring Framework that helps developers to easily construct prepared statements. A PreparedStatementCreator consists of two parts - a PreparedStatementSetter which is used to specify the SQL parameters and an associated PreparedStatementCreatorFactory which functions as a factory to create the PreparedStatement object.

It is often used in conjunction with the Spring JDBCTemplate class, where the former specifies how to convert values into parameters while the latter executes queries and maps results back. For applications that frequently execute similar queries, using this pattern can be very useful as it eliminates the need of manually constructing complex SQL statements.

Moreover, when dealing with Change Data Capture (CDC) for complex data sources like MongoDB or other NoSQL databases, using a PreparedStatementCreator helper makes writing custom code much easier than using raw SQL. Overall, the use of this class can significantly reduce development time and lead to improved developer efficiency and code readability.

Therefore, being able to answer questions about PreparedStatmentCreator or other related classes can be important for anyone interviewing for a job involving working with Spring MVC framework. 

Spring-Hibernate integration is the combination of two popular frameworks that allow developers to create robust application architectures. In this integration, Spring provides the infrastructure while Hibernate simplifies database access and object-relational mapping. Let’s consider an example that shows how these two frameworks work together. Say a developer is building a web-based data CRUD application.

To deliver the desired functionality, they can use Spring for creating an easy-to-maintain application structure as well as managing transactions, security, and exception handling. Meanwhile, Hibernate can help them carry out operations on the database like creating tables and columns, insertion and retrieval of records, etc., using Object Relational Mapping (ORM) techniques.

Lastly, since Spring provides both flexibility and scalability to applications built with it, users will benefit from a reliable experience no matter what their usage demands are. In this way, we can see how effective integration of Spring and Hibernate enhances user experiences via a simple yet powerful architecture. 

The @ResponseBody annotation is a powerful tool for developers using Spring MVC. This annotation provides a convenient way to map server-side models to client-side views, allowing view components to be automatically populated with data from the model. When applied to response handlers, the @ResponseBody annotation instructs the handler method to write the data returned directly as an HTTP response body, instead of selecting a view name or redirecting elsewhere.  

By automatically writing responses back in the proper REST format (e.g., JSON or XML), the annotation can significantly simplify and speed up developing certain types of applications. Furthermore, it allows complex business logic to be encapsulated behind a single, simple API call while still providing maximum flexibility when mapping endpoints to views and output formats. All in all, @ResponseBody makes it easier for developers to develop RESTful applications in Spring MVC that deliver fast and productive results. 

Spring MVC applications often require additional configuration files, depending on the specific needs of the application. These files typically contain information necessary to establish and configure most of the components in the application. A common example is a Servlet configuration file, which describes how to map different URL paths to servlets, filters and other components.

Further, the application may need Java-based configuration for bean mappings or security constraints. The application can also specify property files for defining values needed by various services during runtime. Finally, deployment descriptor XML files are necessary for declaring Struts action classes and other related information about the deployed environment. Although all of these configurations may seem complex at first glance, they are all needed in order to define correctly each part of the Spring MVC application.

However, once configured correctly an Spring MVC application behaves reliably in any environment without any manual changes or prompts from users. Thus, when answering a Spring MVC interview question about what additional configurations an application needs it is important to consider all those mentioned above along with any other requirements specified by your project team's guidelines.



Spring MVC is a popular framework for building Java web applications. It is known for its ease of use and flexibility, and its popularity has only grown in recent years. If you're hoping to land a job that uses Spring MVC, you'll need to be prepared to answer some tough questions about the framework. We'll give you a detailed rundown of some of the most common Spring MVC interview questions and answers. We'll cover topics like the Model-View-Controller design pattern, dependency injection, and the benefits of using Spring MVC.

Beginners may be asked about the basics of the Spring MVC framework, such as what it is and how it works. Experienced candidates will be expected to have a more in-depth knowledge and may be asked questions about specific features or how to implement certain tasks. Either way, it's important to be familiar with these most common Spring MVC interview questions and answers for experienced and beginners before your interview.

With a strong understanding of the basics of Spring MVC, candidates should be able to answer these questions confidently and demonstrate their knowledge of the framework. You can also opt for KnowledgeHut’s Programming courses to boost your career prospects. Moreover, one of the best ways to expand your skill set is to enroll in a comprehensive Java training course that covers all aspects of the Spring framework. With the right preparation, you will be able to confidently answer any question that comes your way during your interview. 

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