
Agility: Really? Are we still talking about it?

By Preeth Pandalay
Nov 01, 2018 05:00 (EDT)


As the adage goes, “Be the change you want to be”, and if you are an organization in the 21st century then this change is Agility.   From an idea having been developed in a resort in Utah to being the most positively disruptive methodology in software development, Agile has come a long way. And if you are still talking about it rather than practising it, then its high time you get started because Agile is the quintessential Noah’s ark that will steer your company in the tide.

Helping you understand how to go about your Agile transformation is our webinar that introduces you to Agile, Scrum and answers your queries on the whys, whats and ifs of Agile. Get your seats booked today and get started on being agile and doing agile. 


Preeth Pandalay

Preeth Pandalay


A systems thinker, results-driven agile professional with a commitment to continuous improvement.

A problem solver with experience and expertise in software engineering, program management and of succeeding at organizational agility. I have been an integral part of development teams and also a scrum coach/master in large and distributed organizations, as well as co-located smaller startups. I am also formally trained and certified in various agile principles.

Backed with 18 years learning of software engineering practices that enable predictable delivery and consistent quality, I now aid companies with their quality and agile transformation.

With the understanding that the success of any transformation is deeply rooted in collaboration and a discovery mindset, I believe all transformational investments should be with a focus on ways to enable and empower people.

Having had the unique experience of working at various rungs in multiple organizations, I now relate and connect to, and can work well with the two distinct and equally important teams contributing to an organization's success -

-- The business-focused leadership and product team who understand the economics of product development
-- The contributors from the trenches - the development team who understands the science of product development

My commitment - to help realize better ways of execution for teams and organizations, and deliver value faster in a predictable way.

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