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Scrum and Agile Methodology for Transitioning Military Veterans

KnowledgeHut Trainer
Aug 25, 2021 08:30 (EDT)


The Agile methodology and in particular, the Scrum framework, is much sought after due to its ability to reduce time-to-market, enhance product and process quality, boost employee morale, and foster truly future-ready organizations. Consequently, the demand for professionals skilled in Agile and Scrum is rapidly growing across industries. 

Military veterans carry with them specialized abilities acquired from their services in the military establishment, which make them uniquely poised to take advantage of these methodologies and build on them in an Agile environment. 

This roundtable is brought to you in collaboration with MILVEST (Military Veterans Skilling Transition) and Sambhav Kadam Foundation.

Roundtable Objective

To provide veterans with an introduction to Agile and Scrum and discover ways they can build the skills that will open doors and provide lucrative career opportunities in corporate settings.


  1. Captain Vinay Singh, Director, MILVEST (Military Veterans Skilling Transition) and Mentor, Sambhav Kadam Foundation. An accomplished and decorated soldier, Captain Singh specializes in enabling military veterans build relevant functional skills for corporate employment. 
  2. Suresh Konduru, Founder, PremierAgile, Certified Scrum Trainer and Enterprise Agile Coach. Suresh brings with him over 23 years of IT experience, having worked extensively in Agile transformation, consulting, coaching, and training. 


  • Introduction to the Roundtable by Captain Vinay Singh  
  • Benefits of Scrum and Agile Methodology by Suresh Konduru  
  • Breakout sessions where attendees will be panellists 
  • Q&A session 

Key Insights

  • Introduction to the Agile methodology 
  • Introduction to the Scrum framework 
  • Benefits of Agile and Scrum to organizations 
  • What makes Agile and Scrum popular across industries 
  • Military-related attributes that can be leveraged in an Agile environment 

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